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Show Uldfau w... . lludinm SAMPLER .DESERET W'lV-T- Y I ! " r". : iJ:H SEPlOl'Gg Friday, October 4, 1968 Vol. 1 No. 6 Published by the TranscriptBuHrtM fuMkhing Com- pany, Tooele, Utah, a private firm, In m way connect- ed with the Department of the Army. Opinions ex- - The local oliservance of Fire Prevention Week will lie sponsored by the Deseret Test Center DPG Fire Department and Fire Chief James I. Alcorn announced this week that many features are planned during the week-lon- g You ill Activities Carnival Will Be Held October 31 lie given to winners in each of the three categories. LTC Thomas C. Lodge, chairman of the Youth Activities Fund Council announced this week that the second annual Youth Activities carnival will lie held from 5: 15 to 10 p.in. on Thursday, Open House will be held at the fire station throughout the entire week, Chief Alcorn said. A schedule has been made with Mr. Dim Lindsay, elementary school principal to have each of the elementary classes lie conducted through the main fire station, and as in previous years there will lie balloons and favors given to all the children. We would also like to have adults to tour our facilities during Fire Prevention Week the Chief stated. Oc-toli- 31. ing the period. stated. THE FIRE department wifl conduct demonstrations with fine extinguishers used on burning clothes and first aid demonstrations at the station on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of the Chief Alcom week. firemen will also Dugway Among the activities planned conduct fire evacuation drills for the week will lie a poster throughout the installation during contest open to all children at- next week and give short demontending nursery, kindergarten strations on the use of emergency and elementary school. The con- fire equipment located in each test will lie divided into three building. age groups with cash awards to DOI) Begins New Program of Job Assistance to Vietnam Vets The Defense Department has initiated a new program to assist Vietnam Era servicemen about to lie released from the military service, and other Vietnam Era veterans, in obtaining civilian employment in the Federal Government. BASICALLY, it is an auto mated system called Vietnam Era Veterans Employment Referral Program (VEVERP) which permits Vietnam Era servicemen and veterans to make a single application for employment and receive civilian employment considerations at locations of their choice throughout the United States. the military service and veterans recently released who have specialized skills and who can qualify for shortage category positions in Department of Defense installations. To be eligible for S registration in Category the serviceman or veteran must register within a period prior to or following release from the military service. He must also qualify under applicable civil service qualification standards for one or more positions at designated locations listed on the VEVERF Shortage Category Position List. in VEVERP two-mon- th The Defense Department emphasized that servicemen and veterans should be referred to the Civilian Personnel Office As explained in Department of DefenseInstruction 140.9, only if they are definitely interested in civilian employment conVietnam Era serviceman and Vetsideration through the referral erans who meet the eligibility process of VEVERP and appear to minimum eligiliiiity requirements may register in this meet the program at any Department of requirements. Defense Civilian Personnel OfEach Category T" registrant fice. (These offices are located at practically all Army, Navy, will remain in the system until folAir Force and other Defense in- employment or for one year stallations where civilians are lowing separation from the armed forces (or release from hospitalizaemployed.) tion or treatment immediately office following separation from the The civilian personnel anned forces), whichever occnrs under an application accepting this program transmits it to a first, except that veterans recentralized referral Electronics leased from military service prior Ohio. to Fell. 8, 1968, may continue Supply Center, Dayton, in the system until Feb. 8, 1969. the appliThis activity places cation in an automated file and Each Category S" registrant the servicemen's or veteran s will remain in the system until desires skills and employment employed or one year from date bireferred arc automatically of separation from military serweekly to Department of Defense vice, whichever occurs first. uml other Federal activities in the area in which he desires - Dates Set For employment. IF A SUITABLE vacancy exists in an area which mutches the serviceman's or veteran's skills and employment desires he will lie contacted directly. There are two categories ol eligibility for registration in the program. The first is Category T, which applies to servicemen and veterans who are eligible for Transitiomil Civil Service Apauthorized by Execupointments tive Order 11397. This type oi appointment upplies only to positions at GS-- 5 level or cquival-Icn- t (commencing salary (5,732 per year or ulmut $2.75 per hour). THE SECOND category S, Christmas Mailing The Department of Defense and the Post Office Department have announced the suggested dates for mailing Christmas cards and gills to servicemen overseas. The mailing dates are: surface mail, Oct. 14 to Nov. 9; space available mail (SAM) Oct. 21 to Nov. 23; parcel air lift (PAL), Oct. 28 to Nov. 30; and air mail, Nov. 30 to Dec. 11. Mailing within the dates outlined will insure timely delivery to the overseas destination. By using the SAM and PAL services, senders can save in the cost of shipping packages. Be sure to wrap packages securely and address them comrct-ly- , using the APO or FPO is applicable to servicemen ulxiul to lie honorably released from tier. THE CARNIVAL this t ear will lie held in the north end of buildThe two large rooms in ing which the Dugway teen club is located will lie used and in addition many of the other rooms on the first flixir of the building 51-i- Dugway, High School To Host Region Band Festival Dugway High School and which have lieen scheduled at a Dugway Proving Ground will time that will allow post person300 hand nel to attend. host approximately ineinliers from the high schools in Region V for a Marching Band Festival to lie held at Dug-wa- v on Tuesday, Octolier 15. program. IN COOPERATION with the installation fire marshal, area and building fire marshals, school and youth groups we have planned activities for each day dur- tisements m this publication does not consitute an en- dorsement by the Department of the Army of the pro- ducts or services advertised. own pressed by publisher and writers herein are their and are not to be considered an official expression by the Department of the Army. The appearance of adyer- - Fire Prevention Week To Include Many Activities The President of the United States by proclamation has designated the week lieginning Octo-lie- r 6 as "Fire Prevention Week. Appropriate agencies of the Federal Government are directed to assist in this program so as to stop the shameful waste of lives and property caused by preventable fires. Dugway, UT 84022 DESERET TEST CENTER Ft. Douglas, UT 84113 CBS To Present CB Documentary Region Five is the group of fifteen schools which Dugway High School is affiliated with for System's program Sixty Minutes' MSG Jessie D. Wactor rereives his retirement certifiRETIREMENT CERTIFICATE athletics, forensics and musical will feature a CB documentary cate from BC John G. Appel, DTC commanding general on MSC Wactors retirement events and this is the first Re- - on Octolier 8 and 22. The first from the Army after 26 years service. Wactor who was First Sergeant of the USA Met event that Dugway telecast will lie devoted to the gion-wid- e Team and has been stationed at Dugway since June 1960. Witnessing the ceremonies School has hosted. A ma- - chemical aspects and the program High which also included MSC Wactor receiving the Army Commendation Medal is his wife jority of the high schools through- - on the 22nd will lie concerned Doris, an employee in the P&A Directorate. out the region have indicated with the biological portion of that their hands will attend the CB. The interview of Colonel festival. THE DAYS activities will Thomas B. Flynn, Director Plans Analysis, liy Mike Wallace, start at 2 p.in. when the liands was on hand to expedite the Pleased with the results of wfli ,neet at the GS Blood Drive Vietnam reporter will lie a portion high school field Dugways drive by making sure that all the Dugway Vietnam Blood Drive, for held September 25 in the post a practice session. From there 1,1 the Octolier 8 viewing. The l Pers,maUy the bands will parade to Brant- - PSram. n hour long, will be f,,J viaU ,yrV. Bowri,,B gym was a complete success, llown locally on Channel 5 at AU refreshments want to thank all blood donors ey Field (the post according to Blood Drive Project parade field) were provided at the drive by a,,d volunteer workers for help- - at 3 2(XX) hours for both telecasts. Officer CPT Louis T. Bowring. of the pm. where each A crew of eight from CS HI1C, and medical needs were ing this drive be the tremendous hands will lie judged on their Normally, says CPT Bowring, success that it was. last month to Dugway has a total of four blood furnished by the Hospital. appearance and bearing by a visited Dugway film sequences of Deseret Test drives throughout the year, with of The Dugwav judges. group a goal of 400 pints for the entire liands will then lie judged on Center activities at Dugway and their musical accomplishments by t0 conduct the interview with year. In this one drive we have Colonel Flvnn. I11 addition to collected way over half of the indues to lie selected yearly quota. IN ALL there were 230 pints "tay mO.ded WCilliam Brown, ing, the massed liands will per- of blood donated, with over 90 Prndurer1 thf form the Star Spangled Banner dxu,nuen: pints of type A blood collectin conjunction with the retreat ,ary ed. Originally, the goal for this ceremonies. type A blood was set at only 25 pints, but after the blood meal drive had begun a request for in the consolidated troop mess 75 pints of this variety was reand the directors and guests will ceived from the U. S. Air Force attend an awards banquet to lie CenBlood Collection Regional The change-ove- r date from held at the Officers' Open Mess. ter. This quota was easily fulthe wearing of the summer uniAMONG THE liands schedfilled with the 90 pints collected. form to the wearing of the winuled to participate in the Festi- ter uniform will A total of 250 people showed lie Monday, Ocval will lie two of the finest up at the gym wishing to donate tober 7 for all military personnel liands in the state. Wasatch High of Deseret Test Center in the blood, with nine of these being School's liand, miniliering some State of Utah. turned down because of high 80 memliers has been ranked blood pressure, diabetes, etc. Either the light weight green as one of the outstanding liands Others were also turned away uniform whieh is now optional in the area for the past ten to for because they had a rare blood d wear or the heavi12 years. The liand from Morgan type which could not lie used. er winter green uniform will lie Of the 230 accepted donors were High School has won top ranking worn until the at the region festivals for the first starting inMonday1969. numerous women, eight of which Monday May, are Dugway house-wive- s. past several years and lust year The service cap or the overwon first place honors at the Blood collection began at seas cap may lie worn with the 0600 hours with a long line' of University of Nevada stage hand winter uniform liy enlisted perblood donors, and collection refestival, whieh was attended by sonnel, hut the jaeket canliands from throughout the Wes- not lie worn fatigue mained steady throughout the with the winter tern United States. day, uniform. The overcoat or rainblood Sp4 Dennis P. Cillvard of (he Hospital made it to the THE ORGANIZATION with shown as is lie wheel chair. a Here drive the hard wav in All personnel are invited to coat is authorized. The provisions the largest number of donors was he has his blood pressure taken minutes before he actually attend the festival activities of AR 670--5 will apply. Headquarters and Headquarters' gave blood. Company (HHC) with a total of 68 donors, but the Hospital led with almost 50 percentage-wis- e percent of the 74 Hospital personnel giving blood. Among the USAF personne working at the drive were twe officers, thirteen enlisted men and three civilians. Project Officer for the Air Force was CPT John Whiting, who is from the USAF Regional Blood Collection Center. CPT Whitings civilian counterpart was Henry 11. Northrop. There were many volunteer workers who helped tremendously in the lilood drive, and among these were four women from the College Womens Club who worked in shifts throughout the day as typists. Typists who remained at the drive all day were Mrs. Deidre Kendrick and Mrs. Gave McQueen. Working in the recovery ward were five Red Cross "gray ladies, who served coffee, donuts, milk, and tea to blood Upon his return to the Kng-donora. Five volunteer registered lish Village area General nurses were also on hand with will visit the CR Oricntatimi Course whieh is under Sixth U.S. some of them working in the Army for administrative funward and the remaindrecovery Sliown are blood drive volunteer typists Mrs. Deidre Kendrick of Civilian Personnel, Mrs. ction. He will also visit the U.S. er of them helping in the actual Sue Billings and Mrs. Gave MeQueen of Headquarters as they eonverse with blood drive Army Hospital which was transdrawing of the blood. CPT Wilferred to Sixth Armv control on Project Officers CPT John 11. Whiting, USAF and CPT Iziuis T. Bowring, USA. liam B. Cordon, Detachment 1 of this year. Commander for the Hospital, Septemlicr Vietnam Blood Drive Huge Success rS.'SV-S-, Winter Uniform In Effect Monday year-roun- General laarsen To Make Visit will lie utilized by the various units on the installation to set up 1 sooths for enjoyment by children and adults alike. As Octolier 31 is also Halloween, a costume parade and contest will be held in conjunction with the carnival. Prizes will lie awarded for the best costumes in three age groups. The division will he divided according to age groups with one for children under school age, another for kindergarten and elementary students through age 12 and the other fur older students. Prizes will lie awarded In such as several classifications originality, or theme. One ol the outstanding attractions of the carnival will be drawings for free gift certificates. There will be a total of eight gift certificates presented with the largest being for $200 at the store of the winners choice. One one hundred dollar gift certificate will be given away, two fifty dollar gift certificates and four $25 gift certificates. All the gift certificates will be good at any store in Utah of the winner's choosing. Participation in the drawing for the certificates will be through donations for tickets which will be available in the near future at many locations on the installation. AMONG THE many booths at the carnival will be horse race games, food liooths, a bake sale, and many other booths. Each military unit will sponsor a liooth as well as other organizations on Dugway such as the OfOfficer's and ficer Wives Clubs, the teen club and others. The purpose of the carnival will lie to raise funds for the 1969 Youth Activities program. At pre' sent there is slightly over $1,200 in the fond and operating expenses for the forthcoming year' are estimated to be nearly which will be used in the teen dub. Boy and Girl Scout activities. Little League and Babe Ruth haseliall programs and new programs to be developed if the carnival is successful. $5,-(X- CBRWOC Tenth Anniversary The United States Army CBR Weapons Orientation Course celebrated its tenth anniversaiy Octolier 1 as it was established on Octolier 1, 1958 and reorganized in accordance with a Headquarters Sixth U.S. Army General Order July 1, 1962 The CBR Course has been located at Dugway Proving Ground since it's inception and since the organization of the CBR Course more than 9,100 students have attended. This includes more than 380 general officers or their civilian equivalents, as well as nearly 300 foreign military leaders from Canada, Britain, and Australia. Additional demonstrations, for selected groups such as the Air Force Academy Cadets, ROTC Cadets, National Guard Groups and civilian groups are conducted as required. Demonstrations have lieen conducted for the past several years for Officers Wives, Club and the Noncommissioned Officers Wives Club at Dugway and later this month a demonstration will be given for the Officers' Wives Club from DTC. Headquarters at Fort Douglas. . In addition to Department of Defense personnel, the Department of State, Department of of Department Agriculture, Health, Education, and Welfare and Department of Commerce and other governmental agencies regularly send personnel to attend the course. The present Commandant of the Course is Colonel Eugene F. Them who replaced Colonel Ralph J. Rasliid the middle of August of this year. |