Show CHAFFEE AT MALABANG General Arrives on Mindanao Island nndXs Met by Gen Davis Manila May 11Con ChafTee arrived today at Mulabang Island of Mindanao where he was met by Gen Davis The two generals with an escort at once started to ride to Lake Lanao In tho interior which they will reach tomorrow tomor-row The American forces In the Province of Uatangas in Southern Luzon have been concentrated at several towns In the province This action Is taken because be-cause armed Insurgent resistance In the province has ceased CHOLERA ON A TRANSPORT Another case of cholera has occurred on board the UnIted Stales army transport trans-port Warren jiie ship and her passengers passen-gers will be detained In quarantine for an additional five days The Warren has already been quarantined for cholera chol-era for over ten days There have been 31S cases and 710 deaths from cholera In Manila while the provinces report 710 cases and J710 deaths from the disease dis-ease The records pleading and evidence In the case of San Jose Medical college have been forwarded lo the civil governor gov-ernor of the Philippines W II Tuft nt Rome The recorls are forwarded with time Idea of their being available for Coy Tflfts use while he is In Rome The San Jose Medical college case hint boon heard before the United States Philippine commission In Manila The point contested was whether time college col-lege was owned and controlled by the United Stales government or by the church Jn the Philippines The commission com-mission referred the case to the Supreme Su-preme court of the Philippines |