Show OBEYED THE COMMAND Victim of Rheumatism Claims God Directed Her to Arise Belleville O May llAiise now1 Such was tlni command of God which Miss Belle Ullcry of this city claim she heard For yours Mlss I Ullery hat been the victim ot a form of rhcuina lism which rendered her perfectly help loss She appealed to medical scietic In vain She at lost despaired ol ovo rlbiniy from tin t bed which had held her waulud form for so many month Last nIght Miss Ullery who Is btmt 23 years old offered a fervent praye lo CJod for her relief and following lien petition t who ncard the words Aria now She ndniltu that she was surprised sur-prised by this remarkable occurrence but immediately obeyed the commnm and was more surprised to nnd limit she was nub to rise and dross Itlls Ullory staled to a reporter this morn Ing1 that she never felt better than she does at present although she Is vorj weal and emaciated She Mays that who hunts always luau the moKt profound faith in prayer anc believes the Dlvino power effected her cure In answer to hor earnest poll linn |