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Show NIGHT AND DAY. I The Tnlted Kingdom now consume I AAL T.'ICK VAi CEA2L fMt CHAMirN F03L year.! nn of worth liana a Tba iniicjilrr lint ,r uik and Tliilr In-- la I Bea T1 of in'iiiy Unit there's (Mb Mi.iri, t1, ItasTj T1 Now. on a !M. ui bnorcnt, iwtrl day it dfJ. t'l.i-iCruel Tralnluk. v Wenw it 11; 'I of the Ilia hkuil. e.i:u.- - from Dark night ha. siam (nr in her bad. The tawny mjit ana ill to Mend ' ' lh. 'i i ,i i l ;.ir at nthi rs wbra The difference In the price of tobac- the Canary ly'.iul and the b'tl.inec aV-.Il irry I", ivi, O, Moon art a. titnt to kili a to ted! I' pun the J.i i lie noo. J. m:in I a,-T!uv fluh 1 wouid ahe lived, aaid he. Put oat tu light, said ho. co. matches, groceries and so cn hi III from the West Lim.tn ilSrd :i Wo::.b the ," Tiitj . :'(! tlu.. think l ha I wuca Ihey1! the lm;frts Indies, hralur and the Spanish territory tin thl latter source It no tl: CVy I .ii?. lien iCiv i'y A swatter light than ever rayed of hvuiirr lien, bcii.g the grunlti of bail AT iiilier fnos shond howl; median !y adjoining It ! accountable u p;:!'i: at Go I. From alar oi heaven or eye of maid for IV lorir-- dr-i- is ami 'oveiV r'ymes, fin' wlio tlii-- k Hie sun's got Tl",n Baa raniahed in the for the Tiiron .oi:li 01 i!rery l antorninira n , rly three tliaJa IF death was actirliy of the con- thf past three y ear. Din h t riitlie-- s fniil bhea dead, ahe'a dead, aaid be. Come back, O Day! sail1 . traband's: tn tl,se parls. ThPir iiov-rrlresnlti-line to paraiyi.;, wbHi from fii'i thrre's "no kind of fool thats worse d.duey Lanier, livla fThat Hie i d.;V 'ivcce between a poi. his daily tt evident from their way of s'! the iel p; founaiu-- of a feat known fi ii' t'o- - foo! who he'! what bo The average country man's !t!flan d a sl.i'csir.aii? ing. ns tl-- : I tri-- k. Lite The ilWn-i'if lie rnn'd on!v bo This feat of dwe'iio,-- is a wec.Mier'oea'en. straw-built- . Sieah?r lire of driv111 s.ite sc's shot's. la well hut. In a ing nn nwl or !. r !vtr-- i ln!vnit"'iit e Is a recent atm. her. ' iqown. w ho go and drowa tboss- one, ln:n b's rk"it. wl li a!!c p ur. There's f .:(,(,r ;, n mf-f- i the half wjk-- lr!og.vvl: A p dl.lclan wishes forte ed tl ' d;'l!y ntt I :i, the donr-vsrs a h".'!-- . . When ? ssv no -t- hry a'pnso th. people o do vo s riiiu rru'.,. Will! at a tarvr.l donk'-y- s f- - I from a mat-treMr him; a cui'd-i'- t m:h iar:i to !o -V ' "oas a- out eu : i' knows. f in does o:i:o.!.ing for the p;o-pifir:i:an r H-n loir. un-nn- - T'" i'' loo's wlm ih'ik wlist they beliovo the h'Vs. nn th by nwl a'reek THE TRUE STORY OS ' a" tl'ti's true; t'-- i some STOLEN Ill Onvs nr bir.I b'V. dvlving It S fir '"i th',-- w'- - i t!'r:r digestions bad 'ivava Iaes, tt Into TIoe hlg, th hi 1is.l ii'il that Tl wnr'd's end has comet l A enr'v-- s of the Rier war hr-- i to. Ill c WV!I hi'v to '!! with snrb as thes d:M Ills eiill-- e 'liirclre." mV ac evcuc ! -s hut Is . riioM. a ' from in vev'oRuralaw. At raraTcr.i-1of bp(-ire was I! nt:' H. Furjry. EMERY, By M- - f1 m th fool who tel! how ho ,. -- top- on tt-at h'-- h tide. In that here, ni-- nfter a ilrinkirg trongli unl moved o tlid rle if I cond ony bo -"- I!-' betb-vert -- 7! a nt s' In ii'"M be the 3 j a to,", shoes. In some one it wr f.iCtaln have erected In t t a (How are you':), aaid I entirely different nieaniuj to the Chi-- ! tl"y sWm rvmve from nme on ot I'hirago Record ITcrald. would tel--of durand wounded j k'lled Itni-n'- a fhe t t1"' ''T- - p" H'pY e" mid tills iv.na to I, at Wong Wu Foy was ueae uilnd. Tena of thousands of Chi-- 1 i u wnr from 1WI, e.1 ! neae women are born simply o be sa-- d to cn announced Irg the ?ie?:h . eousiiliitlon. way i 1 r"-- 'i H of rn-i- . tj n.rj. ene vl'i a answered Wong. n cause of wl.t.'li tiny h" was friends." Few of thus- - brought to th Wh" a bo id In no Blender a own lile America waterproof claaiilng knew nothing." imiK'pad Tt no's ?"!1 occupy a higher position. trahnrd. to if The e'iir'op of hand by way of salutation, With iio hand in the shap.iig of their s'ranp-sit foot---n I that ' "fnt of .trtl-- iA thr In tut not removing the closely fitting destiny, they usually accept ihe Ineviden Involves e "t of d" h'a ir' Science lias been at pnlus to pror!a!m ont to sea skull cap that hid his nicely braided table without question, It Is our an- tia fry li-ton of h! n are were fr 1 In The msn is "raty tn:ii' o -- v o1 - wit'-'"id on tl'-- lr that a itiw treated with kiinluess gives had an- queue, for Wong was too well veraed cient custom, it Is our Chinese way." thrown In with a m'-rlClio xocs it hard" kweauso In Oriental etiquette to ever lift bis li.i suing is nssisiij Two weeks later Woi-- brought hla f"d n frivpl rt the shore, nn more milk than one of equal capacity to make a neglaeted or treated with bnreliueas. -- y. was (lit r ns tor for til faf. iiy gravitation heathen sweetheart and placed her In 1"s nro"e 1v bat l'iii'ailclphis Press. I flA fi") Itnsiettfl'lfi I bllng Lichee, a few," continued my cure. She v.as bright and attract- hrellne til"'" bp ,it Science sometime does the unnecesBrown certain fiinlth fcliaw "Thnt end of was Into chair. a sMes three w'h Wong, sinking slowly quarter ive, spoke and read English fairly eni,g sary. It la not left to this late day to sknl. Ittiih-k- , nearly k ernmn-IMo- o. ly lias a wonderful inrnuir)." Jones of "Miss Ellery like Lichee?" producing well, and aeeuu-- perfectly at home in fk fw-pf-ip that so? fiinlth Yea. Why. hr 'efo thin a who'esoe demonstrate that kindness Is the toin-at, m a box of selected nuts from the long, her new aurroumllngi. fibe listened All th! 'rs-vi ,Mt for which "Is to leave his ambrek alw " a eetl-ays of nature which to of makes whole or tbs natd hla S"" of of prrenna hsv pride sleeere passing auylxly stiffly quilted gown. with deference to all I had to say, blit ded ttnnn W of Mt'na strve!it,l". D .a at home so as e not to forget and "Since I've learned to eat them, yes," absolutely refused to he married In wh"e en trns, world Lin. rise." Chicago leave It Boiiirwli'-ri-' I answered, accepting the gift, and Chinese cosiiiuie. Her CpenVnepn nanlB eontif'r d'seov. mt tin n- d- -r h could oat News. d nt ten snfflo-to or kill nine breaking the thin shell from a pulpy, tnnle and trousers must " on t'l" neutral groiimt br the Reek An Eastern judge has decided that a lalsln-lln- e nso r Mamma' "Oh, see. Willi, your Hl-tlmn. T-- hootat be exchanged for American clothes; hnrl"d t?""nre. I" the stisne of tobacnut on nimle to rt promises a Sunday co aan-'ab Isnded marry wap and that brother ran stand all alone. Arent we before to snlr't "Now, Wong, begin hs hen only her jade alone earrings and silver-tippe- d r mir prat" with you glad?" Willie (aged slxi "Burel iiM to ( with a view to Its are not binding. And out of the Lainhno bracelets were retained, st n!ght and study, tell me all about that button c v reae". T n"sti drn! Now t can get Uni to hold an apple oa you wear, and what the Chinese papers together with the jeweled darts that h!rc stngslad by d-- v !n iMhlfts Into sonnl recollections of o' nn to- -no-'-d oinln dath. Ids bend while I shoot It elf with my did c"ain. The men at the Custom ITone married say of the press troubles In Shanghai." held her purple-blac-k hair. meu, whose memory turn wn--" r- -t linwr and arrow, can't 1?" Philadeln sM-- tit V o w nod rath ont to Close questioning convinced me that j have "No, aavey old. for at davhreak and sun- hack to a Sunday association with the t"s11. T'o w- -s years "I told you not to say sarey.' You this waa a true love inaieli no bargain ' seh thl-',- . phia Ledger. ffly anofit 1,, w'.n1- - tii, hs Bust say understand. and sale, ns I bad feared, such as Is set sit days n week W) work peonle photograph album and the parlor aofa. "Wlmt do you think Is the trouble nnd lie had trav. with the flying ninrliiiie?" "Inventore "Miss Ellery understand button? common on the Tai-lttbtin"a. Coast. All go tnto n"d return from the Rock. will come Involuntarily the simple In ft.,, " ov-- e tt wo"' W'l'll llianv O, th aren't snlltciciilly practical," answered nil dnv at the new docks. One China boys wear reform button. Dime they naked was American protection ! comment, liar." . Of Into vnr b had Sir. Dustin fiiax. "They Insist on trythem brlitnd th hushes. In the by. China allee same as United States." and freedom from molestation. I t t. road- 'n on the . and rondv nubile 1 md , of garden , , , understand but what oneny "Yes, that; ing to float their machines in the air A commission nppoiuted by the Czar 1 towns resnonalMlltiVa nf ntul n so ovn tlmir Washside, studlng Fa il'nr sneelolly prepared Instead of the slock market. yorr frisky Queen? No. wonder her Ip"ul'1 Slid their other clothing with of Russia to look Into the couddioii of street fa'r' Knitsit Olty H!r. i, bead la turned, w ith almost 400,000,000 stocking filnr. I a minister ington explained, engaged, wlic the peasantry and to point out wbat people bending to her will. If you helped Wong secure bis license. The "Was the tour of the great mnalral XVI n rforlea Wstt-i- t. meant would bpst improve these cononly were a Servian, or even a Russian, ceremony was set for bnlf-pns- t "Not from the a sncccss? ariist r'--two. theories tin your yon r'ire or Turk, Chinn would have been out of and the of view," "How's ditions, has made a report recommend on ttie train! seto point young naked couple h" departed of trouble long ago, and tlie young Em- cure suitable Preparing Advertising Cnpg. "Neither the nr 1st nor any ol lltal? education the garments. other s Ms rhnir bnrk he Ins, among in things, is ensy A tt!d slwewd otherwise great lniiny peror hare had a elm nee to uplift the With nimieej Impatience the clergy-ms- n Ids company figured in the conrts n men, says an exchange, buy ex- of the lower classes. From this it after dinner. , natl empire. Talk of tlie and a few Invited guests waited while they were "i have" h r"led. deehledlv. and vuluuble space and fill It would appear th.it even in Darkest women of China, our new women' till 5 p. in. for the chief Timcs-fiinr- . 't actors. At Inst pensive been notleed I've that you can't hold a caudle to the Dowager they appesred. In full conventional with the most absurd rot Imaginable, Russia there are some premonitions of "Yoit are a professional assassin." on the sutdoet renillite so misnaming it advertising. Qupen. the dawn. "Huff dress, gray kid gloves and fashionable tlie said the prisoner defiantly. on. went lie Wlinta reerntlr." InThe of cony requires preparation "No good too much tnlkee. Some hats, tlie Turkish poor little bride struggling dividual exclaimed "your the captor; reason? thought and research In each time Queen die. Everybody die. The A specimen of the wonders of rapainfully with her unaccustomed Mid a series of diplomacy lists saved you for the preswe ee, sense yon "Why, la case. Common the nonone came time?" the President die, particular skirts. n bad called me nn amateur first essential, and this Is exercised by dium was giveu by a lecturer In New leetnre on Hi" siili.'eet at the rlnb. ent. If committal reply, while u cynical, have been speedy." should cml was Without It I them learned ami from that yunr fnrthpr preliminary, these employing plain, straightforward state- York recently About $."0,000 worth gleam shot from under the two members Star. fill an of real rare alien were race Washington selenee, study. rreiiirlug ments. unfrlnged llils of his almond eyes. of diamonds were exposed to tlie rays Ho I trot emit nf ve''iil hooks nn edumade one. What Cod lias joined Ifnrrls "Wallers bns been looking An advertisement Hint will sell a A long pause followed this unexpectof smull particle of radlnm. Tlie dia- cation. nnd hecifn to t myself for the no man let put asunder. pretty sail since Ills daughter got marpatent niediccnc will not sell a silk ed answer. Plainly, my Celestial waa together Then enme an unexpected hitch. In dress; an advertisement that will Bell monds became phosphorescent when work of bringing nn children pntjierly, ried, hasn't lie?" CorrcIl-"Y- cs; yon In no humor to discus "Chinese resec, he had no winner got his daughter I waited; still he did not the marriage ceriiflente "Nn Loy" was goods In Washington will not always exposed to the rudluiii, which was be- Bnt the ntKhnrilles don't agree." form. the nnme given the bride by the clerk sell the same goods in Chicago. "Don't they?" off his linmls than he fonnd he would II hind six Inches of apeak. plank and one inch on of conrt. all To the this and she go don't; ad"No, saythey they reason medicine liave to put her husband on bis feeL" to a objected, stands that "Wong, what la It? You've got aome-thln- g ing, My name not ao, my Sunday-scho- vertisement is made more forcible and of metal, the rays coming through and the theory Hint one has n mirsemnld or Town sml Country. to tell me. two and a governess." teacher my right name A convincing by using a local testimon- Illuminating the stones. The red blood dyed his yellow skin elderly colonel. And yon bnven't any?" With s face that was, tra f ptolonn, ial than a foreign one. to a swarthy bronze as he answered, and Anna only would ahe algn. I Tbs youug King of Siwia, from late Vainly the newly married pair "No, I haven't any. ami ax none of . Remarked with s ih( The advertiser should always figure with the embarrassment of a man un" ' "My face doesn't lifill, Besearched a rase. bonks fit for seemed to the my on amount to respectable considerable a boarding to in is life accustomed to the society of women: spending accounts, beginning enjoy Rut it- feeling are rvsiiv unit volosL chilPennsylvania P. eh Bowl. Some time Chinaman want to mnlley, place among the whites. No one would have hie Ideas worked nut In nent, at- real earnest. While on a recent visit sides, while I was studying the take nnd trouble Into Chinese the dren kept gltlng I believe," she pnlr. Lodgings were tractive and forcible shape. It Is nat- to was "It Pope, allee same Mellcnn man. Mlsa Ellery one of the cities of his kingdom the secured, however, in the American part ural to assume that the jndicion adhurting themselves nnd acquiring nil "who said, Worlli makes lb aavey? of the town, nud they settled down to vertiser purchases publicity for profit, people literally took him in their arms sorts nf bad trick a. H Ive gone line!: 1111111." Was II?" bo replied. "Then "Wong!" I cried, with feminine de111 rlildii-to and lnve stndving to women housekeeping. even kissed and bn one of those clinps who Home the not for advertiser him, must fame. figure an romance. Oriental Pope light, ecenting who have smiiip don't read the newspapers. If be did "But how can you marry? Not a At this junetnre I was suddenly on advertising as nn expense In their hla Intense Joy. It was a happy day left the book to neoule r cli'ldron wldle he'd know Worth was a ladlea' tailor." white girl, surely? Yet yon don't know called East. Before leaving I took business, instead of w lint tt shonld be for tbo poor little chap, who should one to look after the liook." with they bin can a to and be wife and investment church, and paying Chicago Record-Herald- . any China woman. There are no Wong not be blamed for being a King, alnee New York Dress. the kindly interest of the Ladles Chinese girls here, Then, more graveMias Kidder "Thcj've only bee he was not at all consulted In the unit- Speed of Hints. T.nrricd six months, but whenever her ly, "Wong, have you bought a Chinese Missionary Fociety In their bphnlf. 1 An I.InneM. Anrtinimt Frequently arguments arise as to the ler girl paid six or eight hundred dollars also Impressed upon them that the mint of the huslinud goes away on a business trlr The Iiniilin ister would befriend them in rase of speed with which wild birds fly. and for her?" she's delighted sml prepares tn bave s followlitis litid the Tuii'.on (hrunlcle or York and New The bills rent City Aba! Ja Nor thundered Wong, with more uppd. Then, secure In the thought thut tunny men of science have sought to Mr. Mps nicy mth-fn- l I lie Dubgood time. nn at from ing story bb Me no buy these two heathen at the door would determine something about it. Natur- the counties of New York, Kings suil lin I than Oriental fervor. something know susperted litZoological Garden: tine of llie joi Miss Kidder Chinese gurl; me lovey she; she lovey be well eared for by workers In the ally it la Impossibb- to fix the record Richmond for I'.nj will font np $141,-20- tle racrnnim-- n femnie- - iii'pnrciitl.v not tMit. I always suid made by sit'-birds as grouse, quail me; all lite! She no lovey me, she go "bidden field, I took my departure. Ys. Y'on see, ho taks her wllb against $;l!i7.2.r appropriated for feeling perfedly snfe or isnnforliiiile Klx weeks later I returned to find or snipe when tl ey first nrlse, but It o, me no want; me no buy wife-- no him. a rhiladetphls ledger. the same purpose for th year. Next ainntig her own riiiiiMidons, sc.ileil o, with an expressive gesture of that the Chinese bride had hern Is safe to say they nre not going half whiz!" exclaimed the reporter, "Gee nnd about Hirer wire weeks fence ago gunner who year the fitate tux will amount to bla long, slender hands, ns If pushing claimed by a Chinese Free Mason of as fast as the luekli-s- a nf the looking over bis rejiort of the wedding th roof through penetrated min Butte, as his friend and chattel, rained misses them Imagines. With the $30tt,005. Tlie fitute Board of Kqunl-ixatlo- new Roherts I louse In spek something abhorrent far from him. refnge In Ihe paper. Til bet thnt bridegroom of Taxes fixed the aggregate with Hie lions. She hid herself there will be sore." "Now, see cere, Wong, you hare no at &S00. and spirited away, while her gratory fowl of know n fast flight, such What's the matter?" na more ducks and hushaml had seemingly been swept geese, something Vo between to take the 'little shoe' valuation of property in the four comi- so rffectunlly that In suite nf the most naked tlie finake Editor. "He owns aa and make a match. Chinese men don't from the face of the earth, as not tlie nearly accurate is known. The greenhe old family liniuestcnd ont In the sub$3,S021.Y-M2- ti for the collection diligent search by the know Chinese women. If you have faintest trace of hla whereabouts could winged teal is alinut the speediest of ties St tie urbs somewhere, I licllcve, and be told not rontimi'uis could discovered, them all. It does ejiuethltig like ninety of tbs canal tux fur ltsto. The New not bought your wife, whore did you be fonnd. waa made and finally the rac- me to ssy 'tlie ynnng couple will resld search find her? Chinatown, though racked to the miles an honr as rendily as a sparrow York City Tax Department pat tlie coon waa discovered r the Old Manse.' The paper's get M by tlie night into an inviting ralnspout. The value of real and iu watchman wandering nMiut the Hon Old Man's. " Philadelphia Record. "He velly good gurl. Come to San centre. Mindly smiled at the inquisitive dives property personal ennraa-bacIs only a trifle slower, house. With anme difficulty she was Flancisco, learn plenty much Cllat. lie reporters, and refused all explanations. eighty-fiv- e miles being Its the couutiia st $o.422,;fii8.t)18 for the probably own Dreams XVhlrh Ciuns Tibs. anxious Inquiries among my secured, but It was discovered Hint FUabytellaa mission gurl. Some time My same while mallard Mark the dnek. yea. II. J. McKinley nnd hla family, who some time Josb Chinese friends were met with polite limit, In bo go Sunday-schoolinn her house the during sojourn and fall below fitsiibi-rry- , will never agsia this, being near live or evasions nbjset apologies. "We slice timed she bad given Mrlli to a little racbonse; allee tame. Htlll this at Mf. ahont mile. eighty to satisfied be Chicago has rensoii coon. nnd had handed It over for safe doubt the slgulflesiicc of dreams. "That may be all rigtu, Wong, bnt solly Wong make Miss Ellery so mnch la eon fine some plenty fast enough to Insure plenty with its automobile regulations. They raised very McKinley To my nnn tn where did you find her?" I persisted. trouble. He steal him wife. nf tlie lionesses, who, keeping of misses unless lie fellow with the decided to coniete st the "Some time Chinese women go to Joss Indignant protests that Na Loy was to show practical fa- with the tender feeling pecnllnr to the this year and require operators looka and down the rib gnn straight Gentry County corn show. Ilia daughtj lawfully married and should be probouse on China New Year. Min Irish the of until care took it linns, miliarity with their marhiuea by actual pulls the trigger at tlie right time. him prcure the exhibits aavey 'Kwun Yam (Goddcsi of tected by the conrts, they answered: keepers arrived In the morning, nnd al- ter helped Press. testa. Licenses are issued to no others. lowed Philadelphia "Wong know better than go to court them to remove tt out of the The night after the corn bad bees Meary)? Savey 'Tien How i Queen of boxed to lie taken to town, Min Me Tbo laws also insist uHa double Record. Heaven)? Chinese woman like Tien Wong go to law. no win, allee Iltr. he A Bat tin of UiiDitm You cost. Kinley dreamed she saw s man tear help Wong win. then How, velly much allee same Clist's pay Three or four languages strove for brakes, the conspicuous numbering of tho cover off tlie Mix, put the cent Is What llrrains. mamma. Chinese womens thow ging Chinese peper ssy, One thousand dolmastery In ancient Raul, which la now machines, a speed limit of eight miles A person in perfect health docs not n sack nud start sway with It Tb bony, thow bamboo splints. Ring lars for some one stick a knife In France. German was spoken by the aa enforcement of the the and hour, He sleep. One who makes house dog chased him and be ran and dream. Yon not know what Chinese bony, fall, him top side up, priest say, Wong. 12,0(0 Frank invaders. Popular Latin rule that no a of thon-sandreams must begin at the spilled part of Ills plunder, leaving of No kill one the study one for machinery paper say. part little much Welly good fortune; plenty waa spoken hy tl.lMi.iMXi Gallo-Itom- a ns. - source of all mental and tinstomach Two plain trail behind Min. That sain three thnnsnnd. shall be left running while the machine paper say, bpy, blme by; heap good man, plenty was Latin ihe of the Literary language Ills. To night lie must cat night and nMiut the same hour Mr. Home night Wong die. No ehnreh and of literature. Low Latin la Handing in the street- Gmler these physical much money. Min yo own bianess. thousand. corned href anil cabbage and note the dreamed some one had stoles one know, Flee Mason pay, Six ComMien Ellery, aavey?" was afterward the language of the ad- wise rales there have bees bnt two llu- - show corn, nnd that lie had traeked la more he effect. It that than Na likely Flee Mason. Loy ministration. "Yea, Wong: yon mean yon aaw her pany pay. Wong German was the first to Hi corn sitting la In four years, and ether acci- wl? ilrenm of syndlcatea and finance tlie thief and fot-nIn the temple ladlea day. In San Fran-daco- , h'long to Flee Mason. Wong steal him succumb. In four centuries It ceased dents have beeu few. Tb hi Morgan. a ii corner of the fellow's house. at may midnight tell lie. much had." wife; big Velly having her fortune told. What to be understood by the soldiers, and in eon room the where Dr. be to cause nf in the filling! In BntteHomewhere Impression people Montana, a ext?" more It had become an icflccted. Hot rolls for dinner arc was, he dreamed, wen- - very reticent Is wife, worse than widowed, seventy ofyears Blme by she come see my Mullier1 sweet-faceMi Now broil It that eonrliisiTely riritenle. It in Bnt survives object sure to call np a flying Dutchman. talking with him. wife. In Bntte. She have no papa, no drags out her hopeless days In degra- more tban tsst words, expressing the proved that au electric car eau be run The Mni1lsr ) art of the story was," Sugar rrips, filled with Jiim. mean mamma. I no papa, no mamma. I dation and shame, while her roarrlnge things of government, law and war. at the rate f 12Ti or 130 wiles an w hnngdoiHlIca and sen serpents. "We the SlaiilK-rrfiemiiiel says, "that In filed Is certlflente the clerk away as Oue man. by me molly allee and thus forma no insignificant part of hour without an- - made on, the morning everything was found ae as stuff drenins such Hre enj-neercourt. of the trouble, week, two week, blme by I Ming him tbo French language. was Sn indent ly enlightened to understand arc asking whether It wil. pay to and our little life is rounded with a pictured in Hie drenins. The corn same aavey?" of is an the ancient Them ami wMtpuImuii the saving. sleep." gone wa the home of the free, "I suppose It's all right," said I, that America do ao, musRH the New York World. iBillNt Hrpablle la lbs World. Friday night's drenins on Hniurday were Inonted n near as imaaible to do somewhat mystified. See here, though, where no slavery eouhl exist, these The Italian King has ratified the Oelug to tlie dcxl effect of siK'li told are sure to com true lie they j so, even to the house in question and simple-mindeunmust children had not take comes ahe when sought you of friendship with the Republic high treaty allie true that dreams Hie finding of tli sack of corn. Kan never it Is old." If a it roudbed, speeds iqiou her to your store; yon must bring her der protection of onr laws to evade of Tavolaru, which reminds the world It iinist lie as City Journal. be built of always go by must latter that the Na Chinese customs. leged the I for will the me. to and arrange chattel, Ley, of the fact that such a finite exists. It tight York to master them. New had rnn away from bondage, believing is situated near the north-a- st of iltri and easy wedding. coast of brick and cement iusti-m- l f.ltlnic llu Jury s Treat, Dress. o avoid "Allee Ute. I Ming Mm. She velly , that In this Christian land she would Hurdinla, and consists of a single Isl- broken stone. During tin progress of a trial In e Again, l" permitted to lead a dean, virtuous and. defended by nature In the Missouri court one day recently a Wlio IVrotfi Mnllirr (itHirt- Ellery, mska him young. Mis of aiiiuwplierii d.Hiiib !if- - as the wife of Wong Wa Foy. j' of its roust line and hj auce when Many people' are under the Dupres-- lien vy shower began the Ural rain that gBr,a not tram iiicci tier, otic "hat could I do? What could any three old cannons of the type of lSlLt. .Molie-- r AH the boys of our Chinese das. s oil Hint Gihhc" xiorl.-- s ami lui'l f:i i for s distressingly long time. rl handed with the sword 1,0 The island has 17u inhabitants, a it may tic i eccessry to allow tliirij nursery rhjmcs were written by some The Jurymen, most of whom were Mar Henry, and Mar On. can I tell l,f Damocles hanging by a linir over President. Senate nod isdlce force, the feet between the two truck, limn inn old liousewife. Till is a mistake. Tlie farmers, them?" I asked. paid more attention to tb ' In (ter consisting of one constable. Too much tulkee no good," answrred their bends? I'p j terlally adding to the ot of a riuht author was u scholar nf learning iniii ' ivi.dillons outside titan to the trial. j "No doubt Wong was killed," said to 1HVJ Tnvohira was n monarchy hut of court for a renown, riuirlcs Derraiilt, one of the a ml ihe judge Mispi-nileWong, as he bnekrrt out of the way. ressiwistiC view Ilk fir-- ' ineuiliiTs of the rcticii Aeedi-in)- . Thu esu walk The more I thought over the iiutler. the minister, to which the editor added, j when King r.iola dii-- the people threw Mill!, remarking: jury rnrafnl cnnuidi r.iMmi, but i II-- ' dicii in I'll!!, nini tiiollgll it , out In tin- rain for a few minutes If It the ninre was I puxslod. Wa sin- "li's hot stuff for a story. Write It up. off the yoke of kingship and estalillshe.j oier i someone's "friend? I L:-- w that v. onl. Have It illuKirrtcd in colors." New a reputillr. 11s President rules for ten must not be im:igiiu-- that the ruse is years ago. ills tub-- sinl live. May wiiiii-- s to. to xaiisfy itself that it really to u. bore au Yrk Evening l'osf. s ii.iine. the Ijirb-- cwr protect years, and both men and cumen vot- - already settled. rati rain in MIouii." so i tron g ami FOt-.rOOT- iD CFFIKCE31 f3.000.CO;) sr-sr- .? ki--!- '. s TUree-fonrlh- l!-- i i i ..'i-di-- iw i.-.- i H e tie Tl-ii- e A- cs-n- - e a-- - i- MARRIAGE OF WONG WA FOY ,t Tv e-- -e un-ti- ll . A - Il-r- ER2E. .t Mi-.-ii- '- sn-a- ll en rr!:(-.''i- i. rs d lf inrn-.or!n- J. ed - r'-r- - d A-- lf3lfU r '' ) " er'-le,n- lu-e- n J.-t- f ? Hi - o-- sl-i- -' l- r' -d e krt h" - d . . '. 1;". s s d h'-n- !". '-ti -t, thoi-sand- () e r-- plum-colore- -' wide-flowin- e sd . tib-'en- iiiiie-teuih- ' s pi k h n J 'tra c i.n I st-n- tri-n- n-- e-- -' n bns-iiu-f- down-trodde- lirre."-Clncln- hn-'en- f-- ol gray-licsde- vea-lure- n ti--!- I k l; red-lieo- . El-Ic- eage.-Dhlladel- phla - d n j a nn-llv- e d h.-ii- p , iti-i- I j i I j ; - , ! ' s I , s 1 ; - ' |