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Show FLANKED THE RUSSIANS. THE WEEKLY SENTINEL iNf FIERCE SEA BATTLE Japs Said to Hava Outwitted Followers of Czar. in Advlrcs have been rereived Washington by cable from Chefoo, opposite lort Arthur, to the effect that Japanese land forces have appeared at Fung Wang Chang and at Taahan. No details are furnished. The first mliee paired place Is about forty-livnorth of An Tung In Manchuria, and the latter la a few miles inland from the mouth of the Yalu river. According to the calculations of the naval officers here they believe that thla movement has placed the Jaiianese on the Russian flank and perbapa in the rear and on their line of communication. It la believed that the recent attack upon Fort Arthur and Talien Wan was a diversion perhaps to cover the expeditious land movement! of the Japanese, who were probably landed from transports at some point west of the Yalii river. riUbtetf IT AM UTAH STATE NEWS. The town at FbunUIn Greea ie free end the quarantine hee been releed. Lehl during the coming Bummer Will probably erect a new modern REPORT OF AN ENGAGEMENT OFF JAPANESE COAST. As a Result ef Terrific Encountv Russian Fleet Said to Have Been Sunk or Captured. Tho London Dally Mall publishes I diapatch from Toklo, dated March t eaying: "It la rumored that the Jap aneso fleet engaged the Russian Vlad Ivostok squadron at aea yesterday. "The result of the engagement k not announced, but according to thi rumor, Russian ehlpe were deatroyri or captured." A later- - dispatch from 8L Peter burg aays that a similar report wai rife In that city, but that the Russlax war office declares that It has re celved no newi of any such engage ment. AH effort to confirm the report 80LDIERS GUARD TOWN. up to 10 oclock Wednesday morning have been unavailing. Every Precaution Taken to Prevent The probability of such an engage Race Riot at Springfield, O. ment tends to confirm the rumor. Thi A dispatch from Sprlngfleld, O., conattack by the Japanese on the harbor tains the information that while Governor Herrick has not proclaimed a Among the Russian generals to slate of martial law, such a condition have ea Important command In thi practically exists In the downtown dis- Japanase war Is Gen. Dragomlroff. A! tricts and I he burned portions of the though a rough old soldier, he la a town formerly occupied by the negre celebrated and aympathetlc person resorts. Ten companies of the Ohio national guard are on picket duty, and seven more companies are expected. The saloons without exception have been dosed, and manr other lines of business have practically ceased. Mayor ilowlus has not only dosed the remaining negro saloons, hotels and lodging houses which are under the ban of the mob, hut has ordered the proprietors In every Instance to move out all the Intoxlcatlug drinks, anj In some Instances even the fixtures. Including gambling apparatus. at Yladlvoston Sunday was unquestionably for the purpose of determining whether the Russian ships were In the harbor. Finding that the fleet was absent. It la believed that the Japs withdrew their vessela and lay In wait for the return of the absent quad ran. EXECUTED BY MOB. Ohloana Wreak Vengeance Upon a Negro Murderer. A mob of 800 men gathered at the county Jell at Sprlngfleld, Ohio, Monday night and lynched - Richard Dixon, of Cynthlana, Ky., a negro, who had shot Policeman Collins. Dixon was shot to death In ths Jail yard, after which hla body was hung to a telegraph pole and the mob spent a half hour riddling the body with bullets. Collins waa shot by Dixon Sunday morning while the Utter waa In hla room In n hotel In Sprlngfleld removing his baggage. He had decided to quit the place, and, fearing trouble with Anna Corbin, a woman with whom he waa acquainted, Dixon asked Collins to. go to the hotel with him. While In hla room Dixon and Mlsa Corbin quarreled, and Dixon la said SORROW WHILE THEY CAN. e (Tom cantaglona dleeeee echool houee. hire. Klrtland, an elderly lady of Croydon, while atepplng on to a porch. Cell, breaking her right arm. The weather bee been ao pleasant la Serler county that farmers have been working In their fields. Balt Lake Is to have an automobile factory, a Chicago firm baring decided to establish a plant In the capital city. Oecar Vogel, formerly of Balt Lake City, wan found dead at Portland, and there In a suspicion that he was mureight-roo- dered. The boilermakers are again at work In the shops at Ogden, and the anxiety over the prospects of a general strike has passed. The management of the 8L Louis fair has granted the request made by this state for apace in the educa- tional building. There seems to be good prospects for the construction of an Independent telephone line between Parowaa and Cedar City. Retail merchants of Salt Lake report that the past week gave them a larger trade than any previous week of the present year. The old Deseret News building, a READY TO TRANSFER. land mark of Salt Lake City, Is being of torn down. It Is claimed a modern Uncle 8am Can Get Panama Canal by April 15. business block will bo erected on the site. A Faria diapatch says: Owing to The stage of the Salt Lake theatre the reporte of a hitch In the Fanama has been equipped with tour fire sta- canal negotiations. Ambassador For-te-r Invited 'resident Do to call at the tions, each with 60 feet of hose, and all danger from fire Is being reduced embassy, where they held e conferto a minimum. ence. M. Bo maintained that there Brick Maeky and Hans Cyer, two is not the slightest obstacle to tho Finlanders working In the Ophlr Hill completion of the transfer of the camine at Ophlr, drilled Into a missed nal companys property to the United 8tates. II. Bo emphasized hole, Macky being killed and Cyer the need for particularly the transfer concluding seriously Injured. before April 26, saying that every forThe running of the first passenger mality, legal and otherwise, would be train Into Riverside, Cal., by the San effected before that date. Government Influence la decidedly favorable to Pedro, Los Angeles ft Salt Lake rail- winding up the transfer, and will not road la to be celebrated by that city encourage any obstacles. la gala style on March 12th. Blotted Out Whole Family. It Is reported that deer are getting Another family tragedy similar to plentiful near Croyden, and that a tow days ago one made Its appearance the Be eke case has occurred at Pan-koa subutb oT ' Berlin. ' Theodor near the school house and was driven , away by the boys throwing snowballs Brambach, a commercial traveler, at It took his wife and son to the circus on The Utah Condensed Milk company Thursday evening, and after returning of Richmond, opened up their canning home the family sat down to a aupper. factory the first of this month. The After hla son and wife had gone to bed Bratnhach on the gas, but factory has been equipped with the the rooms wereturned too well ventilated, latest Improved machinery, at a cost and hla plan of death failed. In the of ISC, 000. morning Brambnch shot hla son and Governor Heber M. Wells has ap- hla wife and then himself, having sent a servant to a friend with pointed Winslow F. Smith and Heber a letter explaining hla act. Brambach, J. Grant delegates to the first Inter- like I lente.iant Reacke, had lived far national congress on school hygiene, beyond Jila means and bad become Into be held In Nurenberg; Oermany, volved in financial difficulties. from April 4 to April 9, 1904. RUS3IA OUT OF IT. Mrs. Richard Jones of Hooper, Weber county. Is refuting President Will Not Exhibit at the 8t Louis Roosevelt's race suicide theory In a way that Is truly remarkable The Finance Minister Kokovsoff of Ruslady has been married Barentses sia makes the announcement that the years and has twenty children. response to his efforts to get intendThe winter that has Just ended has ing exhibitors to reconsider their debeen one of the mildest known la cision not to participate In the St. lamia exposition had been Insufficient yearn In southern Utah and the fruit- to warrant the government to recongrowers and truckers are Jubilant sider Its determination, and that .conover the prospect of an abundant and sequently Russia would not participate In the exposition. early crop of fruit and vegetables. Frank Rose, who shot and killed his RUSSIANS OPTIMISTIC. wife In Salt Lake City on Christmas day, has been found Do Not Expect an Outbreak In tho Balkan Country. guilty by a Jury of murder In the first Careful inquiry In St Petersburg degree. Rose seem a anxious to pay the penalty and will aak that he be concerning tho outlook in the Balkana shot develops that the prevailing opinion Mm. Helen Nagle suicided at the in government, aa well as In diplohome of her brother In Ogden, hang- matic circles. Is against an outbreak of war In the spring, tho ing herself to the rafters In the at- danger la not consideredalthough passed. A tic. She left a number of letters to perfict understanding exists between relatives In which she said she was Russia and Austria, and besides, the tired ef the work and worry In this Russian authorities appear to be completely satisfied regarding the attitude world. of Bulgaria. At the old folks' day celebration at FIFTY LIVES LOST. Fountain Green on the 2nd. 229 persons partook of the banquet spread French Steamer Wrecked Off Coast of la the'r honor. There were fourteen Cochin China. persons present between 70 and 0 A special dispatch received In Lonyears, and forty-on- e persons between don Wednesday from Paris announces CO and 70 years. that the French steamer Cambodge The town of Terrace, which has (of 2,335 tons), which left Rangoon on been a meal station, coaling point and j February 17 for Cochin China and freight division since the earliest days European ports, has been wrecked In of the operation of the Southern P a storm off the coast of Cochin China. rifle, has practically ceased to exist, The Cambodge rarrled 100 passengers, Annamcse. About fifty of them the railroad buildings haring all been mostly were drowned. Montello. moved to L. CL Dunning, a Union Pacific train Army Blit Passes Senate. Is baggageman living In Ogden, During consideration of the army charge! with stealing some clothing appropriation bill In the senate Wedand articles of Jewelry from a trunk nesday, Mr. Bacon protested against which was In his charge. It Is claimed the acceptance of the statute of Fredthat part of the plunder was found la erick the Great of Germany, tendered the ooal bln at Dunnings house. by Emperor William, on the ground O. W. Holman has been arrested on that the former German king was not a charge of having set fire to the In sympathy with the American InstiLehl creamery, early In the winter, tutions. Mr. Stewart Frcd- the lulld'ag being destroyed. There erlck against what he cliaractorizM had been no fire in the building for as Mr. Baron's' gross several days, and the conflagration tfons. The army lull was was undoubtedly the work of an passed. to Secure Money In America and England. The Japanese government le. It Is stated, considering the advisability of seeking to secure Immediately a loan In America and Europe. Although It la estimated that enough bonds can be sold at home to provide sufficient money to prosecute the war for at least one year and a half, and although many Japanese statesmen end financiers believe that Japan la capable of waging war to n conclusion without borrowing n single cent abroad, and have. In a spirit of national pride, counselled that no foreign loan be sought, yet It le felt that there may arise In n year or two n contingency when money may be seriously needed. It le thought that it would be better to piece e loan now. If poaelble, then attempt to do eo In n future crisis when money may be badly Japanese Will Endeavor to have shot her In the breast The policeman then attempted to arrest Dlxcn, when the latter fired Into the officers body. Inflicting fatal wounds. RUSSIANS IN KOREA. Movement No Longer Regarded as Diversion. Advices from Toklo state that It la believed that the Russian Vladivostok squadron la now In the vicinity of the mouth of the Tumen river, engaged In covering the movement of troops from Posslet bay to the valley of Tumen. Ruaslan scouts are reliably reported to have penetrated south aa far aa Kiuang Sung. The earlier Ruaslan movement Into northeastern Korea waa regarded aa a diversion, bnt It now apreara that a considerable force participated. It Is thought that the Russians may occupy and fortify some strong position on the Tumen river. Reports regarding Russian movements in northwestern Korea are meagre and unreliable. The force north of the Talu la bIng Increased, but It la doubted If any considerable number of Russians have croaaed that river. Pos-esai- BRUTALITY OF SOLDIERS. Ruialane Said to Have Maltreated Women of Anju, A cable from Seoul cays: The Russian soldiers operating In the vicinity of Anju are committing all manner of excesses, maltreating the native women and perpetrating robbery upon Korean soldiers every opportunity. attacked a body of the Invaders on Friday last, the 4th Inst, and succeeded In killing thirty of them. It la reported that aa a result of a collision between Russians and Korean soldiers at Kang Ge the Rusalana wart driven beyond the Yalu river. la the Turkish war ca was wounded In the Shipka pass, Location of Pigeon bay, where Japbut, though maimed for life on that anese ere thought to have landed big occasion, he la accounted one of the force to storm Port Arthur from land Brst generals la the Ruaslan arm. Ida. age. STARS SHOW WHERE JAPANESE "HOBSON" STEAMERS GROUNDEa MURDERED HIS FATHER. Grave Charge Made - Against - Voting Man ef San Francisco. Joeeph Buttgenbech, who wee mysteriously wounded In hie pork pecking factory In 8 an Francisco Saturday night died Monday without regaining consciousness. Albert Buttbenbach, the dead mans sou. and Louis E. Brnne, the bookkeeper, are still detained at the city prison, and It la probable that young Buttgenbech will be charged with murder. A similar charge will probably be placed against Brane. y A Discredit to the Nation. The report of Charles Bonaparte and Cllnklngton R. Woodruff, on their Investigation of the alleged ahuaea and irregularities In the public service of the Indian Territory under the control of the Interior department, wee submitted Monday by tnr president The report stigmatises the conditions squadron or of setting lire to whatever In the territory aa Involving "immethe ships might oome In eon tact with. diate danger of rain to the genuine population and profound disViceroy Alexleff report to 8L Peters- Indian to credit the United 8tatea. exciting one those of that ships grounded burg discontent on the pert of near tho lighthouse on the Tigers reasonable classes of the population and deTail peninsula sad the other on the all manding prompt and drastic remedies shore of Golden HIIL on the part of congress." n. ! Tho Japanese attempted to send a number of steamers' loaded with Inflammables through tho channel at Port Arthur, with the Intention either of exploding them In the narrow passage and bottling up the Russian ORDERS OVERLOOKED. MANIAC HAD MONEY. Naval Appropriation Bill Pasted. Tho senate on Monday passed the naval appropriation hill, which has been before it for the pest four or five days, end then took np the army bill. The principal question debated In connection with the naval hill related to the price end method of eupplylng armor plate for battleshlpa, end It grew out of an amendment suggested by Mr. Patterson providing for a government armor plant Ha ultimately withdrew the amendment but offered several others, all of which were laid oa the table. Six People Dead as Result of a Railway Accident Six persons killed, three fatally Injured, two Injured and a limited express train and a freight partially destroyed by lire as the result of a head-ocollision Tuesday on the Alabama Great Southwestern railway near Kewanee. seventeen miles north of Meridan, Mias. It la understood the wreck was caused by the freight train overlooking orders to meet the express. Oovamment Benda Worth $7,000 Discovered by Relative. Mrs. Grace P. Johnson of Boston, who ie endeavoring to procure the release of her nephew. Dr. J. H. Holmes, from the state Insane asylum at Agnews, Cal., baa found In San Frande-co- , where he left hla trunk three rears ago, $7,000 worth of government bonds belonging to him. Hla former landlady had sold tho trank but preserved the bonds. Poisoned Whole Family. '400,000 Troopers for Manchuria. A 8L Petersburg correspondent an Interview with General minister of war, who, while refusing to give the number of men concentrated In the far eaat, said the military authorities wera well pleased. There was no lack of troops, be said, but the means of transportation beyond Lake Baikal were Inadequate. General Sakharoff declared that tha number of troops to go to Manchuria had not yet been fixed; he would send what was necessary, and ha admitted that the minimum would be 400,000. Sailor Win Hlo Suit Beaman Albert Jamie of the British ship Troop waa awarded 4,000 damages by the United States circuit court of appeals In Sen Francisco, Monday. Louie wee a sailor on tha ship during February, 1900, and when the vessel left Fusan, Korea, he fell from a yardarm, breaking hla leg and arma. The master of the ship refused to put back Into port to get medical attendance for tha injured man, but set the fractures himself. The work was badly Will Photograph lllevl Ballets District Judge Johnson of Denver has given permission to attorneys for the league of honest elections to have 'photographs taken of fraudulent bal-- j lota used In precinct 2 of the Fourth ward of Denver. It la claimed there are Ices then 200 legal voters In this precinct, yet at the November election 726 ballots wera deposited In tbe box. Criminal rhargea are pending axalnat City Detective William Green and other election officers of thla pro Families Rescued. The families of George and John Barger and Miss Kuntz, a school teacher, fourteen persons lu all, who have been Imprisoned by high water In their homes on Shellya Island In the Susquehanna, opposite Goldsboro, Pan have been rescued. A Berlin cable stye: Lieutenant Carl Bceekq, retired, after a long and steady decay of fortune, yesterday took hla last money and gave a splendid dinner In honor of his Beaeke then daughter's birthday. poisoned hla wife, daughter, two children. respectively 12 and 1C years old. cadets at a military academy, and himself with cyanide of potassium, which he seemingly Inserted In the mouth of each In the form of a pill after they had gone Into a drunken sleep. Japanese Still Landing Troops The- Paris Temps prints a dispatch from St. Petersburg as follows: The landing of Japanese troops continues near Won San (Gen San). Korea. Most of the forces are proceeding to ring Yang. It la ex pec tod that the Japanese will take the offensive as soon as they have concentrated their troops. The Russian tactics will be strictly defensive for some time. The Amur and other streams will be used, so soon as they are free frcoi ice, fur carrying military supplies." - ts Sak-harof- f, ! I ; j clncL dona Immense Sum Owed. The receiver of the firm of Stephen Luhrmann A Son, of Berlin, whose failure waa announced February 10, reports that the firm owes its foreign creditors $1,145,000. The total estimated value of tbe assets la $3,850,000. NEWS SUMMARY The senate bee confirmed the nans at the Isthmian canal commie- ileeera. atWeoh-IngtoDaring n terrific windstorm block Wlleoe In led., n well the wen hotel the end Hyatt out wee blown enrooted. No one wee killed. Mrs. A. & Woods, an aged woman. Pacific train Jumped from a Southern ear Hko. Nevada, end waa leatantly u wee believed the woman n. was laaaae. About aixty Japaneo laborers last week left Santa Clara county, CaL, for Ban Francisco, from which point they wlU sail for Japan to enlist In the Japanese army. d Mrs. Julie J. Crawford, who In Pittsburg; much property Pa, wee found dead In bed le San Francisco, having been accidentally asphyxiated by gas. A report la current in Denver that the strike of ooal miners la the south-er- a ofierado field Is about to he Battled, the men having become tired of the protoaged stragle. Mail advices from Vladivostok eay that 100 Chinese brigands art terror-Isln- g the district of Nlnguta. Their leader, Yavanten, proclaims himself Invelnerable to bnlleta. A tremendous earthquake, which did much damage, occurred at Lima, Pern, on the 4th. Nothing comparable with it had been experienced daring the last thirty years. Adolph Krug, formerly city treasurer ef Seattle, who wielded on Janaary let. le charged In two snlta filed lest week, with having forged the eemee of hla wife end brother to notea aggregating over $10,009. Becoming the slater of her own chib dram la the situation of Mrs. Minnie Krueger, who, with her four eons, has bee? legally adopted by William R. A. Wodrich and hla wife, of Chicago. Policemen ride on the wagons with track end bagmany of the gage wagon drivers who have taken the pieces of the strikers In Kansas City, aad many of the strike-breake-r are armed. There are fifteen dead, fifteen knows to have been Injured and three persons are reported missing aa the result ef tha collapse of the unfinished Darlington apartment hotel ballding la New York City. dward Tenney, one of the men employed by the Western Union Telegraph company In Chicago; la place of striking messenger hoys, waa attacked by thrse younn mra, who kauekad Mia down and stabbed him. Two young men, Curtis Baker and Gilbert McCabe, were blown to pieces la the hop yard of a man named Burton at Independence, Ore., from an explosion of dynamite which waa being thawed in a pall of hot water. General Manager Mudge of tbe Santa Fe has Issued an order providing that any employee of the road whose wages are garnished will be suspended from service until after the garnishment la withdrawn. Analytical returns on samples from the new bismuth discoveries out of Sodartile. Nev show 12.1 per cent bismuth, 20 ounces silver and 80 cents gold per tnn. The ore occurs In a ledge from two to six feet la width. That the woman who, under the name rf "Joe Monaghan," herded cattle and rode the range In Oregon for twenty-fiv- e years In the guise of a man, and whose real sex was not knows entil her death, waa none other than Kate Bender, the notorious Kansan murderess, Is the ramor ear-ren- t at Ontario. WBI Sobwlnk was almost Instantly killed, aad hla wife, Marie Bchwlnk, probably fatally shot by Joha White, a abaepherder, at Billings, Mont While says nothing regarding hla motive for the shooting. It In believed tbe man waa Ineano. ft M stated that work te to eon meeee ta the near future on the Oregon bade, Wyoming, Irrigation eater pribe by which 240,000 scran of land In tha Big Horn country la to he reclaimed under the operatloro ef the Caror Seeert lend act John M. Glover, a former onafrem man from Missouri, who was imprisoned le the bull pen at Cripple Creek. Cole, tor some time, has filed raft agalaet Governor Peabody aad aevsrml mining companies, ashing for 1110, 00S damages for false Imprisonment Chnriea Dick of Akron has been eietaed to the United States senate to acceed the late Marcus A. Hanaa. He waa given the solid Republican veto of tho senate end house, which voted in separate sessions The Democrats voted for John H. Clarke of Cleveland. Oh arias Cohagen entered the home of T. H. Flynn, e contractor of Winchester. HI., while tbe latter waa absent, and shot and killed Mrs. Flyna. who waa sick In bed. Cohagen then killed himself. He had been la nynna employ until ho waa recently. Mre. Laura Wyman, wife of one ef the largest landowners In central has given birth to quadruplets. Mr. Wyman Immediately named them Grover Cleveland Wyman, Marcus Hanaa Wyman, Theodore Roosevelt Wyman and Willie Bryan Wyman. The lest le e girl. poe-aesse- non-unio- n Ken-tnek- y, |