Show Utah Commercial and i Savings bank Four per cent interest paid on savings ODonnclI fc Co Undertaker1 CG9 South West Temple Phone 5SO KNUJLSFORT 7IOTET The one place for comfort and elegance ele-gance Fireproof telephone in every room modern in every wuy Goss Zuckswcri Mens Tailors also shirta to order 32S Main Honest Plumber I M r Hlgley Co 109 East 1st South St Tel 7622 Electric wiring Bailey Sons 03 13 2nd So Headquarters Head-quarters for garden and grass seeds Banner sale ot the season nt the Lace House all this week Especially low prices In every department Dr G T Field Specialist skin genitourinary and rectal rec-tal diseases 5th floor Progress Bldg B McJvcnzIe Tombstones Salesroom ICO W 1st So Tel 141SIC Drs TlnfC Zimmerman dentists Suite 207 Harmon block Tel 13G1X Trade at tho Stores what give Green Trading Stamps Drs EL F Root and If N Mayo announce an-nounce the removal oC their respective ollces lo rooms IS2021 second floor of the Dcsercc News building Telephone Tel-ephone No 307 Hours 2 to a p m Public IioncDIotnnc3 Tolophonos With soundproof booths Telephono building Scare street city Royal Zwieback pure clean healthful health-ful Good for everybody lOc per do2 For sale at the Royal 232 So Main Iluddnrt irioral Company 21J E 2nd So Phone 37 Largest stock cut flowers and potted plants in city Banner sale of the season at the Lace House all this week Especially low prices In every department TT A DuvnII 12J Wcst Second South Ours are always the best paint and palmers Phone 11JnK American With Paper Co IJ11 Stntu Chas 119 IBodel Mgr Phone 02GIC High grade papers Interior decorating Dr S II Plnkorton has removed hia olllce lo U01 Deseret News building Ocorgo G Doylo tfc Co I Modern piuinbln and house heating 211 South State Phono JCL Tim AVJndnor Kuropcan Jloicl Aljoinltig Konyon New building furniture A Fred Wcy Prop jjjjrjjjejFrejjj Interestbearing securities yielding G jior cent net can bo procured from McGurrin Co Salt Lake City Write for list SOCIETY NOTICES MASONIC NOTICID MT MORTATI lodge No 2 will bold Its regular monthly meeling Ibis Monday evening at S oclock After the liiae of Ihe I lodge a farewell reception will be tendered by UM officers and jember3 to Past Cirand Master William Griiit Van I Ionic to whuh all qualllled Masons are cordially invited I5v order of Use worsh master CHRISTOPHER DIISHL Secy MASONIC NOTICE MT MORTAIF lodge No 2 will hold a special meeting this Sunday afternoon at 2 i oclock to bury with Masonic honbrs the lasi ro niahis of our Brolher W G M Steward Musons Hiuliricd are Invited lo partlcpace in lie I solemn ceremonies The regular monthly meeting of the lodge will bo held tomorrow Monday cvclilng at s oclock CHRISTOPHER I I Dl Eli F Secretary LOST LADS GOLD WATCH BET 3RD Band B-and Main on 2nd So Finder return to Young Bros CorS Main Liberal reward BUSINESS CHANCES AN ENERGETIC MAN WITIE GOOD business qualifications I I I can i secure managerial man-agerial position with Ohio corporation capitalized for 20f0O Must come well recommended nnd bo able to take stock In company during term of engagement from non to VX0 same lo be taken up al expiration of agreement Thin company com-pany Is composed of the representative I biiKfncKM men of Columbus Salary 51KOO and liberal commission Address Howard How-ard D Kemp secretary Sphnr bulldlntr Columbia O titlE SPlRiTUALISWl MRS P FONTYN CLAIRVOYANT and trance medium 257 So W Templo MACHINISTS A C GARTMANN GENERAL MAchine MA-chine jobbJnfT and repairing Ill W 1st So CARPET CLEANING NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR carpets cleaned Telephone 1006 for Iho works Sth W Salt Lake Carpel Cleaning IV Vi ro and So Temple E l Eynon Prop LuG CASH REGISTERS NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS OScar OS-car Goubill Bales agent No 221 Main Bt Expert cash register repairing J101 AUCTION SALES WE j HAVE ON HAND r I DOQUAR leredoak I boxnenl ehalrn sold regular at jyro each our prleo SliIV 12 couclus regular iirlco J10 for 5 5f0 5 rolls of lOc huLl I liig left it 1 I iie u yard All kinds of iiv and ndliand househoM goods aid sold m easy payments Nebraska UllJIK iititte t1212 13 M t ONION AUCTIONEER AND appraiser 210 State Kt tiES iiI FURNITUUK AND CARPETS call al Ihu I X L Furniture Carpet Installment I llomif terms 1 on SIC f0 on 100 IS 12 2nd So Bt P A Sorenicn c 51 OSTERLOH AUCTIONEER nelln hoiiiichold gooilu mirchundlse real estate farms horiKi or eat lie t Address rM Ho Main tllSi i DRESSWAKINC STYLE KIT AND FINISH GUARAN tced La Mode Parlors J2S E 2nd South SUNBURST ACCOII iEO Si 1E pleating Mrs Jennenu 17 K 1st So POULTRY BROOK RANCH HEADQUARTERS fancy poultry and ccea 1070 So Sih East WANTED A GOOD DRIVING HORSE MUST UE gentle and iiound 71 Main titroet I WANT TO EXCHANGE AS PART payment my vacant lot worth SJCOOO for 1 ir SliMOO 1 fourroom houne or it vacant 401 between 7lh and fith Wt t 1st and hid South AddtcsK E IS Tribune TO IUY AND TEAR lON OLD buildings 1 Mutclier W S Ith East COTTAGE OK 3 OR 1 FURNISHED rooinn close In lunuiro Mgr 13onton Store nijO WILLING TO PAY fiooow OP jrwwoo r modern house good location Address I to Tribune A HOME IN A SMALL FAMILY bOR a gentleman I wllh i nervous iroubl the man to bu llh him continually willing to pay wHI Call or addrcin WJ McCornlck building nS7 VACANT LOT KOR uuiLniNG CKL hir In N E or N W for about siOOW or JfiWCO Address E I 10 Tribune WILL PAY 5120000 OR SirWOO FOR goodsized lot romroom house near school S E Addrcya E oJ Tribune THGHEST CASH PRICE FOR CASToff CAST-off clothing shuts and hats Drop postal or call tI7 Commorclul st nilESSMAKlNG CHILDRENS clothes and shirt waists a ypetlalty Hear riTrtJUaln i nr13 TmUsTo AND LOT LOCATED EAST not too far out will pav between S1200W and SlGOOOO Address E 17 Tribune TO R EN1 MOD ER NT 5 TO 7 ROOMS IN Wiiterloo slats nnt anti condSllon Ad dress E 25 Tribune ulU7 INTERMOUNTAIN JUNK CO PAYS highest price for rats Iron rubbers mel abs hotllrM etc t3 State St Tel 1237K WORK IJY I THE DAY BY MIDDLTC n t nril woman or vill I I take vashlng home Call 3li So lib Weal tm UC Yi > lT ilAVE GOOD BUSINESS projmalllon or scheme I will place It for you Aildrcsi E 10 Tribune nKVI TRY THE COUNCIL LIQUOR HOUSE for quality an1 prices of wine and liquor JO Klst So 12200 TfVERY PERSON TO EXAMINE coods and prices of the Council Liquor House I 30 i E 1st So t2201 hIGhEST PRCE PAID FOR CAST oK clothing Call or write G2 E 2nd So UTAH JUNK CO PAYS HIGHEST prices for rags lion bottles rubber copper cop-per brass etc rj a Sth rfo Phone iiO E V 13R YHOD Y VO COLLECT TrtAD lag stamps trade nl stores giving them HIGHEST 1 I I IRICE PAID 1 FOR CA3T ciT clolhIng J Shaplto SG E 2nd SoLACE So-LACE CURTAINS LAUNDR1ED wllh care 25 and 50 ccnlii per pair 233 Wcsl 1st Scum street References given FEATHERS OP ALL KINDS WILL pay hlghost price Address E 2S Tribune WESTERN JUNK METAL YARD are paying beat price for rubber copper brass etc Give us a call 123 S State St Salt Lake City Utah aoCG 2DHAND FURNITURE AND STOVES Salt Lake Furniture Co 23S S Stale EVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT WE loan tIm moati money at onehalf the interest In-terest charged by other pawnbrokers on diamonds Jewelry watches clothing guns Instruments machines etc Uncle Sam 30 E Jst South Tel Oil Y WANTEDHELP TWO SUBSCRIPTION SOLICITORS for evening newspaper Good salary for right men InlerMountaln Pub Co But to Mont STROCKS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY C R l Strock Prop All kinds of help I promptly I supplied ICl Main street Telephone Wt CANVASSIsTjsTAT MC RTJI EAST U773 A FIRSTCLASS EXPERIENCED dry goods man must have references N Y Cash Stoic A GOOD SUBSCRIPTION SOLICITOR Apply at Tribune Counting Room this morning GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL 11OUSE work small family SIS 2nd Si uCJO GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK no washing 100 B St uCSl ENERGETIC SOLICITORS LADY OR gentleman for entirely new line great acllcr Call 2S 1C lib South n7TS EXPERIENCED NUTSEGIRL AT 513 E 2nd South u777 GOOD COOK APPLY CGI is FIRST so FIRSTCLASS COOK IS G ST GOOD GIRL AT 333 EAST 2ND SO MAN WHO CAN PUT UP FURNI lure one familiar wllh 2ndhand business preferred Nebraska 2ndIJand Store 210 State ill 1C GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK no washing ISO Q st uSOQ AN EXPERIENCED DINING ROOM girl and chambermaid at 1 The Halls I GOOD GENERAL SHOEMAKER AT Hlrschmatis Shoo Store urll THE RENO EMPLOYMENT AGENCY having opened their I office hereby glvo notice they are prepared to uupply all kinds of help to contractors needing help In any and all branches free of charge contractor should furnish free transportation t transporta-tion only T O Jones Co Reno Ncv GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK references 175 N Main at tuGS GOOD GIRT FOR GENERAL HOUSEwork HOUSE-work No washing Good wages 177 B hit So UII9 A COMPETENT CARPET LAYER AT Z C M I U215 GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK MUST BEG a good cook small family fOj ird si ulS A COMPET13NT GIRL 1 FOR GENERAL housework at 231 East First South PLENTY PJACES FOR GOOD GIRLS MIC Olsons Emp Ofiice 171 E 2nd So WANTEDSITUATION EXPERIENCED ACCOUNTANT AND clerk now In touch with I PiX dlv t families tolldts proposition from reliable parties halary rensonable Address E J 51 Tribune ASSAYER AND CHEMIST WITH Ifi years practical cxriorlenco In Western hineltliig desIres a position with smeller or mine can furnish Al I references Address Ad-dress S n3u South 1st West Salt Lako CIty By FljtSTCLASS JAPANESE COOK city or country P O box 817 UoSl BY JAPANESE STRONG BOY AS general housowork for hotel or family Address X 2ii Tribune WANTEDACENTS XV > X fci VX VX i wAN > w-AN HONEST DOLLAR CAN BE curncd quickly at 2o W So Temple UNDERTAKER fc M X X X NVX < S A S WATSON UNDERTAKER AND ombalmcr Opp P O Tel 1010 n7iS OPTICIANS H 0 JENSEN DR OF OPTICS bachelor ot ophthalmology eyes tested free With J S Jonuen 1 vt SOIIH 7 l Main COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO 200 MAIN Wholesale and retail manuf opllclnna J IT KNICKERBOCKER OPTICIAN 2T9 Main Try him If your eyes trouble you TO TRADE GOOD WHEEL TO TRADE FOR small saddle horse 223 South 2nd East ATTORNEYS EDWARD MGURPIN 10150 ATLAS building > mlOO W II D1CKSON ATTORNEYAT law Fifth floor Procreaa bhlg FOR RENT STORES IN NEW INDEPENDENCE bldg 5li > Room In Morlan Blk 7room house bM So 1st W 20 ironm modern Mi Bridgeport nt W J Halloran 1J West 3nl So u707 SRM MOD UK NO 2IS N 2ND W sir J 4rin fr No f03 E lid Ho SIR Irm fr No 223 W 7lh So 512 I bush otu Real EsMato Inv Co n7S7 A 111 RSIMJJ7SS STORE AND CELlar CEL-lar counters and rhelvlng 2S East 5th South 1R per month 1 J will also ClOt out a clean stock ot groceries and druirr ut a bargain Inquire I IS or 2S E 1th South 2 ROOMS AND PANTRY GROUND Hour IIS Center st n715 FOR VACANT HOUSES CALL UP Houstons Tel 27 rlCO S W ECCLESS RESIDENCE IHC EIghth East st thoroughly modern For particular Inriulro of E B Kclscy Ken yon slS2t 7ROOM COTTAGE C7S FIRST ST parlly furnished kcv next door D Eyer jOt Klfth East tel OSk uOl 7ROOM MODKRN TERRACE CLOSE In C E Taylor Wells Fargo Cos Bank ur51 LARGE 3TORK 2S RO VA 3RD SO Houston Real Estate Inc Co 2ol Main fiROOM MODERN HOUSE 303 N 2ND West n in Yii rm Springs ear line tillS Jl7nOHOUSE n ROOMS HOT AND cold water bath closet ami range Apply S3i West JLol South at No children IlOUSTONS THE HOUSERS 251 Main street Tel No 27 rlKJ 0nOOM MODERN EAST SIDE u U Illskey I CO McCornlck block u551 1ROOM SUITE BATH I AND CLOSET Park terrace U U Hlskey 201 McCor nick bloek u530 7fKl E 3RD SOUTH MODERN 10ROOM brick barn Weir 10 W 2nd So uSIl FRONT OIKICE SUITE SECOND floor 130 So Main cudI r R BATH PANTRY RANGE ELEC lights 100 W 1st North u21 CALL UP TEL NO 27 FOR HOUSES Houslon Real Estate Inv Co r407 NICE NEW COTTAGES 1660 TO 2500 per month Deaerct Savings bank u2CG 110 SO 2ND WEST 5RM BR COT tugo 2xi0 rods S23W Houslon Real Estate Investment Co 251 S Main MODERN 10ROOM HOUSE Near Ith Easl and 1st South Sta See Really Co W W Cud South Phono KEYS FITTED RO W 3rd So Phone IHCz J A Meredith FLOORED BASEMENT 10x120 LIGHT and dry Houston Block 2T1 Mole st rilO If HOUSES ALL KINDS PRICES and locations Tuttle Bro 110 Main st SEE US FOR HOUSE RENTING Realty Co CC W 2nd So Phono 7fiO FOR RENTFURNISHED 3 FURNISHED RMS FOR hOUSEkeeping HOUSE-keeping cheap niON 1st West NICELY FURNISHED MODERN S room house for summer Phone 035 CLEAN WELL FURNISHED ROOMS for housekeeping modern i Kendall square u700 SIX MONTHS OR YEAR NICELY furnished live rooms bath closets pantry pan-try cellar and stable Ill I South Flh East Bt no children u7SO SUITE OF ROOMS WITH GOOD TA blc board 135 K 3rd So uSIO ROOMS lOR LIGHT IIOUSEKEEP lug 1l 1 Earls eourt u7H5 2 NICELY FURNIShED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping 211 K 5lh So u72G NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS NEW brick modern 3CS East 3rd South ii7f2 TWO ROOMS FOR JTOUSEKEELING modern 137 East Third South u701 CLOSE IN NICELY FURNISHED fnnl room prlvato entrance S Dubes avc TWO ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING ground hoer private family 2S7 So 1st V HANDSOMELY FURN ROOM MOD era 2 blks from Main 325 So 2nd East FURNISHED ROOMS AT 21 t W NO Temple Come and sec uGV > FOR RESPECTABILITY AND RE ilucmcnt go to the Pleasanlon elegant rooms no children No G Kendall square FURN ROOM WITH MODERN IMprovements IM-provements Lfi East North Temple uf7C NICELY FURNISHED FRONT roomb HO S Main uSli TVOMODERN HOUSEKEEPING rooms gas range 213 VVcat 5th South 1ROOM HOUSE BATH ELECTRIC light close In Apply 121 W lib So tillS T OR 2 PLEASANT FRONT ROOMS strictly modern conveniences close In references exchanged Address E 16 Tribune tilO1 FURNISHED ROOM INQUIRE 158 NO Main uifiS NICELY FURNISHED ROOM 315 CON sLhtti bit building UJ02 FOR THE SUMMER MODERN house easi isidc Apply LU Commercial blk FURNISHED ROOMS BATH ELEC irlc light close In 120 So State 12310 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 831 CANnon CAN-non st 1 block wuat Rio Grande depot 3 ROOMS PANTRY AND CLOSET also barn U7 West 7th So US01 ROOMS AND BOARD MODERN reasonable 303 E Sth So Phunc 132QK NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS MOD era conveniences 127 So 1st West s3rl 2 NICE LARGlTTtboMS FURN FOR housekeeping wIth waler 172 K st NEWJA FURNISHED ROOM ON ground lloor bath board for two 222 L st A FEW GENTLEMEN ROOMERS and boardcra at 2zh W 2nd North st NICE ROOMS GROUND FLOOR modern also board 25C S West Temple NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH bath In prlvalo family Ki W Ith South FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE kccplng south front ground floor S09 E 1st Soulh sloS TICKET BROKERS OTTINGERS CUTRATE R R TICK el office 15 W 2nd South H13 A T MOON CO BUY AND SELL railroad tickets 23o So Main opposite Walker house kllK GROSHELLS TICKET OFFICE ES tabllshcd 1SSS Reduced rates on elf railroad rail-road tickets 221 Main su Tel CS3 p93 HALFTONE ENGRAVING AT THE TRIBUNE ART DEPARTment DEPART-ment the highest class of halftone engraving en-graving Is executed upon that shortest 1101 leo und at i tho most reisonablo rates Portraits of persons pictures of business houseo residences etc a specialty MASSAGE ELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC MASsage MAS-sage lady from East R 12 iriu S Main MRS C M TRIPP MASSAGE AND magnetic treatment 3iS So W Ternplo STORAGE W rf XN sX X REDMAN VAN AND STORAGE CO ccparale rooms largest moving vamt Money advanced on goods J2C and 12S S W Templo st 1hone 535 SCAVENGER SALT LAKE SCAVENGER CO OF lIce loO Mom at Tel rjtJ 8721 CITY SCAVENGER CO OFFICE 75S 3th < East Phono Oil 6 rings FOR SALEMISCELLANEOUS DO YOU WANT A SONG BIRD A > eautlful collection at No hI I rear Hoard of Trade Bldg Call or wrllc J A Slim non BEST GROCERY IN TOWN FOR ilcjooiMocailoii h Address F 2 Tribune 1YEAROLD FRESh I MILCH COW with calf 7J3 13 3rd South u79t OR UIDNT FURNISHED I RESTAU STill doing good lnnlncss Call or ad lrSII J7I I Vcoi 2nd Soulh u7ir > I HAVE 1 i A I I6VliOO D BUSINESS I ti md fancy driving horses Call on C E Cox 12f So tt TVmpie uGT0 AT 1OCATELIO 115A I AT ONCE A inndrn steam laundry wllh cllestah Ished busnes Jf HOI Gold by h Saturday owners wunl a firstclass laundrymii wllh references lo run business Addieas Church White uG02 ROOMINGHOUSE lf ROOMS GOOD location Addreir 15 57 Tribune mCO FRHSII YOtNO MILCH COW WITH heifer calf 7W K rd South ti707 LARGE OAK REFRIGERATOR GOOD us new Jil W 1th So uV12 ONR GOOD RACER CHEAP nosvi 12 2nd South Room II uTlG BUSINESS IAVlNG GOOD PROFITS splendid locution SCV excellence chance Address Ell Tribune uni0 2 FRESH MILCH COWS CHEAP 575 So Main u 06 CONFECTIONERY AND MANUFACtory MANUFAC-tory going out of business 01 E let South ii730 ONE LARGE HORSE WEIGHT H20 pounds 211 East Tub South u722 FIVE RAILWAY CARS SINCII I gauge cheap 13 South 1st West U7CO A lOVELY 10ROOM FLAT THE furniture In this lint Is exceptionally neat steam Ival Wo want you to FCC this Address I J Tribune n7rJ SOROOM i FURNISHED FLAT READ nothing hotter on he market close in rent 100 Includes Jiteam heat and water always lull price 270 Address F 13 Tribune n7rS HERE IS A PfiAT IS ROOMS PARTly PART-ly furnished will sell for 110 > Address F 20 Tribune u7l57 2 JERSEY COWS 175 A ST u771 AN ELEGANT UPRIGHT C A SMITH I7 Co piano only S17 > one sqnnro piano SCO one high top Estoy organ 90 Now and complete stock of hlghgrado pIanos sold on small payments if desired Car lensii Anson Temple of Music 5K3 Main St u77S FRESH MILCH COW KS E 2ND SO THE OLD BRICK BUILDING COM mcrclnl avenue near State street must be torn down make me a bid for it ns It slamlH C E Taylor Wells Fargo Cos bank nAi ALL KINDS OF ROCK G27 SO fiTIT East Tel 137QY uoOJ THE KENSINGTON GREENIIOUSKS Residence ground and stock nine V7M 1 LY DRIVING HORSE OWNE fl leaving the city Address E 10 Tribune FINE ROCK QUARRY AT ElM hails In Parleys park C H Slo en Park City Utah u72 ONE ELEGANT MAHOGANY CASE upright piano Jlfl700 one high top Kimbnll organ S1500 Carstcnscn An son 5155 So Main st uiSS RUGC5Y AND HARNESS 23 SGI SO 2nd Wcsti U174 TJELT INGATSD I 20 HORSEPOWER Buffalo engine G horsepower horlzonU1 engine and boiler 1 5 hr > I 2 hp self turning lathe 2 foot taLlies drill prcsser 1 blacksmith bellows UJ5 State St FOP SALECOPPER i PROPERTY very cheap re acres patented LH Sa lulls adjoining properly of InternationaL Copper Mining Lo P O Box S27 Colorado Colo-rado Springs Cole uST STACK OF llAY ADDRESS W F l Fcnton rear KI2 So Ith W ulQ GOOD SI3CONDII4ND IfACIC VERY cheap Farrlnglons Stable 102 Slate sU LUCERNE AND TIMOTHYHAY IN any quantity wholesale and retail Mar 1iUl O U i U flU CV LllUiiC IbIA MOVING pirrruE OUTFITS AND supplies til bargains Chas P Madscn Co rear 1G Main stONE 1231H st-ONE FAN ax7j FT ONE IF 11I P engine Apply Snpt St Marka hospital 3 ENGLISH SHiniS STALLIONS CAN be seen any time inquire Bonds rcBtaur ant EGGS O P HOCKS SILVERLACED Wyandotlcs F5 Mlnorcas 5100 per netting net-ting B C Frlcse J27 Centre st U01G NEARLY NEW SET DRIVING HAP nitS Call ICl E Cth So ONE CARLOAD NEW 1 AND filNCII wrought pipe Acme Mining Machy Co WALL PAPER AND PAINT UUSI ncsa 315 MaIn itt 11793 REGISTERED JERSEY BULLS ready for service Apply Holllngworth 111 West 1st South St City 1170 GOOD PAYING SALOON IN PROSperous PROS-perous mining ramp new building modern mod-ern fixtures satisfactory references upon application Address D n1 Tribune CHEAP A DREDGE CAPABLE of throwing 6COO yards of dirt per day bull expressly to work In Jordan river Address Ad-dress Ncphl Elamorc Aincr Fork Utah ALL KINDS SECONDHAND GOODS bought and sold J Crofton Ill S Stale HORSES FOR SALE AT IOWA STA bIos 15 W So Torn PHONOGRAPHS TYPEWRITERS Ivor Johnson bicycle Carter 125 W Tern BOARD AND ROOMS BOARD AND ROOMS MODERN elcc light and bath 257 W 3th So ullI FURNISHED I I TOOMS WITH I 0 It wllhont I board modern conveniences 311 Firs st viSO GOOD HOARD PRIVATE FAMILY ref HG East First North NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH board No I Kendall square Mrs Barton TN PR i VATE FAMILY MAN AND wife or two Koutlcimu ltd l bile Iron county building No D31 I So 2nd East STRICTLY MODERN732t S IT 1 1 EAST ROOMS AND BOARD IN PRIVAT1 family modern CGI So 2nd East tilSI ASSAYERS CRTSMON BROS 219 S W TEMPLD st Full equipment lot making concentre Lion and cyanide tests Send for price list F M BISHOP 1GG S West Temple music QUARTETTE MUSIC FOR FUNERals FUNER-als Apply nt IJutltrts 5ii S W Temple uiulir Johnsons Photo gallery Term reasonable uCi i D I SMILEY PIANO POLISHER of Chicago old pIanos made new any color No 1C Richards St city oltWO CARPENTERS AND JOBBERS J B BEAUDRY CARPENTER SHOP 173 State Plans and cutlmaics furnished ROY WAllLOUS 67 13 3RD SOUTH elevator and job work Tcliu75g oS7K GABY t7 WILLIAMS Ci MARKET ST Telephone 10CSX nlQ74 JOHN S THOMAS ARCHITECT AND jobbing in carpentry 121 W 2nd Ho WATCHES AND JEWELRY JErELRY FOR SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON walchcp and Jewelry see Sal Sickle the Juwelnr 75 E huh puih st ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES AND CON sfruction large nioclc of latoat ohnndc dicrs IntorMt Elec Co do E 1st So FOR SALEREAL ESTATE IF YOU WANT A PIECE OF REAL estate you want It at u price that Is l rlpht We have a choice list of properties at Jtnap prices Sc un before you buy A choice building lot fine block east of city and county bldir m iHO x ° wllh alley In rear D at it beauty 2fMO south frontage olh bcL II I I and 1 JUdU JUdUto 1t7 to alley in rear 3rd ICasl only 3IO IxiO Oth Kapt and TithSo only V200 New strictly modern uroom pretsaed rlrk cottage east Mde nouth I froniago I 3000 completely furnished with nlec latio jtTlx outiui r 5iiB lefi city must sull Elginroom lions one bloek tnat of city uid county buildln only JiiOl Nice modem nixroom fioiiHe in Dnrllng ton u bentily I only 2000 llitniluoniL I now rlshtroom strictly modern roHldenco cast RJde ifl We have a cholre Mm of modern resl nci cotingcu building lots in all parta of tho city Stu us before purchasing It will pay ycili McKellar Co TO W 2nd South TI1E STRINGER CO SI VY 2ND SO Wo have secured for immediate loans myable in small monthly paymenLs moro I ban the total of Installment loann made in ltnhi l during lie I past 2 years We iiro 1 tuthorlxcd to loan this money at lower 1ites than any InsiUillmcnt loan has ever HCti made In the Sito No paymentB toe > to-e mjulo before securing loan no wailing for your turn t no building and loan stock II o flu Ltiio at some Indefinite time Our mortgage in as plain tIn can be drawn You agree to pay a ticUnite number of aymentF any number you prefer cover lug a period from I to 10 year Payments made here Tile Stringer Co 3 W 2nd So flOOO7ROOM MODERN MO SO JST W SIOO 10room modern 1161 J E lat So 4jO 7room frame 024 So 1st W 5iW < > Crofun modern fi70 So W T T7room < frainv S5 E Jth So jifOroom brick rat E Jth So yioioxl2 < rods cor 3rd So and SLIt E W J Hallorin 31 W 3rd So u70G THE FOLLOWING ARE A FEW OF the properties we have for sale this week Nice liroom house on East lIlt South si south front JIUOOOO On GUi East street a good 7room brick modern 5I8VIJO 5ioom cottage and 3x20 rods of ground on 7th East for 5210000 A lovely modern home In thin southern part of the city largo piece of land SIJGO Our Hrlgham U building lots are well worth Investigating 2nd North street a 6room collage 11500 A choice little homo on the west side for JniYi If u you want closein acreage we have Or building lots In any locality The home Investment Savings company com-pany C S 10 West First So at u7IO WHY NOT OWN A PIECE OF THIS earth Tor salo by F E McGurrin Co 1s W 2nd South 7room furnished home clone in for OOOCO or WOOOOO unfurnished Nearly new brick alxroom house on Jefforxon St S1S5000 i3room 2slory frame bath etc on Second street flCOO00 loom brick 3room attloon S IV Temple Tem-ple St SIOOOCO For 522iXJon firoom brick and a rear ouKe renting for JSOO on Jefferson St 5room brick gas electric light on 1Jlh East 300G9 2story modern brick on S street S330000 9room modern twoatory brick nil con venlrnccis on Ird St facing south 5 500000 a bargain 7room home on 3rd SL 52CCOOO firoojii inndern framo on 1st SL for KOCOOO Now room modern cottago on Cth St luyJfl ox20 rods on Igt So 7room honso and barn 700000 A line farm under cultivation 12 miles from Temple for 5300000 Horic on isi West all conveniences furnished fur-nished VXJOfiO will exchange for COCO house unfurnished SISOOOO Small house on Thiid South lot 8sS rod OlOO We have three beautiful new Uonsca for JSOOOW modern 3rd East and Seventh South Sts bargains Two line vacant loUs 33lh Last 1st South for 1SXCO and J2GOOOO A lot between Fifth St and D St for UWOO cheap Fine bulldlnp lots on Sth South 2nd East 2xS for S4WCO and up Flue lot S5Jl nicely located N L Including In-cluding 1 15000 In building stone SIS0 titiS PERSONALS AH Ul < UlJjlJl iHJiW Mme Geyser will give free readings in claIrvoyance palmistry cardron ding pedlogy hurancemem I and Independent slitcvrlllng and teaches her profession Iarloiij at Eagle Blk Second South ALTONS MANFroU TURKISH bath ancl hairdressing parlors Elegant shampoo baths SOc Turkish baths lCO For ladles and gentlemen Ladles bathIng bath-Ing days Mondays md Fridays 1100 a m to 5 p m ullO MAC VICAR PALMIST AND CLAIRvoyant CLAIR-voyant tells each caller name without askIng a solitary question Ofllcc Tho Cullcn suite 94 hours o l su m lo n p in SPPERFLUOUS HAIR MOLES ETC permanently removed by eleclilclty Lulu Brooks M D 103 Constitution bldg PALMISTRY YOUR FUTURE RE vcalod at Prof Sterling1 Ill S Main SANITARIUM h HAIRDRESSING PAR lorft ground floor finest In city hair drosslng I manicuring ladles Turkish baths massage chiropody Phono 679 Evgs and Sunday by appt 51 W 3rd So MASQUERADE AND THEATRICAL cosvnmes for rent at the Salt LalCu Con turning House 57 So State st Tel 033Z ANNA TANNER HAIRDRESSING manicuring chiropody facial and scalp treatments superfluous hair removed 171 over Walkcrr store Tel 122JY MONEY TO LOAN THE STRINGER CO Ci W 2ND SO We have secured for Immediate loans payable in small monthly payments more than the t total L of installment loans made In Utah during the past 2 years Wo arc authorized to loan this money at lower rates than t any u lust ti I hunciut lom has ever been made In the I State No payments to bo made before securing loan no waiting for your turn no building and 1 loan stock to iriiture at some Indetlnlte time Our mortgage Is as plain ap ran be drawn You agree to pay a dellnllc number of payment any number you prefer covering cover-Ing a period from 1 lo JO years Payments made here Thoatrlnger Co 3t TY 2nd So CLEAN METHODS PROMPT DEAL lags simple papers have bulk our busl 71055 to t Its present proportions Interest ancl principal payable lo us at our Salt Lake office i ptr m cent Wo will furnish you monov lo build a home after your own plan or sell you iho house ready built The Horn I Investment I it Savings Company i S and 10 W First Sottlh st fI < XO OR ANY PART OF IT ON real estate low Inlcrcal McKollar CoW Cii < Co-W 2nd South u7oa MONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD SECUU ily D L T J O Box 110 U72J ON PIANOS FURNITURE ETC Room 23 Galena block olSTO ON ANY PROPERTY YOU RETAIN pOMucssion The Stringer Co 31 W 2nd So 1000 TO JiOOOO ONE TO VIVE YEARS farm or city property Jamca K Shaw under Walker Bros bank plo It L TRACY 11 E 1ST SO LENDS money no commission expense or delay ON UTAH AND IDAHO FARMS Miller Vlcle 3011 McCornlck Bldg ON FURNITURE PIANOS ETC OR anygood security without removal Business Busi-ness private 15i So Main Room 9 CITY AND FARM PROPERTY AT G and 7 per cent J L Porltcs 78 W 2nd So HIGHLY RESPECTABLE PRIVATE place to obtain liberal advances on diamonds dia-monds jewelry banking rateS E Lich tcnslcln Jeweler 214 Main Bt Tel 112CT MGURRTN it CO LEND ON REAL cflalu plain mortgage low rates t privilege privi-lege of part payment any time as W Second Sec-ond Sotilb tl30 ON FURNITURE PIANOS ETC without removal 112 Wont Second South DENTIST N N V W S S WESTERN DENTAL CO 32 EAGLE Blk Dr Brondbonl Uptodate dentistry DAIRY AND CREAMERY KEYSTONE DAIRY AND CREAM cry IS E lot So Wholesale and retail Kiyslouo butter Is famous Phono Ml FOR SALEREAL E3TAT B rhl 28K iy IAIK5A INS lxlO roil lot with it goni 4oorn 1 hotis hue fitilt tutei tibtuhe oil thu umt cbotot > m l90 ttuj n Sc 4t lOud l700 7room hrIk near 4th 13 firoom brick with there nmi si mcichiindiK and sooth hnnlnc nor northeast ilnso in Jfxi 5xll > cnr Nflt ljnom pn < Mrd hrlck bath light uliutl 21xl0 rod m 1iott A 3ct lllll hatli flee niont 1113 flOrthi1 i7Irpom brssil lrhel 1ittlt Oleetrie lIght etc 22j on th p flirllhu iflii1j 1 io r I 1 thi 13 11 liii 7th Sc tn hxiO th lGIKt and lib South ITM xT nar fill i ii ami D 1 jyo lxlO c orulir or Irti lw ti > 2 lots Ih East near fllh South 70xh2 fen on Main st IM 1 4r W C W 2nd SoT ticl t iIfll1G iito5 III If ycit tire looking for a hargfli1 j hi iroom brick pantrv antHnihrJ p < Se lalrtltlonu uk cpunr JlOO V scant nov possession iSniifife rixin rods mi Hlb St nr J sjni JOxlO cor 10th and E Sts VltO i 7i r mol house and lot N St rtv 2 line bldg ylua on N aide I3TIgI1S Ae have the largest list Iii i thio ci U kinds prices cvervliere J ti tt Ic Bros IrogresuiI Ierah1 TlI I cni niwic WEST BIDK cxmr car lute twoBtory lawn slinh tf barn wntlr In IIOUKC bath crrtinirirruV miJs offer 11 and 12 Kiglc iffi > 9 NEAT 5ROOM CC porcelain bath pantry closets et L 12Hi E nud lsl So 21o lcLi 7roonu med TurcsscmI brlch clolO in F 1nd So 7fC0 10recta TIlohc 2 ½ t10 1 hhOkit templet 31111 frtn 7room mod pressed brick 2xI ala nteh porcelaIn bath toilet hlghut Me 13 l ul So 3310 CKctrls LITTL1 L1TTLK No I IV html s 7ROOM MODERN HOME 1 UniversIty See Ibis todav t in A > gain C W Miller CO V 2nd So ui v CROOM BRICK nrte eloKl electric llchl lot 2fexlOro Eoiilh close In u7ro I Modern Sroom brick cor lot 75xI 2nd st SirCO i Modern 7room brick lot 3x7 rode i In IKI St smr0 clot 2 lots 7th K near llth So i 2 lolH lih 1 I 1C near 10th So j jzi v 25xS rods Slh J5 near lh So itrt vxlO > rods E near rlh 750 r7 rods M near Ith CO Welr 10 V 2nd South nv FlNE PAfR OF BUILDING IOrTnT So W Temple very cheap jro f V Miller CO W 2nd So UJ A FEW GREAT BARGAINS TM week In building lots C W Miller M v nd So ci WF SELL REAL ESTATE TlTv nil Tultlc Bros 1SU Main red ball slcrj A MKELLAR tOiwiKPIY VITU iMeGurrln Co has several bin conrv lion with Dial llrm and has etntj N I lie real state loan and Instil > imco h2l ucns at C3 V 2nd South St vhcreX would bo plpa < ed to see all of hia flii customers md friends and the pultllc h 1 general Fair and cordial trcalmnt > Hiired 10 all uii j SROOM MODERN ON 1TPII pS7 adjoining University faces vut < fitA l cation lawn and i shad a ImrRiln SIOCO C V Miller CO W 2nd So cj 5 RODS AND lo FEFriMi > ns nOD = with 5room frame adobe lined room fo two more rooms near 12th E and hr So 11500 34 Sroom frame n0 llsh So and Jh u c21 Is rroom brick near 7th So on Sth IxlO JIGOO 8x5 and r of w with Sroom brick at frame near Slim E on Sib So 517 0 7room mod pressed brick nor hub toilet elec light Uxla North Temr near Main AW Hroom new adobe 1a1O corner on lltj E near 2nd So 2200 9room rcsscd brick per bath tollt oboe light 3 manlels and grates ts home lid St w of K 5000 JixS vtieunl lilt K near 2nd So Ja 27 Center St near Peach4 ICOO 4x5 ihlI north of Liberty I irk 5T h IxO 1 r 2nd E near Sib So Sw 22 acres Mill Creek good water riU WfO 3j choice farms S E and S W j chcy Jittle Little No 1 W 2nd So JOACRE FRUIT ARM JUST COi menelng to bear II miles S K oi cil i Carr Murray Utah NKV 1HOOM JUKSSKD BRIHC modem luxISO ft 51500 iiOO cash Lvii mo JIubbard Invt Co 7S IV Lnd Fn SROOM 15OUDLK HOISK NEAR K G AS wllh large barn DDO worth Sill today I easy terms Will pay 3 pT c ptr monlh on Investment Hubbanl Inn Co 7S V Jnd So uAi LARGE 1ROOM BRICK 75X1 Tit T-it c front excellent location JIM fli cash bal monthly a great bnrftK Hubbanl nvt Co 7S W 2nd So tfll COX 121 FTTrO ALLEY fiRM HR COT tacc completely furnished parties vbt lag to save time and trouble of fluinco a house will do well to look al tnls oJ before buying everything goes hut tLt bricabrac 1570 So State price EM Houston Real Estate Invcslmcri Co 3 S Main 51 IT IS A mOAUTYCALL AND StR It Strictly modern 5room prevail bI < house on liist bench Easy terms 1rlua No 12 15 2nd So t111 2L > ACRES HUD EAST NEAR 10TH SoS OOO fiCO cash bal to suit 6 pcrcnr HubbarrJ I Invl Co 75 AY Iad So u31 l IJI3AUT1KUL NEW 2BTORY AND collates are nov being built at Jut iwO iw-O slrois easy payments low nictts Inquire at premises Anderson Kcal iJj Investment Co rll talc 1 ARE YOU INTERESTCD IN IDILO land Well Irrigated farms in cVT r part of the Stale and men lo show tntn bir and Investment lo von The Home Ings Co C S 10 W Jsl So at SJ THE NICEST CORNER ON NORTj cast bench 11x125 at R and 3rd IJ lawn shade and fruit trees and tcrriw Torrrin reasonable Enquire on prcrnu FOR FINE FARMS AND RANCllY In the famous Smikc River valley ldaui WakI Co under call on Parsons l14 Bros bank WILL SELL YOU AT A BAfldAIS hO1 inodsl vacjint lots a collage or a iis in any part of the city Jas J under Walker Pros bank A SNAP10 LOTS IN UTAH S0UT addition 1F0 to S 200 CLchl crn jy ichditIOli add In Prospect Park H lots lOCtt UM additions ar each noth these lIne ar1 Taiialt car West Side Rnpid on fc sugar close to bite of proposed new proJtCIt4 S P terminal silo ld tory 2111 steel mill JaB Pixon 102 13 TWO nEAlJTIFlL 0 AND lOl1O0 i11 nearly counruletetl close houses 55 ca u lttie 33 It hi JGnst CheaP NEV COTTAGES ON lNSTAIL1 plan Deseret SavingS bank TILl 7 THE OLD W YWAS TO I IT a htOSu you haul saved enough to pay for be rare htuuy I ng I t while it to enjoy 1iie ilet Vilh Is are ptylng for it InstuIimc Our speciahl v Is homes 011 of toWfl plan CaSt and teest sIdes Saving5 O liic 110mb huivestmelit G10 IV FIrst South st CHOICE BUILDING LOTS 13 Bi0C from center of cIty high itCl cnnnot gr05 150 each S5 cash S10 a m JIiioHiu ln duplicated at 52W per lot Co 7S W 2nd So oi RENl PROP1T1 cj4l5 HROOM MODERN BRICK side 2xlO lawn shade jW rude lair modern Fine Gioom hiaIC trcoJ rooms lot 50xir7 to alley Ofl ci lawn beautiful home east sIck line WOO SPite si l Fw I Ueautlful acre lots on f and fruit plenty water fm irrtai t011 from J 2O to J3M per acre 2IiC Lt city See i tracts near Small toLIruiO f Louru ialor our 1UV llurrlnctoa 70 AV 2nd South NIGATIIOMIG IN NICE for siitall mainiil JT I St > ASir ANDW Tr 1Thol doI ° t I Ch51 V buys JIma lola nir R O win double In value Itt 2 SU1 t diird under VulkcTa i1113 CliIGO 13 p1101CItTV mIrlCu1Ihh1 I rLCtS fttriiii nuid it uichltS nuincral lntlS l7 tIml u antI ginzing large or hroteb nuiti llllieiPlOttd tiitttS Iamsons Co ii1i13 flClLD au ccill luulkh y011 IL 1101111 Ctiiillilfl2 4ttN tO roiY j siXtI ° Youl of lnl fl niciulY lii iputylluentu ndLiC0 IolhiLus on tacit thouisauii tO1 iiitCICSt genis wanted a W Ifl CIcuVOhantI Con Agent It |