Show HOSPITAL SURVEY i IN PROVO STUDIED PROVO PROVO-lL PROVO H J. J Southmayd yd and ond Robert Jordan representatives of the the commonwealth fund of New NewYork NewYork NewYork York City were in Provo Friday studying needs and qualifications of the city as an applicant for a community hospital from the commonwealth commonwealth com corn fund Provo Proves application was among final ones considered for the 1935 hospital given by the fund which was awarded to a a. Mississippi com corn A representative of the commonwealth organization was in Provo Prove last Jast January to stud study the situation situation situation sit sit- and Mr Southmayd and Mr Jordan said they were rechecking data on the city Provo is being considered or we wc wouldn't visit it twice was all the representatives would say regarding regarding regarding regard regard- ing chances of the city for securing a hospital However it is only one of ot several we are visiting for the same purpose If the commonwealth fund which each year awards a community hospital hospital hospital hos hos- pital to a town which it feels is greatly in need of one and cannot secure it by other means were to award a hospital to Provo the city would receive a grant of more than and would bo ho required to raise The hospital would be of bed 50 capacity modern in every detail Mr Southmayd and Mr tIr Jordan expected to complete their investigation Investigation Investigation gation Friday |