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Show SLIGHT CAUSES FOR WAR. TO OPEN SOFT BOILED EGO. Bloodshed Often Begun With Very Littls Provocation. At loMt it was no smnll matter that brought Rusala and Japan to bosUli-ties- . There was a good deal of truth in the saying that England drifted Into the Crimson war without knowing uxnetly why it did to. No leaa accur ate waa Lord Palmara ton's familiar declaration eonrarning the Schleswig-Holataltroubles. Only three man in Europe, ha said, ever knew what those g troubles were. Two of tho man died before tho war broke out and the third forgot what was the point ia dispute. A slighting rafer-oac-e by Frederick the Great to Mma. Pompadour waa one of the exciting causes of tho sovon years' war. An overturned glaae of wator was one of the contributing elements to another. The omission of n slmpls ate." was tho peg upon which an earlier ona waa hung. Tho theft of a lady'a petticoat brought Moora and Spaniards to bloodshed. The smashing of n mandarins teapot was tho baala of a war between tho imperial forces of China and hill tribes which lasted for generations. Connecticut Inventor Deserves Thanks of Mankind. 8M1I the march of progress coir tlnues. The nineteenth centiwy vise the age of Invention. But the beginning of the twentieth century alrendv gives promise of even greater mai-velWith the wonders of radium till ringing around the globe comes n Connecticut min who as the reaL genuine humanitarian and philanthropist is entitled to the thanks of every man, woman and child who ever sat Statutes Oddly Warded. at table only to mess bli fingers with the white and gold contents of the only and original breakfast food of n war-maklD- Mias Nettie Blackmore, Min. eapolb, tells how any young woman may be permanently cored of monthly pains by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "Yoobo Wimu: I had frequent Beedschee of a severe nature, dark pots before my eyes, and at my men irioda I suffered untold afoi er of the lodge advised me Vege.din E. Pink bam table Compound, but 1 only scorned nod adriee and felt that my eaao waa hopeless, but she kept at me until X koiiht a bottle and started taking It. I aoon had tho best reason in the world to change my opinion of tho medicine, as each Cay my health improved, and finally I was entirely with out pain at my menstruation periods, lam moat grateful. Kama Black-Moa- n, U Central Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. fMOO fmf-i- t If iHfM tf shew Mtar If there ia anything nbont yonr would about wnlch you like aperlal adriee, write freely o Mrs. Pinkbam. She will hold letter in strict confidence. Iour ean surely help you, for no person in America can speak from a wider experience in treating female ills. She has helped hundreds of thousands of women lack to health. Her address Is Mass.; her atrice ia free. tan Tears ago the British parUamrat passed a bill for the rebuilding of n jail at Chelmsford. It was agreed that the prisoners should bo confined to tho old jail while the naw ona waa FORGERIES WORKS OF ART. NMSMTSTMMU as auunv pea Mass mw -- z tie a turner, Ag?. saS-"- " Complete External and Internal v. jumeKUMMiunw. MHmnn w lew II W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES ra 3.ss&3 W. L. Treatment Douglas hoes have by tieir excellent easy-fittin- g, style, and superior auuloved wearing qualities, the largest sale of any shoes In tha world. They ere Inst si good iw those that cost you (4 to gS the only difference is the price. bait f BtrjwlHrs. Look for name and price on bottom. Donglea nsra Corona BE'1' Colt .kin, which Isovorjrwhi bo tho finest Patent I ather yet produced. KhOMbjioisir.ttr.sstn. MlhWfpIniW. BrethUs. Writs fsr Calales. FE-BU-B- Catarrh Robs Women of Health and Beauty. Hakes Women Healthy and BeautifuL Pe-ru-- na Miss Amanda Johnson, Fairchild, Win., writes: "I write to tell you how much Peruna benefited mm She a number of yuan I had pain In my head around my eyas and I thought it was bocauso my eyrs needed treatment so I went to an occulist and bad glasses fitted to my eyas and wurs them for soma time, but fait no relief whatever. In fact, I felt worse than before, and came to tho oeadw akrn that the trouble wae not with my ejree, but with my head and that it must bo catarrh. As so many of my friends hud used Peruna with benefit tor this trouble 1 thought I would try it, I waa not sorry that I did so, 1st In a abort time I began to improve, and ia four wacks my eyes wen ia splendid condition, my general health was much improved and all tho catarrh of tho head I waa glad to get rid of this trouble and am glad to such a good nurit-daas reruns." kllss Amanda Ja Splendid Imitation of Bank Notes Made In Copenhagen. A singular feat in the forgery of bank notea has just been accomplished in Copenhagen, Denmark, but with results that ultimately brought the authors to disaster In a most ludicrous way. With no apparatus better than n small lithographic press, and one or two most imperfect and primitive tools, a lithographer bad succeeded In producing 10,000 notes of 10 kroner, each so perfect that only stupidity prevented a great success. The police quite refused to believe that notea so perfect had been produced with means so inadequate, but the lithographer, touched in hla artistic pride, asked for his press, and going to work In his cell, soon demonstrated that it is possible to be at once a knave and a fine artist. And now In Copenhagen the strange spectacle Is witnessed of forged bank notes for 10 kroner, worth nothing as money, selling freely among connoisseurs for 30 kroner, as beautiful specimens of lithographers work. Novel Pen Rest. Brooklyn man is among those who believe that a beautiful and easy chirograpby la much to be desired, MUs Flon Hauser, 1033 & Kew Jengy Street, Indianapolis, Ind., writes: I think I fflsif hart beta (ran. AM with catarrh aver ala ce I war very young, aggravated each time I caught a cold. Tbla did not prove aufflclently aerioua to he until laat winter. Then a& bead and aoae were so atopped up that I felt I muat do aomethlng. Parana waa recommended to me by a Mead. I uaed It for four weeks aad found to my relief that It cured me. I have not bad a bit of trouble alnce. gly bead la clear, aod I can aaMy affirm that Parana cured oh-aox- me."Mlaa Flora tiauaar. Hundreds of Women Cured by Catarrh. f Annoying .& HARTMAN Pe-ru- na has probably does non than any other toward Many n girl haa regained her faded beauty, many a matron has lengthened the days of her comely appearance bjy using Peruna. Peruna produces clean muooua membranes, the base of facial symmetry and a perfect complexion. Tha women have not been slow to discover that a course of Peruna will do more toward restoring youthful beauty than all the devices known to sc leu re. need Feruna. While it is true that INernns cure caThe multitude of people that have been tarrh wherever located, yet it is adviscured of chronic catarrh by uaiug Feruna able for everyone to use Peruna as a can never be known. preventive and not wait until catarrh rar-agin- life-lon- 50,000 AMERICANS Liniment Mustang in HALLS CANKER throat. sis Nelden-Judso- DURINQ LAST TEAR. Thar ara Htllsd ssd sellllni ac Iks Crsis sad Grains lands, and ara praapetawi sad eaiiihad. kir Wilfred Laeriar racaatly rad: "A saw alar haa riaea as tha boricoa- - ssd it is aoward il that aery iaisiiiraal who leavas Iha land at his is cuss sad aaak a hoae lor hiBaaif sow lams bis aaaa" Canada. Than is AOMSTtOMS :BMOKB: Consisting of Cuticura Soap to deaaae the skin of crusts and scales, and soften the thickened cuticle; CUTICURA Ointment to instantly allay itching, irritation, and inflammation, and soothe and heal ; and CUTICURA Pills to cool and and expel cleanse the humor germs. A SINGLE SET, costing but ONE suffi-cie- aov naw ansse, but naw Whitaker & Dallas. Mikirs FARMERS and STOCKMEN Ml Ws ean ears yea MSIssmo'i by barfse esi ewa wanbawo eo4 ftaSIse yard., aoS aaasrlsi blsbtal prMea for yoar (tala ssS Mack. SaoS faros, FRICK HowkJat. 'isaafta is often to cure the most tor- nt skin, disfiguring turing, scalp and blood humors, eczemas, rashes itchings and irritations with loss of hair, from infancy to age, when the best physicians and all other remedies fail. It IMS It, Mr I Hi rt. -- hi M u (Vb-er- . Lead mu Mu.li It - pi, 4 i.i-ii- i . ........... t .Tt OolS .TilOolS. I ssS Mirer. ...IMS SliT'r.Oop'r Proayt re larva so wall aeaplee. Olden At.., Co. RICHARD .. U'".'.'"?. ae a. 1JS "' E. EVANS. Plsisl Sailfss ibS iMSftal Werb I pec la AH Cst Ftowere bi Issess. ar. maim salt UTAH JUNK CO. rs bt. Boppcr. If afflicted with sore eyes see . lams oitv EMrfiSS braaa, see . Soil Labe City .Ussh Thompson's Eyi Water Whan Answering Advertleementa Kindly Mention This Paper. W. N. U.. Salt Lak- e- No. fMtrt Mir., Ue, ,ui M : IrvM. :: i h.nrr.HMiw hi At. Itn.i..., IJT iu.rhmi hif I'rapM lrec irs . fur iHr. i i IvKrlu M tgwias u.ihm. rm. ir.u7 i. A " , tota-ta- af mu assays. RXUABLE OolS..... bl-on- DOLLAR, OlTVo VTM I 1 1, lilt Autiiir iili' 1004. HyniyrTaiiae UouL Uee l. Ml hr 4 rental. Salt Lake City, Utah. to-da- SEEDS TOR WESTERN PLANTERS & COMPANY BARTELDES Tkc Old Reliable Cslcrads Seed House, Hth fiTREST. ISXI seedJpototot 500.000 WESTERN SEEDS 8p-ei- Hsmcalscds given sway. Kchoola, Hallways, Markets, Cllnaalat cvsiythlsg ta ba daeirad. Far a daaeripdva Alls ssd other iaformadsa. apply is hupariaiasdaai lrawiarauoa. (Xuwa. Caw da. er aaihsriaad Canadian c.sv era maul Asset 1 ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE We are the only extensive growers in the Middle Wees. Our catalogue for Bee Supplies, Poultry Supplies, Fruit Packages ars free. Ask for them all if intereeted. FIEl and to that end he has Invented a first aid to the penholder. It is an adjustable ring of light wire to be worn on the forefinger of the hand holding the pen, and provided with a rest on one side and a projection on the other. The projection le to make a cramped position of the lingers impossible. the guide rest la intended to make it easy to maintain a proper slant of the pen. AN9 tINIRAL ITORIliiuusgy It tells you all about our it "WESTERN ini. Davies, room a dunk block, cen. SltStUC REMEDY poi ualu uv all druooibto Cl Drug Co., General Agents. n Send for TRAL AVENUE, GREAT FALLS, MONTANA MsnTunaausaas- Air WLSSTIIVU SI MU LAlU on. UTAH. DIPHTHERIA HkVkll lAILtt FREE a Chuiwhae, . UCVCD haa fastened Itself in some part sf tha system. Peruna seta quickly and beneficially " on the Inflamed mucous membraae lining tho different organs of the body. Thus it will core catarrh wheiwvoi located. If you do not derive prompt and satiate to ry, results from tha use of Peruna, writs at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a fun statement of your case, and he will he pleased to give you his valuable ad vies gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President at Tha . C'nlimhn. Ohio- Hnrtmnn Snrlfi-ri-i Canada Room for Millions. a positive cwre fhr Pile. ABO PON THU MOUTH, TOMACH AND UOWELU Western A MEXICAN Miss Flora Hauser. physician popularising a means of pe from the facial duroraltic. such as watery eyes, twisted nose, offensive g breath, dry cracked lips, due to tha effects of catarrh. g He has mads chimin catarrh a tody. Hie remedy, popularly known as Panins, is tha most famous remedy for catarrh in existence. Probably there is not a man er woman, jy or girl, within the bounds of the United Slates that has not heard of Pe runa. By far the Urgent majority have ancas-Cor- nGnxr A. o general consumption. His device is Intended to effectually remove n portion of the shell of an building. Tha naw ona, however, waa egg without crushing either the reto be constructed fron the materials moved or remaining portion of the of tho old one. In tha reign of King hell. A pair of segmental Jaws, William IV. n statute waa passed fix- hinged as indicated, and provided ing the punishment of fourteen years with finger holds to facilitate the transportation for a particular offense. opening and closing of the jaws, have It added; "Upon conviction, ono-hnl-f on their Inner surfaces n row of rathereof shall go to tho king and ono-hnl- f dially disposed teeth, deslged to puncto the Informer." Just why tha ture the shell. The arrangement of king should bo transported for half the Jawa and teeth le such that the tha term the person who draw tho act latter penetrate the shell to a unitound It Impossible to explain, since form depth and cause that portion of he had merely made n ludicrous blun- the ahell clamped by the Jawa to be der. neatly severed from the remaining of the shell without breaking portion Many Railway Signals. or rupturing the latter, an operation Engine drivers working from Clwwa to London and back have to notice the successful achievement of which one may with reason be proud. no fewer than 170 signals. One man has been Induced to manufacture the apparatus. Can either a cook or a hungry man be found who would use It? That's the chief ques tion. $Sllv DOW TWOBEAUTIFUL WOMEN ESCAPED DREAD CATARRH BY USE OF DENVER. COLOIABR GREAT OPPORTUNITY A BUSHELS; This ORGAN, with Stool and Book, DELIVERED at your Railroad Station lor SALEglEAg Awsarraaadyasaw jraSynia atr Saatf Rlssaal alack. TUMUlaaa yiaMa Flam OH ts IMS pc tea i gO lara 10 CENTS aad ihtpoUmwa prod yea FOR aad aamplaa sad Mg hachia MUlas ioo aphna. lSEA't&E&ZLSXZ Wo aro putting In Sis of these at thte price. Regular BI2B.OO. Writ ua at onco for anything Muoloal. Lowest s pricoa. Kaalout forms. Bee Swarming Extraordinary. Recently, at a State school In Balrnadale, Vlstorla, Australia, a lad who is very fond of taking awarma of bees, obtained permission from the head teacher to go and secure a warm the boy had seen some distance away. While he was attemptwinks aw lea appn ing to put the swarm Into a box, the 171 Hairca Aaa., laatsa, I queen bee settled on hla waistcoat ; Bit A L HOWARD, Thaaa mv FREE la all i the swarm immediately followed suit, and he was surrounded by bees. Having let them settle down quietly, the lad walked hack to the school, a disFARM tance of a quarter of a mile, with his aad lass. ABDRN trophy resting on him. The teacher aad msM raUahi Bead Uaaaa brushed the swarm off into a box, and Bpealal prlaaa m marhel carrieoara. strange to state no one received a Lee Pioneer Seed Co. The ting during the whole operation. CLAYTON MUSIC CO. sons eo. to o. o. succasaoNu njtarian publications WS-I- VAXES SEEDSSEEDSSEEDS currie. oslounb 109 MAIN STREET. BALT LAKE OITY. UTAH. BBPBC. WE TBEBI HKD CUBE ra, Note us ThroM Trow ad Bar IMimwn. BroRehlRl ai4 Lteisg it Am ItMiaeiL Uniraal KMiwy hlersw MlAditre TmfelM riisw Cob ChroMM IMaraaM nf Woaieii 4 CM glum. m. Ckaraa, Hurt Insfiai. karma In hr iHL VltM' iRRfii, Klalm, HgiiU TvmrR.r. khRWRRMra. Mis IHmamr MbiIir of too Hovais. PtUw. Fiat nit mm4 KmMrI Tmufc!a( br4tn tor Mf mtIi. Blood IMrrrmr, Taya Worm, liar Fovir, HyatRrtA. Rglltgar, isNRila.m.t RRd Ml Vorrova Rid i livm iMiaaaN. CATAftiH-nFafa- fcJM. Iji IwiafeiM, A a. ul STS EXT. PBS TEA, OOLA. To Aid Eacaped Prisoners. In Siberia the housea In every vilFRESH AND RELIABLE lage upon the main street facing the road have little windows with shelves about six feet above the ground, and SCHWARZ A HEINECKE on these shelves the inmates pises A I. IIOOHi MVTN ar. whatever food they have to spare. SALT LAKE OITY TM.NOM This Is a custom handed down from a former period to aid escaped prisoners. the shelves being placed at tLat 70 W. Third South St. height so as to prevent dogs firm food. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH P. Ol BOX S6S. getting at the jTw. inviec vein rim. WiiMtarfftt let If TBI riBBul oalL fmiillaiff Free, Hnae TiwrIhimI I . jbrwUmii B. a. BCCKBB. Weakaf Men Vrveeeeer mknwe !. trvm by leutl BHN THE TO TAI.B TO. W.bat. U VKHV yim oer (till dlMlB.ll.fi In . Hd-CI- ... Il DRS. SHORES & tlom eedtlMe eat RSANOUB E1.S yev ere rwrvd. Vim mb Hhm epea O1 whoallioiiwed. of aafl.nre ton IdderMB ee UKE the bi o ir word Kuw.wu wnsriut you vita CHBOBIC Men enmmiandliid that we will BM MbiM b lartl rRE eeill w. cure jna. ThlieppUe.Ml-s.lM..le.r.ry hood. OtyBBla Wnakimi. Hp.nuaumkoM, Vat Miin. plM.ieB mx or ih. rm.tr.ia Ulaad. L'paaiaial la. Iiliwa-- WK CAN'T Hl.leH OI K I't SM lilMSAhBH IN It viie id krtrey Mi.nd.ei- -. Him. v. vf Unutiw In I. ihl. bar. k, pnivaaer .bill Banthei vey Thi. a our plea: Pm V. When Cured Pay cun ,oe Sm We malat-ImTU- ntlat BImmic ky pebll.hlBB th. Many M I. fniei kiM pmipiB. (Olns Bad .r WE WANT . DR. Lem, f'nmvil BMod B. Paet. end BI. ell WBAKKKMItS m e. fa. alpe: Staeiasa limn KleesCORO II. SHORES. Stecialists. IAIO HIT, iR die T irotlKK: to I; Seadaye. IW. OITTR ALT |