Show SALOONS STILL OPEN Chief Pauls Edict Had No Apparent Effect in Stopping Sunday Liquor Traffic ahowcd A round no decrease of the saloono yesterday cccr18o In the number that Wh1 carrying on a lively weir traffic Vhhlo iho saloons traJrc hlo 61100n5 were all liberally ni Ibolaly Im tronlZBd not a single arrest was made by the police although a couple of officers spent the day on the alert for violators oteera of tho law I Jo change In > the Head of the depart mon r sold I one aaloonkccpcr depart no terrors for ua We Intcnd to keep right on selling Hciuor on Sunday and we dont Intend to got caught either Wont lont como in and have a drink ont The saloonkeeper In diicsllon whoso place Is within three hundred yards of this police station was Jotting the patrons in through tho front door The number of drunken men picked up on tho street during1 the day was much Imlug wa larger than for some weeks pant much iicbrlntea having been Jailed up to mid night The names of tho prisoners arc aa follows Jitrlck McCarthy John Anderson Ander-son Ola Nielsen Nellie Albert John Mc Donald J C U Warren S G Olirov John Sullivan Jack Sullivan Alex Morris and Joe Bush |