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Show OGDES DAILY COMMERCIAL: SI'XDAY. FEBRUARY 1, IK9I. 2 BUSINESS CARDS SSbSSl- aatacao m t ? aajaeaTi mm Baafca Ml aril aaaaaa. 'TTItr- -- r.i.ijTleast bar. baa ad JfrftVhka . j iiMtn " daaiaWBa I i the hah it of tha omI w j ia ' 4 baa ha amxiatisl fr di&c-uln- r irriah t ll 'J c. Mt t J , Surplus . ul.ii.oal u.i.ini.iu. Natal " link i ng o?er the bargaiaa." "Have to aaaa tha baaatifal todayr Ut. brill nd the gwjtWmaa MM he had aeeo t , but not the aaaaa. " the young lady replied. Uv! Tht hu tha ad i HUH "Well, Have you earn our beauti- Bare it u Uuly aad Juliet ltd the odd eeata, whatever thry .aa.waSSK.SaSr iffc.n Janets " The young lady bluahad and then ral aWL -WeU," aha aaid, "if you don't know who wrote 'Romeo aad Juliet' I don't think than la much uae (bowing you the book." "Poaaibly not,'' tha gentleman replied. "But am a atranger la the city, and I bare bean fooled ao much alnoe I came to Chicago that I t hought I might venture to aak who wrote the beautiful book which you hare adrertiead. " Thia waa a long peach. Tha gentleman intended It ahould be, (br during ita delivery the young lady peeped into the front of the book, and, abutting it quickly, aaid in a decided way: "Mr. Shakeapeare wrote it. Maybe you hare heard of him." She uttered the laat aentence in a mean way the way ia which only a woman caa uttter a mean rn tenon. It waa acorn and hatefulneae and triumph all in a heap. The gentleman replied: "It aeema to ma I hare. Have you hia other works" Thar waa no impropriety in the query, and yet the young lady blue bed again and looked at tha man aa if ahe could kill him. Then a light broke over bar face, aad the look of triumph came back to her eyea the look which cornea into the cat's eyea when it diacorera that the canary la asleep. "I will aae," ahe aaid, and lu her face waa a etcpreaaion. Then she glided to the end of the counter, headed floor the halrleaa where walker waa posing in hia Sunday school attitude. She whispered to him and hu shook bis huad. She glided back to the place of beKinuiiiK, tunc and said in a firm, of voice, "No, sir, we had his other won r- but they have all been sold." "I am sorry to annoy you," said th tleman, "but can ou tell me where 1 getghakc blauTaJtaat be In your The yottn 7al j I surplus, H H a bMUUol jrfr- lasck. A woman's intuition knew this man waa intent upon mi and yet there was nothing in his spwcli or manner to which she could tnka exception. She again had recourse to the pious look ing floor walker, who aaid something and MiiHcd. She returned to confront the man whom she now hated. She informed hi in in a hurrying way thRt (hia "Romeo aad Juliet" was the only one of Mr. Miakes- works In tUo boaaa, tad that the Kre'ahad no publisher's list. "Very well," said thr gent!e:nau. "I will look at this, if you please, and wo whose version it is, if you have no objection." "Certainly," she repUnl. And the Way she said it! He looked at the copy for a half hour. It seemed a whole afternoon to the young lady. Then he said to her: "Of course it Is not your fault. J don't blame you or your house. You could not have known Ada, of course. You will pardon mo, of course. " This was one. time when she had nothing tossy. She stood like a piece of statuary that is to bo raffled off for a fair. The gentleman seeing her position continued: "According to this edition of 'Romao and Juliet,' Juliet kills herself, when the truth is she was smothered to duaih by Othello with a pillow. The book is a fraud." "I had not read It," the young lady answered in a sul.ilued manner. "I am here to sell books not to read them," she concluded. "Of uonrso not," the gentleman replied, relenting. "Have you Mother Browning's Meiodfesf" he asked. "Y'ou menu 'Mother Goosef " "Xo. I mean Mother Browning. She used to be Mother iloose, but she is married." The young lady put a pin in her hair and said something about "high time she waa." "Where is the soap counterf" asked the wretch. "Second aisle to the right. That way." The young lady felt relieved when ho asked her for the soap counter. It was an jndictiou that he was going But he lingered. "Maybe yon have It here," he said. "I want a book of poetical quotations. I have made a bet with a friend of mine that Campbell is the author of the line 'While there's life there soap,' and it occurred to me I might find it at the soap counter, but maybe you have it here." "I think you will find it in the second aisle to the right," she said with indifference. "Find what?" he asked; "tha book on quotations or" "No," she shrieked, "the soap!" And she left him standing there while the went to wait on an old gentleman who waa looking at the juvenile prints of Noah's ark at the far end of the counter. "Will Christmas ever come this year!" she murmured as she went away. Chicago I Tribune, r Tjaaaay Baiaa. L MOVTE Sac. I UMJU awaat r. T. O. WBJEXXCK A j o t LOUiE aad Baad Hotel. Fiac L Woea Kcraxaa. Fiaar. . Otto: J ATTORNEY 4. street, Ordre w L. E UW. i Vice-Pre- CITIZENS' BANK CAPITAL, ta eaniaaaa, QtiDEN K WHITE, BP. LcraaCP. O. O. F el n -- y iuuil O. O. F T IB BALL A ALLISON, UNION L0DGENO. 6. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAV- over t'tah National Bank, corner of Washington asenue aad Tweoty-fourtstreet Office, rtah. OgdVu, JACOB S. BOREHaN, Office. B. C. Bsikao, Clerk- ATTORNEY-AT-LA- Twenty-fonrt- street. Offden. Ctah. h aarra RAKsroED a. w. sai ru. smith a sbith, PATRIARCH BILTTANT. L 0. 0. F. Beet ever Tuesday and Friday ev Lester Park PaviUioa. Members in B. HEVWOOD, Office, 3B9 NO. 2. J No. UOk Waahiccton aveone Ogden. I 'tail. Meet every Wednesday ia A. O. V. W. Ball, Wania-tostreet. avenue, near Twenty-fourt- h Sojourning brothers in good .tending are cor 11. w. n. U. Mai, dially invited toS attend, B. C. Sat ad. rUBTOM. OUDEN ATTORNEY-AT-LA- o - ' i at . ' F. W. Lawiii, BDEB SON'8 OF ST. GEORGE. To St. George and Merne England. RICHARD CCEUR DE LEON LODGE, as. BB1. ATTORNEEYS-AT-LA- Beets every Friday evening pnnctnally at 7:9 o'clock, in the Thomas building. Twenty-fonrtOffice, rooms X. 36 and 87, First National and Grant, Ogden City, Utah. Sojourning Bank huildinit. brothers in good standing cordially invited. Printed forms of the "Aims and Object of t he Society" can be obtained from P. A. Cook, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 2361 Washington avenue, or of any of the offPkbctval J. Bareatt, President. icers. S. BULBEB. THOS. On Haeit LETT. Secretary. 2a71 Wash Ave. )K Doctor in Medicines. Master in Surgery, L. S. A., London. h LEGAL BLANKS SURGEON-ACCOUCHEU- Royal College of Surgeons. England ; Fellow Society Arts and Science. London, Formerly iiuarantine oftiC4r and superintendent for New Zealand and Melbourne. Victoria. Address or call at Xi Washington Ave. rVBLLSDED AND FOR SALE BI THE COMMERCIAL 2401 ITBLISH1XG CO., Washington AvenucOgden, Ctah. A. COTTINGHAM, PHYSICIAN. COKVF.YAMCING In ennneetion with general practice, gives special attention to diseases peculiar to females diseases of the genito urinary organs, disease of flu rectum, via.: Piles, fistula, fissure and ulceration : diseases of the ear. nose, throat and chest. Consultation free. Oflice over Postofhce. Telephone 209. 5"0 oTl ISO :i7."i 100 R. SXOWDEN, 500 3 51 DENTIST. Washington avenue over Horrock & Sons store. Teeth without piates aad saving natural teeth a specialty. No teeth or roots too bad to be snveil by filling or crowning. Special attention given to children's teeth. BI..tKS. SO. 300 30 DENTISTS. Warranty DoeJ, shorn form. . Warranty Dcd, long form. . . Quit claim Deed . . . . Heal EstateMort'ge.saort f 'rm V Option Contract 1 Lease Bond for Deed Discharge of Mortgage 71 Trust Deed Assignment of Mortgage Bill of Sale CLASS, I A A A A A A A B C A A Office, 2427 PROBATK 1 kSB .TOO CIVIL ENGINEERS. C. A. TVSH. TCSH E. W FARIS. FARIS, CIVIL ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS, Plans. 'iwinYations and estimates prepared and work smwrlateaded Maps. plaCs, tracings, bine prints, etc., etc., executed on short no; ice. Rooms 3 and 4. Union block. Xo. 362 Twenty ' Fourth Street, Ogden, Ctah. NTDN HOT WATER HEATER ! T'ie Most improve') and Economical Heater in the Market, 4B 37G 501 502 379 175 476 70 377 78 2 572 COURT 525 m 52G Peace-Constab- le- 77 401 able A A A A A A A A A A A BLANKS. Affidavit for Claim and Deliv- ery personal property Undertaking on Claim and Delivery of personal property Undertaking for Return to Deft. Claim and Delivery personal property Complaint on Claim and Delivery personal property MINING 325 350 400 BLANKS. Administrator's Bond Executors' Bond Letters of Guardianship Order Appointing Hearing. . . Testimony of Testimony of Applicant Order appointing Adm'r .... commissionkk's court blanks. Summons Sheriffs Sale Constable's Sale Order for Deft to appear and show cause Citation for Garnishee Affidavit for Citation for Garnishee Writ of Execution DISTRICT COURT 10 Peace-Jam- Peace-Const- first and CRESCENT LODGE NO. 13. Practices fa the District Court and all ta to coiWtijns. Holds regular neetinjt eTeryBonday Mjrht at Bawanber the place, in Peery's vo.V-- build-in-- , 7 au o'clock in A W. Hall, Wasaiaftaa near mrai shop of C. H. Orwnircll a Bros., avenue near Twenty-fourt- h street, all sojourn IS, iwraij-iunru- j vnforo, L tan. r. U iac brothers are cordially invited to attend. DOX 10. F. W. Lawu, N.G. W. L. Adams Bee. Sec y a. 'aaaa tt sjj axLiaoa j Peace-Willia- tie LOI court. Penoaal attention t- Coroner--Marsh- ama. Beribt. L 0. 0. F. Berts erery Tan Slay Teiu ia Odd Fellows street. iaitiuf brotber. ball. Twenty-fourtiaviied. B. 8. Utt, K. O. Joaa Eata, jr.. Sat. J ATTORNEY-AT-LA- - Bl - Twiuac avataaas are cordially untad. i ll Stt Twi I tan. L taut AT-LA- black I nlOQ A. O. V. W. BaU TaaiaaaiB at .rfc aWu !., Ofrata. Ctaa. M0t Waaoiactua D. JOHVSOK, Viaiuiac M. W. kmc dr. L 0. 0. F. JavUet Scprtaa Coart Batata, BOKAKD 4 BUCaUlXaK. ATTORNEYS AT futuu W, LM AMPMENT KO. TJINTAJH a Laoaaao. I U. W. Meu went Taedaf maisi " uvLUn curdialiy u. iwt u, attcad. J. F. Coma. UWVCft. o. NO. J, 0. A. ARCHITECT. OaiiiNi taBroo T. Sanaa. Baa. piDELm L STAC, aaaaaaaa aaa 2. SECRET SOCIETIES ARCHITECTS, ML I aad If Ciaa Q MX Dfcit L ARCHITECTS, g 'iWaWai' mmm T P. y juttj a tuiTH. I The frrDtleman ooociodad ha would have mm fna quietly, ao ha looked over hie i at tha young lady aad eaked: "Who hi the painter of thia Homeo aad exclaimed tha young lady. T'i3ter-- ' "It ian't a painting, it 'a a hook" "Ah, I bra year pardon. Who ia the au Hew 1 didn't mean painter 1 meant au - - , af thaat book at RAM. asalar CONTRaCTORS AUD BUILDERS w I 4A.M. tm aaiW a,,,),, naasiiri-- iF.C1 . rkas-uiTruUasacfcurfa. UaUaUrT a bUVaOS. 200,00 -. wen orer ia the ajtbeoeaery dcpartaaaet aai a saa weat Ihm to parrtisw Buta is mi ta tha haah atall br tha maavbacMu't atos to iauaire t ao.tit.ibg about Uk, aad tha u MM iLmt u Main; ICT cliorli ia a way tbat Lf TOimUCTOR aUD BUILDER. OuDES, UTAH. j .n ; romax lady lllhllfl. ' - 4aotad to mral of tfaeaa atoua taw cfcildre be fiMfliiiiiil with taa aad eaaajaaiiata. of the pecnl - Ha coaauad, hi fact, that tuns fear Tie- - obawrao l.OOU.OO of a apri of hoDy aa coaraud tntto his attearticoa. Am two, how- - unu wiih one of iry. urlet tlsrm be . w n. w,, at tha hoUrl oa the Uch aad auw oiStrrrot an tha rarai aisd kafli ha had managed to oak or a hona chaataraC Show thrni t- c. BBHaMB, PiaHait make ail happy without ary rlaahiaaj - ctY t, , . . ' .Vti TTzTL. bad a--. h,w u, Juct hafota the ataaw rlraaai. howwwr. aowioooawra a fwa the afiwaaaaaawt ttj9 tbetr par-eatwent with fiir th oottasen lliUr. aLl.vl l j jf uruail to paaa a few days at the hotel ea Mr li .w n r.,,Tli. TriM mbir 4.na- root to their city homes. Foot aweev heart under one roof were too much for ' Or give tiss nature of a hyacinth bulb as con itcs this clever campaigner. He coo to traded that the situation waa too coat trasted with the potato tuber, oosafaaag Comraert ial Bank. plicated for him, aad a prompt departure thru attention to oinu which they can or make oat observation. ant by left Every was arranged for. The evening he ha managed to aaa each girl aeparately orange or apple that the child eat might OODKN, UTAH. woald and to murmur in her ear a tender tale be made interesting if iwi of love. Ha would take no derided an- dare step over the traces of con nation Paid ii Capital. swer then, but If his affection was re- and introduce sack ostensibly dsim.nn turned be begged her to wear at break- articlea into clasawork. And why not? 75.000. Profit. fast the next morning a red rose which The doctrine of rewards aad punish &rpb be gently pressed upon her. The last in- menta is applied more crudely than this DlkfcVTOkS: terview took place about 11 p. m., and in most children's schools. Profs H O. HarktMM J. ('. SSSBS. ill Ward in Science Popular the midnight train bora tha young scamp David Eerie. T. A. Wbalr. St. fame Hrah. Bucaasular. to New York. Coaast. ' lavr Away (tm AMaa. At the first meal on the following day Two or three weeks ago tare young four young women appeared ia the din- men. each having over fl.QUUia cash, ing room with red roses throat in theii left STATE BANK, Pittsburg for Africa to explore. OGDES belts. The gay cavalier not presenting himself th girls after a time began to About a dozen letters bare been received from boys referring to this incicompare notes, and all that worries those OGDEJi, ITAH. dseaived dsmsels is to know whether dent and asking for advice or informaHad the three set tion. out men die-young ; to means had lover their joint any cover how many of his roses were worn for an idiot asylum, calculating to ask $125,000. Capital Paid in, at the breakfast table Her Point of to be taken in and cared for during the 7.500. remainder of their lives, they would Surplus, View in New York Times. have exhibited more common sense. Africa is not a country where every A Dark eater's A4vatara. H. C BIUELOW. President. JOHN A. BOYLE. Tin- - PrwiUettt Martin Boland, of North Lyme, had Tom, Dick and Harry can go roaming P. BlUELOW. tatbiar. A. an exciting experience while duck shoot- about at will. All the seaports are in of the hands Egyptians, Moors, French, ing Monday, and thanks his lucky stars Time and Ssriac Deposits. every morning for the fact that he is Germans or English. Any one has a Interest Paid on to ore but not land, right legal He had every the land of the soil in living. been about the month of Lord's cove has a legal right to go gallivanting UTAH NATIONAL BANK, nearly all tha 'lay and bad met with fair around the country. of to have had the Stanley into hacking and bad loaded his success, decoys his small dock boat, intending to start two governments to enable him to do so. Ogilon, Utah. home. Just than he heard the loud A correspondent of The New York "honk" of wild geese, and a moment World was threatened with arrest if he United States Depository. later saw a flock of some twenty of these went beyond certain boundaries. A waterfowl settle in the river about half young man who has no better sense than to set out on snch an expedition . 9100,000. way from shore to shore. CAPITAL, . He resolved to hare one of these geese ought to have a guardian, and that . tian.ooo on his string, and attempted to scull guardian ought to have legal permission Interest Paid on Tims DrpoaiU. near enough to gat a shot He kept his to tan his jacket ten times a day. M yea on the birds, and consequeotiy did (juad in Detroit Free Press. not sea a huge cake of ice thai was bear-inJ. E. Ddolt, PrMiarat. Who Will Be the Neat Pope down upon his craft. He realised it, W. N. Shu i.ino. L. B. Adams, It is stated that the French and SpanVice Pmident. Cashier. though, when a mass ground r p against the boat, overturning it and throwing ish cardinals are concerting for the nomWa. V. Hum:"!'. him into the chilly water. His gun, a ination of Cardinal Zigliara as the suc- Wiihs W. COBST. Caahier. PreiirUnt. Coifs breechloader, fell from lis hand cessor to Leo XIII. The general feeling Tbbo. HoaiaoM, and Manager. election next conclave the and went to the bottom of the river, and is that nt the is likely to remain there. Belaid had a of a foreign pope is impracticable, the hard fight, and when, after a desperate only available non Italian members of effort he succeeded in pnllitig himself the Sacred College being the Swiss Cardinal Mermillod, and the American Carupon the ice, he fell exh unfed. OF OGDEN, UTAH. His danger was not past by any uioans, dinal Gibbons. It is not likely, howas he had no means of gaining the shore, ever, that either of these will emerge as ( and it was with a heart fnll ot nnxiety the successor of Leo XIII. : $200,000. The nomination of CardinatZigliara t he saw the distance benwfi alto-SBc- r Jan is infcot a Pouiiniean monk, at ranidlv diipinish, mi DIRECTORS: utikely Ho Is a natipof Obrit whirled into the ,, atcr m Mm-safe, Hartford siwfi bur, strange to say, he took out h - Warren W. Corey, R. A. Welln. .Tnhn Keck. C. E. WurtWo. '.C.Kobineon, Cahoon, J tt rp of naturalization as a subject of the Ttioa. Ad. Kuhn, Theo. Robinson ex Pontifical states. He is a man of S. H. Schramm, An Airship to Cross the Ornn. great learning and rjuito outside all po A remarkable experiment Is going on litical OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. questions. I have reason to benot far from London in a pretty little lieve that if the pope died Kentish town called Bexley, litre a Cardinal Zigliara would be sure of nearWEBER COrNTT OFFICEHS. party of American scientists and arti- - ly forty votes. His only opponents would Probate JmUre- - Robert VJ. ( ro-- . Bans are constructing au airship which be the Select men -- Lewis W Sliurtliff, John Pincock, Jesuits, ffwOM nominee is Cardiis expected to cross the ocean in seven nal Monaco la Vnletta. Paris Cor. Lou- Fred Foy. Cisrk J. P. Leriwhhire. hours. The inventor, capitalist) and don Chronicle. Recorder John fl. Tyler. Assessor Edwi.i Dix. workers are nearly all from Bridgeport, Treasurer John A. Boyle, It. Wants to Come Nearer. Collector-Jo- hn Coun., and ara confident of success. By V, Bluth. L. R. Rogers. It is gratifying to observe that the Attorney imitation I ran down there and saw a Sheriff-(Jilb- ort R. Belnap. mysterious mass of metal and machine- - business men of Boston are disposed to Alien. Surveyor R. W. Fnria. ry, of which 1 could make nothing intel- n. Jie an activo effort to secure quicb-of District Scools Jos. Perry Superintendent ligible. 1 did see models, however, time by rail between this city and New PRECINCT OFFICERS FIRST OODKN rKE( 'I SOT. which rose from the table and flew York. The members of tho Executive Justice of the Peace E. A. McDaniel. around the interior of the great work Business association have discussed tho Constable E. A. Koch. SECOND OODKN PREINCT. senand circles have and to come the very room, describing curves at question, Justice of the Peace B. Tornes. the will of the sender. sible conclusion that the public interests Conatable-P- hd Fonl. If the complete ship does half as well of the city demand a better service, and THIRD OGDEN PRECiNCT. as the model it will revolutionize tho that such a service can be secured Justice of the Peace A. Perrin. Constable D. O. Sullivan. world. Every workman is sworn to ab- - "without prejudice to the interests of OODEN PRECINCT soluto secrecy, and thus far little or no the railroads connecting the two cities." Justice of the Peace Val Giueon. information as to what tho mechanism No one who has studied the conditions Constable H. E. Sted. m has reached the outside world. The involved, and who knows of how much HrSTSVTI,.E PRECINCT. Justice of the Peace AriRiis McKay. superintendent is Hiram Maxim, an the modem railway is capable, will doubt Constable (reorsc E. Ferrin. American inventor of ability. Next to this. A new line would pmbabl v not be EDEN PRECINCT. him are Mr. House mid his son. who are a profitable enterprise, but it is within Justice of the Peace E. B. Frorer. both endowed with high inventive tal- - the power of the existing lines to reduce Constable John (iouhi. NORTH OODEN PRECINCT. the time of tho journey by express trains ent Cor. Philadelphia Times. es Storey. from six hours to five, and there is no Jnstice of the Constable James 'earner. sufficient reason for delaying to do so. Queer Klectrlcal Mliha;. HASRISMLLE PTiECINCT. A queer accident befell a Portland Boston Post. G. Rnwson, Jnstice of the woman last week. An electric light Conetablo James H. Taylor. One Veto. wire hail sagged to the tinned roof of PLAIN CITY PRECINCT. It is fiftj'-on- o Justice of the her house, and the current was conductyears since one vote deJosinh B. Carver. cided that Marcus Morton, and not Eded by the water conductor on the outRIVERDAI.E PRECINCT. ward should bo of Everett, side of the house to a trap in the cellar, governor Justice of the Peace Richard Dye. thence by the waste pipe to a washstnnd Massachusetts. Judge Morton had been Constable-Joh- n Parker. on the second floor, thence by the water a candidate for office thirteen successive CTNTAH PRECINCT. when he chosen was years by this meager Justice of the Peace-- Timothy Kent1 .ill. pipe to the street, so that when the lady Countable Byron L. Byboe. majority. The state cast just a trifle put her hand on the faucet of the water over KANK3V1LLE PRECINCT, 100,000 votes at that election. Two pipe she couldn't let go. But. luckily Justice of tha the wind was blowing, and, as tho wires years later Judge Morton was elected Wilson Poulter. swayed, the water pipe and its adjuncts governor by one majority a second time. PEEASANT VIE" PP.ECrNCT. were electrified with but an intermittent This one majority was, however, then in Jnstice of the Peace W. H. Cram '.all. Constable George H. Maycock. current, so the lady was liberated after the legislature, the people having made ai.ATERVl! i.r. PEECIXCT. a few minutes' imprisonment and con- no choice. These occurrences were very of the Peace .Tames Hutchins. remarkable. They are called to mind by Jnstice siderable suffering, Lewiston Journal. Constable-Joh- n J. Hutchins. the one vote majority just MARRIOTT PRECINCT. gien in the Tenth aldenuanic district of Boston. Joan on th Paris State-Pari- s Justice of the Peace Simon F. Halvercon. Constabl- e- Caleb Parry. is to sea "Joan of Arc" upon tne Boston Herald. LVNSE PRECINCT. stage once more. The town council has ToUon In Cano Handles. Jnstiee of the PeacePeter L, Sherner. voted 800 to bring out, at the Chate'et, arces Constable J Harrop, A and painful case of paralyWILSON PRECINCT. Deputy Fabre's drama called after the sis ofpeculiar the which to of be muscles, ought national heroine. The stage manager, Justice of the Peace P. P. Bingham. if he does justice to the play in provid- interest to every man who carries a Constable --w Daniel N. Drake. metal F.ST VE3ER PBEC1NCT. cane or umbrella, is being ing fitting accessories, is to be rewarded treatedtoppedDr. of the Peace--- J. W. Hurt. Jnstice F. of by Eenry Robinson, with the Cross of the Legion of Honor, Constable Joseph Hogge. sn honor which has been granted to M. this city. It is a sore of the hand, caused HOOPER PRECINCT. the of a rouud knobbed stick pressure Jnstice of the Peace James Johnson. Duquesnel, of the Porto Saint Martin, by Constable Francis M. Belnap. aid M. Honcko, of the Hippodrome, for against the palm. In the case of Dr. the intelligent pains they took in bring- Robinson's patient, the soro has affected ths muscles from the fingers to above the ing out "Joan of Arc" at those places, wrist. Dr. Robinsor. says that a stick Our. London News. with a handle instead of a knob is the proper thing. New York Telegram. And More, Too. The supreme court of this state has A dent's Insupportable Chagrin. jnst decided a lawsuit begun twenty-on- e Harry Baldwin, a negro, weighing 300 the title of years ago, and a $2,700 farm. The lawyers have not pounds, shot himself through the head only eaten np tho farm, but all the con- recently. Ho had got into a quarrel testants could rake and scrape as well. with a little chap, who pounded lmn unThey had htiped the enit would run mercifully. Baldwin took it bo much to ftt nt ten years longer, as the pay was heart that he went homo and promptly Wichita Cor. St. Louis ly and could be counted on.De-rui- t killed himself. Free Press. I! rmoratotiiaaaajaraow fti fa aatticipataoa trf Ca..:al. t -- " -- 1 who doara SsaMw tn Hill) Lflttllft A A A A BLANKS. Mining Deed Notice of Location of Claim. Proof of Labor Power of Att'y to Locate and Sell A A A A miscellaneous blanks. Plumbing4LLand Ghas Fitting IK ITS BRANCHES. DOYLE &"HALVERSON, 2304 Washington Ave. ('all and get prices. 377 75 325 Official Bond and Oath A Chattel Mortgage C A Marriage Certificate Promissory Notes, Books of 50 and 100. Receipts, Books of 50. Rnt Receipts, Books of 100. Drafts, Books of 100. Other Blanks constantly being added to the above list. S. M. PRESHAW, UNDERTAKER Ta pamphlet of Information and t.rsrt nt lb laws,., ing Patent, Caveats, apu;n Uow And Funeral Director ab-,- V InM and Wood Caskets and Metallic Caskets Coffins Special Attention paid to Embalming and Preparing' Bodies for Shipment, Orders by telegraph promptly attended to. I have Hearse in the city. Telethe only first-clas- s phone No. 115 Trajj g How to Win Fame. He This man De Riter is a shrewd fel- low. She What makes you say so! He He wrote a sensational society novel recently, aad now he is writing a reply to it under au assumod name. Muusey' Weekly. Globe-Democra- t. PRINTING INKS! ROCKI ROCK! ROCK! lhe ..McClain n.m-Atf',- . the Best in tne Market. For Tirices delivered call at Granite ROCS IS Boaoaun ington Avenue. offi.-- O ,t-- Lo., '4()K of Vnh : 1 ne t omtKKCI.U, Id rrinters ana pCBi.tgH,so comtakt is carrying a large and select stock of Standard. Fine and Superfine n News, Poster and Job Inks. Roller and ! ,n 1 exposition. Sues arnishes also kept in gtock. Those in need t,f inks will do wal to bo? of Thi Coshwbcial. |