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Show OGDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 1. 1691. k. n. - - OGCEN. conn I- - 1 Tt eat aa prtseclfei rpcak rlBAUaA to ba aoefl tor itarif , and st ot--'r ofCVde aill aliwa ttaouUiJa world to Cuoft&rvt t1- ljr rut, ai cfca ro t Ex"rn ars&n rvuztUiX k a!ii(7 tkfce ecru rCM niixj tew tti Munbc rot aaafe U-- e txjtlrui U citv. UTAH. - a expected Bt5 THE COMMERCIAL. m MBWfsjr. LtlL-- Ui axe mAl aad to par&jrai asy datta U4 cf esy ability." If this creed L red up tu, Lit gVurkMi would be oa tb pay rvL TUE tlT CCMJMUM CO. i4.- lluW paa 44. gj THE . llffM and oSlSm, tt Cm. CO, thi 1 - MoMUM i IUrr. ft Tt iMrte, THOMA BKTAH. . RICHARD T. BCME. For For tmNM. W. T. H ELF RICH. Tm alartkal. 1. W. METCALT. Wafa-Cua- aril JaItinul jMti fcUKaaw. " irJ uiAtiKM. t ft. C. tmUr .Th M ritawU4 " H. GsaaT m bo fooL tuM tar W)inatinna is oot far to stk. because expect to achieve Ibe aoooeaaof their faoOua by a urreobr of The reatpa for this It i tby tbetr principles, aad thua obtaia tha ruff of the People's party. There ia good ground fur beLeving that tha leaders of tha People'a party have proeuieed tha vote of their party ' hard tow. aid of the factkxiietA, and. to elct this, tha factwoista have tad to abcas H,000,(XJO Cflicaao k to build by beng silent on important pub-li- e auatftiona. in reeDeet of which they poctoSoA. differ radically fnm their Tba labor MBkoBA appear W ta all friaoda It baa not even a party aiogan to guide it, except tha absard eaten right, so (at aa heard from. b bras of "opposition to ring ruie. The charge that tha Liberal nomina Ur ro to tba praaaot lima, tba Libaral tion ware tha aaresult of ring rule ia tha convention is outrageoua falaenooa. party ia etill in ita propar plaoaaa top. It ia knowa of all men that tha lata ia boaing a them-selv- BL es new-forme- d rll fiwt Tia laboring teas upon. ui mrm. miniJ. cm W. MeXPTT. mwcioun MMH.T. j-- Li'-heno tpiwB. Liberal convection waa composed of 150 commoo veal Lb ia awaaryottba liberals, nearly all or whom were among T ait. tha beet Uberala and cituena of TUr4 Wirf-Cw- tn II Frank A '.Cook wartAra bat waea tba Salt Laka TrOmnt men who hold the welfare ofUgdea the city aaaRabartBaav. JartiM.A.C.)ivi!L aad Ilerald. and the public good as among their first ft. M. alliaoa. Fovt duUea xney ware citizena woo too Julian al OkUaa. into account tha intereeta, views, and niit. from heard ia not Op Stanley lata B A. B 4 aaa rVlb WM-Conr-il..l tha prejudices of all the people even much mora than ha was when his post- who make W Btnwbfc J aBUea, T. A. bim up tba community. The office address was ia Victoria Nyania. number and character of tha members of ths convention were guarantees that LEAF BY LEAF THE ROSES FALL would nominate no one for office Tha election bill is shelved, so far as they who wss not competent and fit Tha ' Ual brlatf taaroMfail. this session of congress ia concerned. nominations which they made, with one Dray br Arop tb. (priji raaa trt, Now let os go on.with tha World's Fair. exception, verified tba expectations of Om br aaa, WjeaA rasall, tne mass of toe party la that respect. arooa aad di." BaimaMr That there were other persona before Tba Salt Lake Time nominates In- - tb convention who were a much In poetio imagery, winter typiiiea to nomination as those who daAth, And tha tailing of tba roaa laaras rail aa Secretary Windom's successor, entitled were nominated, ia conceded. But every heraida tba approach of wiotar. By Tha Administration might ga farther one cannot have bis particular choice, traaaition of thought, tba fading and and fare worse. in a nominating convention. If that were possible w should, of course, have falling of tba beautiful petala signify tba An ezchanga remarks that Judge no grumblers and bolters, and do ruanntinn of Ufa. But thsra ia mora than "citizen s but it would not lm tha aignifioAnoe of death in tha f Ailing of Pfeffer, Ingails' successor, is "all prove the ticket, administration of the govern tha leaves. There ia tha melancholy whiskers." Uo should look out when ha ment in the toast. That which ia being denounced aa fAct that tha onoe fragrant And beauti gets into tba Washington wind. "tba ring" ia tha aggregation of indidead. ia rose ful Actually vidual members of the Liberal party of Too often in tha beat of political Tba Commercial is asked by a corres Uirden. who have attended tha most in newspapers becomes tha anginas pondent to state what ia, approximately, dustrwusly to the efficient organization of the party. They are tha men who at of bitter and unrelenting opprobrium. the numerical strenffth of tha The boasted liberty of tha press become "Citizens' " nartr. Wa really do not know. all times' whether tba election should be ner at hand or far off in point of time, nothing but Abusive license. Epithets but wa should say, approximately, about whether in view of success or defeat. and slander Are publiabed with A reck- fifteen. in sunshine or in storm, have attended to tha business of party less disregard Alike of proprieties And "Out of tha World Again" is the head management, auoh as tha registra feeling. Enmities Are engendered that e account of tha recent tion of votes, tha inspection and remain And wrankle long After tha occas- line of a purgation of registry lists, the collection storms in the east by tha New York Sun. and disbursement of funds for campaign ion that gate them birth baa been Coma to Utah, poor benighted brethren, purpose, and tha thousand other deand you will find yourselves in the tails, which are so essential to the efficdeemed be tba it might Certainly ient organization and success of their height of editorial courtesy to deeiguete world the whole year, round. party, and they have done thia in many the members of tha party of the oppocampaigns in the hope that finally their and its principles would triumph. sition by some sweet And tender name, It ib pleasant to be able to note that party Une ol the most etncient ot these instead of sailing them "the unmitigated the "Sunday-closinlaw" baa thua far organizers ia the present candidate of scoundrels, IgCjaud thisves of the Ap- worked fairly well among the saloons cf the Liberal party for major. A good portion." Suon courtesy would be :the Salt Lake City. It is a good thing to part of his life haa been spent in this beau ideal of journalistic ameniUue a have good laws, and the next best thing community; he has never been known to betray a trust, a cause or a friend, and true and knightly chivalry in the editor- js to have them enforced. Liberals ot Ogden will not desert or the " ial sanctum. t ' betray bim. Such courtesy shall be shown. This As convention a before, said, composed lines for our friends of the of 150 of the Liberals of Hard Ogden, delepaper will call the opposition the rose nondescript dieruptionist aggregation: gated to that office by the suffrages of party, Four declinations of candidates and live the party, after deliberation chose him The rose party! What sweeter name ticket, to bear indignant denials from labor unions. and nis associates on the Liberal standard. I To desert and could be given? Could journalistic The blows come hot and the from all heavy now would be an act of percourtesy go further? The name recalls quarters, and the handwriting is on the betray them fidy that is unthinkable. A party which both beauty and fragance. Bhould do that, would not deserve to live wall. Selah! Yet, how sad It is that beautiful things another moment It is no wonder that our "friends the enemy" ere contemfade end pass away) And in this is comes the Lilliah Russeia, actress, with evident satisfaction the found the striking appropriateness of to the rescue of cigarette Binokers and plating and are promising to give them bolters, "Citizens'-Anti-Rinthe name. The avers that she knows very few women in aid and comfort People's Party," that in this article is the profession, or out of it, who do not Talk about rings; these common scolds called by courtesy the rose party, is fad- relish a ought to get into the ring themselves, two dinner. after or cigarette some money and do some ing and passing away. Leaf by leaf The publio understands pretty well that contribute work for the party. the rosea are falling. Two mayoralty, Lillian is just about that sort of a woman If they will, they will feel thereafter a petals have fallen. One recorder petal, without her making any talk about it sense of dutjr performed, and of self rehas dropped off. Five trades-uniospect whioh is consolation to the greatest petdefeats and disasters. als have left the rose, and more will Thus does the Kansas City Star jump , K man can never settle with himself soon leave. to a conclusion: "The Repub- satifaotorily if he obtains any success, however great, by. treachery and a violaErelong the rose, bereft of petals, licanpolitical of Kansas retires to private state tion of his principles. beauty and fragrance, will be only a life today the man who has constantly withered stalk. It is dying, Egypt, dyA Card From Mr. Ford. defamed Mr. Cleveland. The Republican ing. It will toon be dead. How end I state of Wisconsin elects to the senate Editor Commercial: In the issue of William F. Vilas, Mr. Cleveland's warm Thk Commercial of January 31st I find MURDER WILL OUT. personal friend and supporter. All of an item relating to my claim against the is in line for 1392." city for killing dogs, in pursuance of the It will bo remembered by all of its which city ordinances. The difference between imreader that The Commercial stated article referred to ond the usual the The Shipping bill, now before con- criticism of the conduct of the city ofmediately upon the organization of the is commendable a measure. It ficers, is that I am charged with having "Citizens' party" that it was gress, nothing more nor less than an alliance will probably be called up when the ap- done moreis than my duty, while the general the city officers have with the People's, or Mormon party. propriation bills shall have been dis- failedcry to that do their duty. Now I to and be it passed." It core nothing for the scurrilous remarks This declaration was received by. certain posed of, ought would only be common intelligence on ot any soreheads. I defy Mr. Corey, or individual members of the "Citizens party" with real or feigned the part of our legislators to make an any other person, to establish the truth pf his remarks, as contained in the Comindignation. They stoutly denied the effort in the way of giving American mercial; 1 don't expect to incur the charge of a fusion with "the common shipping a boom. good will of every citizen in doing my duty. I have turned over to the city enemy" and were loud in their protesta-$1,389 the last year, according to my reThs "Citizens'-An- ti tions of innocence of a charge which they Ring "whom disaster and dis- ceipts. Mr. Corey, you will please prove well knew would condemn them if the assertion if yon can. aster followed fast and followed faster," your charge could be sustained. ; Philip Ford, ' Tax Collector, Ogden City, It is not the purpose of Thi Comme- is overwhelmed with the indignant dercial to enter into an elaborate argument nials of the labor unions whose support A SEEIOCS ACCIDEXT. it claimed. Ah, gentlemen, the doom of in support of ita previously-expresse- d defeat is You are as in is this matter. It not necesalready upon you. thoory A Fatal Wreck . Occurs Thronffh the sary to do so. It is very pleasant, how- certainly beaten, and badly beaten, aa if Carelessness of Trainmen. ever, to have corroboration in the the result had already been determined alJan. 31. A serious accident of events at the from so Tha has Chicago, excellent a source as logio premises polls. street and theOgden Standard office. Asia well ready settled your case. There is no re- occurred on Thirty-firA known, tha agent of the Associated trieving the field the fortunes of battle Stewart avenue this morning. Press ia in that office and is also a can- have gone against you. Your political Chicago it Eastern Illinois suburban street didate in the "Citizens'" methods have been reacted. From that train was blocked at Thirty-firs- t ' : v reaction you cannot recover. ticket. by A freight train, and, while laying there, the Chicago & Erie AccommodaIn the New York Sun of the 27th tion train came in at a high rate of occurs an Associated Press dispatch Tea Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific speed, and, not noticing the Eastern from Ogden on our political struggle, Railroad company makes applicants for Illinois in the dense fog, dashed into the tinder the caption, "Mormons Working employment on ita line sign this agree- rear coach. A terrible panio prevailed awhile. R. (. Adena, a young man to Win." It reads as follows: ' ment before giving them situations: "I for from Roseland, was killed. Frank 30. Jan. is no hereby apply fcr a situation in the ser- Rosenbaum, There Ogdejt, Utah, engineer ot the accommodalittle excitement here over the coming vice of the Rock Island & Pa- tion, and John Zeigler, a passenger in Chicago, biennial election. The present Gentile were fatally injured. the Administration has made many enemies cific railway company, and if accepted Lizziesuburban, Steinmetz, L. C. Wyoes, J. M. and there is a strong anti-rin- g feeling in agree to faithfully observe all rules rules White, Mrs. E. G. Williams, J. 1L Hubthe Liberal party and a Citizens' party and regulations, to pay all my bills bard and V. Major were seriously, but has been formed which ignores old party not hurt There appears to have lines and will endeavor to place Mor- promptly each month, maintain strict beenfatally no attempt oa tho part of the mons on its ticket. This new party has integrity of character, to a ostein from Eastern Illinois trainmen to look for secured control of a number of the the use of intoxicating liquors, to avoid danger in the rear while they were wards, and at a me: ting tonight it is visiting saloons or places where liquors 4 Dr. .11 M. H. Grata. JartiM, Ofr TW aw e&iJlte tw iic " favor fur pvUie ictj the aiiuetoe&t areta two-pag- n. -F- eoplo's-Aggregation," st ' ' r in w. 1 1 4 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY f THE SEA KING! THE W. J. GMORE OPERA COMPANY. eit Kwva.lliu Doanfti AarwMla ercaaaara ouedacie kf Htum Pari. Faro,eue UJu. baiouaj KM, So. aa4 ate. GaUerf Be, Onat Circ' Two Special Cars of Scenery The Largest UOS. ad Effects! Organization taken across the Rockies. Comic-Oper- a taken ever THE LATEST SENSATION The opera will be mounted tnagnifi cently both as regards scenery and Over seventy people will be employed in the chorus. Tha list of prin cipals includes some or the best Known Among them people in comic opera. are Elsie Warren, who ia favorably recalled for her handsome work with tha "Boston Ideal." Also, Katie Gilbert, Mamie Or be, Kitty Hill, Alma Desmond, Kittie Lawrenoe, Edith Newton, Helen Douglass. Hattia Williama, Cora Hubron, Angie Keguaune. The men include Robt E. Grahm, Frank A. Howard. ThosIL Penes, Jos. Roberta, Geo. H. Carn, H. Ledlerry, Harry. Andrew And Mark bmith. The scene of the opera is laid in Spain. And tha period of action, the latter part of the thirteenth century. Thia Affords for beautiful A splendid opportunity nave been effects (which Sictorial actual sketches taken in Spain, by Messrs. Homer Emens, Maeder and Sobaeffer) and handsome costuming. Some decided novelties in the latter direction may be looked lor as they have all been designed by C ue Grim. coe-tume- a. Mini lllirilii Its equal has not yet been produced-- ' No prizes required to sell it. It is sold STRICTLY ON ITS OWN MERITS. It is OUR OWN MANUFACTURE and every can is absolutely guaranteed. Try it once and you will use no othe. UTAH GROCERY AND COMMISSION CO. 2300 WASHINGTON AVENUE. Laiiri Troy Steam g n ! A MONDAY Wift-CaweO- wtt . IKWES to-- Own btn GRAM) OPEEA HOUSE PEIL1IP8. morro eight at the Grat, vheo. the William J. Gilmor Optra ecM&pABy w ill strife dupika'. their New York aad Philadelphia suoa ta Tba Sea King," 1 tha iew opera euectiqu ia three acta. TLe author will be remeaubered as the eoccpuser of "Said Pasha, which kaa been nic2y received. Tba sew opera Sale of Scats lie-i- ns Thursday Morning- has already won a verdict of success ia FVvt tima here. The zwrelty vt the ceaaoa. A euooeas iinpracedaetad. Tba tha ciUe uiectiooevi above, aad tt m ex New Rumactie Opra CWiie. pected, or rather Loped, it U1 be dupli cated ia Ugdeo. The ootnpoeer will have tba advantage of Lar ing hia opera under the capable aaaaagament of n uiiaa J. Uilmore. Tbiaaieane a good deal Mr. GUmor haa baeo for year tha proprietor aad aanairer of the Central theatre, Phila Presented by delt'hiA. 11a haa also branched out ia gorgeoua apectacular produdionA. And it at in thia coecacuoa only that westers folks are familiar with his name. He m shrewd and capable and haa spared no wita tt T, that rherartariiaa ita rea ef tt expense to make tha coming production mltM aad trmtrjSaul, k- - IL Graiim. U Maine. TW H. rrf-9-tWuv. h. V.annul !UmpI laeiiKln: Mark a eocor. A. Howard, katwbtlben. Im. U. Can. iam. Wu. ataata Carta. Aua aWca,A4A coma tk-ke- Thi "Citizoa partj" CITY LIBERAL TICKET. A ti OJMl'Alil. a Sea A Tba Citis0A party' is the otly party a few J which La at that tby La ia Ugdt-put forBMMuUsra U thcr psrtjr ward a t th uaa3-twithou. a dVcUraLiua of to orerlLroa thm rnulta Ot ita former pri&cipk teodericg aucaa ima vbk-rhetoric by aa aiiiaaaa ith its farmer tha publio toight djaeuM aad dckW J Iwtt M.I.I. AMUSEMENTS. diftrtftL Lit! fwrB-Itu- - to U ' V The story is that of Don Bambula, the ruler of an obscure province, who is bo ill featured that none of the court ladies A male heir is will listen to his suit necessary to preserve the title to his dukedom. He therefore repairs, with his retinue, to an obscure coasting village, in the hope of finding some girl willing to marry him. On this part of the coast there is a legend regarding a fabulous personage known as the Sea King, who is supposed to visit the coast once a year for the pupose of carrying off one of the village girls. The Sea King is in reality the rightful heir to the dukedom which Don Bambula has usurped. The real duke's name is Mateo de Que-ved-o, and he maintains an existence by smuggling and is credited by tho peasantry with supernatural powers. Mateo and his band visit the coast simultaneously with Don Bambula and his retinue and the chieftain and Dolores, a niece of Don Bambula, fall in love with each other, and eo the complications begin and are carried on to the close. The sale of seats opened Thursday morning last and a large business is promised. ... I GEO. A. OBAIG, 37 25th . Iffl'E., Mm 107. Only Laundry using soap - especially made for wool goods. All wool goods washed by hand. THE OGDEN CRACKER CO. (INCORPORATED.) Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY CRACKERS. of Central Hotel 25th St. Factory in Rear 1 O. Box 268. THE OGDEN CRACKER W. F. PEICE, Manager, . CO., ,0gden, Utah. "Sea King" Notes. Three heavy "sets" comprise the scenery of "The Sea King." In actl, Homer Emens shows his skill with the ruins of an ancient cnstle on the Spanish coast Acts II and III Messrs. Maeder and Schaeffer devote their brushes to the Home ot the Sea King and a Royal Palace in Spain, respectively. The principals in "The Sea King' make four distinct changes of costume while the chorus Beven; tweety-eigdifferent designs are used ot which there is over one hundred and eight? dresses In order to give the proper effects to the various scenes in "The Sea King," four experienced calcium light operators are carried whose attention is greatly taken by the ten lights. Bffi&I Bid ht "Th 'V HARDWARE ." Following the engagement of "The Sea King" comes the "Kirmeas" on next Saturday evening, Feb. 7th, and the following Tuesday evening, Feb. 10th. This delightfal entertainment has been got up by the efforts of ladies and gentlemen known to Ogden's best society, The receipts who will take the parts. will go to the benefit of the Publio Library fund and the attendance should only be limited by the capacity of the COMPANY. house. Aches and pains while urinating indicate Kidney troubles that lead to Bright'a disease, Oregon Kidney Tea will stop them. 2345 Washington Avenue. |