Show Banner sale of the season at the Lace rouse all this week Especially low prlc2s In every department Banner sale of the season at the Lace blouse J all this week Especially I low prices In every department iPnan I Mp UQ Soap S oap i J onesixth pure glycerin the best forthe toilet that human skill can produce A better is impossible tho you 0 pay a dollar a cake for it j I Use it for toilet and bath Use it on the hair I Skin and hair will be as soft c and smooth as silk S E75 JAMES S KIRK COMPANY Kirks Rain Water MakerSoftens the Hardest Water Send ten cents postage for free sample t V2riK2Ht 4 I it X 1 i I I i y QJ JJ nL L ttr BIG BOSTON STORE BIG BOSTON STORE Where Bargains Greet tho Buyers G rand 0 of 8 I Basement Were Bargains Greet the Buyer 212214216 South West Templo Openmg our ard31n 1 asemen t 212214216 So t West Temple St Sal Lake City perlng fl7 S St Salt Lake City This adds Nine Thousand I feet f of selling to this wonderful f I B CAUS Our localon and ow rcnt enLhles us to UI < elsell ny fIlm by 20 to 50 per cent is a s me 0usan square eeL 01 se 1ng space 0 1S won er u BlCAlS8 no thel slole A YWHERE Is so dlgcnl In ihe Interest of the buying public to which It looks for support r S n rhcA15JSr nothing but absolutely reliable merchandIse Is admitted here at any price that point Is of vital Import Bargain Center BECAUSE the prices we ask are the lowest known to the mercantile world in for priethat the quality we sell S Jitga1n 1 J3RCAUSE every sale that we made Is backed by an absolute personal guarantee of satisfaction to the smallest de nll BECAUSE everything Is done to promote your personal comfort while shopping and to full the most exacting requirements And so we mis lit continue to name reason after reason almost without end Is not the magnUlcent success of this immense business This is Salt Lake City FASTEST GROWING STORE WHY busi-ness enterprise a hold example of what such methods will do Arc you benofltlns to the utmost extent by the poll of this house J No really careful buyer will pass the offers we make without Investigating them J Banks dont fall every day a purchase Where Bargains Greet the Buyer God Goods Cheap Paffi cs Dont like we say this more Ls not need made we every tell you day that need It C ood G oods Cheap Is Important for you to come at once eCu WE ARE DOLLING ur ittm Every Day to secure First Choice Finest Goods ¼ L I i14 VCfl y jK U Cu J J hcst patterns Biggest Bargains arc always al-ways selected Mrst Did you ever see a dollar grow A dollar brought here this week will just about double In purchasing powe r the moment you are at the door Your Choice of Any 7 8 i More goods out of OUR NEW rG P 9 5 Our Mighty Basement Bargains STORE than wo ever expected Wean 10 We-an d 12 Trimmed Hat I cannot keep the crowds away I Is ann an-n Ou Store this week JL e I Incurable disease with us to sell cheap I I 5 SOOO yards of Remnant Print In 2 to HO large 1 61 Chenille Si Table 49c We cant help It We presume thats REMEMBER Your Choice of Hat In Our 5yard lengths per 3I4c Covers while they last b HEEIBERYoul o < nyHat OUI Store NONE RESERVED yard t 7 what draws the crowd Whispering 200 pails 51 J Pillow Shams 9Qp r 1 candidly to you we have the lergest V BICYCLES Your choice pall t Ju I idb and most complete stock of new and GOOD GOODS CHEAP 0 50 Mens and Ladles standard 1002 3000 reliable most merchandise 1 Ladles Combination Stock Collar rlIable ever shown In Wheels Your choice while < C 1 9 QR rlle n Come Everybody I 1 Come Quickly I I 1 they last I at choie l and Bow worlh up to 05c 1 HP Salt Lake and we are selling t at our Truth Hi Mighty and Will Prevail 1000 spools oOc Baby Ribbon all colors Your choice N quickshot I I I prices I I you want old The people are finding ou that when 50 yards on a spool 9Rp 2000 yards Tennessee shirting A n styles shopworn Koods that have laid we advertise a 51 l article for Hit I cents Half price while it lasts I e I on shelves for the past five years dont come to us we I weve got It This Is i what I nils our 100 11 Chenllc 41 1 1 Table 25c 5000 yards choice Outins 31 Jj t don keep that kind Some or tho other fellows do Its I t t i store with customers rain or shine Covers while they last u b Flannel I Remnants yard 3IJ C olieI This it I is that is doubling our business whie their old time high prices that do the business for them J jr3rLAM so rapidly Tell the truth the whole 1 truth and nothing hilt the truth and OUR MOTTO IS TO FORGE TO THE FRONT IN In the end you have a sure winner I THIS HOT AGE HUSTLING COMPETITION The prices C quote for a n SUIe I next week BAnOAt II NS ARE R1 PC a J You must have that determined will In your businesslike tviI are far and away In advance of any wi f iJt thing you will see 11ance You will I J fl like Cnesar Make up QU mind to burn your bridges I behind 1 J find the goods on our counters and just They are ready to pluck In every department on every floor In eery be-hind you and make retreat forever Impossible We have 1 as aisle The values vary The wisest will set here early and ho well repaid wi J represented Ihe wel ij4 cntCd for I heir coming f j nailed 1 our Cash 1 Banner over our door as Nelson nailed ic 100 doen Ladies Laun Wrappers IhelX G jurt t htl thing fur summer wear value rs If we were not sum that our clothes were better than any other clothes I t his flag to the mast determined to sink with our ship 1C 51 1folUlke sold at the same price do you suppose we could say MONEY BACK IF WE ARE NOT RIGHT 1 41 I I BY Here are prices that are world beaters t 4 C t iii 1 In While they last you get em i when they are gone 405 7075 1175 youll miss em wher I I I nOO pairs of tho celebrated Douglass 53 and 53nO For the blue iOO cclebrLed DOUtlass n same or For the same fine Riverside J Fo Ia me Rl shoes th Is week between the hours of 10 and For the same allwool black allwool clay erside every day If al worsted suit will sell these famous Shoes 01 11 and i and 4 I oclock we worsted cult that the wl sel 01 1 suit that you would elil the that you have been at r others ask S13 to 15 paying SO for elsewhere pay SS for elsewhere for else-where 269 a Pair I The Spring Suit t for f the Boy a few Dont moments buy Shoe to convince s until you you pay bow us i Islt cheaper It takes hut we arc than others 1000 pairs of Mon Womens and Chll Boys very oren are critical people drcns sample Shoes on sale this week knowing what they want and Insisting upon getting It We would anc be pleased SC Shoes for 50 J tc13 SI25 Phoes for 75 lo have these critical and their 1 clllcnl boys 5175 Shoes for 100 r 1yr7L parents know how really excellent and i 200 Shoes for 5125 Iieics a bargain unheard or in the L how very beautiful our Spring Cloth 5200 Shoes for 5150 corset world if JOOShofor 200 inS Island It Is always priced fairly for A Lucky I B U Y 5100 Shoes for 2 IS 300 boys and childrens sample suits GOO of the celebrated No 551 Royal on sale this week at the actual wholesale Worcester Corse la retail price 5200 the whole-sale price which means a saving lo Basement world over drab only on alc all this IIlce Bargains OII al week until they are gone you of at least onelhlrd A 3 suit this 300 Crystal I Cord Silk Ul 9a c week for 52 A 50 suit this week for 51 1 rysta 01 1 Such as you have never seen before A 52 suit this week for 1 1 25 Better They are wonderful bargains 00 Alaska and Golf Corsets the kind buy now when they are gone Olll bolllcy Perfume Basement lclnf 500 2c PcrCnrcHlscmcnt that you have been paying 75 cents for I t v 1J miss nin Waists worth 350 t price botle9 Lc our little price this SGc week i g 77f7 6 JJ 500 samples Mens Dress Shirts value COO 2ic Rubber Balls Basement LodL ¼ J 4ir dri up I lo 100 1 Your 49C 2ic No all while the sizes they choice a sies W Le ey 1000 He Tablets Basement price ICS ic-S SCO Ladles 7c Night Gowns Basement I Read the Little Prices S last Base-ment price v510 1 3CO Ladles 75c black Sateen P Lt Best Calico made Ic Mens I Suits allwool clay worsted 51500 S70i SSSk and Wool Skirts S coats Basement price t lc Beht I OUnce Hlveted I Overalls Me I M II allwool irmi 13c Toll Dccosmor Basement MIS Suits 5iLo 2000 yards Jovl I S Iran KM Overalls 10c 1 alwaul artR 1 I 7c Jvl S1ral ls Ien Working riblrls le SOO samples In Ladles Walking1 Skirts ment price Mens j Working Pants SOc Mens 1 heavy Shirts fOe positively every one will be bold at Your choice of any ono of our 512 U I I 2 3 50 oc Ktnbroldory Cotton OooJ fluting Flannel Ic MPUH fleeced Underwear Oc Its I actual wholesale 111C C1 75 and 510 Skirts this < CQ 75 M Q ° Basement SIOPS price 1 Mens t JloO Fur Hats 9Sc lens 5200 Shoes 145 All wool Skirts from 3 I I u week 4 > J BZsemont V I J |