Show I Round Merry Me rry-Go-Ro rry un d trade Mart Mark MarkBy By Bi DREW PEARSON end and ROBERT ALLEN llEN WASHINGTON The The the scenes struggle struggle struggle gle over the remains of the N R A is rapidly passing passing pass- pass ing ng from comedy to fantasy While Major George Berry coordinator for in industrial industrial industrial in- in recovery is energetically ballyhooing his December 9 conference of business and labor to revive the blue eagle a little byplay is going on behind his back Uncle Dan Roper is busily pushing Dushing secret plans to absorb the remnants of the N R A into his commerce department Under Ropers Roper's scheme all sections of the N R A except the research and planning division would be e junked This one remaining division would be incorporated in the bureau of foreign and domestic commerce Ropers Roper's plan is not mere wish-thinking wish It has progressed to the point where Assistant Commerce Secretary Ernest G. G Draper and L. L J. J Martin acting acting act- act I ing ng N R A administrator have discussed what personnel personnel per- per onnel should be retained or dismissed Martin incidentally plans to fly the blue eagle roost just after Berrys Berry's labor industry-labor congress meets neets Relations between him and Berry are friendly only on the surface For all practical purposes he has been superseded as N R A boss Ropers Roper's plan is fully known to the White House louse but it is being kept under the blankets In jn order order- not riot to throw a damper no Berrys Berry's forthcoming forthcoming forth forth- c coming ming three-ring three circus The inside whisper in the he commerce department is that the N R A absorption absorption absorption ab ab- ab- ab sorption is slated for around the first of the year The president has the authority to make the transfer r by executive order His decision will be beg g guided it is hinted on what happens at Berrys Berry's show If it proves pres a d dud d the ax will fall faU and the N R A will pass out Villi William m Jennings Bryan BrSan may have had rough sledding as secretary of state but his dau daughter Ruth uth Bryan Owen is at least one woman in the new deal who has made good At first welcomed with considerable skepticism as U. U S. S minister to Denmark she has won the genuine jenuine affection of the Danes Mrs Owen also has solved the economic lem em She made a tour of Greenland Greenland Danish Danish possession pos pos- session on session on a U. U S. S coast guard vessel sent at government expense by her good friend Secretary Secretary Secretary Secre Secre- tary of the Treasury The book produced as a result of this trip is is featured in the bookstores of Copenhagen And every American tourist buys a copy Fur Diagnosis Mrs Consumer need no longer worry whether her tier fox fur is fox or rabbit The department of agriculture is on the road to solvin solving her problem In the dilapidated temporary buildings left leftover leftover leftover over from the war using safety razor blades left leftover leftover leftover over from the war a zealous inventor named Hardy has lias bent over microscopes and found a way to hold fast to a few strands of hair and slice e of off a section cross of them measuring only one thou ten of an inch Nobody has ever been able to do that before The reason it matters is that unless you can do this you can never get a good magnified look at a section cross to know what it really is Dr J. J I I. Hardy has invented a little device that rasps grasps the hairs hairs' in s such ch a way that he ho can make a firm straight cut one one thousandths ten-thousandths of an inch long and then mount the tiny disks of fibres on a microscope slide Then he takes a look and diagnoses diagnoses noses the exact nature of the material Wholesale houses have done this for a long time when they wanted to know whether they were buying wool or cotton silk or rayon But their operations required several days Dr Hardys Hardy's requires requires- ten minutes The difference means that Mrs Consumer can soon expect her department store to be equipped with a Hardy instrument so she can look through a microscope and see sec for herself that wool is wool and fox fox Coal Mystery p The bituminous coal board has decided to delve into inlo a m mystery that has perplexed consumers for many many years It is out to unravel the why of the high retail cost of coal when it sells at t the minehead for only 2 and 3 a ton The board thinks the wide differential between the ori original inal wholesale price and the final retail figure i is unwarranted and wants to know if this view is justified According to the U. U S. S bureau of mines th the thc average price of soft coal at the minehead last year ear was 1 2 a ton with the average freight charge adding another This makes an average whole sale cost per ton of But the average price to consumers was double this figure This important probe will be carried out by Thomas N. N Woodward the boar boards board's s 's newly appointed consumers consumers' counsel Woodward is well qualified for the job ob For several years he was on the staff of the interstate tat cA commerce commission assisted Villiam Viliam HiS Gibbs McAdoo as railroad administrator during the war More recently he was vice prosing president president dent ng of the he U. U S. S Merchant Fleet a corporation a post f from r which hi 1 he W was s dismissed by Secretary Dan n Roper r live pcr up because because to their he insisted that the ship operators operators oper oper- agreements with the ment govern govern- Copyright 1935 by United Feature Syndicate Inc |