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Show The W ntinel THE TOOELE COUNTY REPUBLICAN WEEKLY. . Stockton. Utah. Satu Jay, March Vol. IV. No. 35. 13, 1904. STOCKTON SENTINEL. PUBLISHED AT Stockton ..Utah Su'becriptlom: Ur. ed ....$2.00 One year . . . Sia months Three month .... ....Editor .klenagtr James T. Jakenian... NOTICE: During our aWnce any budnem V. N. transacted with 51 Oundry The lady will rewill be O. K. will take due the office, ceipt for uoney orders for job printing, etc. Jatr.es T. Jakeman, t Manager. r. Mrs. Chur I e. Denton If well-know- hr at Tooele. Moat of the carpenter employed nt the Honerlne mill have gone to pastures new. William Exford, painter and paper-hange- r, fcaa hen employed at his trade here for some tinv. The horn" of Mr. and Mrs. Ch-rl- ra Shelton war gladdened recently by the arrival of a baby girl. W. 1. Mltchener mule a flying tiip to the capital Inst week to re? hi father, J. P. Mltchener, who has been We are having genuine M'irrh weather windy iind disagreeable hut "Mirch wins uni April showers bring forth May flowers." at has ben inMrs. James Hlrkm-ttending her n other. Mrs. Henry Booth, during the Inst week. Mrs. It Is still unable to be around. Mr. W. J. Shelton has returned from Salt Ijnko City. .h"ra alt- - was uirer the care of Oculist 51. A. lluchs. Her r'1' imn eyesight hns Improved since aand hones ere entertained of her complete recovery. hr PERSONAL. so- Mwr' vtatd A visitor from Pat Lake, In the person of William W.M rnE the ...V Vrch wjek the ' l -. jk.Sk. Ml our n wnp,,x' ' Guy Robinson was in town Saturday and spent Sunday with his family, leaving hkomlay ii.o. iiing in,- hi miuiii-i'- ii rii. The concert given by the school wis1 and all those taking part did exceptionully well. The moving plot tires added much to the Fletiher. iranual training, Mr. supervi-n- r ns-lst- b. of1 sih-ie-l.- i con-ilitio- n. x wor-hiiK- rs d s nie on-we- l Tu-sd-- jk . 1 ,Ji-- ta f in f- - 'J I'At nni ft io on 'I rnU ivif'i nm TSVlvl l n fftpffsv tit n nldiid .cm fy !ny tha tl'f1 Mirllf ftf fbp yiMni,M.ri nintinp nt ifcir iFfi r AH). 'WIOM Afi .1' A to rf flo F'l f.nxt-Vntn- .tr.ply,nnt Tnt rkn rrr'rVftt I'' OflFf n fvyV l I" p iia--f I net fiFfifl rt' pr.Lv,IIF A llt'i VvA pfwr. nn1 tt'F HonaHrF Fill ir;,1 V'MI' . Tf TlW ip P-- 1 . r-- nt yrfcn If tl for 00 fVn lfn fcywxil -- ft trt Rtl i.f tbo honrl-nnlf- IvBftft.l f fill Mft1 ftf tl w'i v T frsi rl f i ex rn j i re-e-- theo-Frlv- 1 , r,F rvf. u' .. -) otj-.'- iriiil. CL-i'k- t Tri-t'it- : . 1 ix 1trl rt rot-11- rvirjlny tl-l- prl-di.- ntr-ili-- s T $x - th--- trir,,p r4i-i- N-.- IB.. Tooele . T' ''r.rwnv v Missouri Pacific Oregon Short Line r" i RAILWAY THROUGH SCENIC RAILROAD U. E. BVRLEY, COLORADO FERTILE B THI mBCT COKNBCnat VITH THK C.r.MT.A. D. LC.F.tT.1 THE OVERLAND ROUTE W on !! MISSOURI KANSAS x PULLMAN BLEEPING CARS, UNION PACIFIC . SPENCER. yam WHICH B THE POFULAI GOkfliMNC TO ALL C OBSERVATION DINING CARS. Electric Lights, electric Fans. Reclining chair .cars fON5fti (sears rate), BREED nnt on Dav Coacwas. COMPORT 6AFETY 201 hr lartta, TTNION PACIFIC NEXCELLED JL ROCRESSIVE MAIN ST. Tlckafs, hlfiri, 5lc.,itrm H. C. TOWNSCND, IT SBB4 RNM5VI ar ncoar iuot, st. SALT LAKE CITY. (THE OVERLAND POUTE) VTA. Theres no Belter Seivica Than that via tha UoioD Pacific i nuthdioV tiirr.ni riv.r to th. dealt with by then. In many tenjnral tiny, like .i" hinds cf r.licli.us nunilnallni's. r.y, i. t to ro.ii'k.l -- n their brethren In such things as they jthn.k will l.e for time g.i.nul wdi -. but all are lift to Ih'l? nation as t r. linking thlr witkrut affecting thilr mar.diiig in th huiih. Iruj le W ho eh dm to I. n tv h I.eMer i j Itl.e affairs of the Moriron? than they1 . . - tr . i TIME TABLE. jnre hood dictate ar.d govern their political j TOOKLE AND TINTIC DISTRICT. affairs. If suih wire th- - i -- se w- - e I j Km l uidv lvniilii pH Down. Deniocrnts, as nil 5Iormons believe In Daily, is Irg urlted. I mr a 5'ottnnr. ai.i' b- e i 4. M. Lv. !iv(d htte fur ever forty year?, and fr.r 1:00 . Pali Lake City ' s 10.. Buena Vista .. the first time I have to hrnr a men -Itiint to have th- - ri"ht to till tie hew r 3.20. .Biter 'Mid fur w loo- - I should vote, und if nry-ot( 5.40. .Garfield 4 M. .Half V had rvr-tided to. I woitil have ly .uit. ly tnd him fn miul his own liusl-r.Krda . .. J tbt I.ii, b. paid a In- how-dowould .r. r P o Iti ! in the stak nr 7 ion if the two-1- ronn'inv. nnl wer. to.Vpir.e pr, allow K to he .Mated l'1 iro lifttfi 'in o In thi ir printer, as our prish'ent. 8. fo nn to tt I'h.lpnsp. is ns stauiM-- n It. ;nil.!t- Suit Is'iVo TrUmr1. a he e'.r found. aeeurdirg to Ids j cin I ni'tli : I ( er v fnrs; Jnrre H. DlfTVTPN of Anvrlrnn Fork Citv. y Tlni". From the ennr.xelnr. won you to te'l lint Cl.'it Iie'ner:i, y Is rot the heft fir the Ti"' "l'n !,. ttn- -. ! id - at large, yon would have Fltrir ldo-!i t t r? i:A rdelt ivf,.-.v,frFii fttit vi up n a iriniiti ; and as1 t t tr a fft prl1 ! r I '!r Al,(d John Fvens, Hi stem'll f Ir T V hi h filth fr fM I fVI'-''4''ttrselr r. career tatic rv,,ftxsw O g. pijrdv f9 Mr. 1? akx for ite!r. In ftalt . cf inil pfOtd'1 tp thP tint (rows alleged .i. i? hv In Wins oiic ard nllur o. 'ihieh an pnlitba y t (I ( ' A fn fplH At fp rutn? s eot'cei-on lh to: unphirni'v fn'nh'rc. nothing but ffipitli-i- l bureli-rl- i . re nil ir. f. I : i : n k x i : 1 1 n x ; n , p.tnr rfifnlitiorn do. rhrmir,jt r.!onol Atnerli er Fink, klarcli 5. 1501. i r ANO THE VIA 5t. PauI Ry. THROUGH LINE ilvAanee Gbicugo, & The Union Pacific and Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Pan! s Eailwayi are now running Sleepers, Tourist Cars and Free Chair Bleeperi Reclining through to .Chicago. For tickets, sleeping car reservations and farther information, apply to rmm Knaa City, Saint Louis and ia tha South, South-ea- 5Ictu)!i:a to jiuinti and South west st r t .... mEsracraan PSlltUg, awsaama flO 10 lO.. Faust 25.. Vet ror . CLAUDE Ccncral Paticnfcr Agcoi f 5.40. .Bt. Jot o , f .Ajax Leaving Kamaa City at 6:30 T. M. daily, will take you to Springfield, Memphis. Ciiiitingham, Atlanta, Jacksonville and all jioiiit in the Southeast. For detailed infuriuaiion apply (a G. W. MARTIN GENERAL WEBTFNN AGENT F. A. MILLER, :t..Buehl ... 9:Zj. .Slocki in, Tiie Southeastern Limited first-clas- i- or r,PTrOTTVlTt! f ioe. to jauSus EAST saltlakb emr x; . tii nf li it ' fvr fnpiiiii'XM ff' norTTilftn'l rPAt, ftfk i r(AArv I'M! tOt bA ' 10 NtAd poFdAi'v to frs'M fa ptRFbflf i 11 1 f mi fV,rf nytn1' n I'h ;i i!i of fba rw1' WHh pra fba vtooa nrr rM'ir on ft" !! ftTm niMf, nn h?i nr- ri of o i.ftvfti yfAyi i ATBENTDrrra-AiTn- : l.r.dy r.f I'nd.r l.u ( Im nirrtir.ix y T It'.-t.ii. ...it ..i n 'm, a penalty be attached ualts a law. 'til til it y ii-tidf the is h'ok'p. nii! fur that I In dei ( an d. ttl i pceFoii b (I-- 81 t'pllf'P Cll'lpd Through Service f t l Ki-- r ,' M1 "sr 1 i!!-'- nno iSOIOMWSWSMMtWMB. ' 1 ill.-:.-- haaltt aad plsaaar to stalUsf ttssa batta whaa la Sail taka. Opsa sy sa4 atal F6r raws, folders, fraa lliwaireted booklets, eta., laqalts af yaar aaorax Hoke asset. apsetfylna tts kla Oraada route, w addwsa 1 1 taJw Uip Beetea. Through Pullman and Ordinary Sleeping Cara to Denver, without change. Free reclining chair cars. Personally Conducted Exoursloni. , . tf (t-l- ..iii-m-- Mata IkTUaNnsIVes OC aid fwlaalm Pmla DENVER OaaiMae well p.itronlsed. cl-o- plr-lt- Ta Tbm BapaiwM ud Dlatlaet Beetle m ,ae Bta la Psmhla as Hat aUHw AND REMEMBER. IN FIGURING YOUR TRIP EAST THAT THB v'lSlti-the ot nc-fKn JudaN. and found everything in llrn-r'iisThf-rIs r.ot a of and that (bo wlt evhihlt nn outtie-- . nn tie earth hut 1row that work ofand very well pl aeeil with In ts put tbxt vll rb'd It nram'n-n'l- v the pupils. th-In rtrrnfh. and that no itonb. In unity cnmvx h"t trara 'on unity ran only no niiilvtiiinr-and thnwrh 'onx of iran-po- -t Winr.-lDr. Agio-will lie lerr t for han- ith etrti.Kth of i.y oruantx it ion n ui--t will not now fche will lecture nt the city I::. 'I. y. he t kei up by all n.ovinit in the aaire un.l all are dling the propertys rxp-cltcordialy Invite 1. Mon. lav ir (tion. iy 7:::u, al o at afleriio Hi at night The m ITetMiit nrd Cavan THE HONFRINE AGAIN IN LINE. of th for ladles only, ir( T l"i ihd StntAe. in a koi.iTm! ernre, rib rfvIco R"( l ,l',n ytf A wax given in tie- ,0,.,h,; ','h:?J",nr ,h pha firtp in t lir nuikf- - biwslTll...,:.lv fi r f bf Tlinnr ' up .ror t 'b' M.' tie ldir ..v.i iPrr., ,;t taif--Tie uiturlov--on r :1, - i. licioie . " FI iv uti'd-- Ml tiV T!.. hi'Mlc i v. i y r of : , f 1n r Miiniiffb lls Ijuwprliny lhp i.M . vrry ni1.on.ini.tr mu n obt V k,,44- - m-I nrv2 rt"'li lnM,.. ell lh:.t wuul l.i dlrtates. cor.finlr.n wou. . j nn-vi A y IK- e' e W. ,nrf ,,d'rnMnn M.my iun. nt v. ii. ii4 h t n In I(n rppf' pvv Cm (lfF iliirii.g the w l.o :ill 'Idrr.s f rtuinir.g to the r. - i ( IF lnil LnlUr-day dulicK a of 1 Ti'iv'i-r- r Keii.t wir.-on (ra-Wii'-difo'iniivnl hv tv4 ligioiis F. rits'l-or.clripn tl:nt - ir I .it.. 'nn. .' i. I fj.I-It (lnllvAi'V flinty ifi'fiii.g ffxyn M'fl YMV ft- I ''i'p: ( i flmiy . and Jitix rsnns win f if ftxrt fll'et.fi iripei '..din.p1fl AT) C"f,lx., .y day n . i ding. ildi.-r.rnr thi Ir nut in (.j.-!l v . : i to v' nv I.iit w i - i. ; . fnt (HI r 1 tif.ns I 1' lu.'e thi selv.e x( ly F ," Hie I. :iv. e a )fif5(b tin f'l.in ii?ht with ll:et Ami rt . p tl btii.ii- tt to lie. tn n ii r Vii'.,i;. ntAi',N fl l OGDEN 1 fhxx halm la S Vi4 Cerarla aver aaa aa4 tar BtrM. Half a BdiUea sab toaa rf watar aamas ttiwafb tta pasta sash day. EQOirPBD BETWEEN South 62 Salt Laka City A a dance waa given In Clark's hall Thursday evening. An unusual large crowd attended and all had a good tun-:- . ed -- DAILY ' A in-x- i PLBXD1DLT FAST TRAINS tt laaMi Sanitarium D PT TP V.3i 5 DA tljKe 1 a e. nt l,t - wUMareaek of aU at SALT LAKE HOT SPRINGS Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago ''MV.n ttd- The Scandinavian people gave dance In Beer'a ha!l Friday for the of the meeting-hous- Men-autil- o-,-n f d ron-pan- tenl HEALTHFUL! Dining Cars,' service a la Carte on all through trains. " J I' "sMth-bF'Sapor- enjoyabiei Comsdlng si Ogdaa Union Dapot with all Southsra Pacific and Orsjsa 8iorl Lins Train Tbs only Transcontinental Lint waning dlrwctly through Salt Laka City. Ird.sto Nr. and. Mr... V. Hayx U UNLQVEI and all points east cUy improving very rapidly. March 2nd, a baby girl waa born to the wife of Mr. R. Halllday; inothex-anchild doing well. Utnh-Mezl-c-- in hn r" aWmMfMMMNMNN Glenwood Springs, Aspen, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Lonis, Chicago, Fm'th has returned dier's Summit ttjb litfll h er. J. A. Lttic. family ol her was of Ktudebaker's company, p.ll Tliesdsy. Mr. W. paid a visit to the county In American Fork last week. sent the im day. county Mr. Washburn Chlpmun, of the Bunk MININO NOTES. of American Fork, rj ent Saturday and Sunday In Fait Lake. E. .T. Delr. who Is Interested In the evening Bullion mine, was n visitor here this Thomas Loughncy of the week. Rubber company was here again on Saturday und Sunday in the Interest of as th" (V'-- i. Several nS thn firm. ern Fxnloratlon Co. visited our town hi' and their pmrtrtlrs lust Sundry. The new hiilbllng being erected by t Mr. Jai to Thornton's drug to Bteh'rd Oiiut. iet nlore will liatc-- a fourteen-fon- t front -- ge h of 5fontsnnri Mining take ehsrre and of In irk one rtory hiuh. The . 5fonteum-int pronrtlei addition will greatly Mr. Nsv. Tlm''iitnna growing buslnes. bf sides much-needroom fur waremfl giving Ore hen thrau'h house purpose?. be durtn the ni weak, und twill long era it will be a veritable hive of Bid fer the rock work for the Chlp-ii.rt- n Industry. company's new warc- i Th ITnnerln of oini'Von nein tn -- a pn -- olive pra.Moor of orex. i. FelR lr wn-on hut Itx ,h, after Mohnnird:tnp Hrnh- pine ruHm, o' Shinlt IntK and (TonfuHanii, (train fiinn-- l. T" "ist mnHnt-fne- mano. b-- n" SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. THE SCENIO LINE TO pi Oren I). Kelly went to Bingham last Monday, after spending a couple of yesterday. days In Zion. Cnrl hn W-- O Agent, sfifcesp e Gov. and Mrs. Wells vlsllted he suffering Mr. E. from rheumatl'm the last week. - Kw General 209, 211, 232 Deseret News Bldg. 1 March 5th. Pn-isi- ns H. A. NELSON, se Mr. and Mrs. Rlrhnrd Cnnlry went to Silver City. Utah. Inst Sunday to attend the fulcra! of the Infant son of their for, Fred flumlry, who died Mr. and 5Tra. R. M Emunda are journing at the metropolis. al - 111. tur-nlih- ed FOR FURTMBR INFORMATION WRITS TO. -a at th home 111 mother, Mr. Cuir.pbl?. indemnity Company, OF AMERICA. Iniure yourself against sickness and accidents. ... Also Life Insurance. Installment Flan. ... You pay a little each month. A'.VAAAA: three-week- LOCAL BRIEFS. of Phoenix house have betn received. So far the (ouiract, it la understood, has not been Mrs. Erath has been in the city for let. the past few days. It snow td for live days last waek In Mr. Beach hna resigned hla position American Fork canyon, and on Saturday and Sunday norning the fall wagat the mill and la leaving town. unusually heavy, according to latent reMrs. (Hidden hae learned the noble porta. game of pit. n Charles D. Hanks, the rex (lUHti Cnlettl hue ben employed to mining man anil astute flnamler, s' trip- to attend' to the Moore separators ut the turned fioin a Charleston, Heber and Park City- lust mill. Friday. He reruns all lines of bust-ne.In that seetlon to be unusually O. L. Olsen Is back from a weeks visit in Provo. He Is again at his old dull. stand in the Con. Mercur. Joseph S. Durrant has been engaged adjusting balls for electrlo The Con. Mercur I getting another In puttinginIn the i c iiii in cc of Tooinus m Ftr In shape to start in a day or so. llgiitii.g Kelly and Mrs. llannab Wild. He has Things look good around there now. abo been busy overhauling und adjusting the electric flttlnga In the. New Jlirmle White, who for some time has Gi hiiI hotel. been tuking Put Doyle's pl ice as bartender. has gone back to work at the 51 r. Edward Evans, old resident of Con. Mercur. Lehl, was here visiting relatives and Mr. Evans, (who The Sacramento stockholders that friends last week. living ut Spanish Folk for the held on to their stock now wear a bioad lias been (lx yeais, Las soldi out there and smile and may lie heard frequently to past is noting his family to Rigby, Ida., suy: "I told you so." where he has purchased an eighty-acr- e 1s a farmer Mr. Aguilar, Mr, McDonald and sev- farm. He say Idaho eral others have been put to work at paradise. ,the Con. Mercur In the pnat few days. Arlngton A Swains Comedy com;The Moore process, after no many dls--j pany played to gio-- house? here,l"t counigements. Is now working nicely. Frldny and Saturday evenings, with S iturcay natlnee. "The Lighthouse j It Is reported on good authority that Knbbtiy," a thrilling nrcnic piny In tuur will rerun e the C.eyser-JIfnio- n 1 a was hi for the opining night, bfnre March loth. It has re- endIs, w:is the enthusiastically n velvet by thri-nvvtih (he mained c'nsed fur the nudlenn, who appreciat'd the su-on account of the water pipes b ing rior work of the company. Mack frozen. Kwain, iib Dusty Walker, was a eui-rlto ev n those here who know him On Starch 3rd Janies Lymh fsll down wi ll, la ct i llncatlon of the part placing a shart thirty feet In the Daisy mine at him in the front lire with leading perhnn Wl I)lp, receiving svere and of the day. Mayirle Arlitg-t- i fatal lnjurl-- s. Ills shoulder Is severely nimiu'.ir.'i n, um Linden, gave a finished crushed end four iibt are broken. He pwtrnyii',Jtssie while Jack T. Forrister, as was brought to Mercur anil remain? 1 Conrad, was all that could bade-- j at the Crofton over night, where lie wax Harry as In fart wire the rest of the: bed, was a?nt He Dr. attended by Thayer. rnn puny. The matlr.ee was equHUy de- -l to the hospital on Friday. si'iAing of coinirendntion, and Arlngton I Sr Swnlr. are assured of especial welAMERICAN FORK. come wherever again Amerlrnn Fork Khali be favored with their show. A. W. Lggett of the capital waa a guest at the New Grant hotel on FLEASANT GROVE. ME&CUR LOCALS. 1.15 75 W. N. Oundry. WANT FT SEVERAL FERSOH of character and good reputation In aarh Stats (on In this county required) to represent and advertlao old er.iab-llshwealthy bualness houie of solid financial standing. Salary $21.00 weekly with expenses additional, all payable In each each Wednesday direct from head offices. Horse and carriage when neceraary. Reference Enclose envelitpe. Colo-niCo., Ui Dtaibuin st Chlcsgu, 106 Chicago .. flQ.40..lj)fgre n 11.00.- . Boultei Summit II .15,.Tintlc 11:19. .Matnmtth Jet 11.27. . Marrni ith T, S. WILLIAMS, Commercial Agent Second South Si. Salt Lake 1106, 17tm St. DENVER, COLO. uni-lio- II 45..I-:urek- cigieai To Cure a Cold in One Day s Msmrmth it 51.. Sliver City 4. 51. Lv Ar. Trains st Pi It Lake make dire rm-tnectlon for all pnlntx ard O (I S. W. GILIjETT. neral Paaxengrr Agrrt. J. H MOOR E. Cbmmerclal AgenL Tala Laz-ntiv- e Sevan MilDon ic"tarmma era.-- - sotti Bromo Quinine tn 13 TfclS post norths. y rtEtaainiiBMasBWjr Tablets. sFgnntnre, Cures Grip fa TWoDtyi, rmn aeMimare.xrfij.. cn every box. 25c. |