Show KEARNS ON ROOSEVELT I Senator Kearns was especially felicitous I citous in his response to the toast President Roosevelt at the Keith dinner on Saturday night The Senator Sena-tor t delineated the character and public services of our President Inn in-n manner which elicited rapturous npphiusc an Indication l lhut hls bear era approved of his sentiments as well an the man President Roosevelt said our Junior Senator knows and appreciates appre-ciates ns no other Chief Executive has ever known and appreciated the needs of the people of Utah and the far West and he Is serving them and our I country as they have never before I been served The pure American patriotism pa-triotism the great courage the kindliness kind-liness and sincerity of the President he said were qualities upon which great citizenship is constructed and from such characteristics spring all of the progress and development which can come to any great country Senator Kearns then referred to the necessity of Congress and our people to uphold the I work of our President at this Mine when there are so many vexatious problems confronting the head of our nation He spoke oC the Presidents anxiety to bring to a speedy and successful suc-cessful close the sporadic warfare In the Philippines the establishment of a prosperous Republic In I Cuba and to continue the unprecedented prosperity pros-perity aL home He did not mention it by name but the Senator intimated that President Roosevelt was determined deter-mined that such unjust commprclal combinations is thc heel trust should be made to respect the rights and interests in-terests of the common people who arc close to his heart 1 What a contrast between the position and the sentiments of Utahs two Senators Sen-ators While Mr Rawlins is howling epithets on the floor of the upper house of Congress against our army which is fighting in the swamps of a faraway far-away land and reviling a patriotic and honest President our junior Senator Sena-tor is supporting our army and President Pres-ident by his words and voles in Congress Con-gress and at home is appealing to his people to assert their patriotism and uphold the work of a Just Executive Execu-tive The work of the one makes us cover our faces with shame that of the other makes us all proud of a true Utah representative |