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Show etc ; COXTR1BUTIOX Now You lune iIm choices" illicit lie wliut (.PT Hugh M. Scillcv could lie saying to t.OL Charles M. Sliadle, Dugwav post commander as the colonel signs his contribution card for the Combined Fed- eral Campaign. Tlie drive which closes today is the first time that Tooele County has been included in the agencies receiving money fmin the conlrihutions. ' l xtnam yla ne tt7i THE POINTMAN was being pelted by rain ax he moved ahead of his unit through the Ashnu Valley. But suddenly , he was thinking abaut winter back in Wyoming. The jungle become a mass of soggy vegetation and mud during the continuous rain, creating a problem for troopers from D iCompany, 2d Battalion, 327th Infantry, 101st Airborne xhort-&fe(Airmobile). A steep, muddy slope blocked the route to the jungle site where the soldiers were going o cut out a helicopter landing zone. The pointman, Pfc shames Pollard, Kemmerer, Wyo., had the answer. With grin-viin- g smiles of approval from his fellow soldiers, he slid Sdown the hill on the seat of his pants. "It wasnt quite the tjjjway some of us used to go sleigh riding back home," he sjKaid, but it did turn a hard job into some fun. st KOAD SIGNS point out possibly dangerous sites to high-rSVn travelers around the world even on Vung Mountain near Qui Nhon. Several units of the U.S. Armys 1st Signal Brigade operate communications facilities on the mountain. Soldiers have placed a road sign near the top to warn of nearby Viet Cong: Drive Carefully, V. C. $1 LAYER CAKES rock-strew- " FROZEN MEAT PIES MOOD FOODS Crossing. a.',. . THE CAPTURED VIET CONG soldier couldnt have been happier. His American captors had actually freed him from the communists. After a firelight, elements of the 2d battalion, 39th Infantry, 9th Infantry Division, searched enemy positions from which they had received heavy fire. Pfc Dennis Briggs, Racine, Wis., noticed a man's hand inside a camoflaged bunker. Private Briggs ordered the man to come out. A boy appeared, with his hands held above his head. The boy told interpreters he had been forced from his village during a Viet Cong recruiting drive. He kept shaking our hands and saying how happy he was to be captured, Private Briggs said. To show his appreciation, the boy later led the Americans to a stream, where they discovered a VC arms cache that included rocket rounds, a rocket launcher, grenades, mines and a 60mm mor-- . tar. (ANF) ARE YOU PREPARED? Have you ever considered what you would do if you dis-- j covered a fire in your home? Don't feel like it can't hapXii ' it docs nearly l.o(K) hapjx'ii a day! Last year over fiWSJ,- i,.r , 000 residential buildings were destroyed liv fire. How munv do ! SStS: m JENOS PIZZAS ALBERTSONS FROZEN POTATOES FLOUR Not necessary OFF LABEL vv esc In case of fire, time is precious. Immediate action is necessary to avoid being trapped or overcome I iv lire gases, smoke or heat. First, collect your wits, iiickl size up the calm. keep situation. Then get the l.imily to safety and call the fire de- - ... ... if it is hot. Chi Chi KRAFT CHEESE iiiiui-lwr- should know it. YOUR escape plan should include the following rules: 'whole .V 1. isw floor. s- - family I GET CLOSE less licati to the and 2. Take short breaths '"cover face with a wet cloth. 3. keep out of excessive heat, if hut, don't smoke. Feel dixirs open. , 4. NEVER leave dixirs. win- xlows open. This spreads fire. Have an outside gathering 'Tpuml. Is everyone out? Don't burning building except to save a life. Discuss your cw-uplan with the other meiuhers of your family anil hold an evacuation drill several Mines a year to assure that EGGS Morning Fresh Save at Albertsons DOZ. greater perhaps never was, nor will be, de- ca; and a cided among men. A resolution was passed without one dissenting colony, that those United Colonies are, and of and right ought to be. free ' independent States. Letter to Mre. Adams (July Buy 3, 1776) I WITH PURCHASE OF ALBERT ALBERTSONS SAL BREAD tender, flaky shell filled to the brim with creamy-smoot- h fillings and lavishly topped with fluffy whipped cream . . . your choice of many delicious flavors fresh from our moA Vi' Not necessary to bring coupon to store dern re DRES bakery. 57 MS WITH PURCHASE OF FOR PACKAGE ONLY 'jOHN ADAMS Yesterday the greatest which J ss Rich, velvet-smoo- th plus thrifty price QUART JAR all lamily members are familiar with their ewaX routes. question was decided ever was debated in Ameri- V 1 1 I KELLOGGS SNACK PACK LIQUID DETERGENT LIBBYS VIENNA SAUSAGE HERSHEY CHOCOLATE BARSsr NALLEYS CORNED BEEF HASH AA LARGE VT ss 1 ? part incut. Do you know the At Dugwav it is 117. learn it, teach it to your family, post it near the phone. W hen calling speak slowly and plainly, give address, tell extent of fire, then wait for any (iiestious. You should have an escape 'plan to YOUR home, and the i American or Swifts Sliced, Singles. . . . SCOTTIES FACIAL TISSUE 2-LA- Not necessary to bring coupon to store a hot blast ol air can kill. If dixir seems eixil. cautiously open it with your laxly braced subfile against it. While oM-uiii- SEA VIEW SHRIMP LYNN WILSON PIZZ MORNING EVAPORATED MILK CAKE DON! one hand is oil the knob hold the other baud over the dixir to detect any heat. hut rememIt its sale procci-d- . ber to clow all dixirs you. Rath Cedarfarn Lean, mild GERBER STRAINED BABY FOOD - surlucc OPEN 8S1 SLICED BACON ... DANOLA SLICED HAI U&l SUGAR Can 8-I- N. 3 &1 Moke your meal a snap with this delectable, mild smoked picnic . . . now at Albertson's thrifty low pricol to bring coupon to store CRISCO the door, ojicn the window slightly at top and lmttuin for ventithen lation and breathing wait! If conditions liecuino too Dixirs may la- your salvation. The natural reaction is to leap up. fling oX'ii the door to we DON'T! what is yvroug. But Check lor smoke seepage around door cracks. Feel the inside dixir . . I49 Lb. DO YOU cure enough uIkmiI your family to prepare them for the possibility of fire in YOl'It home? Plan ahead, think oi every possible fire situation and you would handle it. Be prepared. Rnusv what to do. j.i 49 FROZEN MEATS 4 IF TRAPPED, don't jump unless absolutely necessary. Help usiiullv is on the wav. So clow severe, straddle the wimlow ledge (wrap your legs in a blanket or rug for beat protection'. Then hold on us long us you can stand it. Don't jump unless absolutely necessary . 51 JILLS GRAPE JUICE WITH PURCHASE OF YOU think had a fire evacuation plan? How many do YOU think 'had inspected their homes for fire hazards? How many do YOU ' think had even diwussed the of a fire and what action to take if fire 4 o'; 89 4 SJttSE 4 ' 49 3r. IX". WITH PURCHASE OF 10-L- B. 79 ?. ARMININO CHIVES ty Jj-Ch- 69 SWANSON DINNER Celery Hearts Not necessary to bring coupon to store - V V" Vi . ' V. fe t SMMff A" . ) , U.S, Savings Bondi, Janet Leo Vi Gol. CAKE DONUTS sr CINNAMON ROLLS 20S ?Jz. .6! FRESH COOKIES ST& ICE CREAM fi. PIER DINNER ROLLS Inked in foil pons for 1 29 2 E 59c Q D.01' fr : TOM JUI $1 4 46-o- i. Cans fl |