Show THE WEEK AT THE PARK Men Quit at Daly West Boarding House for Anchor Shipments The Record rovlcwliu lie week at Park City says About thirtylive carmen muckns and miners quli m tln > Daly VciU veslcrdav In hue first placo It Is said that I 1 Iorrman Aimmo Jired a majority of llio old car niPn and what was left quit on account of sympathy Thu miners it la said milt Jiccauso of a now order iccmlrlnff the I rnon I to m HO down iwoniy I mlnmcs ahead of time jrohiB Into elfect Ji m was currentIv I stated that tlioro would ho niorp resignations un KKH thu twenlymlnulo I order is reconHld trcd Already pratllng Is under way and tim bars and lumber being delivered at lie old Anchor shaft for a hut rgu hoardlns licjusL This of conrae means thai t In a short lime I Imo mm will be comlm up the shaft Instead of through tho I tunnel and that tho miners arid other employees will have to I board up at I the I hoardiiipbousf Ihe 1 departure Is not highly relished down town ICveryihlnp is active around tin Glonroo and sivcral hundred OIIK of good looking It i I u i I IL IcII cot Is iKhifr workfd might along and Is I one 01 lie I moKl promising looking propirlli > s In lie whole district The DomingVal I laec yroui > tlio t I lomesini Ice and Hftvcnil oihfr propprllis In ihhi I canyon mire also lielns dcveloped md Riving forth most cn couiili og Indications Followlmr are time shlpmunts of ore from tin Mackintosh sampler for tho past week Daly Vest LirlOOf 9rirl ° 1077000 Anchor Con 3 > 0 < X0 JSarncs Bros inOiM Total number oC pounds 1SI2000 Silver Klnfr 97L IO Grand total olSIIMO o undorhlnnd a number of miners at I the Ontario who have boon hoanllnj down town got their time the llrst of tho week Supl Hood of lie Ontario and V i Snyclcr canui up from lie t city ycslerday ami Immeillately went ovor to the On nil rio drain luniiul and laid oul u ditch lino from lie 1 mouth of the tunnel to Midway Mid-way to convey the water belonging to Midway l for irrigatIng purposes lo that iuilnt 11 1 1 S Townsend nnd Tom Vnldon made a trip I over to lied 1Ino canyon in lie 111 no Ledfrn district TJnirHday Their objective ob-jective point was hue Icarl J c group just aliovo tho Glcncoi where work ii going rljjht alonp Tho tunnel on thin round la now In 100 feel the last 200 feet of vhkh Is on hut vein and a slrouk oC oro has been followed Ion this illnuuicf 1 This streak I of load ore IK still in tho race and la wldcnlii the t whole tiinnol faci ImliHf highly mineralized I The width of Uio vein matter has n1 yet been detor nilnici I hut the I indications at I lliefaco frtronply point to I a more solid formation and tho t prospoets of breakliiR Into an on body at no great t dlRlnncu are nneouraghnj Thu drlfl Is now in heavy black lime Treatment of Slimes In Bulletin No 5 Dakota School oC Mines the following reference is made to the 1 treatment I of slimes at the High land Chlei Mining comjwnys cyanide plant In Deadwood The extraction of the values from the slimes Is suhl to be pnicilcally complete In the battery no that t the washing out of Hie I i battery noluilon is about all that Iho t sllmca rciiuhe Tho amount of battery Kolutlon used IH so adjusted Hint It rarelv rise above fj GO per ton In value This olnt hi essential aa the t complete waah Jug out of I he battery solution from lie i hlimcs is next to Impossible owing to thin uat i aiiiount of ivmtsiu i water Unit t would bo reiinhvd and Initco the I litwcr iho C value of the t battery iiohilion tlc less tIme lohs After the llict Hotlllnt and dpoan lallon I the allmes which sllll I I retain about their I own weight of battery solution thai Js eIght Ions of hllmes retain eight tnnii of solution aiv pumped to tIme noxt vat i uth tvolvo toiirt of barren Kolution from Hie iinc sump When thIs maul uttloin his bmi ayphoneil off after settling eight tuns of wash walur an added ito slimes allowed to settle and this I also syphoned olf lien the slimes aro discharged usu ally cirrylnrr their own weight of lelalncd solution which usually has a value of about 7 > cents per ton and joc to waste J he Just syphoning from thf slimes Is de canted to I the battery I solution and does not paoR directly to Uio ixtractor boxes Jhuo 1 sliiiHs imoiuiL to M per cont of tho ore oreJhc mill I will probably soon be arranged lo give lie hllmes another wash with bar ren solullon thus treating the sllmos twice with barren solution and once with wauh water This last wash water In I flead oj being ulectn cit to I the buttery solullon will bo used ai a first wash on the next lot of limes Hy tbi Improvo mout lie saving of lie I values from the bios will I be materially I Increasd The precipitates from the zinc boxes after the acid l trentnieiit yield about S2 percent of bullion which Is ajiproximatc hy 70 hhii Globules on Oil TiJ Y1CA w ho lu heavIly Interested i In thi oil Holds nnir Los Angolcs IK In the city Mr Vuloy is on his way to Col crude where Iw has recently biconiu In tereotcd lieion returning to the lima of Kiinchlnp and HoverH In will I look oven the oil Ilcldo of enutern Utah Judge 1 Jowph 1 Iuik hIlt Ci and Leonard I Lo pn who are heavily Interested Iii ol I lands hi HID San Itafaol district aue sponding n few dayw In Salt Lake 01 their way home from tin u oil I eemuvomm lent ftf Price < lnc two ffiitlcmen aro the chIef holders In the only lioiscf City < un tty vhthclu is l < lllllc < I Itu tue l oiibTcn Ilah oil llulds A Ditiidard rig capable of Stilt htl img UKM fott has been ord < rcl by tho Grand View Oil company Th < > property of thin com pa fly in I In fernery county j bIde of njon is now on tin i ground building a road to lie I place wlKro It hua br en deter mined to oink the first hole Wellcr and I latitlnrrn are iIo preparing lo liiBtall nn dlior atm muduiui rig In the t saab locality The Indiana Oil company whoso ground In H near Thompsons Springs In Grand ounty has mu t iHnnilard rig on time ground amid will begin slim In I iug hy I lu last of this iinhih Tho eomjuiny Is compDacd en hvly of I hoosIer pcoplf and come prlncl maul iy from Shelby vllle and Indianapolis I 1hi haiti liugu ol HIP I company com ImlStl WiOn urrfp which wan purehased rom F l II AvrtM of Tliompuon s Kprlngn DevelopmonV work on the oil llolils In bo nolgbborbood of Trice I Utah basi hion kept back solely from Iho Inability of tho t ill inon to t secure n hue lumber tluy ro inlre for the erection of thrlr worlsn Tlio Ni > w York and Utah Oil company whose loldlngs are on the t anticline about eight nllcs from Price have bad the machinery ma-chinery on lie t ground for some time 1 but lave been obliged to remain Idle from Hie vanl of I inn her Manager Alex Hlllslrom wis In Salt Lake a few days ago lo look it i Her an ord < r he had placed I to learned that It would be si weekn before thin material ma-terial ho required could be brought from Oregon He I I canceled the I order and jlnted It with u Michigan llrm and IB ex pcctlng hue consignment about May JOth when active work upon mite rig will begin be-gin Operations at Binghnm Tlio Pullotln telling of the week at ttlngham says The Dwry mill fired up this morning with small lots of ore In the t blnii from the 1 lmueuil ucomu toni uuliCI and Cook tones t-ones Immuumini tick lease They will be i followed t by larger lots from lie Red Vlng and Krli Iojitrnei I work In I Cotlonwond tunnel of tlio I Ierev Plu Ill nthuni ui ami Kaslern RIOIIJI will begin the 1st of him Tl Is Intuiulid lo drive lie t tiinnol nuns ln 1100 I I feet about MO lecl lo tap tIme 1 X L Unsure Other duvelopmonr work Is contemplated con-templated I i Jefre and others of Ulnglmm hitvo transfinvd I 10 O S Richardbon anj 1uncImu los flue Slarlus Kevstoiie Mabel ami Klondike mining claims consideration considera-tion 2WO Mr Richardson Iii a member of the OriulrrliHlngiiam company now operating the Slarluti group He 1 was In camp last month and hi planning to bo here again about limo Isr of July A most Important I strike of copper ore assaying I > per cent Is reported irom iho OM Jordan Tin Hen Butler sent out two cars of llrsielass ibis welt runt nnolhor lot 19 accumulating ac-cumulating In the t bins The compressor for tho I nosioii Consolidated Consoli-dated Is at lie I depot and will be hauled to tho site today l > y Dlnghnm C and L teamnum i3htmghn mu C and L loams me hauling to the depot a livecar lot of gnpil Krado cupper ore from hut Highland i > oy Consolidated Con-solidated mines Mining Notes The Ben Butler assessment becomes delinquent de-linquent todny Tho annual moellng of sliaroholdcrs oft of-t hu Little 1 Chief Mining company In nclmd nled for Juno Und by Seeretury Obcrn dorfor The dolhiriueiil sale of took In the Skylark Sky-lark of Heaver county to I satisfy an assessment as-sessment of oneeighth of a cent is scheduled sched-uled for Wednesday Grant Snydrr mite ofllclal superlntonil eat of tho Dixie mines and smelter t at Si George leaves for camp again today Tho projected Improvements should enable him to greatly Increase tho output this season sea-son Jackson McCI > rvstal superintendent of the Gemini I I of TlntU t leaves for cuni > to da > Jle 1 reports iho old producer giving excellent account of Itseli with a splendid splen-did volume oC ore with which lo begin tl hue season Joe T Cresman who has been serving the THah company as assayer at Us Dce Creek properly Juul Uncle Sam as his postmaster at Fish Springs came In fron camp on Saturday and reports the nilno In oxcellent condtlon The Joe Uoivers nsHcssment of 1 ccitt or 7000 becomes delinquent today The uucrelnry reports a largo percentage of It I already In the stocking while condl tlonH at the property encourages lie belle that It will be paid on every share Bllleo wards who has returnrn from Gold mountnin reports the town of Klmberly a very ihrlflv and lawabiding one with many new buildings and struct urcs going up and a population that t Is rapidly Improving llo I was very much pleasctl with his observations I at the I An mile Laurie mill and reports Manager Ro hOt making a golden record for tim company com-pany and himself Robert Roll tho wellknown Idaho mining mi-ning man came down from the noril r fiuintvliiv I it ifiiiY > r with hue nMi rSLmmtittiIS of an Eastern syndlcxle nmul usIll leavi In a few hays to con < lucl some OXil imultuut t bus of ThundT mniinlaln prop erlv that has alrca Iy been secured by l his clients Mr lIeu Is wll fortllled for the work as he has lived In the Salmon river country for a number of years and Is well verned on tho general geology of that whole region He will go by the Mackay Cballls route and expects to get away from Mackav by l May 17th |