Show FIGHT ON RATES PREDICTED DUE Utah Citizens' Citizens Group Told of Threat Intermountain business interests face the fight of ot their lives if it they hope to block repeal of the short long-and-short haul law at the next session of congress J. J A. A Ford of Spokane secretary of the Intermediate Intermediate diate Rate association told directors of the tho Utah Citizens Citizens' Rate association association association tion at luncheon in the Newhouse hotel Friday Railroads are arcs flooding the country country country coun coun- try with propaganda and are arc combining combining com corn bining their forces In the hope of securing repeal repeat of this law Mr Ford said If U 1 they they- succeed the thedoor thedoor door will be thrown wide open to discrimination which will cripple business in the Intermountain country The bill biU to repeal the short long-short haul which prevents charging less less' for a longer haul than for a short one Is on the house of representatives represents represents- tives calendar and as soon as congress congress congress con con- gress reopens It is expected the rail carriers will attempt to gain immediate immediate imme mime diate consideration for this mea mea- sure Business men of Utah and Salt Lake City already have have- Indicated their willingness to coop cooperate crate in opposItion opposition opposition op op- op- op position to repeal of ot the short long-short haul clause but they must do more than that they that they must fight for their preservation Mr Ford said Mr Ford urged that a special effort effort ef ef- ef- ef fort Cort be made by to contact business friends in the cast east explainIng explain explain- ing to them how important the long long- short haul clause is to western busi busi- ness ness |