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Show i OGDEX DAILY COMMEKCIAL: SI XDAV, FEBRUARY 1. 1831. CITY BUSI1N ESS DIRE CTORY. OGDEN List of the hczdlr.g Business Hous-- in the City, as compiled during the" past two weeks by Mr. G. Henry. This List will be published in the Sunday edition of The Daily Commercial for four consecutive weeLs, and will be added to from week to week until the DIRECTORY is as complete as can be made. s - Br! Wis. tuLfjrd, Xa. SJO rwrt. U.M. Youtg, No. 215 . bit-- Hart ware as4 Agriraitarol EUtcw Twc!yfth Gea. A. Lowe, Tweetyfu. arena. Phyairiaat. Iapl-ea- t. Tty L. E. Kasklera, Xa 321, street, over fusUi&o. T. A. Cariifighaiu. Xa Xa 2S?J Waahingtoc tjurth "E3,Tety-tocrt- h streH, orer Wagon and Marl, in Co, Wanhicgtue tccu&. Seallea and J. G. lUmX Bros, t atoua. Baraaa. 21 Billiard rsriers. E. IL Care, Groom bufcrL Brunaakk BUiard Parkin, Xa2113 is WaAkgtua George E. Cross, Xa 2313 Wahtt postoSk. Cross. Xa 2317 Waahkgtoa J. S. Gurdo, Xa 3L2. Twrety tWrth stxeet. oe puAuJSoe. A Hareeas Manaiact Weabing-- t Ogdea iWy Grereries aa4 frat ii4aaa, XL Grahau, Xa Twenty fowrth arruo. Chicago Cash Grocery, Xa 2303 Wash-- street. (liutneopathk'). fourth E. M. Cbnrvy, Xa 211T, WaAiagtoo icgtoa arenua. iiaraware and lattery. . A. Olaac, No. Wilde 4 Synjour, Cortex block, Watb-ir.gto- a WaaLiagVon at a-- aveoua. A timer. Xos. 21G8 asd Idles arecua. DUC T. C IiaLnar, Xa WaaLicgtoa aveaua. Waeturtoa H-Zilti, WestoreOR Trent fifth street OJIadleyNa 90(9 Washtngtoa avenaa. wuw. Seeead-Uaa- d X. A. lirrrkk, Xa 129 Twenty fifth Estate, Leaat aat I start are. &. Christeaaoa, Xa 2329 M'asLicctoa UeatUts. B. Ternaa, No. 310, Twenty-fiftstreet. W. IL Branvlao, Xx 101 Twenty-fiftA." Cook, 23C1, WasLicgtoo avenna Pwey L. E. Staut. Xa 2325 WaahiagtiM street. afeaua. aveaua. . . Dry (iod(. A. CreaweU A Sun, corner Twenty fifth DairymiAeTA Fisher, Bootua 1, 1 and Jeuaicjrt, Last A Thomas, Na 2kXi atreet and Lincoln a venae. X Xa 2CU, Waahingtoa a vacuo. Waatung too arena. BHllaery Stares. Was. IL Jooas A Son, Xa 232 Liaoobi Miaeea Waah-icgtoa & W. IL Wright Soot, Xa 23 KliDkenbeard'a, Xa235l Wab-ibgto- a arecoe. avenue. Hetrls. . avenue. W.&8kaA Sua. Xa 3C3 Tweaty. Pasoe & Huret, Xa 313 Twenty fourth fourth ttretft. Cbapman lloun W. M. Chapman Kallread Ticket Brekera. Xa iOO Twecty fifth street. W.O.Chad.Jr, (Staple end Fany) Proprietor, George W. Jonas, Xa 346 Twenty fifth Central House, Chaa. Murria, Projtrta-tor- , atreet; 25S4 Washington avenu. American assooiatioa. Xa ee4t Geaerai aas Merckaadia. Dry Xa 222 Twenty fifth street W. G. Kind, Xa 302, Twenty fifth Reno Hotel C. W. Brooks, Proprietor, I. L. Clark A Sons, Na SK Wash- ClotfaUir sb4 beat's street one block from depot FaraUhitg G4s. Na. 1US and l(J6, Twenty fifth street ing t m avenue. M.M. MiUer, Xa 322. Twenty-fiftMercksBi Tallers. Rt mMe 4 Howell, Xa 2419, Waahingtoa treet. KesUaxaata. f vei ma. E. J. McCbrmkk, Xa 133 Twenty-fift- h Atterbnry, Dobaoo A Co, Xa 30C, S. Itorrocka A Son Xa U27 Wehu Pac Leo A Bra, Xa 202 Twenty fifth street Twenty-fiftstreet, also hatters. oa avenue. William Butterworth,Xa 1C3 Twenty-fiftstreet Drosdowitx Bros, 206, Na 20C, Twenty-fstreet ' Twenty-fift121 Lunch Arcade Dri & Xa rtm Rooms, k v.. ifth Wotherapoon, street BrosXa 207 Twenty fifth street A. Chss, No. 2C4. Twenty-fift- h street street, No. .Stone Broa, tSTg aahinjjion also dealer in jewelry. Joseph Btark, Xa 119 Twenty-fift- h avtoue. Mule Dealers. A. Kuhn A Broo, Nos. 23G3 and 23G3, street Washington avenue. Ogden Music Co. Chaa. C Arnold, CaderUkert and Faaeral DirecUrs. Twenty-fift- h street, near manager, Eitlnslrt Clotklar Haases. Larkln AlindqnestXa 2C20 WashWaahington ington avenue. e Clothing House, Putnam Eldridge A Barnes, Xa 2319 WashingRichey's Undertaking Parlors, Xa 22G3 ton arenua Bp,,wo A Tracy, Xa 135 Washington Xa 30G, Twenty fourth street avenue. Washington A Piles Keller, Xa2351 Washington .enue. , avenue. Dran aal ledlctaea. eat Markets. Ballentyne A Brown, Xa 130 Twenty Xa 2121, L. Washington 153 Peebles, M. Xa Biel, eeoond street Twenty fifth atreet Photograskert. arenue. 303 Twenty-fourt- h A Fox.Na 23C2 Lincoln Kelley A Xa IL Jonee Co, J. Teseritch, Xa 276 Twenty-fift.) Na 2315, Washstreet. Cross A Cava, arena. street arenue. Empire Meat Market, Xa 307 Twenty-fourt- h Ogdea Department store, Xa 2302 ington Grand Opera house. Adams Bros., street Wash A 110, I loot Xa Beeeon, ington W. 1L Voorhies Washington avenue. avenue. Propnetar. TTall Paper. La an dries. and J. W. McXutt, Cor. Twenty-fiftLamionl Grix, No. 358 Twenty-fift- h L. Peebles, Xa 2421 Washington Sam Wah, Na 271 Twenty-fiftstreet Grant BtreeL . avecua Fehringer A Ash, Nos, 417 and 113, T. C. Morris, Xa 170 Twenty-fourtWines, Liquors and Cigars. , Boots and Shoes. street Twenty-fiftstreet aveNil X. C. Chriritenaon, Xa 2112 Grant Madison, 159 Twenty-fift- h 2349, Xa Washington Wallace, Joseph e street nue, avenue. Decorative and Siga Painters. Kansas City Exchange, Na 217 Twen0. P. Kraueh. No. 23G Twenty-fiftfifth street ty Xo. street; also Men's Furnishing Goods. 470 Twenty-fourtC. T. Morris, Books and Stationers. Stephens A Jessop, Na 257 Twenty-fiftAsbbey Bros, Xa 2337 Washington street avenue. Dalton, Nye A Cannon Co. Na 237C, street Lumber Dealers. Washington avenue. Pender A Cory, No. 320 Twenty-fiftHardware, Mom and Tinware. Lumber Co, D. D. Jones, man- street Idaho Jewelry Dealers. Snyder A Robin on, No. 2343 Washing Twenty-fift- h street Brandberg A Murray, No. 303 Twenty-fourt- h ager, Xc, ton aveaue. street L, II. Wallace, No. 419, Twenty fith J. Thompson Jt Co., Na 350 Twenty street Guns and Sporting; Goods. D.IL Dier.No. 113 Washington avenue fifth street. A. Hindenlnng, Na 2523, Lincoln Frankfort's Parlor, No. 2110 Grant Browning Brothers, Na 24G1, WashC. 1. lift) 8, Xo. 351 Twenty fourth avenue. avenue. ington avenue. street. In, jrd L. Ky Ux k,' 'm truant. WV.tM A T'-l-l. Kjy Work. atecue, W. Wad!!, Sat-- f n a Washing-- I Xa aY. a K-i- Tety areau. (up WatLixrgtaa Tta AtW biXard at&ira.) A Iitiryntoc h h -- -- -- h h L ajd Ga Frma. avenue. ZiU-ma- n, CHorE WaakjDgton 8Sicg, Xa aie Awo jArASft 2C5. Twenty fink Xa IL L. fourth Ajkt Ouutx EicnorxEjrr BoweaA Co, IL Baxas street 344, Twenty Wkakaals street Ckax, Fvcrta aad Paootxa. Mat-seCurrwAL Cakkix Wob; Buck A Abbott A Baraea. Rail aseaaa, and Tweoty fifth Wygsl, Xa 2272 WaabiEgton aveaue. streeta. CAUreaxu Roo asd Pabt Co. Lawrence A WUsuu,Xa 415 Twenty, Utah Gkocext AxnCoMMiasaaa Co. third street No. 2300 Washington avenue. a, Farm axa Puoixtw Drwwrv A Wil 2318 Washington aveana. ILULDWABJt aXO AtiKKKLTl-BAS- . IaPLB-- lama, Xa A. Lowe, re itcm.-Geo- Xa22 ington avenue, - Wash- BukCiusuTsrxo O. E. Savage, Xo. 2350 Washington avenue. Utah Cokxice Wokbs E. A.Furche, ' Xa 2206 Washington avenue. . TutrLa or Eooxoair Pease A Keller, John R. Xa 24C1 Grant avenua Brown, Xa 22CQ Watihtngton avenue. TcKKisH Bath Pakubs L. Goodhart. Ogdri Woodeh axb Wiki Co. Now. Plop, Xa 3C4 (Basement) Twenty-fourt- h .. Psoorcc; asd Coaaifthios. 119 and 121 Twenty-secon- street street d h h IiU-hen&el-d post-ofllo- .lU aad Wash- Xa 2343, Washington B. El Pltmwex Mf-Maa- ts, aad Trimsiers. rarriagt Paiaters T. 235U 1. tewift. Xa M. s h pnififcturs. Stll Xer. ai Btu-dhjTsylor CajrviLactoas 113 Co. Xa Twenty 4hirJ street Oodeji Clsvt Kiw--LoiSch oerer. Cor. Twenty-sixtaveawa. 2123 ington paxWa-- Xa huh, WaaLisgtua A e. One-Prio- a Ogden Ml wo Ca F. W. Clark, in Xa e. charge, Twenty fourth street, near h (Co-Op- - a h h h t h h 183, Stobb R, Mulnix, atreet Factobt Xa 326, Twenty-fift- h Twenty-fift- post-offic- KxiTTUic h 'street Gkocxkibh, Caukr5u Fkcm asd c. Pkoik-couua, uuu Waldram, Dean A Co, Na IL Feed and 2301 Washington avenue. fifth atreet , k Vebicus akd Agkictltvral Machix-eb- t -- Sidney Stevens, Xa 2540 Wash- ington avenua Cigab MuriFAcrvRtB Xa 258 Twenty-fift- -- Va T CowrE.-rioKEE- h L. L street David-so- J. r inAijrrs, vua. t-- . ' Sears, 356, Twe Qt'EEXSWAKE amd Hocsx Goods Pease A Keller, avenue. ' Grant ' 24-3- , n, la PORTED OODEJT (whole- DEUCAClES Co, Xa 2490, Washington avenue. v . sale and retail) Arms, Fihhiso Tacuc axD Spobtisu Fruits, Cigars ajcd Tobacco. E. J. GoonH Browning Bros., Xa '24GL Hoefnagels Xa 133, Twenty fifth street Washington avenue. Xotioxs, Fbuit Ac. E. P. Cook, Five Botuc Fxb.ttikk Co. (Wholesale Points, Washington avenue, and reUil), Xa 2462 and 2164 Washington avenue. IL M. Boxd A Co. (Wholesale and street , tail), Xa 353, Twenty-fourt- Axdersox Pkens Brick Co. Na 2406 Washington avenue. re- Abstractors. h Cbakeb Co. Between Grant and Lincoln avenues and Twenty fourth and Twenty-fiftstreets, center of block. Oc-de- Avery Xe. A Meighan 2106 Washington avenuo. ' n Sixgers Skwixq Machixe building. No. 427 h 3G3 A Kih.x A Washington avenue. This Rack ft Store. Bko.-Nos.2- Na 370, Twenty-fourt- Co. Ven-dom- e ' Twenty-fourt- h and 2303, street Ogdex Decorating and Paintno Co Marshall A C. W. Frost man.airer.No.li3 Twen n street 1 fourth street Machine, Inoif and Bbahn Foi nder. W. E. Holland, Nos. 160 and 1(52, Twenty-thir- R.1V". White, Attorneys. d street Na 33 strofct Iwenty-Iourt- h v i mmmmmmmimmm" Building1 Permits for the Week. y William Underbill, frame residence on Madison avenue, 175. William Underhill, one- - story frame barn on Madison avenue, 140. frame William C Critchlow, barn on Washington avenue, 850. Total, $145. "Happy Home" flour leads all other brands. The District Court. The First District court made a few orders yesterday, Judge James A. Miner presiding, as follows: Wm. Garland vs. John McMartin. on motion of A. R Heywood Charles. Boet- cher is allowed to interveree. Y . S. McCormick et ah vs. Logan City. on motion of A. R Heywood permission was granted to hie referees report Miller A Maginnis excepted to such filing Wisdom's Violet Cream will keep the on behalf of Logan City. skin proof against the effects of severe liongley Law et al. vs. h . II. Over, et al., on motion of Maloney A Perkins weather. Try it. judgment ordered in accordance with "Sohmer," the Queen of Pianos. stipulations. The Phelps, Dodge A Palmer company "Drs. Freeman & Burrows, Snlt Lake, vs. F. H. Dyer et al on motion of Mawill have a branch office every Saturday loney A Perkins judgment ordered in at Broom hotel, Ogden, for the treat- accordance with stipulations now on tile. The court made an order naming ment of diseases of the eye, ear, nose, throat and lungs. Spectacles accurately Saturday February 7th for setting cases fitted, difficult cases solicited. Giass on the civil calendar. All cases pending and now at issue will be Bet for trial at eyes inserted." that time and it is important that all atKid"Does your back ache?" Oregon torneys interested should be present ney Tea will relieve you. Sold everywhere. Try it Working; Men, Attention. A grand indignation meeting will be Sohmer the Queen of Pianos. held on Saturday evening, Feb. 7, 1891, The World Enriched. to take some action on the proceedings The facilities of the present day for the of the late convention. All members of different trades unions and all other production of everything that will con- the are cordially invited to atduce to the material welfare and comfort workingmen tend, at the hall over Wagner's beer of mankind are almost unlimited and hall, 2458 Washington avenua Come one and all as all are interested. when Syrup of Figs was first produced Committer. the world was enriched with the only perfect laxative known, as it is the only Dr. J. M. Armstrong has removed his remedy which is truly pleasing and re- residence from 2173 Adams avenue, to street, (between Madfreshing to the taste and prompt and 726 Twenty-thir- d . effectual to cleanse the system gently in ison and Monroe.) the Spring time or, in fact, at any time Dr. Henley's English Dandelion Tonit and the better it is knows the more pop- cures indigestion and constipation an7 ular it becomes. tones up the entire system. Blackburn, Embree, Stone, Anderson, White. Messrs. Webster, Marr, Dickin son, AiiBhermau, Powles, Butler, Roth, Osborne, Solomon, Pexton, Johnson and Rev. Mr. (iaullidet; Mrs. Strong and Knight. Mrs. Knight. THE Sohmer," the Queen of Pianos. FROM WEEKLY LETTER LIVE WY0MI.V0 TOWS. one-stor- one-stor- "Happy Home," Ogden's best brand of flour. Sewsy Notes Personal and wise, From Our Special Other- Wisdom's Violet Cream Is the most exquisite preparation in the world for softening aud whitening the hands and face. It is not only a substitute for, but in every respect su- Correspondent. A. C Beokwith is still confined to his perior to glycerine, cold cream, vaseline, and like preparations. Try room with rheumatism. Mayor I. C. Wimslow is erecting a two-sxrWe have lota on Harrison avenue, beframe dwelling. The house and Twenty-thirwill be large aad handsomely finished. tween Twentv-seconsell It is located on the hill portion of Evan-sto- streets, 50 by132 feet, thatforweonewillweek for $450, on easy terms, see about them. The men who were injured at the only. , Call and Magi-ir- k A Campbell, are on wreck Rock Wednesday Pulpit avenue. 2472 Washington not has train smashed This ail out it y d d been brought up as yet R W. Dennis and family will leave next week for their new home in Washington. Mr. Dennis is an old and t muted locomotive engineer and will be missed by the Union Pacific road. He will go on some land he owns ten miles from Spokane Falls. Evaneton is well stocked with tramps at just now. They claim that they were work on sewers and when the bosses shut down they had to hustle. They are well cW. ana are hunting work, but are auooeeding poorly. Hunting in these ports is growing in popularity. Several parties are out in the woods now in search of the deer and antelope. The elements are fretful however, aad little favor a stay out at Love Affair. Lotta, the girl who was stabbed last week in the colored dive above the Bank Exchange saloon, is rapidly recovering from her wounds. Her assailant Stella, concluded that Ogden air was not beneficial to her health and is now working the guileless Pullman car porter at A Pocatella y Jealousy was at the bottom of the affair. The two women wore rivals for the heart of a certain Andy Blackman, proemporium prietor of a large in Salt Lake, Andy, however, proved a a gay deceiver. While vowing eternal constancy to one he was at the same time filling page after page of cream tinted paper with protestations of un night dying love to the other. The two girls ' News comes from Salt Lake City one day in talking over their affairs of that Dr. Cunnington, an Evanston den- the heart inadvertently ait upon Andy s Limit of Express Delivery. tist, who weut to Salt Lake City to have name, and the result was that Stella his eye operated upon, has lost the siht drew a razor and inflicted several gashes On account of the large territory covof one eye outirely. His friends deeply upon her whilom friend's breast Lotta ered by the city of Ogden, the Wells ;..-weut to bed, Stella skipped and Andy is Farga Denver A Rio Grande, and Pacifio aympatnize with him, Rev. Silas Wright pastor of the A. M. not in it at all. Express companies have been compelled to establish the following limits to free & mission at Rock Springs, preached here at the M. E. church on Thursday "Sohmer," the Queen of Pianos. delivery of express matters within the bounded as follows, via: beginevening. The sermon was full of inTo meet frequent rails for mining territory at the corner of Twenty-firs- t and terest The subject was, "The Son and ning the Kingdom." Ilia style is unique and blanks, The Commkik iai. has printed and Wall; running thenoe east six blocks to on Notice hand sale has the for following: Madison: thence south two blocks to his vocabulary good, lie went to Ogden of location of mining claim, proof of Twenty-third- ; thence east two blocks to from here. labor to of attorney power Quincy; thence south four blocks to N. Beemau of Salt Lake is here. Us locate performed, deed. ana and sell Twenty-seventmining thence west two blocks says the mine at Ahny, which burned to Madison; thence south three blocks to last week, .will resume work very soon. Cheap Lots. Thirtieth; thence west six blocks to Wall; i It is being cleared up now. thence north nine blocks to place of be in 55 lots month. Cheapest of Ogden, Union per the the Frank Foote, agent . ' Pat-ioCoal company h sre, is takings New house and lot 3000, in payments; ginning. FaimjoA-Co- . f Wells house also A. for rent. . J. Ckopsky, week in the valley. Denver A Rio Grande Ex. Co. Five Points,Ogden, Utah. George Peston and Dr. Blackburn By L W. Shinn, agent. in Ham's the Fork ou a hunt are off .Pacific Exprns Co. Week Great at the Novelty. country. By Ed. Johnson, aent. Miss Helen Wishnrd entertained a Monday evening there will be the best "Sohnier," (he Queea of Pianos. cumber of hor friends Friday evening at and Urgent vandevillo entertainment at a cobweb party. ' Refreshments were the Novelty that has beeu spread at that Wisdom's Robertine is the onlv prep wrred. The following were present: popular place of amusement' The Erie Kr. and Mrs. Hiucbman, Mr. and Mrs. Sister?, all star combination, will appear aration now usl pv fwshinable ladies to perpetuate a beautiful complexion. Ask Ulna, Mr. and Mrs. Lorgo, Mr. and with thirty three picked stiir should visit the novelty the your druggist for it and do not be in Mrs. Haintn, Misses Solomon, Crocker. ducod to take anything else.. Kuf coming weak. Saunders, Cu8iid, Burkhead, boot-shinin- g ? v c nrtistS-Everybod- y - a i "Sohmer," the Queen of Pianos. . Take It Before Urcakfast. The great appf tizer, tonic and liver Positive specific for liver regulator. complaint- - Bad taste in the mouth on arising in the morning, dull pains in the head and back of the eyes, tired feeling, dizziness symptoms of liver complaint Remedy Dr. Henley's English Dande lion Tonic, Get the genuine from your druggist for $1, aud take according to directions. Will be Given Away. Our enterprising druggist H. A John! Send up flour. some "Happy Home" The Greatest Strike. Among the great strikes that of Dr. Miles in discovering his New Heart Cure has proven itself to be one of the most important. The demand for it has become astonishing. Already the treatment of heart disease is being revolutionized, and many unexpected cures effected. It soon relieves short breath, fluttering, pains in side, arms, shoulder, weak and hungry spells, oppression, swelling of ankles, smothering and heart dropsy. Dr. Miles' book on Heart and Nervous diseases free. The New Heart Cure is sold and guaranteed by H.A.Walker. Also his Restorative Nervine for headache,1 fits, sprees, hot flashes, nervous chills, opium habit etc. Both the method end results when Patronize the new Commercial book Syrup of Figs is taken; it ia pleasan bindery, where you can get first-clas- s and refreshing to the taste, and acts work at Omaha and Lincoln prices. yet promptly on the KidneyB, Ently and jfowels, cleanses the system effectually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation permanently. For sale ' BEITMAN BROS., Cigars are Unequaled. . in 50c and $1 bottles by all druggists FOB SALE EVERYWHERE. CALIFORNIA 8 AM loutsviui, irr. . THE BRUNSWICK ! FIG SYRUP CO. ) FRAHCI8C0, : H.r. YORK, ; Finest Billiard Hall in Utah. , Up Stairs Over Marten's. We have the largest Hall in the Brunswick and use Tables exclus- Ogrtf-- NOVELTY TBEATRE ively. OGDEN, UTAH. COME AND SEE US. FRANK MOKBOE,.. J. G. Proudfit & .Co., OUT ' THE BRUNSWICK. it JD 55 THE CHICAGO Milwaukee & St. Paul and Trains Electric-liirhte- d OF - SIGHT! Week Commencing 2nd . February ?SrlKTe0 W th Parasol song and dance and wonderful contortion act. $5,000 challenge for their equal. Don't miss this treat or half f your If e is cone. Their first appearaaee in Ogden. First appearance of the Knock About King JOHN HALLETT AND RAYMOND. The dancing wonder. MISS PEARL ARDINE. MOReEaYS!1108 ComicaI Mos'oal Artists, J First appearance of the beautiful and RAILWAY In the only line running Solid Vmtihuled, ? - Steara-hMt- r .' .Mabaobb accor.i-plishr- d Serio-ComVocalist, MISS LILLIAN . CARROL. The California duo, CLARIE DALTON and JIM BOYLE. . n Md dance artists, MISS 5?JTS?,f,2U Daily betwwn (,'hieHRO and Omaha, cvmixwed Walker, who carries the finest stock of MnffniScrnt of Curs and Sleeping drugs, perfumes, toilet articles, brushes, The popular vocalists, XORA WILLIAMS The Finest Dining Cars In the World. and GRACE opongea, etc., is giving away a large num MONROE. ber of trial bottles of Dr. Miles' cele IN THE SWIM. Nellie Markham, May HTt, brated Restorative Nervine, He guar Fay Belmont, Winnie Yeager. Annie Hartley, Helen Howard, Miss Brouliton and Miits antecs it to cure headache, dizziness. EVERYTHING FIRST-CLAS. Edwards. nervous prostration, meenlcssuess, the ill Under the supervision of WALDO.WHirPLE effects of spirits, tobscea. coffee, etc. Only Sensational Female Minstrels, Druggists say it is the greatest seller Any fnrther information a to Ratns of Far, they ever knew, and is universally RARE RICH. AW) RACY. He aleo guarantees Dr. Miles' etc.. will be cheerfully fnrnUhed by ALEX . MITCHELL, ir. New Heart Cure all cases of nervous No The ewnfi)!;' performance commences Commercial Aent, or org;iniaheart .disease, palpitation, pain atS;16 sharp. T. K. POWELL, in side, smothering, etc. Fine book, on Traveling Ascnt. Trrpnty-FiT- e aud Fifty Cents 1C1 S. Main Street, "Nervous and Heart Diseases" f rtt. Salt Lake City. Fppnlar Prices, Scats ia Boxes Fifty (Jent. S. . satis-fiH'tor- v. |