Show U UI U. STUDENTS VOTE ON PROM LEADERS Balloting ting to elect class representatives representatives n- n to the Un University of or Utah junior promenade committee was being held Friday in the Union building Polls opened at 9 a a. a m m. and were to close at 5 p. p m. m with Miss Julia Brixen Miss Kay Smith Monte Carpenter Bennett Jack Leary and Vergil James as election judges Nominees Include Miss Helen Reese Miss Beverl Beverly Hanson Miss liss Dorothy Stockman Miss Myrtle Adamson Miss Kathleen Thomas Miss Margaret Price Miss Margaret Herron Miss Marjorie Evans Miss Dorothy Paine William Murdoch John Marshall Dan Eastman James Lund Robert Spalding Keith Brown and Paul Jones Two men and two women representatives representatives representatives will be elected and this com committee with Spencer Nowell as chairman will select student representatives representatives representatives from the other lher three classes to plan for the annual prom prom- enade |