Show r D CO COen COo o en u CD 0 CO tr trIS b 4 IS D DO DD O I- I D 0 D N W ID I P H i P o di Tf C Ci D dH d i. i rd rt i rt t 3 P 3 G 60 J 5 3 rr 3 o III rf s 23 M 1 33 i og ogI it fl o a I S SC SM S- SM Sp M rr 3 Ss rr ti 33 0 Orr O M p O M t rr-t C I g NAZI DECREES HIT SEMITICS Continued from Page Pace One residents are not affected This would apply as regards mixed marriages Status Defined The decree stipulates a Jew under tho the meaning of the law is one oner who has one or more Jewish grandparents or one married to a Jew at atthe atthe atthe the time what are called the Nuremberg Nuremberg Nuremberg berg Jewish laws the laws the basis for the decree were decree were first Issued However until additional final rules arc promulgated citizenship will bo be permitted persons who have not more than two Jewish grand grand- parents As to the tho marriage laws in certain certain tam tain circumstances an an ah exception may be made to the ban on mixed marriages In Jn such cases a special permit must be from rom Wilhelm ViI Wil- helm Frick minister of interior or Rudolf Rudol Hess Adolf Hitler's deputy as leader of ot the nazi party Factors In Appeal Factors to be bo taken into consIderation consideration consideration consid consId- in an appeal against the mixed marriage ban will WIn Include the personal appearance of ot the tho applicant applicant applicant ap ap- ap- ap the length of residence oi ot othis his or her family In Germany and the tho possible war war service of tho the applicant applicant ap ap- or the applicants applicant's father In event one applicant for tor a mixed marriage permit is Js a II foreigner foreigner foreigner for for- eigner the tho ban will not be automatic automatic automatic auto auto- matic but Frick must be consulted Hitler has blanket power to make an exception in any ny case Concession ConcessIon Made As regards marriage provisions in general the decree s stipulates II marriage ought not to occur where the expected progeny may endanger the purity of ot German blood As for tor Aryan maid maidservants servants in Jewish homes a con concession has been made The original Nuremberg Nuremberg Nuremberg berg law which is applied under today's decree officially specified no Aryan woman of ot less than 45 years could work in a Jewish home bome The decree is signed by Hitler Frick Hess and Franz Guertner minister of justice I Italian Gasoline Shipment Seen LOS ANGELES Nov 15 UP UP- UP Two ships were believed loading 1 worth of California aviation gasoline destined to power Italian fighting planes against Ethiopia In Los Angeles harbor today Operators of the Flag American-Flag freighter Oregon would not deny although they did not admit that tons of ot gas being loaded in drums was destined for Italian The vessel was to sail sal Saturday for Singapore and other I Oriental ports At the same tl time e. e a second ship the Norwegian tramp tanker motor-tanker RIgmor was taking aboard tons of airplane fuel Cuel ostensibly for Singapore t r orders A sister ship of ot th the Oregon the Wisconsin was due here from Portland Portland Portland Port Port- land Ore November 21 1 reportedly re to take on a similar load |