Show I OGDEN POLICE RADIO ARRIVES OGDEN The OGDEN The new Ogden police radio system which arrived last week from rom manufacturers was unpacked unpacked un un- un packed Thur Thursday day by Emil EmU DeNeuf DeNeu installation engineer of the RCA Victor company and inspected preparatory to being installed bythe by bythe the Ithe public safety department The system consists of a transmitting transmitting transmitting trans trans- set to be placed In the desk sergeants sergeant's office in the police station station station sta sta- tion and four receiving sets to be Installed in the fire chiefs chief's car and the three police prowl cars An aerial pole was erected on the roof of the police station several days ago by a local contractor Immediate Installation The apparatus will be installed immediately pollee police officials said and will be bo tested as soon as a temporary operating permit is re received received received re- re from the federal communications commission c A permanent third-class third operating license will be applied for lor later The Ogden s set t Is of the type known as as wave terra or ground- ground wave radio distinguished by a kilocycle kilocycle kilocycle kilo kilo- cycle frequency greater than that used in the ordinary police radio Mr DeNeuf said The assigned frequency of the Ogden system is kilocycles Radio systems of other cities range from 1608 to l 1712 12 kilocycles The system should be unusually effective In Ogden because the city l I Is situated in a alle valley The land is either level or on rising slope from the transmitting station which makes for least difficulty with fadeout fadeout fadeout fade- fade out and blind spots he asserted The radius radius radius-of of the receiving area will be at least 8 or 10 miles he estimated estimated estimated esti esti- mated adding that a characteristic of the wave terra-wave communication is its greater intensity for lor shorter distances The Tho waves travel along tho the ground an dare effective approximately approximately approximately ap ap- ap- ap proximately In a line of sight from the transmission point Mr DeNeuf told Ogden officers that tho the new system is ultramodern em ern as good as any in the countr coun coun- tr try He said that with the higher kilocycle frequency the interference commonly found in sets of ot standard frequency is eliminated |