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Show her father followed ua Into the timber. Aa 1 drew near the epilate walking bealda her father, ua singly on tbe beat of terms, Mande at me. started slightly, while a rosy a blush auffiised her cheeks. Mr. Introduced ns aa If we had never met before. In a moment he rmslderately stepped to the horsea' leads to attend to the harness. Maude whispered: Why, Ralph, what has happened to papa? Haa he forgiven our youth?" , It waa a bright May day and the fallblossoms clustered la ing apple Maude's hair, making a pretty picture, as ahe sat there amlllng. I went back to town in Mr. Pemberton's carriage and sent a good story to the paper, but the moat Interesting events were omitted. We were married the next Christmas. Mr. Pemlierion Is a grandpa aow, and my wife and I sometimes listen ns he tells the children a story about a newspaper reporter who oonld find lost money better than the man who hid It I sometimes think ha helped hide It," he often adds, to hoodwink n certain old man I know Into the belief that he found It and Incidentally to get the old man'a daughter." IN A PAINFUL SITUATION. & Distinguished Traveler Victim cf M Intake of Bell Bey. . The train on which the ilstla gwfshed citizen wee traveling Cor the purpose of fulfilling a lecture engage ment was lab and he arrived at hie dastiaa..on only an hour or two before the time appointed for the meeting. He went straight to a hotel and was duwo up o hla room. He was tired and dusty. Boy, he said, bring me a whisk." The boy went to execute the mission. and a few momenta later a committee from the local society under whose auspices ee was to appear sailed upon him In his room. He was conferring with the committee when tue boy returned, bearing a tray containing a glass of water anti a smaller glass with a red liquid la 1L What's this?" he demanded. It's the whisky you ordered, sir. 1 didn't order any whisky!" as I ordered a whisk broom!" gasped. But every member of the committee repreeenting the Turkeyville Total Abstinence Society will believe to his r dying day that the distinguished got exactly what be bad ordered on that occasion. Matsu is unseatin'. There's a eong for the man who lucky and bold. For the man who has fats on his side: There are cheers for the folk that are Jingling the gold And are drifting along with tha tide But the man who Is striving to get is the land And facing the hungry waves crest. We uulie overlook, for wo dont uniiur-stan- d The fellow that's doHig hla best Is Fem-berto- But ha has hla rewards when the story la done. Though se amle as ha plods on hla way. Is the prise ha For hla own has won. As obscurely ha's stood In tha fray. And he knows tha affection of home and of friends And the pleasure of honrat-earne- d rest; T liars are iwaca and good will, as Iks twilight descends. For the fallow that's doing Ills beat. Washington Star. self-estee- m lec-ure- A Physician's Advlco. Yorktown, Ark., March 7th. Dodd's Kidney Pills must not bo confounded with the ordinary patent medicine. They are a new discovery, n specific lor nil diseases of the Kidneys and have been accepted by pbyalcinnn ealy after careful testa in extreme a see. Dr. Leland Williamson, of this pine heartily Indorses Dodds Kidney Pllla as a remedy for the varl-eu- s forma of the diseases of the pains In the back, soreness la the region of the Kidneys, urine and cloudy or thickened condition of the urine, discharges of pus r corruption. Oout, Rheumatism, and Congestion of ths Kidneys and all kindred complaints." Continuing be says: I oonld mention many cases la which 1 have prescribed Dodd's Kidney PUIs with success. For Instance, Mr. Robert Weeks, farmer, malaria, haematurla or swamp fever three ttmea, kidneys weakened, continual pain and soreness In back, which made him very nervous, had n little farer and somatimes chilly, Urlno changeable, but generally very an old chronic case who had taken much medicine with lltMe effect After taking Doddn Kidney Filin about six weeks he was entirely eured and had gained fifteen pounds ta weight The Inst time I saw him he was the picture of perfect manKid-say- s, g high-colore- d, A REPORTERS GOOD FORTUNE y CMABLICO ADSriM IIABM.ET j ; AnHpM. MM, If Til Autktr I NUliMg CMgMf I was kneeling on n carpet of forest leaves, dropping twenty-dolla- r gold pieces Into my hat as an officer of the law cheeked them off. While In tho midst of this unusual occupation 1 heard n slight rustle at my side. and. looking up, beheld Rolllu Pemberton gasing down at me. I had not seen him for five years, and at parting our relations were not cordial, but he addressed me In n tone of voice which he Indicated that whatever may have borne me had disappeared In the lapse of time. I returned bis salutation and went on dropping gold Into my hat followed by other metals and paper currency to the amount of five thousand dollars. Then 1 arose to my feet brushed the leaves from my elothlng and calmly surveyed my audience, which consisted of a man In shackles, two officers and Mr. Pem- but 1 know that it was left In this forest," waving his bands In no particular direction. You can realise( that this was very Indefinite Information. However, we started out, one officer and the prisoner going In one direction, the second officer took another course and 1 strolled away by myself. I had but little f Jth in the story of the alleged penitent prisoner and less hope of locating the stolen money. I had made up my mind that the prisoner was attempting to play a sharp trick seeking an opportunity to escape. 1 picked up a stick ns 1 started and berton. Five years before I had left Mr. Pemberton's presence after a rather stormy interview. In which his daugh- ter Maude and myself were principally Interested. I had nought bis consent to our marriage. He stormed and raged until I feared that he would topple over from heart failure. "You are too youug to think of such a th'ng hood.as marriage!" he exclaimed. It Is Go away and stay fiva preposterous! Japa Are Sturdy. You are both mere children! Heart disease and nervous prostra- years. Well, I went away after an undertion are almost unknown among the with Maude. We were to reattributIs This standing Immunity Japanese. ed to tho equanimity and cheerful-O- f main faithful though the heavens fell. We half way admitted, however, that the the old gentleman was right ask Vmv P tor lee Alisa's I Joined the staff of a progressive A powdsr. It mats ths fast. Curas Carat, dally, and In the course of time city Baaioaa Swollen, Sara, Hot, Callous, Aching reached a place where I could count Naila. Allen's Feet and I 8 Foot-Eoe- o, , egro wing Foot-Eas- e makes naw or tight shoes easy. At all Druggists and Shoe stores, 25 cents. Accept no substitute. Sample mailed Fsax. Address Allea S. Olmsted, La Roy. N.Y. westing Beats With Class Bottoms, Sleasa launches with glass bottoms are now at the service of those who wish to view the marine growth bout Catalina Island. California. Wra. Wlustows Soot King Byrne. k Ml Ursa SssUUss. tofteas ths gums, radooM Use. aMMsswa.11 elsa anna, Stoahsuia. All Want Mensy. "Money," says London Judy, "has ta la oontempuoua torma, nuch as dirty money, filthy tacrei mere droaa, and eo on, but we an remember the fable of the fox and the grapes that were sour." Boon roforrnd PUTNAM FADBLESS DYES do not tala tho hands or spot tho kelUn, ex-ss- groea and purple. THE ANTIQUITY OF CHESS. Same Flayed for More Than Five Thousand Years. Chess, aow being played between ocean steamers by means of wireless telegraphy, la tho oldest of games, and E la a striking contrast that It offers Itself for easy operation to the latest triumph of modern vcler.ce. It was generally assumed until now that the undent Indians bad Invented chess, that it was Introduced from India to Persia tn the sixth century by the Arabs, and that In consequence of the arusades it spread from East to West. It la true the Chinese who Invented many things In time long gone, but in Euwhich had to be rope assert that they can true chess ta their own country to about two hundred yrrs before our era. Now there oan certainly be no doubt In the character of the figures at present need, and In some of the words with tho game, an Indian, Per Man and Arable influence Is traceable: Excavations on tho pyramid eld of Snkkara some time ago brought to ligbt n wall painting, on which a high official in represented as playing chess with n partner, at the time of tho government of King Tetn, who belonged to the sixth dynasty. Prof. Lepslus formerly assigned the reign of that monarch to about the Prof. Brugsch. cor pear t700 B. rooting this chronology, puts It bsek to Still greater antiquity, to tha year ISOO B. CL, so that chess would faava been known In the once mysterious land of Mlxrnim something like 8,200 pears ago. on good assignments, requiring penetration and perseverance. One night a brief telegram cam in from a fifty miles away. It was from a friend of tbe paper, and said: Bend a man to Bowllngton at once. Good story for right man. Sensational!" An hour latsr I was on my way to Bowllngton by rail, and by daylight 1 waa at ths city prison, the most likely place, I thought, to pick up the scent of the story I was after. Just ns 1 arrived two officers were In the act of bundling a man In Irons Into an express wagon. After a few guarded Inquiries I Isarned that an old gentleman had been robbed of five thousand dollars ths night before In tho principal hotel of the town, and that two suspects had been arrested ten miles away and brought back. They hid nothing on their persons to fasten the crime on them, but, nevertheless, they were thrust Into prison at the county eat Finally, one of them weakened and offered to conduct the officers to the ' place where the money was secreted. This they were on tho point of doing when 1 arrived. I managed to Join tho party with the expectation that I would get back In time to gather tbe town end of tha story and ton -- con-aeote- d I fait something spongy." put It on the wire for the next Issue of the paper. When we reached our destination It turned out that the prisoner did not know exactly where tbe money was bidden. It was somewhere In a fifty-acrtract of woodland with a heavy underground. The hiding had been done tn the darkness of the night before by the accomplice of the man with ua. When we rerched tbe top of a high hank on the edge of the forLightning and Water, est. the accused man stopped and j It ta practically Impossible to cause exactly where Si electric spark of high olactroroo-Hv- o said: "I do Is.not Itknow Is somewhere tn force to leap from on surface of the money For this reason this wood. We entered on this side. B liquid to another. ft Is rare that lightning atrlkoa the My pal had the money and secreted I did not see where he placed It tarfses of water. a e tt Maude had remained at tha roadside In ths carriage. used It as a cane for some distance. 1 had not gone a hundred yards before I noticed a broken weed with the top lying In the direction 1 was going. A little further along a severed vine furnished evidence that some human being or a lower animal had "assed along that way shortly before. I followed the direction of these signs. A heavy ahorer had fallen late in the night, and had obliterated any evidence cf overturned leaves. 1 bad not of proceeded the distance through the timber when I noticed a peculiar looking bump beside a cluster of bushes. I bad been jabbing my stick into hollow logs and other placea likely to be chosen by tho thief. The hump which I have mentioned did not seem to Invite Investigation; the rain had beaten the leaves down and they looked If they might have been undisturbed for a year, but aa I passed, 1 poked at the little elevation In a mechanical sort of way. I felt something spongy; I scraped the leaves away and thera lay a canvas bag! I at once called the other iremberi of tbe party to my aide before I removed the bag from Its hiding place. Then at the direction of the officers the bag waa opened and tbe money counted, the value of each piece being noted In a mall vest pocket book by one of ths officers. Tbe full amount of five thousand dollars was there. This was the nr'ney I was dropping Into my bat. piece by piece, when Ilollln Pemberton came up. I did not know that he was Interested In ths mstter and had no idea how he came to be on the scene that place being a thousand miles from his home. The officers lock charge of the money and we turned back toward the highway. Mr. Pemberton fell In at my side and we walked away together. Ralph," he said Ralph Walton la my name-af- ter an embarrassing pause, that waa well done." I assured By the merest acrldent, him. 1 had no more Idea of finding thst money than I have of flying to Ch'na this moment" "Well, I feel escler over It. at any That was about rate," he went on. the size of my pile of ready money." Then came my turn to be surprised. Yours," I exclaimed. "How does that come about? I am the old party who was robbed." Mr. Then came the explanation. Pemberton and hla daughter had started for a distant part of the conn-tr- y to purchase some property. Ms had carried that money with him In order to pay cash. He had been traced by two robbers and his money stolen. He had heard of tbe attempt to recover the money and together with hla daughter had followed In a car rlage. Maude had remained at the roadside In the carriage which was drawn up under an apple tree, while one-fourt- h HARE AN ELUSIVE ANIMAL. WESTERN CANADA'S In Anothsr Tangie. "By Jove, eld chap!" said Mr. Makto-brakewith enthusiasm, "year wife must have been a mighty haadaeme woman whan ahe was young. Even In all these years she hasn't changed so much though, of course, It couldn't have been many years since aha was young and hand but when you come to think how little It takes to mala same people look old, you know, you wonder how ahe manages to conceal the ravages that isn't exactly want I mean, but ahas the youngest looking woman for her for her have yon got a match? My dgar hue gone euL Chicago Tribune. Farming Very Bmnaefoi. Northwest Canada le usually meant tha great agrteultural country west of Ontario, aad north of Minnesota, North Dakota, aad Mem tana. Part of R la agrioultaral pralri treeless la placta, park like ta ethane part la genuine plains, wall adapted to eattle ranches; part iwqutraa Irviga-tkfor successful tillage, meet cf R does not The political divisions off this region are tho Prov!au af Manitoba aad the territorial district of A slnlbola, Saskatchewan. Alberta aad Athabaska. At present however, the latter la too remote for immediate practical purposes. The general character of the mil of Western Canada la n rich, black, clay loam with a clay subsoil. Seek a soil la particularly rich la food for tho wheat pleat The snbeoll le a day, which retains the winter frost until tt k thawed out by the warm rays of the sna and drawn upward to stimulate the growth of the yowng wheat, ao that even lu dry seasons wheat Is u good crop. The clay soil also ratlins the heat of the sun Inter ta the summer and assists In the early ripening of the grain. It Is claimed that cultivation has the effect of Increasing the temperature of the soil several degrees, aa well aa the air above It Western Canada climate la good eold In winter, hot in summer, but with cool alghta. Violent sterns of nay kind are rare: Tho rainfall ' not heavy. It varies with places, but aver ages about 17 Inches. It folia naually at tha time the growing crops need It The Department of the Interior, Ottawa, Canada, haa agents established at different points throughout tho United States who will be pleased to forward an Atlas of Western Canada and give such other Information as to railway rate, etc., as may be required. That agriculture la Western Canada pays is shown by the number of testimonials given by farmers. The following is an extract made from a 1st ter from a farmer near Moose Jaw At the present time I own sixteen hundred acres of land, fifty horaes and a large pasture fenced containing n thousand acres. These horses run out all winter and come in in tho spring qnlte fat A man with money judiciously expended will make n competence very shortly. I consider In the last six yean the Increase la tha value of my land hna netted me forty thousand dol1r." By Western or ff'll T a Oats. Balm's New National Onto yielded la UN in Mich., MS bu In Me.. 155 bills N. D- - MS bu., and la M ether states from 150 to SOS bu. per acre. Now this Oat If generally grown In IBM, will add millions of bushels to the to tbs yield, and mllllone of dollars farmer's purse. Try It for IBM. La Seed Potato and Alfalfa Clover re-l- et growers In America. Halsera Spelts. Beardless Bariey. Home Builder Corn, Macaroni Wheat, Pen Oat. Billion Dollar Ora as and Earliest Canea are money makers for you, Mr. Fanner. just sin RESOUBCID. nil Bones axe 10a In stamps to John A. Salser Seed Oa, La Crosse, Wla, and receive In return their big catalog and lota of farm seed (W. M. U.) Writer Telle of Charm of Hunting samples. 8mall Creature. Danish Apartment HeteL To my notion, there la a peculiar la Copenhagen an apartment hones charm about trailing a hare, writes has bees opened containing twenty Edwyn 8andya in February Outing. In five aultea of four rooms each. Thors the first place there la a anperb uncer- Is only one kitchen .and meals are aeat tainty abcut where you will locate the ap by the dumb waitera. The coal beast If it knows where it la itself. of a suite, with meala and care of ths You find a freah track, and If wlae, rooma. Is about $225 a persoa a year you follow it In what apparently la the wrong direction, and then well, To Cure a Cold la One day. All yon Just keep on following. Some- Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. ref uml mousy If it fails to cure d&o where, perhaps only a few yards to draggiate one side of where you struck tho American Stationery In Favor. track, la the other end, and, of course, American atoilonery la being more a hare. You acquire wisdom concernmore appreciated In Europe. Ausand ing this small technicality later pos- tria exports n large quantity of paper, sibly hours later but that does not of but really good letter paper la exnecesaltw spoil the sport. It may be scarce there. Pens, pesells tbe track is first found In a briery ceedingly and erasers of Austrian manufacture thicket which hampers all the rising are likewise Inferior. ground, marking the edge of a great wampy woodland. It la easy In fact I Se set believe Flash Core for OwsmySN almost too easy. The hre loves Use aa equal for eougha and colds. Jobs F swampy woodland, so, of course, he Boras, Trinity Springe, lad., Feb. A, USB merely has skipped for a trilling disACT MUCH LIKE MEN. tance along the rim, ns It were, of the and squatdepression, then gone down ted under some handy log, from Hermit Crabe In Fierce Fight After Spoil le Carried Off. which shelter you will bounce him A In a British periodical dewriter within five minutes. Theoretically this Is sound; practically It Is a 100 to scribes aa encounter ha saw la a 1 shot on an utterly unreliable tip. large aquarium at Brighton. Ho was Youthful Alderman. Impulse prompts you to slant down watching some young herring swimMayor John E. Andros, the reeeetly toward the swamp at once, to Jump ming about clou to the bottom of the Mm from somewhere, promptly knock task, when the daw of a hermit crab elected ehlef magistrate of Tonkera, YMm over and be done with It This suddenly shot out and caught one. N. - will preside over the youngest The capture had, however, been seen body of aldermen In the country. The will save useless pottering over foolthe by another hermit crab, which at ones average is less than twenty-eigh- t , ish tracks, and also some valuable twenty-onesad Just being n claimed yoangest share, and n moat nmnaing time. chau begun. Unable alone to achieve tbe oldest a trifle over forty. hie object No. 2 went off, but presentSkate Bailing. How's This? There la nothing new In the Idea of ly returned with a friasd, with whou Wo wtwr Osa HaoSnd Dollars Bawirl hr sag It a eucceeded la caphelp affecting mm of Catarrh that saaaut bo sanO by HUrs skate sailing, says Dan Beard, In ture; But the chau had aroused the Coiorta Cora. F. J. CHXXKT U CO- - Totem O It la aa old ns skates, and Interest .Outing: at the hermit-cra- b tbo odonlgaoS. baro kauwa r J CkMf colony, and Wo. dates back to the time when our anibohut IS ysora.oaa bolters blm forfoetlrbua from fifteen to twenty of for preuntly prabM la all boolosss inasarihras aad Ssaoslidf cestors with bones of animals bound bkSrm were engaged in n furious battle ablate salty ! my sMlgaihwo mutely to their feet spread their ample clonks them Waldiso. Kush a MtBTIB for the herring. Then occurred the Wbulsnls Droggtau, TuteSo, O and allowed the wind to waft them moot Bairs CBtanb Cara Is ukta loteraolly, oettef amusing episode of alt Out of ilraetly sous lbs Muud aad teusum sorfooss uf lbs over the surface of the Ice. e tha mass crawled yuan. Trsilmuolsls rnai frao Frtsa H mate ya there struggling But since that time the art has Souls. Bold br all Drascltu. hermit crab, dragging tho body, tone Taka HsU'i Family Milt Ijt progressed, keeping pace with the whnt ellapldated by now, of the herevolution of the modern steel skate Bey Giant with which It quietly retired bering, from Its rude bone ancestor. Some hind n rock Ita comO errata medical paper reports out of of A eight time In the 80n skate sailing was first panions and proceeded to make n that at a school Inspect loa in drandora-burbrought to the attention of the genwhUe nil the othera continued aa eight year old boy was eral public by a series of articles upon meal, to fight whe weighs 126 pounds and this subject which appeared In various five feet three end one half stands we famithen became periodicals, and Had Adventurous Voyage. Inches. Tbo young prodigy la phyeb liar with the Danish square' sail and Exploits In navigation by small bout cully and meuta.iy wall developed. topsail, the long donble, or two-maare extending to eastern Europe. IP all of the Norwegians; the English non Btrabrovaky, n BIBIew Dollar On hardy Rsulan Whoa we Introduced this remarkable lateen anil, with the mast made fast fisherman of Odessa, hu accomjust grass three years ago, little did we to the skater's leg, the handsome plished the fest of navigating alone e dream it would be the meet talked --ad iamond anil Invented by Charles mull ulllng bout from that port grass la America, the biggest, quick, Ledyard Norton and many others of aerou tho Black sea to Coastaatlao-plhay producer ea earth; but this has minor Importance. pass and buck, putting In at Coaataosa eema toEditors wrote about Agr. Cal-Agr. As a rule, the foreign designs are ns tad Sallua oa tha return voyage. One Frefeesore lectured about It Agr. lege as and much clumsy. Impracticable puullurlty of the adventure la that Institute Orators talked about It while out of date ns the forma of govern- Btrabrovaky navigated without n com-pn- In the farm heme by the quiet fireiUq In tha corner grocery. In tho village ment under which they flourish. dultring that tho stars ware postoffleo, at the creamery, at the deenough. He received n sum at fiflOff pot; In fact wherever farmer gathered, Sailer's Billion Dollar Grass, that tar his exploit About Rata. wonderful grasi, good for i to 14 tons Dr. Danyas of the Pasteur Institute per acre, and lots of pasture besides, ON A RANCH. In Paris finds that rats can contract la always a theme worthy of the farmer's vole. a special disease to which other anThen comes Bromus Xnermla, than Women Found the Food That Fitted imals are not exposed. He has sucwhich there la no better grass or betHer. ceeded In obtaining the bacillus of ter permanent hay producer on earth. A newspaper woman went oat to n Grows wherever soil Is found. Then the disease. It Is necessary only to soak bread or grain In a bouillon of Colorado ranch to rest and recuperate the farmer talks about Balrer'a Teo- -l which will produre IN stocks the microbe culture and'allow the rat and her experience with tbe food sinte, from one kernel of seed, 11 ft high, la malto eat It when they contract the j IN probably la worth recounting. day, rich In nutrition and greedily The woman at the ranch waa pre- eaten by cattle, hogs, etc., and is good ady and uaually die within five to for It tons of green food per acre, twelve days. A number it experieminently the worst housekeeper I i Victoria Rape, which can be grown ments have already been made with have ever known poor aonl, and poor at fic a ton, and Spelts at 20a a bu- -I both great food for cattle, also come In mo! tbe new method, especially In the sewthe discussion "I simply had to have food good for their share InlOo ers of Paris, which are full of rata, ariwri lest ibxd and very good results have been ob- and plenty of It for 1 had broken and this notlca to John A. Baxter Beet tained. It waa proved during the exdown from overwork and was so weak Co., La Crouse, Wl., for their big catperiments that the young rata are the I could not alt up over one hour at a alog and farm seed samples, (W. M. UA moat sensitive to the action of the time. I knew 1 could not get well unOnly One Chance to Do Good. less I secured food 1 could easily dimicrobe. The new The following sentiment haa been culture Is coming Into practical uae gest and that would supply tho greatvariously attributed to Stephen Oral-let- , est amount of nourishment In Paris and especially at the Bourse Sir Rowland Hill and to Edward "One day I obtained permission to 4e Commerce, where It Is used to proCourtenay and the earl of Devon, and M through the pantry and nee what 1 tect the deposits of grain. could find. Among other things I ta eald to have been Inscribed upon 1 exthe tombstone of the latter: rams across n package of Grape-NotWith Foolish Haste. pect to pass through this world but With foolish haste we rush from May which I had heard of bnt never tried. onca. If. therefore, by any kindnoea To struggle madly In the fray: I read the description on the package Wo seek to beat the brasen Ron. and become deeply Interested, so then I can show or any good thing 1 can To pit ourselves against the strong: As If the chance might fade away. end there I got n aancer and some do any fellow being, let me do It now. af Its day We rob sweet rhl!dhr-oLet me not defer It nor neglect It cream and tried the famous food. And leave the laughter and the gay. to momenta that youth belong. Clad It tasted delicious to ms and for I shall not pass this way again." With foolish haste. Beamed to freshen and strengthen me ua to beckons ether Oroya Iwoot Powders for OkMam stay. Love sweetly so I stipulated that Orape-Nut- s But. rushing off. we answer nay: greatly Snccemfally Died by Mother Gray, aueva From laughter and from love and song in the Children's Home in New York, care be cream and each In provided day the to throng. struggle Wo go Instead of other food, and 1 literally Constipation, Feverishness, Bad Stomach, And end by aink'iig In dismay. With foolish hast. and cream for Tsethisg Disorders, move and regataM the lived on Grape-Nut- s 8. E. Kiser. Bewail aad Destroy Worms. Over MM two or three months. testimonials. At ill druggists, 25c. Ssmnle 1 could seen If have how fast you Baths In Schools. FREE. Address A. SLOlmsted, La Roy.N.Y. would have It well pleased aad All new schools In Switzerland have got Searoh for Starfish. surprised you. I am now perfectly a portion cf the ground floor appro y Bom emwell and strong again and know exgreat ahlpa are class Each bathe bntha. for printed how I got well end that waa oa ployed almost wholly la eeeklng foi actly summer and a once fortnight about Qrapo-Nuttarfiah apecimena In deep sees, and that furnished me e powwinter. Soap Is used and a warm erful food I oonld digeet and make use there are kindreds of men who apond Lath la followed by a cooler one. Sick a portion of their time In collecting of. children and those having skin disU me to seems no worker itnrflah In tbe interests of science brain eases are excluded. eon afford to overlook Grape-Nut- s Many of tho apecimena collected by Name are taken from depths of ont after my experience." given ihlpa In New York. Autos and even two mllee. Tho pleasure by Poet urn Co., Battle Creek, Mich. There are 2.835 licensed automobiles Get the mlntatnre book, "The Rood which thoao fish withstand at thli in the stole of New York. le YeilvtUe" ta each pkg. lagth ta N oourso vory grout pro-seate- d double-d- e it u, I I e to-da- a |