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Show A MASK. LIFE-SAVIN- HOUSE OP 8,000 BITS OP WOOD. Davlea to Ba of Benefit to Shipwrecked Persona. A Gorman Inventor baa derided that UB7 persona come to their death through drowning at sea, even though they are able to swim or are prevented from alaklng by the wearing of life halt. Re malntalna that the deaths are due to the fact that the waves breaking over the wearer force salt water Into the mouth and nose, often moulting fatally to the victim. To eliminate this danger he has Invented a mask, preferably mads life-savin- g TRAVEL IN NORWAY Toy Made by a Woodworker la a Connecticut Town. CCRRESPONDENT PRAISES HOSGeorge Wright, a sawyer la the PITALITY OF CITIZENS. employ of a dock company la has completed a miniature Bee Little ef the Midnight Suit house, says the Waterbury RepubliHcusce Very Like the Leg Huts ef can. It la gothic lu style, a story and Our Own West Americans Always a half In height There le a porch in Favor. In front, the roof of which la supported by pillars. On each side of tha pureh and separata from It are balcuwies. (Special Correspondence.) There are two bow windows When we see some places for the The bouse la built In Imitation at a first time, we find them less than we brick building, and la composed of With Ncrvay, It Is quite 8,183 pieces at wood, Including sycathe other thing. It has more rocks, more, or California red wood, as It Is more waterfalls, more hospitality and called, and mahogany, and fine white more weather than I anticipated. paper la used between the bricks to The dull and chilly days along tha represent mortar. Over the porch at coast toward North Cape (which, by tha front of tha house la a small the way, we never eaw at all), and on clock. There are wlndowe with lace tlie voyage south from it, was Illumicurtains and shades. nated by the sun of royalty, but we In t"ery respect It la a complete had only one glimpse of the midnight and house. It la a sun. very handsome piece of work and King Oscar of Bweden and Norway proves Mr. Wright to possess a large amoun of patience. The work has been done at odd momenta at hla home In Torrington. lie also has a number of oiher pieces of hia handiwork, Including a picture frame composed of 40,000 pieces of wood, hut probably there la nothing that he bee done that will quits equal tbe house in dealga aad workmanship. Tor-rlngton-, d ef some elastic material, as, for Instance, rubber, shaped to conform to the modeling of the face. In the lower portion of the mask are open toga covered with wire netting to reduce the water pressure, and prevent Its ready entrance Into the Interior ef the mask. Short tubes Inside cover those orifices, and are provided with a hollow adapted to automatically close the orifices against the entrance of water, wlhout restricting the freedom of breathing. A whistle Is provided to enablo the wearer to signal when desired. bali-valv- e Prlncs ef Monacos Deep Sea Trap. Many new and Interesting traps are being made to catch tha mysterious inhabitants of tha deep. The Prince of Monaco, who devotes all the revenues of the gambling casino to marine exploration, has Just introduced several new traps. One la a WONDERS OF THE WORLD. Remarkable Modern Achievements and Inventions. During the last quarter of a century so many wonderful works have been constructed and equally wonderful Inventions brought Into use that It la very difficult. If not quite Impossible, for ary one to say which are the seven greatest wonders of modern times. In regard to several most people would probably agree, nut with respect to others there would be a wide divergence of opinion. The following are entitled to be ranked among the wonders of modern times, but which are the seven greatest we do not presume to aay: The Sues canal, the Forth bridge In Scotland, the Brooklyn bridge In New York, the Assouan dam across the Nile In Upper Egypt, submarine boats, wireless telegraphy, the flying machine, the use of electricity for purposes of power, light, etc., the telegraph .and telephone. Some of the discoveries In medicine and surgery, fer Instance, the discovery of anesthetics, which render surgical .operations, painless, should also be ranked among the modern woo- His Easier Task. di ililn Jimmie Bay, Marne, when I bow I used ter pull yer aroun pond In dat boat las summer, I tlnk Pledged tp Abstain from olang. Such cxptesslnns i f nidge, "rub-her- . y mark, and kinswell." dred sIsca phrases hare been tabooed by members of the senior class of the Derby, Conn . high school. In a resot class meeting. All lution members of the class are pledged to abstain from nlng "lang either In writing ot speech until graduation. hl. snow-covere- g.-a- the day. fhrre OP SUNSHINE. MEXICO WELL CALLED A WINTER PARADISE. Ita Capital Ons ef tha Famed Cilice of tha World Quiet Life Led in Out of the Way Place Primitive Prison System. d s (Special Correspondence.) Mexico, the land of wiutcr sunshine," you find to be well named, and no time for n procession The little white "In you are well content simply to live noeents of our April are growlug and breathe the air, an air balmy, aids by side with the golrfea rod of odorous, restful and unstlaiulating, the ' fall, our and the dandeltoaa, daisies, lead of eternal reverie. Every day paosles, buttercups, yarrow, clover you say to yourself. "This Is the Indian score besides, are all there, summer of the far north, with some-too- . and hurrying into flower before the ; thing different. There Is no hint In i quick cold comes. gky or vegetation of coming frosts. then the y cries The hard, white baud of winter never Prr-r- ! and the horse stops sharL touches this favored land." It ound as If made by a per- - j d in the City of Mexico aon shivering with cold. All north- - automobiles roll rapidly over asphalted ' streets as level as a billiard table; men go to their offices and sit at desks, with a telephone at their elbows; they dictate letters to stenographers. go out to lunch at clubs or restaurants, and take electric cars for j their homes In the late afternoon. One French and German: j hears English, ! Chinese la and a party ' of Japanese are met, chattering In the soft tongue, strargely suggestive of the Xahnatl Idiom of tbe Asters. The capital is one of the world'! famous cities; every corner has something of historic interest. Statues and monuuierts, pleasant little public larks, bund playing, and globe trotters from all tbe enda of the earth meeting In the hotels, impart to the city the air belonging to the big modern world. Tilled diplomats give dinners or hold reception. Paris gowns the upper-clas- s women, and there are season of otters, and all the year round the theaters are filled. Here in El Itlnconclto are people ; who have never seen the capital; tlielr horizon, mental and physical. Is limited, and they lead placid lives. An Laplanders with Rslndcsr. I American is a ritrlosliy, as much, so broke upon our sight at Tromao. Ha era nations appear to use It In Rue- - i ai wo,,Id 1,0 Chinaman. The nearest rallwaJr town l leagues away, snd stood on the bridge of his yacht, a sia It la Just the same as here. grave, white king, giving the salute The. bouses scattered up on those of a naval officer. In that heights and wastes cf Norway are man stood all that Napoleon's convery Uke the log huts of our own y cf earthly glory, West, the same shape, the same size. quests mean the descendant of that Marshal The builders stuff moss between the who grasped snd held what logs, and the roofs look different hla chief, who gave it, lost himself, a from those of the kindred dwellings crown. at home, for a layer of birch bark The midnight sun appeared for ue has been spread upon the boards, and but once. This Is how It behaves. It over that another of turf cut into goes down to the edga of the horizon squares and fitted close together. of the sea Just like any everyday sun. Upon this grows grass In which flowThere it stays a bit, and swings along ers are thickly blooming, eo that the at the verge as If playing a alow game tops of all the houses appear like of bowla; then climbs In a reluctant pieces of the fields lifted Into the air. sort of way up Into the sky again. The young girla were all up in the The reindeer were a disappointment to me. They looked small and 111 fed, rough hots put up for them to live I thought, when a number of them in, hlfiS Jn the mountains, while la the enmmer they tend the cattle, were rounded up with their accomus for to see. I had which arc driven up there to feed jj panying Lappa where the grass cannot be otherwise expected them to compare more favorThere these ably with their owners than they did gathered. and why they walked Indian file girls stay, making butter and cheese, round and round a heap of atones, spinning and keeping an eye on the and goats, among the upon which two or three among them cows, pigs took turns In standing still, I am not melting snow patches and tho flowers student enough to determine. All I and grass dose to them. It seemed fashion for a girl to be atcould imagine was that they might quite a clean, white pet pig. I tended by have Inherited the evolution from ancestors who used to swing around saw several such chaperones of lonely young figures, but never a dog. the circle at the pole. we "A beauty horn of murmuring sound After left the ship at Bergen, Shall pass Into her face. the real fun of the trip began. We saw scenery from that time on, but Wordsworth believed. Well, If runwe saw the people, too. Their cheek ning water can give this grace to bones are set higher than la common woman, here is tbe place for it to do with us, and they often seem to have so. Days went in which the sir was their eyes narrowed, half-shu- t, as If vocal with cascades and foaming tor-from ages of looking at bright sun rents from dawn till It should have and waves: but I liked them from the been dark, according to all preconceived ideas of night hours. It never first. Mokl was dark at all as a matter of facL I liked their hard red color and in ataa eaw frlendliwe and while at their yellow hair the Once the communication Is kept up with It by a small stage coach driven by Don Feliciano, whose eyes are black and hla beard long and full, shaded with He Is 10 years old and as white. agile as a youth. To must of the inhabitants Feliciano Is the one link with the great un- known, outside world, of which strange tales are told. Of the 3.000 inhabitants perhaps a dozen have soon a locunin- live; these are landed proprietors, and thir Interests take them on Jonrnc for which long prepa rat Ions are made and some strayers said by wlvr-- and daughters, anxious for the safety of husbands and fathers. These intrepid voyagers go to risk their lives on that wonderful where ax many people ax would fill a village are trarsportc-In vehiclex whose luxury Is known by report of returned travelers when, at the barber's nnd in the little shops, they tell the story of their marvclouti ad- ventures. It is almost the same, I fancy, as it was In Europe in the middle ages; newspapers are unknown, though tho postmaster, who keeps a general store, occasionally receives the D'.arlo del Hognr, a radical Liberal paper, from Laplanders and Hut tbe capital, and gives out such scraps ness ef their glance at the strangers tlons a man who knew a little Eng- of interest as he thinks may interest as they passed. Their faces looked lish, and hla face always lighted up the people. He has eorsulted me as se if their hearts opened outward, when ho found wc were Americans. to the expediency of subscribing to like the windows of their houses; and. We seem very popular them, lee the Itnpareliil instead. At tho peluqueria the local Figaro though there was no lack of courtesy English buy the people's logs that wc anywhere In the width of Norway, saw clogging the streams, or rather discourse with the notables of the there was no servility of manner. that pnrt of the rivers on the lowe. town. Qu'tc as In the pages of "Don That never belongs lo peasants who slopes to which they were confined, Quixote." you find In the shop of the own their bit of land as these have for tlufe is a very clever arrangebarber the prie: t, lion Itaracl. a venment of barriers, chained lines of erable man, who is opposed to most always done. With the exception of the train logs, which pen the drive Into Its things modern, and yet Is fond of readfrom Bergen to Voss and n steamer i at each side of the middle ing. He says his dally mass, baptizes up the magnificent Ilardaneer fiord, chauiii of the stream. England U the babies, marries the young peopla where the mountains Inclose the nartheir arket, but AmiritM is the and bears the confession of the dying. of their sons, and the hi art His face Is benevolent, and he Is just row, winding way which, ages ago. now much Interested in the new fought Its path thniiigh them into the toes oi. i whore the children are. heart of tbn land, we drove across The holy father." snyx Don Itafsel, When any of the emigrants come Norway In the queer little gig of the ar!: tti-- y always seem to have money "must be like one of us, the humble country. .ii'KlInn in every ;sirl:'t, a young rural clergy. I am told that he likes It is on tho prlnripl of the han'.vinnii 'rid me In Chrlsti'inla when I not show and ceremony, and that one h- r about som. somewhat, the itrivi-- sitting rd-ethe mnit. r of tlielr of his sisters cooks his meals at tbe though not above, so that his MieecKs. lut few come back at Vatican, Just as my sister lines mine reins are forever sawing at year arms il. h: mildly added. In the parish house. T! is ' a wso pre of Is blooms here. , gayly-oolore- sing-songe- ! gray-halre- autloti; the great of the world have many enemies, senor. Some powerful person might lie tempted of Satan to try to end the Pope's life. Nowadays 1 Ibercls and godless men abound ; the world has wandered far from the old say, and the church la surrounded by her foes." I went yesterday, at the Invitation of the alcalde. Don Miguel, to see tha carrel, the town prison. It is situated at the upper end of the plaza, and two tall palms rise from its courtyard. We ascended to the mf the licttcr to a e who make the the poor capilves. court, or patio, tlielr outdoor par'nr or sitting room. It was a leaf from an old Sparlsh picturesque novel. The prisoners, clothed la simple white col leu garments, sat about the courtyard under the palms, smoking their rlgarette. amiably engaged In agreeable and delightfully unprintable con verbal Ion. A story teller sometime wins tlielr attention, and tells of the e days of revolutions, of the famous on the acd roads, brigands public as he sirgs prettily he Introduces snatches of old Mexic an ballads. re"Glorious days, my friends. marks the teller of lalea. "when meu like myself, lacking money, took our esropcla. and on our own good horses sallied forth to the highway! in quest Did I ever of money and adventure. lack silver to buy the dinner for m family? And did not pnivlder.ee watch over me, giving tne a charmed Pfe? "There was once s bishop from up San Luis Potosi way whom we relieved. my rnmpanlnna and myself, of much good linen underwear, some gold ounces snd s bag of silver. He threatened us with hell and its torments, snd for his pains we tied him to a tree, where he stayed over night, saying all the prayers he had ever learned. "Ah, comrades In mlsfortur. I lived like a prince for a mouth afterward on the spoils of the holy rhurch. And, truly, one deserves all he gets when risking his life In such adventures. Here I am In the carcel for nothing more than taking corn from a field, and from a man so rich that even hla dogs are Insolent to the pooly clad." "Quite true" said the alcalde, this chap Is more than 60 years old, and he old-tim- d Eer-nadot- te triangular cage of Iron work and netting. There are holes In the aides opening Inward and shaped like cones, getting narrower as you go Into tha cage. The curious fish- pushes his way In through this opening and than Is afraid to come out through the small end. Pockets Inside dragnets are very effective In tangling up Che fish and holding them. One new trap cloaca through the action of an electrical current which Is broken by the fish. New York World. The Wild Was of India. In the Northers Shan states, on the border of Burma, there la a tribe called the Wild Was. These people propitiate with human ikulla the do mono whom they worship. Outalda every village In their country there are many posts, all In one line, decked with human skulls. A niche la cut In the back of each post, with a ledge on which the skull can rest and grin through a bole In front of it Every village has a dozen and some as many aa a hundred of these head postal Fresh skulls are In special request at harvest time and are purchased for large sums, those of distinguished visitors being particularly desired. So, as Mr. Scott, the British Superintendent of the States, remarked some years ago: "The Wa States arc, therefore, no place for missionaries or globe trotters. Cocoanut Bent Through Mails. letter carrier in the LoulavUte help but wish dis Ice would never (Ky.) poatofflre was surprised to Had melt among the mall matter ready for hla distribution a few days ago a large Preserved by Military Discipline. cocoanut in all Its natural hairy covA terribly diamatlc scene was wit He thought at first that someerings. aessed a few days ago in a theater one was trying to play a Joke on him, In Russia. at Wlobslessk, During the but upon looking closely discovered performance In the town, a bouquet that the cocoanut waa duly stamped, was being presented to the leading postmarked and addressed to a young lady, when by some accident a petro- woman on hia regular route. It had leum lamp became upset, and the been sent from a Florida town and scenery was set on fire. For a few bore sixteen two-cen- t stamps to covmoments, awed by the very excess of er postage. At one spot the hair had their terror, the audience kept ti.elr been carefully scraped off, revealing seats, and before a panic had time to a smooth surface on which the adassert itself the voice of the military dress waa written In Ink. The unique commandant was heard giving orders mail parcel waa promptly delivered to in loud tones to the officers of whom the young woman, nnd she later told many were present, to see that all the postman that It bad lost nothing women and children were conducted of Its flavor by reason of Its old safely to the doors. Under their cool method of transmission. direction the people restrained them selves and ultimately were got out The First Automobile. without a stempede. SLortly after, the place collapsed. Keep Up Small School. The little Islet of Xordstrindschmoc fa the North Sea boasts what Is probably the smallest school in the world. A century ago there were fifty Inhabitants. who lived by fishing and rode husbandry, snd in 1836 a little school was erected, capable of provld Ing for about a dozen children. The population has thlnred and now niim hers no more than fifteen bouIj. For tvs years rast the school attendance hie varied from nothing to half a ioten children. LAND ! dis cant pans between your com paw loa nod yourself lu the east before The lad. always a small boy, makes encourag!ug sounds with his to mouth i be hors between the shafts. The stocky little beast, with bl mane cropped to a stiff, erect brash, dashes away over the perfect road, sod the panorama of heights and tumbling cascades, bit. of green at their feet, thlek with ail the flowers cf the whole auamer massed together, begins for ! den. ' as they A Built In 1769, known as a "manu-motive- ." Celebrated 103d Birthday. Miss Rachel Msrtense of Brooklyn, who Is said to be the oldest woman In Kings county, received a number at visitors Wednesday at her home, Flab bush and Linden avenuea, on the occasion of her 103d birthday. Her visitors Included relatives. Intimate She refriends and acquaintances. ceived presents of flowers and fruit snd messages of congratulations from many parts of the country. Boston Globe. d ' j ; Girl. alm-patie- o. Man-foote- d lllii-riy- I f.u-.r- t I led the grand lifo of the roads In hla best days. You aee how unrepentant he Is. We have him at least every year or two. But his vigor Is gone; he la of the past. A great rogue, but senor, very good company for the other captives. Prisoners in lands where reformers have done their worst might well envy the inmates of the carcel or El hcie no obligation to work at tiresome tiades, no rules against talking. no eai king of bars and absence of siinsbiiie. Sometimes In the afternoon, on passing the prison, one will see at the into mi the plaza a hand held out for I nlnii. women, wives or daughters, or perhaps sisters, of tbe prisoners. e ime daily with baskets, bringing food and rural dainties for the r "unhappy in ex." most likely far happier in their plea Mint prison club than One captive has a when at rod to which is attached a little Icaihcr bag, and he puts it through the grat-ii'g- s of tho door, fishing for charity! It is all humane, cheerful and conducive to sympathetic reflexion. Tin-rarc rarely any crimes of grave Importance In this region; the rural guards police the roads snd, as every one may easily get a living, the terrible pressure of want docs not exist. Men take too much aguardiente, quarrel over some fair one, dispute alsuit their valor or repeat a rumor, and knives are drawn and blond flows. murRarely Is thcro a I . cold-bloode- d der The Joys of Womanhood. "What did you do yesterday, dear? be asked. "I bad an engagement with my dressmaker," she replied. "What arc you guing to do I shall have to go to my dressmaker's O. Have you anything on hand for ThursLet me se? day. Isn't it? Yes. I shall have to be at my dressmaker's cago Record-Herald- . to-da- |