Show I Ask Your Grocer for I I. I COOKS COOK'S it ORIENTAL COFFEE Roasted Daily FOR SETTER BETTER HEALTH SETTER BETTER BREAD Bread furnishes fuel fueI to keep active bodies strong and warm FRESH Bread gives you ou energy in the form best suited t ft to your our needs You can be sure that you youe Q e arc are getting the best breads it is possible A e to bake when you ask for Fishers Fisher's and American can Lady Breads 4 Fishers Fisher's Vitamin D B WHITE and WHOLE WHEAT BREADS J American Lady Lady LadyA Ladye A e CRACKED CRACKEL WHEAT BREAD Z J e RYE BREAD BRAD f 2 FRENCH BREAD ft VIENNA BREAD and ROLLS ft 2 AMERICAN LADY BAKING CO GO Owned Home-Owned and Operated Cake Special D. D Date Layer J Nut s A FROM t tF F This 1 SPARKLING CRYSTAL Tit COLONIAL r y y sir This thrilling re retail w tail value sent to you Hand Cra DUNCAN for any assortment of 8 in wide 3 in deep eight hot tie tops or can You'll fall in love with this beautiful g labels bearing II C-II-B perfect dish diah for all dainties Discover supreme trademark and to quality II C-II-B Condiments and Vegetables now cover handling costs and get this alluring present Enclose in coin in with bottle Trill This offer void in ill OilY ony tole whir r in same package II C-II-B B tops or labels redemption on or premium is iss to Premium Dept G. G Calif Conserving Co s or tried re Market St. St San Francisco OFFER EXPIRES JAN 31 1936 eu I II I I DISHEARTENED DORA I HER WASHES ALWAYS HAD THAT GRAY G LOOK 0 fi UNTIL r I I t z Z i I WHY DORA THERE THERES THERE'S r S NO BUT HAVEN'T YOU HEARD r you SAY IT Ii G GET S 1 YE YES REAL REALLY LY SAFE I MY I OH SHEETS REASON WHY YOUR I 1 SIMPLY WONT WON'T w THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE y CLOTHES WHITER IN WIFE SAYS ITS IT'S ALMOST SNOWY IVORY HAVE DEVELOPED SOAKING l A MIRACLE HOW NOW WOULD STAY SHEETS SHEETS' SHOULD BE USE THOSE NO NO- I. I SUCH WHITE LIKE THE GRAY USE USER A SCRUB GRANULATED A ANEW NEW SAFE GUARANTEED 1 THAN OTHER SOAPS I A MILD MILt S SOAP C CAN AN GET f I NEW ONES IN SHOP MODERN SOAP SOAR SOAPS I THINK THEY SCRUB NO r SOAr SOAP CALLED DO WITH SCRUBBING CLOTHES WHITE 50 0 FAST FASO tn I ITS IT'S SO AND BOILING BOILING- BOILING AND AND h WINDOWS MINE FADE THINGS TERRIBLY MILD MILD MILD- LOOK SO GRAY AND MAKE MY HANDS HANDS HANDS' YET IT SOAKS OUT DIRT STILL ITS IT'S SAFE r I 11 fill fillI W I l 1 l If I rill z l ROUGH AND RED IN 15 I MINUTES AND GETS dip CLOTHES SNOWY r- r q R Q t s ao-s M E 2 SOAP aau f J L o e v- v act o LATER I I. I y AND S. S ITS IT'S r A MIRACLE AND LOOK LOOK-I'VE LOOK WASHED 1 M DID THROUGH ALREADY JUST 15 MINUTES MINUTES' ES' ES THIS THIS- PRINT DRESS PRESS AND AUD MY MV HANDS FEEL YOU NOTICE WHAT A SOAKING SCORES IN SO SOFT AND AUD i D NICE LITTLE SOAP I USED J SHEETS ARE LOVELY OXY OL SUDS AND WHITE WH JANE YOURE YOU'RE THE COLORS ARE 1 Il GRAND GRAND' JUST LIKE NEW ll t tl tr r l I ll e l 4 9 0 E 0 i 1 0 0 0 o A r y y pA BOA I 0 c I f o J v ti b ar Q o i In Li 1 r r MILLIONS SWITCHING T TO 0 Whiter Washes in 15 Minutes' Minutes Soaking Yet It Wont Won't Fade Any Washable Color Each day new thousands arc switching to this new and amazing scrub no scrub soap inventions invention tion Not only for whiter easier washes washes but but for safer washes tool too For unlike other no scrub no scrub soaps is really safe afe on colors fabrics hands comes to you from the makers of gentle gentle gentle gen gen- tle Ivory It is the result of a patented process which makes mild gentle soap muck much faster fater acting acting actins act- act ing ins a formula which makes it 2 Z to 4 J tines limes whiter washing was You soak clothes just 15 minutes minutes min min- utes to the to tubful ful no scrubbing no boiling and white clothes wash so white it will amaze you But that's not all By comparison makes other no scrub soaps seem harsh hard on colors and unfit for hands Even sheerest cotton prints after consecutive washings in suds show no perceptible sign of fading Get from rom your dealer today You'll be glad you did Procter Gamble N. N 1 G oi o- o i 1 f I t it i 1 i h I I I U s r- r TIMES IN SUDS AND APPROVED HY nv g tL SO MAIN 45 EAST QUALITY SERVICE THESE PRIGS PRICES IN EFFECT NOW AND ALL DAY SATURDAY We Ve Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities Bordens Borden's Richer MILK Tall Tins each C Malted a Milk ni k For malnourished SUGAR UTAH BEET i 10 fg XU IO 16 Ibs C y C i o at daces duces children bed restful a tim time hot a drink sleet sleep i In Induces 13 Bottle Oleomargarine ib Matches carton Mince Meat 2 H fib lb jar Del DelMonte IH Monte Aponte Salad Dressing i Coffee Cof coF- GRAPE NUTS fee JELL O. JELL 0 Sc X y Ib 16 tin 25 c SANKA COFFEE Ib lb 2 6 tin CARRA CARNATION TION MUSH Lr Large Package and and PEARLS WHEAT BOTH 1 FOR SUCH NONE PUMPKIN large cans each MINCE MINCEMEAT CA CATSUP 14 bottle f MEAT Tomato Hot Sauce can Sc Maple Syrup Jugs Quart each each IH Peanut Butter Full 2 jar far Pineapple Tidbits can Royal R Y Soap 3 bars Oc SOUP Campbells Campbell's j 3 Cano cans TOMATO TOl 14 9 Royal BROOMS i good quality duality ea tic Ic BAKING OYSTERS large cans each 12 TIns TOMATO JUICE D M I. I Sc PEACHES Blue Pine BLUE UE PINE GRAPEFRUIT SHAVERS SHAVER'S Large cans 11 c PRODUCTS GRAPES F Fancy Fanc Red 2 ms E Emperors r DATES new newE crop 3 Ibs Blue Pine Pin Kernel APPLES Utah Jonathan bu Corn Ig tins LEMONS Juicy dOZ C Thin doz Pry BLUE PINE P Peaches h es Grapefruit Ariz large 3 for lOc large cans ORANGES large juicy doz Blue flue Pine Gem St YAMS Arizona 2 IU et Refs Red Beans deans can lc Celery crisp white stalk Sc CARROTS Turnips Ib lb Ic lc Blue Slue Pine Diced Carrots can LAMB Yearling Ib 1 Cc I asar T Lamb Leg m GROUND BEEF 2 lbs Ibs KING POWDER POT ROAST Shoulder steer f. f i Ib i lOc tOC c cLEG Large ING LEG VEAL ROAST lb Ib I PRIME R RIB I B Boneless Boneless- Young steer ID lb Ib f Ar c WHITE KING PORK ROAST le leap lean n cuts Ib III Laundry Soap wH iE VEAL CHOPS lb lo bars LAMB CHOPS O u in 2 Z Ibs gc STEAKS Shoulder l Cut Ib lb Toilet WHITE KING Steer e Beef e j Soap CHICKENS HIKENS Roasting Routing Routine Dresse Fresh Ib q I c 5 Bars J KING i iLARD LARD ARD Pure Pikes Pike's White Pe Peak Peale k 4 A lb Ifo BACON Sugar By Dy the Cure piece Ib 2 Z c tI SLICED Ib lb TUR TURKEYS Colorado 1 i Hens n B BELGIUM L ii i HARES RES c. NAPLES Ib lb 18 38 i 7 CHEESE MILD MILD- Full k Cream ream 1191 b. b gC LIBBY'S COX N can canI COY C FRANKFURTERS 2 2 Ibs lbs 25 I LIBBY'S DEVILED MEAT lean leanI 4 Mince meat SS Brandy 2 lbs lbs- Y S 1 c f I F lavor j LIBBY'S SAUSAGE VIENNA I can TAMALES Extra Large 4 4 for 19 LI LIBBY'S VS V'S PEAR PEAK BUTTER WISCONSIN NIPPY CHEESE lb Ib 27 largo large cans KRAFT CHEESE HEESE Assorted PI gs 2 2 for 29 l |