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Show eastern boundary of Ohio to Puget sound, ami from Florida to California. t of un'la ginning with the derlin'd limit, the liiltcd Stale has up pinpriated, bought and won by treaty this iist contiguous teirllory. The eighteen older States and Tessa r wen allow tu retain jurisdiction uvi-- the acres within t heir hounila-rii-- s, .ViO.mjn.oou and mure than liai.OOO.WiO acres tvt aside In forest, Indian Hnd About b5tl,bU0,liQu other reservations. acres have, up to the present tin e, been sold or given away. Aa a land broker the Government lias played the pail with easy generosity. For the last two years the amount of land alienated from public ownership lias been unprecedented, even exthe years of the great tush of ceeding liomes-ekerIn the Mir, when the agricultural emigration nf the world was At all coining to the United Slate. the rate of zu.Oou.nQu ucres each year, the i holi est land is being taken (ruin the Goveruir.ent under one lea or another, and It Is not difficult to set a time when the thousands of homeseek-er- a will be forced back upon the area now Included within private ownership und the public domain will no longer extend its marvelous welcome of the past to the cubin builders of the American The United States nriulred the public I a mil, by iiccuiution, cession and purchase. About SCO.MNi.uuo m res wi re uciiiied by cession und about 1 6ni,is') acres iwu by purchase. The l,90ti.(KI.(as been at the i1Ishix.i1 of the whb h . acIn Government have cost tual cash, about J4UO.OtHM8iO. "The present vacant lands, now amounting to about 475.600, (Ml acres, represent u net actual cost of about A PAEAN ON PANAMA. seai-oas- All who taleinun Thou deft hall! WlnricM with writing; What bloodshed might lone In wars panoplied way; breakest bond that necea-a- li Whose iir lighting; Vet slimiest how nations are born In a day. un-no- u bail to the land where proud towers, And Joy to the wires that resound with thy nii!i:e! The coup ih:U created thee one of the imwei'S." Posterity's lioaom ahull thrill with thy lame. All Pan-Ain- 'twaa not for freedom thy bold pen was lifted No ovorw ni Liberty" reared her tired bead Thy nation was born with silver spoon elfled. Her dowry assured when thy waters O, 1 k-- ' are wed. no longer brigandage venture, fn roping with statesmen with Sharp as thine; Thy coup, brave Republic thy full Indenture Props ret h thy waters to turn Colombia shall wits life's Into wine. -- Then bail to the land which desplseth dependence And eagerly yeameth for guerdon of gold; Whose shores shell witness panoramic transcendence As ships glide along, by Tour Uncle full toiled! dln-ctly- 75U.buU.0UO. have Ik- - n More than lOO.OuO.OOO given away In the foim of Isiuntb-- and for military crvlee. More than IU.ihn)-00- 0 am have alrc.u'y 1s t n iloiiatcd to the States. Nearly MO.lliKi.lmn acres lr. ve passed In Individuals under the notorious swamp law, tinder which, by means of ierjury and misrepresentation. valuable agricultural land has been i olen in enormous tracts. ''More than ltsi.nflO.OOO acres have been given away for educullonul purposes. Koiiis of this land lias fulfilled its purpose, but from very little nr It have the schools to which It was Th granted received tin- full Slates receiving Mils bind have ivrlp, void It In iinltvlduals at low price anil tile scrip has lx n us-- d to luc.il value than Is prupei ty to far greater represented in the ii om-- received by the college or school fund. GIVEN TO RAILROADS. Millions nf have guiu under land Ihwk In binbl wagon tlie iiiiiu-iu- l roods, in silt il.imt a ml under the timber iiiiiI slmi" ads, all of which give the- - right of To tin- - piilro.nlj of the- emigres h.n ilunated luring the past titty years more than HhI.iMHI.iksi acres of land, neatly ull of which Is of the ciudi-eh- l character. "nf tin- - vast umoiiul nf money paid by the Government for Its great public estate, nearly half, or about $20n.um-Oer- t. has been paid to the Indium fur deeds to territory tin control. Another 3inu.000.000 has been paid to Slate and foreign countries fur land. To suivey thin 'and nml pay ths expenses of the land office from the foundation of the Government to the present day has cost nearly W hen the United Rtales Government first went Into the land business the only Idea which prevailed wax to sell the nubile domain In any quantity to anyone who might apply at such price aa could be realised. This fystem practically prevailed until 1841, when the law was passed This Is the first law which recognised 160 acres of Inml us being the Meal slxe fur a form or homestead. It wus not iwisslble, however, to olitnln enough land under this law to carry nut the purimses of those desiring to rrente large holdings, so In 1X62 emigre's passed the homestead law, but still law In effect. leaving the (Continued Next Week.) s N. W. M. s ONE IRRIGATED ACRE. The Ri'Pramento valley of Callfoinln la a land nf big farms. Private es0 tates run all the way from Mon to acres. It was once profitable to farm vast areas In grain. Whin this speculation beg in to fall, In mniirni c of the expanrion of the Industry Jii foreign lands which had learned to use g American tnnrblnrry, the tendency toward big fauns was not since eheoksd. but rather aw many holdings were consolidated' In the process of mortgage foreclcsuirs. Allhnurh the Racrammio valley Is bleasnd with most nhiindant water supply, Irrigation la not generally employed. There Is little rainfall from May to November, yet grain und deciduous fruits ure grown without artificial iroiMure. Uni the big farms are not prosperous. They an- - largely by (munis and are strangily devoid of fentures which make the true CallfoTin farm nnr of the ir.osl botne apnls In he world. The men on the land sell all they produce and buy nearly all they consume. And ao they pay tribute to othera going and coming." I have lain visiting a farm In the ftacramento valley which consists of on single acre nf Irrigated land, and which makes a better home and n Inrger net Income for Its owner than many of his neighbors enjoy on places of thousand of acres each. The little farm Is at Orix nd, In (Hen county, and Is the properly of a man named Samuel decks, who has grown old and gray while tilling it for the past thirty years. Mr. (Meeks tells me that he hns no a com difficulty whatever In making of forts b'e living from this one-acso. but ha la rivaled land. Not only able to mve an average of 1400 a year besides. He has money to loan, aa well as fruit, vegetahlra and poultry prod-udto sell to those who are getting poorer every year in carrying on big I was so farms without Irrigation. curious to know how he could get such area that an ao small good resuts from ' I asked him to give me a Hat of what the place contained. Here It I. Burn and corral space, 75x75 feet; and rabbit hutch. 25x25 feet; house towporches. gOx.V) feet; two windmill era. 10x10 feet each; garden, 40x40 feet; blackberries, 16x90 feet; strawberries, 05x00 fet; rltrua nursery. 90x04 feet. In which there are 2300 trees budded; one row of dewberries, ino feet long; four apricot trees; two oak trees; three peach trees; six ffg trees; ten lncurt tree: thirty Assorted roses: twenty assorted geraniums; twelve lemon trees, bearing, which are seven years old; llmo acre, nine years old, and bearing, from which wire sold Inst year 160 ilnx-e- n limes; eight bearing orange trees four breadfruit trees; live pomegranate trees; one patch of ham.hoo; three cnlln lilies; fc.tir prune trees; thre blue gum trees; rlx cypress trees; four grapevines: one Rnellsh Ivy; two honey sui ore seed bed; ope save bed: onr violet bed; two tomato vires; thirteen stands nf lives. rr The etnry of thl prosperous farm, set In the midst of the great vnl wheat ranches of n cf min besrlpg on the gri a I; y popular mnvinient filming at the repeu Of existing laws under which the no t Inns lands are being rrckltssly nimir dered ef tl In th face of unit irrlLviti-r- l , bind I, v I.,,...,. . Jder IWirhe cultlv-itlonwhv sl niild m :i m lvn ccrttri'f- to rive nwny Pintle ItuMvIi'ii'1. nr twice n iruch to I we .in mnn an-- Id wife? Tbi" doing iindt r the desert l,!tV law. Ami every fim1 we do It we shut tin drnr or twei'tx of Of Sen In the fur inn.-00- luhor-rnvln- re s; nr.-o- tr hs - r-- - wl-u- Superintendent of public feel to corner No. 1 of Plomo No. j the place of beginning survey nf outside boundaries of the consolidated claims, Appointive. containing a total aiea of I7ust5 ai n- width the area of 1.253 acres, In from A. F. Isiremus. State Engineer. conflict with NK of section 11. Tp Gniiier Thomas, Coal Mine Inspector. 4 8., ft. 5 W.. Is expressly excepted and Waller J. I italic, Marik Examiner. Mnionl II einer, Food and Dairy c om-- j excluded, leaving a net area nf 169 082 acres hereby claimed and applied for. mlvsioncr. The presumed course and length of Charles la Moisey, Commissioner rmu of Ktatlstb s. each vein or lode Is as shown upon the John Sharp, Fish and Game Commis- plat of survey. From corner No. 1 of sioner. plomo No. 6 the 8. W. corner of section 7, Tp. 4 8., K. 4 W.. bears N. I degree Mortis I.. Ritchie, Inspector General. George A. Seaman, General Inspector of 51 minutes Eiit 599.1 feet. From corner No. 1 nf Plomo No. 7 raid aei tlon orner Target Practice. hears N. 0 degrees 27 minutes W. 599.5 Edward 8. Ferry, Aide de Camp. feet. From corner No. 1 of Ploiro No. 9 Judicial. sld section corner bears N 22 degree It. N. Baskin, Chief Justice 8upreme 59 n Inutex W. 664 feet. From corner No. 1 of Plomo No. 9. said section corCourt. N. 53 degrees 22 minutes W ner George W. Bartch. Justice. luTO.l feet. From corner No. 1 of Plomo W. 51. McCarty, Justice. Charles II. Hart, Judge First District No. 10 identical with corner No 1 of Pin. mo No. 17. eald section corner bears N. Court. Frank K. Neheker, Attorney First Dis- 72 degrees 21 minutes W. 1524 7 feet, and from corner No. 1 of Plomo No. 11 trict. Henry H. Rolapp, Judge 8econd Dis- Identical with corner No. 1 cf Plom--76 No. 16. said section corner bars N. trict. George Halverson, Attorney First Dis- degreea 44 minutes W. 2109 feet. Raid consolidated ilalms are situated trict. In and form a portion each of aectlona 7 William C. Hall. Judge Third Dlstrirt. Kamurl W. Slew ait, Judge Third Dis- and 15. Tp. 4 8., It. 4 W.. and section trict. 13, Tp. 4 8.. R. 6 W 8. L ISase and MeU. W. Morse, Judge Third District ridian, Utah, said lodes locations miT. I). Lewis, Judge Third District ning clalrrs being of record In the ofD. C. Kictinor. Attorney Third District. fice of the County Recorder at Tnoel John E. Booth. Judge Fourth Dim lit. City, In Tooele cou tty, Utah. In Rook A. C. Hatch, Attorney Fourth District. M" of Imatlons. at pages 483. 484, 4S5, Thomas Marluneaux. Judge Fifth Dis- 486. 487, 48, 489. 494 and 495, records of trict. said county. Joshua Greenwood, Attorney Fifth DisThere are no known near locations as trict. shown bv the pl't of survey. John H. Chides ter, Judge Sixth District. I direct that this notice he publhdted J. I(. Erickson, Attorney Sixth Dish let. In the Stockton Sentln-- 1, Stockton, J.icob Johnson, Judge Seventh DBtrlct. Utah, the newspaper published nearest W. D. Livingston, Attorney Seventh the Bull mining laim. for the period of FRANK D. HOBBS, nine weeks. J Walcott Thompson, Reporter Supreme Register. Court. R. E. Rost, Claimant's Attorney. L. P. Palmer, Clerk Supreme Court and First Pub., Jan. 36; Ust pub.. Mar. State Librarian. 29. 1904. State Boards. APPLICATION FOR PATENT. PA RIfONR Governor, Attorney General, Three Supreme Judges. M. A. NO. 3777 STATES LAND EX A MIN ERR -- Governor, Secretary of IN THE UNITED Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, Jan. 12, State, Attorney General. A. C. Nelson, ; Instruction. ! be-'r- i NOTICE. tion thereof, being otherwise free from objection, will be recon. mended for apUnited States Land Office, Salt Lake proval. FRANK D. HOBBS, Cllj Utah. Jan. la. 1904. Register. GEO. A. SMITH, Receiver. To Whom It Vny Concern: Notice Is Mar. 30; Jan. last Flirt Utah of Pub., pub.. hereby given that the State has filed In this office a t, No. 51, ot 26, 1914. lands selected by the said State for the (Kiablislin ent and maintenance of a r.oima! school under section 12 of the t of t onrroi approved July 16. 1894. DR. F. M. DAVIS. The following tracts embraced In sail election list are In a township t roPHVSIOISN AN utining mineral claim o' record, vis: unaaoN .WV ne4 Sec. 21, T. 5 8., R. 6 W S. L. Mir. A i opy of said list, so far as it relate Utah. : : Stockton, tn said tracts, by descriptive suhul visions. has been conspicuously posted In this office for Inspection by any person interested, and by the public generally. Within the next alxty days following memo! Instructions of November 27. 1896 (23 I. D., 459), protests or contests imii mill against the claim of the State to any hereinbeor of the tracts subdivisions Dr. Samuel H. Allen, fore described, on the rround that thx some Is more valuable for mineral than for agricultural purposes, will be reUTsa. IUT MM SIT. ceived and noted for report to tbe General Land Office at Washington. D. Offlre Hour. I la 4 p at . Fa. litre bo to protest or contest within Suadaj by appotatowit. the tlm- - apeclfled will be considered Office, 309-31- 1 Dsssrst News BMg. suffi.Ient evidence of the character of the tracts, and the selec AAAA ll-- - r ttttttt m a miuu R. ed s el one-four- th (e-'- t (lult-clal- 0. . ml t- fan. 99999 Best is this Section. ' i STOCKTON. mrnn TmiHniwwnwnmTTinnnmimTTiwwwnmMnnrn4iwnHnnminiinnnn HATS the matter with ERATH'S STORE, tf tf tf tf tf tf w tf OT tf OT tf OT tf OT tf BREAD... ...FRANK ERATHS OT tf OT tf tf OT tf OT Is superior to tne Royal and has no tf OT tf equal la tills countu. OT F & & THE STOCKTON CLUB one-four- th one-four- th J Stockton. Main Street. N e y. s 1 r - 11 . "n-k- I"' '' " Ii -r tb- - Mom 1 ! I --- was flirt 1 i we J' t i .i ed were P.. ,T1 fb.e retry w. r- - ! i I" U woili'l procr APPLICATHiN Full PATENT. iil ilbi.ill $12.t'i,l M. A. Notice No. ..7t.1. ul.i. Idle the .lil'n, situate Liit-iii- l - .".'il a dCsRlcs Complete Llfid cJJ, i i - tl-.- rh-m- i ' - : 1 i GROCERIES AND MEATS i xti-i.-ti- o-- i 1 1 f) I li-i- ng ( tii-l- cl-d- ' da Street, Stockfa I j j dlv'-reln- tt-e- c , 'safari iisr m-r- !3ss; - " e) . end Largest Meat S Jooelo County. t ) I tli-n- ce I I c) 1 ' n Invcr 1 1 r eii-r- 1 Ihi-iK- t. s . y I. t t t s f U - ARBI-THATIO- s V it is filled to overflowing all the time? Why, the reason is plain, he keeps the best W of GROCERIES in Mercur and hit selected stock m w treatment is the same to all and is appreciated by w all. X His business is increasing daily and promises to do so ad lib X X X X X fn th- - llut-Valley Ml i Tooele County, LT an. t. iilr.g Unl'.o-Lund Lake St.ttiF nt!iir. fxwllrx who Salt ' ' iH i r,,ll,! t'"1 than Hi ij iiitisiiiiiiig ut 1.'.47 lineir bet nt th ! le f(J "'j'11, City. Ul.ih. Jan. 22. l'.iM. public rto'iintn If tb ''.'Ii of ffgure-s- ay uni suifai-grour.i; 474A feet wiie. le Miis cut down to a wnromthle Notice herehy givn tint Plomo t it ui'il tb.i i net has t'c v fVi.limi. ins mi:. ei ul survey. No. .rml6. and ile- - QJ und Milling roiiu-ay b It's agent ning thirty or- etx'y lit ri th iTh-nl; linage of on a hnil.1-erurn: Ins bun ihiKimI in the Cell r.nte und plat of brni liinx for Pav Isborn but the grid in tbe n In the official survey on tile In IhW office, "V Willi:, m E. Sn-- l he In ,nke ... li.it low.r th.-igid urn vni.itinn ul 16 deg. 3, 01 iiagiu-ii- f b.i in id- - onNews. ation fur a with Tbis f.ut. iu tom ii tiuti with tlie I mu1 l,J- J follow . tn nil: ii tit. cart, ii f".J!'1.!' l.. i nt m bus Idrdifnl the euini mi y - 1'.!"i:a L .1' g ir.g nt nrt No. 1. a eurn-PUBLIC DUTY. diiVir.a'tiie'i-ii't" 6 'I',""1' from' ivnli'r'cYi'rv Vrou-'Nov. cor- of tl.e from wl.nli the e. I uT- 9. o No. No to )" n Homo . in , t or wbn t n mnn f'ntiplnn r 4 ninth tin slin 21 tnun-hl- i ,i Any Her. rune; IS i- and Pionio No P',,mo ford Ih Viibllc opportuHtv (nr ,.1t tijiil m dine out of the surplus" west. Salt Like Imre nnd meridian C J L. Coiisn.ldaleil lode n um.g lalms, 5hear.' menl lx le tli owntr of nn opera- m- p,.) n. 44 deg 54 min. w. 318.5 feet f Minin situate in Diish t i:l Itnim pr r'li'iMi. rtnuM lwnr In ni? l uniittiu thentruin fh, e . TooIe v. district. Utah, distant; co'ji't 1. n. 41 ileg. 0 min. e. 474.8 fed cmisi-tia- g of 1197. 14.'?. Iti'I.l, 1410.5, Iier No. io i(irii'r No. 2: thcr.ce n. 79 deg. 16 in n 1499. 1410.5. 14;i, ir:.l 1499 linen 1.147 feet to (iirn-- r Nf fi ct rof nf ..u t n l s nnd ur w. u:h 41 deg. 08 min. w. 474.3 feet to m face grout'd, .is shown ,i on 'he plat Of corner o No. 4: I lienee souili .u .e Sarioy Nn. .htj, and de min. e. 1:147 feet tn tirvey. No. 1. being J, a rfrrmrhip tviilii'd In the imti s und plat of the who lord with the pluce of beginning. n ur-- y on tu Pie nffliial ay the what with office piiMle nvr 'bn rlehtlvl (and Said dnlm being bwat d In the niv. V, should inritnoik- - variation at 16 degrees 45 Th pr be Induced to w. V of rectlon 19. tnwnhl;i 4j O) b ginning at and minutes et. ns fu:iii-.i- : p Ffin ncpvsx ton be rern-ittc- d . . i even tf It b coiner of No. I of poir.n No. 5 Lode south, range 4 west, and tie. It und pnldle emttalnn-rr.t' i lai'n. from which ih S W. corner of 4 of set tlon 24. Inwnrhiii 4 south r nue art! If the by a fool, ld nv i ye 5 wert. Suit Ijhke base and O of en nn r -- he it- - or n Miner h a 14.4:18 area of u total if nnd the he bou should containing greaterxfon. however, theref-- i I rrr.ueh. for tl.e 26 minute. acre, .niunirg tlvnce N. r0 dprrx left lllvent r the rrtxtir fenl and the Ur. it -l Stall s Senator. Iti cd Sir.not i f,,,,t tn outii-- N' of riottio No the ari'ii In confiiet with th Itiillii n Im6. thence P. Si degree It E. 45 No. 5. let 44. Panduiih and Tarrot. :U ". protection of the public from fulure Term expires March 4, 1969. i i inner No. 1 f U'lrorn No. to 474; Gulch West Extension, sur. 4982, Co position. 15. Such e Howell, Term thence N. 0 degree 27 .iit, im W. 1410.1 nnd Black Dl iniund. lot 3.178 Jnsrpti -acre. feet to corner No. 4 n; u.omo No. 7. eluded area contatulng UNCLE SAM LAND BROKER. i xi'in March 4. I!ti5. Net area lulme.l and applied fur beS ST degree 24 nm- ;:es E. 1448.1 Co Executive Officers. .260 S acre. fe't to Iiiriu-- No. I.: l iumn No. , ing Governor. The following Is (Upped from the Ililur M. Willi. 0 lA e thence N. legree W. 292.2 Paid Gray Hound Amended ini'u:! Governor's Staff. fei-- t of Pi cerp.her Jfl. I9h3. John Ii. Ppi-nto i nrner No. 2 i I'.nnio No. 10. Salt Lnk" l!.-rTi.iuing claim being of reentd In Ih'1 Co r. Aid !. Camp. 87 5': S. 1290 and n thence News, degree Office of the County Recorder at Tn e e nnd credited to the !i.uts E. Jnliti (J. ('nnr.on, Brigadl'T General. X. r No. 3 .f I'b mo No. 11. Ully. Tin le t 'minty. Utah. The nearfeet In G. U. le. an Jntretlrg article on public land n 54 n iins ir.'ites E. 1499 est krmvn '.uenliiins or : lning Uliiiric S. Burton, Aujutunt Omni. j thence P. and of Interest to nil: 'fe"t to comer No. 4 r.f l,;..mo No. 11. being the aforesaid conflicting ilalin. X .'1 W. Cbi lull, (juarti-rinnuu- r i . yr, u S. 0 E. 1 4'.9 t I direct that tbi notice be published LICENSE TN GOVERNMENT LAND Gcnernl. feet to miner No. 3 i TlinO No. 18. In th Sentinel nt Stockton, county of Win. J. Klualfy. CHECKED. DE TO GRANTS theme N. 87 degree ',2 minute W. Tooele. Utah, for the j loti of nine K. II. Vuikcridn. Riitgion General. feet to currer Xu. ; nf plomo No. consecutive week. "Sine the United Stutf went Into Dinner X. Smith, Judge Adtoiute Gen- 1198 17. thence N. U degre. this Governminute W. eral. . the public lui-- buln-sHOBBS. Register. FRANK 100 feet to curlier No 3 r.r omo No. 5. of State. Hnmriinnd. Picn-tarIuii:m ment has Hcipilred for s d" and 7 X. . 2t m'r ite W. 1497 degiei-thence (I. W. larks. Attorney fur Aptlbant Slate Auditor. nearly y.OfHi.liwi.biO niri-- of land on thin U. S. Ting-'yfeet to corner No. 4 nf llomo No. 6. Thlx John De G. Dixon, Plate Trenurer. First pH id lent ion dated Jnn. 23. IjiisI continent, exclusive of thence X. 0 degrees 26 tnlnutea W. 59S.5 publication, blarch 19. Vnnt public domain reached from tlie M. A. Breeden, Attorney General. r.et boo s NEXT TO POSTOFFICE. Dal-rymp- t.-- tul'-- M. EDMUNDS. PROS. First-Clas- I XIAN e-- m Zbc fIMtcbener liouse. 1904. - m umiuuiiiiuuuiuiuuuuuimuuuuuuuuuuuiiuuuuuuuumiuuuuuuj. lil-tii- COMMISSIONERS Governor, Notice Is hereby given that ti.e GaRerrctary nf Ptate, Attorney General. lena King Mining company, by Dun-:i- n McVIrkle. ltx manager and auih INSANITY llelier M. Wells. Governor; agent, whoe postofllce add, s le De P. ( Grey Salt Luke City. Utah has made apTingey, Auditor; John Trearuier. Dixon, plication for n Unitd Plate paten n King lode mining claim, M. CORRECTIONS Heber Wells, the Galeni In Rurh Valley mining dL.it l. Fisher Harris, Charles Read, ElUa A. nltunte Tooe'.e county, Utah, conal'ti.ig o. Smith. fir-fac- e 1487.3 ll.ieHr feet of Slid lode an-ground aa shown by the plat o LAND COMMISSIONERS Heber M. 4947, aud Wills, Byron Oroo, T. D. Rees, Ueis-eh- survey, being survey No. and described in the field notes p.at Bullen, James A. Melville. of the official survey on file tn thl ofEDUCATION Joseph T. Kingsbury, A. fice, with magnetic variation at 17 c.e C. Neb on, Wllllutn J. Kerr, WOilam east, rut follows: K. Marks, William Allison, (Ogden.) Uomm-npinat corner No. 1, whence section corner on the the Lund. C. Robert EQUALIZATION eust beundaiy nf sec. 19. T. 4 P.. R. 4 D. Dee. Thotr.aa J. John Thomas, W., bearii S. 87 deg. 35 min. E. 146.6 feet Pwen O. Nellsen. thence N. 67 deg. 51 n in. W. 655.9 Let lo corner No. 2; thence 8. 81 deg. 5 in n REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY W. 970.2 feet to corner No. 3; then e P Joseph T. Klngshury, .Eirma J. 15 dog. 30 min. W. 275.8 to c rr.e. W Frank Pierce, Wlilam 4. thence S. 73 deg. 12 n In. E 954.6 Riti-r- , Waldemar Van Cott, Hoses No. to corner No. 5; thence N. 84 deg. Thatcher, A. H. I.und, James Sharp, feet 28 min. E. 555.3 feet lo come- - No 6 Rebecca E. Little, thence N. 15 deg. 30 niln. E. 310.3 fee COL- to corner No. I, the place o' beginTRCSTEF.8 AGRTCULTITRAL 8. '135 LEGE W. 8. MrCnmlck. George C. ning. containing a net area ofexclul-InWhitmore, Mrs. Etrlly 8. Richards, acres, expressly excepting and No. 45,g the following conflicts: Lot Lorenso Hanson, Mrs. J. E. Rsgley, Evan R. Owens, John A. McAllister. Silver King No. 2 West Extension lode 1.691 acres: lot No. 51. Silver King of TRU8TF.E8 8TATE INDUSTRIAL No. 2 West Extension H. lode of .230 SCHOOL Angux T. Wright. N. C, acre; lot No. 6. Theresa lode of 1.33seres; lot No. 71. Silver King No. 2 Flygare, Richard T. Hume. lode of 2.524 acres; lot No. 84, Cygne. DEAF SCHOOL FOR TRU8TEE8 lode of .815 acres; lot No. 68, Leono.e DUMU-Maud Babcock, AND May lode of .106 acres; lot No. 117, Ju la lad John Watson, Mrs. A. B. Corey, Fred of .211 acres. The presumed course and W. Chambers, M. L. Ritchie. length of the vein or lode la shown Said Galsna the official plat. HORTICULTURE Thomas Judd. Mons upon lode Is located In the N. E. King Peterson, J. II. Parry. S. of sec. E. and the 19. T. 4 S.. R. 4 W.. Salt Lake merld an. HEALTH AND VITAL STATISTICS F. 8. Hascom, T. B. Beatty, Martha Paid claim Is of record In the o flee o II. Cannon. A. F. Doren us, Frank B. the County Recorder of Tooe.e county, Steele, Willard Y. Croxall, S. II. Allen, Utah, In Book G. at page 250. The adjoining and conflicting claims, as shown PHARMACY C. H. McCoy, Jairrs L. by the plat of survey, are os follows: Franken, W. W. Cook, (Frisco); T. H. Lot No. 121, Blanche; lot No. Ill, Tip Two Filins working nt the Ophir Carr, U. F. Rlter. Top; lot No. 46, Sliver King No. 2 West mine met with an accident Inst Friday Extension; lot No. 42. First Extension In which (iiirence Mackey was killed MEDICAL EXAMINERS D. C. Budge, West of Silver King No. 2; lot No. 84. A. S. Condon, Brlant Strlngham, A nud Hans Oga severely injured. Mack lot No. 122, Pt. Louis No. 2; C. Ewing. Ellas 8. Wright, J. C. Han-chet- t, Cygnet; ey la well known here In Mercur. lot No. 126, Silver Prince: lot No. 68. It. W. Fleher. Leonora: lot No. 71. Silver King No. 2; DENTAL EXAMINERS W. G. lot No. 51, Sliver King No. 2 West ExSuperintendent Denis Report. W. H. Bucher, Harry W, tension B.; lot No. 123. Prise; lot No. I hi vis, George E. Ellerbeck, A. 8, 117, Julia; lot No. 123, Stockton; lot No. A stntement Chapman. 118. Blue Hell No. 2; lot NOi 66, Tneress. recently furnished by I direct that this notice be publitfiel George II. fieru. managir of the Unn. LA ROR, CONCILIATION AND nt tlie solicitation of Eastern John Nicholson, J. 8. In The Sentinel, at Stockton. Tooele In E. A. Wall. shareholders the company, reveals Daveler, county, Utah, the newspaper published that on February 151 h of the presuit D. A. A M. SOCIETY, Directors of nearest the seld claim, tor a period o( tl-w.-iIn a balance cioh there year nine cunxecuilv weeks. Nelson A. Empty, James O. McDontreasury of 827,040. with all bills paid FRANK D. HOBBS. ald. John C. Cullir, Mrs. Ruth M. Fox, The earnings of the mines on 500 tons M. K. Parsons, J. S. Brantford, Mrs, Register. dully amount to -351. 5UU, gross, monthly Simon Batnbtrger. Wiley C, Cragun Ij. R. Rogers and Willard Hanson, fix- January. the expeim-947,5N); ml T. H. Smith, George Adams, John H Attorneys for Applicant. earning for that period, 94500. Flist pub., Jan. 16: last pub.. Mar. 12. Seeley. It Is viilcnt that the resumption of COMM ISSION Mrs. MarUTAH SILK e li dividend Is di pi ndi-r.- t Usin garet A Culr.. Mrs. Ai:n C. Wood-tiurd saving of the VilluiK to be i APPLICATION FOR PATENT, Mr. Klixalulh Piuksrd, Mrs, by inruns of the Moore siiniM. A. Nn. 3779. Uuihel Sli gel. Mbs M.i'i, E. Zundel. u to We this pinn-procis. onr m ixpict , 11 All Alt I INS 1TI TL 11. L. A. United Ptmea Lund Office. Salt Lake t mlrg uimni r,iux City. Utah. January 16, 1904. l' r lot,.'' cm; lil tu s tt;c miir.ug im i.t. i Ciilmi r. S T. U hitas r. Mrs. Edna M llm Notice I hereby given th it George Iwis l,a ,lt Hus b. . n Idle slim.- N.In-w- W. Sm.in Mt. Alb-Al.un L. Lmh, Ctorge M. II. Roger of Buiee C'ity. Id.ih.n, by h.n und Vl i Hi'n). ; ponding 1 b. te lire Ottir.g'T. agent and utlmiiey In f nt, E. J. Dili i'i;iint"rs. t. wi ixi iit to stuit of and ,mni.y I non-mine- o) 0c) 3 e) .Fresh Meats, BEEF, HUTTON, |