Show Visitors in Salt Lake Hotels Mr Ir and Mrs Iu K To A. A BeardI xa va- va a canonists Temple Square hotel hote AT TI TIlE TEMPLE SQUARE QUARE H. H W W. Gatlin Denver Arthur C C. Dunlop Berkeley Cn Cal E. E J J. J Butts Dull Los Loll Angeles An Angeles geles A. A s. s Knox n Seattle Wash 8 f. f Chicago r R. R D D. D LaPlante r D Seattle Wash Meyer lL IL Levine New ew York City i A. A F F. Hall hail Los An Angeles elu C. C M M. Turner Portland Ore Thomas Clohessy Chicago Mr fro and Mrs Peter Steele SlIver SlI eU ver vcr City Idaho Mr fro and Mrs Mra E. E A A. Archer Oakland Cal Mr and Mrs Mr O. O L. L Ba Bassett ett Chicago o Mr Ir and Mrs lira Arthur Glucksman New Orleans Orlean La Ln Mr Ir and Mr In I I. I- I S. S IU Roos Yakima Wash tourists tourist are at the Hotel Utah AT HOTEL UTAH JI A. A C Pratt Butte Mont J J. J F. F Cowan Casper Wyo Wo F. F Doulan Mont Jo JO Joseph ih Malta Mont Leon F F. Moore Denver Denser J. J T T. 1 FIsher loher St. St Anthony Idaho O O. W W. Monson Enre- Enre man Mont C. C H n Harrod Joliet Jollet Ill III Mr Ir and Mrs airs Walter Valter Ruddick San Jose Joe Cat Cal |