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Show OT.DEX DAILY COMMERCIAL: SUNDAY, FEBIiTAKY (KWS FOB WEDDINGS. Coesl ire ra BiMaavrk ta rarsa. HrTUen Pjaaanrk. after werk wra luu amroA fg!Tl, ( TUuUa at k C WMiac 4 Capacity as tk fttery. Hr! rimla tka fa CiMU-C- lU ta Onaeia hrrwit hiemi is is Pan, 11 La Cjio thirty La starch uf which Wat aVi fog ukjeet Hurts U libit rhannri WbeUa tb totrvs ass tn 0 far saocwstiul is txun doubtful, a tin it luuking as aad Sod lcjirvr4 man, wearing th spfraBee t.4 fruta wbota tit Ud La fijwtj. As uld fritsai with vbcKa be Ikvs cotTrr-ic- g last creuisg was beard to rtiiark afier h weut awav that be waa But up to and bardiy to take is what is on is any part of Europe, or what ha guie oa mam he dropped oat of potties. Is thu cucnectitiB the jier I quut oUntvi: 'Haw wuodrfuly aoua a ths t4 hJ IFifriU Ctmspoadracc Krw Yots. It u carioa bet true that gir'j will keep os getting acad married all tba time, udemd by tn warning of their darned friends cot the sun girls, cf coarse, tot tb others, a f&st at Xhfr grow uLl enough. Well, M them beliovs is tba beauty and tweetsesc of being a bride, and dress pbliDciaB Who U But gTtoat in ldmlf, their dollies and their fancies in tall like Mr. GladiOoae, Iomm tooih with tUe political world wh-oblid to rvt:r thettrfromr Prince Bijanarck is taid by Lis aoa to bear cp wll against the neglect inta which he has fallen. II find ocrspatiun ia butanes enterprise. da, a Hi brewrry scIimim hiia. The princNs Uts--i far more to heart their changed position. Khe U ia puur health. Count run Qatzfrll, of the 0nnan in London, is also in Paris, but his viait has no connection with that of Count Ilrtbert Bkmarck. Cor. Lundun Kewa. Lu!-rr- U ta Uraaaad. There fcre few turn in public life more scrupulous iu ktjau; anpiutiutmt than Chauncey M. Dejiew. That ranch courted gentlenxaa. an a gfnt-ra- J tiling, ia of tha iarita-tion- a to accept that hn mvivea, but aft-- r he liaa accepted an invitation to attend a meeting, a banquet or a ball nothing but rick-ne- s will prevent his kfepinjt the engagement. Occasionally be finds himself "booked" for two or three engagement on the same evening, and he manage to get around on time and make a pleasant impression at each place. A few nights ago he had two dinners and a private reception on his hands. One dinner was at the Union League club and the other at Delmonico's. Mr. Depew made the principal speech at each. One evening he went to Yonkers and delivered an oration on th occasion of the opening of a new building. He came back to this city, and reached Delmonico's in time to take a prominent part in the Patriarch' firwt ball of the season. Doubtless the fact that Mr. Depew never allows hiniwlf to fret about anything explains how he can fill two or three important engagements in an evening, and appear on each occasion fnvh, calm and smiling. New York Times. Mr. lpw no-ab- le one-thir- d BEIDX AKO EEIDESKjUD. u and orange bloeaomi much as they like. I lore to see them do to, and in the mean time let it be my pleasant duty to tell them what to wear and how to wear it. J art a few days ago there was a very swell wedding, when the bride did look like a lovely white Iamb in a white doth drees with white astrakhan panels other accessories, with a splendid J fWMiq MUI fGU. VUII Vflbl lUUi V could not appropriately go the tnnJi-tionaorange flowers. Another very besutSyl wedding gown recently worn was ofiream white satin with panels of silver and pale green embroidery. The front breadth was entirely plain; around the waist was a pointed belt of the same embroidery which formed the collar and bands around the npper arm and down the left side of the corsage. There was a tiny little bunch of flowers at the left side of the waist and a small spray at the right side on the hip. The tulle veil fell back from the face to the long satin train. The sleeves were long. Altogether a lovely dress. Any young lady who in spite of other folks' experience wants to get married can copy this gown in any of the materials I have mentioned. The style is of the simplest T ,1 : .1 miunuuuuii tui ways cunie iiu tur n share of the honor of the occasion, and for them here is a dainty gown inveil- . xii V, Miu utiuui;uH ufc vail: h;u uiuiuvq WllQ l T oS.t to the dressy ef-ivnd gloves of bl: pk kid show plain- t she u not the b tdo. Bridesmaids Oft ynBdB can te snort or with a demi- ' train. Bridesmaids C4U also wear pink corn color, blue, matove or any tint. Where there are three pr four or more it is a pretty fancy for each to wear a different color. If there! are six or eight they can dress in paira, and the effect is heightened. It goes without saying that the bridesmaids should be dressed much more simply as far as material is concerned than the bride. They can get their innings later they are brides themselves. When other ladies go to a swell wedding they want to look as pretty as possiblea sort of "hiding the gnawing little foxes." For a blonde there is Edison blue. Just think how famous Mr. Edison must be to have had the honor of having a new shade of color named after him. Let this be made up v.ith stripes of darker velvet laid over a skirt front of lk . v n Arrtanat. OtT Hu a Baai Lr- OraLtia T. II Z:mIiw, a j j.ar i'.jraey . a vSHeLiLai J Jxix ivtiJI a ki&l u. in: lalf iJt Ifeaiit wits, a iJejw w ii h be arl j rA, Ltry. to prev-u- ii arr-.v- pare f v Lua. Is a SA tuliirwd ry W UZi be that if aU woall cook th teak be wotii J cot CMtue kit?Mr.g. With ax. a whrU&oe be tharprar-- i S th bUde of vLks i abuet five ioLhe abd ituneded ta cat tbe ljd. Taking a orrr ciec of k-f- tbr3i -- corn colored satin, and have panels of velvet worked with gold braid. Let the waist be like the figure, and see how young and bright you will look. And let your brunette friend wear black and coppery red, made after the style of the other figure, and have a sash of red and yellow striped crepe d'Inde, and she will divide attention .with the bride. The mothers of the bride and groom can wear whatever they please, but the richer the material the better it is suited to the occasion. Some guests wear black to weddings, and that is not out of place in church, but is decidedly so at a home wedding or a reception after a wedding. Of course we all know that a traveling dress for a bride must be quiet, and not in the least suggestive of the occasion, and all the girls try to hare it so, but the very sparrows seeiu to know and chirp about it to their neighbors, and so Ouvn Habpee. the secret is out THY A JiOX Try myJAVA & MOCHA Coffee. A fine line of TEAS. Fancy and Plain CRACK-ER- S Toilet Soaps, Fancy Candles. Bay Rum. Cologne, Florida Water. a- i- Pine Camli Or. 'JranJ Opera Hou- - KuilJiB.I 2316 WsLinion Avt-uue- . TUY A BOX T n Fine Candies. E. FEIEDERICH. j A' Profitable Investment! MODERATE OUTLAY ! VT A. ta-so- Time. Tao Balbwad Hast far- - A verdict for fS.OUt) damages was rendered in the court of common pleas against th Wertera Maryland Railroad company sail is favor of Mrs. Mary A. for which damIlerold. Th aci-idet- ;t age werw clairued occuiTttd on riept. IT, lstv5, st the WiLioa Sanitarium ground, Mr. Hrv.l l had taken s child to the utnitarimii to ssend the day, and in th evening with others boarded the car, which had been t oa s switch. 8om one, presumably s child, released th brake, and the car started down s small incline toward the main track. A panic ensued among the passengers, and Mrs. Herold, who wss thea 63 years old, jumped to the ground, breaking her right shoulder blade and left leg. . Th verdict was for the full amount claimed. Col. Charles Marshall, counsel for tha railroad, gave notice that he would apply for s new trial. Baltimore Sun. k-f- Arkrlsht' Old Mill Ark-wrig- paid.--Pittsfie- ld DO nOt fail tOSlinnK' vmir wantC while VOll tinv nnrmrttn'itxr csi f"nTir!iV1 (frA REMEMBER that our CLEARANCE SALE will last but a limited time. lust take a pood look at our SHOW WINDOWS and notice the tempting prices, marked m plain figures. THEY SPEAK for THEMSELVES. Our Winter Overcoats and Ulsters, Winter Clothing and Underwear, MUST BE DISPOSED OF by the close of the season, REGARDLESS OF COST. Boys' and Children's Winter Clothing, for ages 4 to 13 years, at a Sacrifice. you. Blankets at Cost ID ITU k Barso. A calamity has fallen upon Cromford, The historic old cotton mill, where first set np his cotton spinning machinery, caught fire, and, though six fire engines played upon it, nothing could be saved. A large portion of th mill has long been standing empty, as the motive power (water) was inadequate, but for the last seven years Mr. Charles Hill, of Bridge House, Cromford, has nsed one portion of it for fin Electrlral Lecture. . sud storing the goods made at It was recently suggested that electric- ishing his factories at is Oellia snd Muford. al night schools be established in vari The loss will be fully 10,000. The roofs ous cities for the benefit of thoxe who and walls have given way, but the desired to become familiar with electric houses near have been saved. Pall Mall al subjects, but who were fully occu Gazette. pied during the day. Columbia college Attacked by Catamounts. is about to put into practice a modifica Mrs. JajTies and her son, of Stringtown, tion of this idea, and its president. Dr. Seth Low. states that it proves to have L T., hearing a commotion in their barn the other night, proceeded to investi a course of evening lecture, illustrated by experiments, on the practical appli gate, whereupon s catamount sprang cations of electricity. Dr. Low, while upon the woman and buried its teeth in favoring the idea of night schools in her neck. The son killed the beast and electricity, under certain conditions, is also dispatched another cat, which had of opinion that, 111 some cages where been tearing the horses. The fierce anithey are practicable, a course of evening mals weighed thirty and thirty-fiv- e lectures can be given with very great pounds respectively. Mrs. Jaynes, who was painfully injured, will recover. l)pnefit. New York Commercial Adver tiser. Philadelphia Ledger. A Freight Car' Run with a Fair Wind Taid flie Principal Three Time Over. During the fierce and biting wind One of the oldest mortgages in the which prevailed in this vicinity the other state was "lifted"' iu Lubec last week. day, a freight car standing on a wdiu: Trescott, a revolutionary hero, who here was blown through a safety switch Maj. died in Lubec in 182C, left by his will the to .the main track and thence down to sum of $00, the income of which was to near Lehighton, a distance of four miles. be devoted to the use of public schools It passed Packeiton at the rate of tweu in district No. 3, in that town. The ty miles an hour. Messages were sent money has been invested in a mortgage over the wires to look out for the car, on one piece of real estate in Lubec for and it was stopped and side tracked iii and tho interest regularly years, fifty time to avoid an accident. The car (Mass.) Advertiser. passed Packerton before the message could be sent there to catch it in its Ilattlc Milps for German)'. flight, and its speed, without a locomoEleven battle ships, with an aggregate tive attached, startled all who saw it. displacement of 70,000 tons, are now beMauch Chunk Cor. Philadelphia Record. ing built for the German government three at Bremen, two at Gaarden, near Mn. Blnme's Astonishing Conduct. one at Wilhelnishafen, three at Mrs. Joseph Blume, of Allegheny Citv, Kiel, Dantaig and two at Bredow, near Stethas astonished her neighbors and her tin. At Elberg no fewer than seventy husband by giving birth in the past two boats are being built for the torpedo years to seven children. Within the last government London Truth. few days Mrs. Blume has presented her husband with triplets, plump, healthy A Bright youngsters, two boys and a girl. Not d Robert asked his mother quite a year ago the Blume family was the meaning of Thanksgiving day. After blessed by the birth of twins, and in the listening attentively while being told preceding twelve months Mrs. Blume that the day is set apart as a day of gave birth to her two first babies. The thanksgiving to God for ripening the triplets and their prolific' mother are fruits, vegetables, etc., he said: , doing well. Cor. Philadelphia Record. "Well, I don't think God bleached the celery very well this year!" Boston ' Died la a Coffin. Transcript Barney Frickers, a well known char acter of AHiance, (X, died the other day A barrel of apples opened near the in a coffin. For twenty years it has been isle of Wight had a very fine apple in his custom to sleep every night in a cof- the center with this message written on fin of his own manufacture, believing apiece of paper: "If any young lady that he was about to die. 1 He always who chances to eat this apple is desirous robed himself in a shroud before retir of matrimony she will please correspond ing. The coffin is of oak, very strong with Hartley Marshall, of Falkland and covered with allegorical subjects. Ridge, Annapolis county, Nova Scotia." Frickers was 75 years old. Exchange. James Whitcomb Riley is s busy literMowing on the lea. ary worker. Some one recently asked One of the queer sights at East Machias the poet to do a piece of work, and he last month was a crew of men mowing replied: "I can't! In the writing line I on the meadow or Mr. Jacob Foster. was never so involved before. Even the Mr. E. P. Gardner had the work done hope of waking to find myself famous is and put into his stable eleven loads of denied me, since I haven't time in which well made hay. This meadow was not to fall asleep." mowed last summer, and the solid foun While excavating for the foundation dation of ice gave the men a good chance of a new opera house in Atlanta, Ga., to work. Lewis ton Journal. last week, workmen found a live snake "six feet below the surface." It was an Great Hon Shoeing. A remarkable horse shoeing record is ngly, poisonous moccasin, nearly five feet reported from the establishment of Leach long, and fought hard until killed. & Lydston, in this city. Between Thurs A new sketching apparatus for cyclists day morning and Saturday night two men, Messrs. Lydston and McGroth, shod has recently appeared in England. The 200 horses, all round. Portsmouth paper is placed on a small board in front of the cyclist, and the work can be Times. roughly contoured in about half the time (joins Op. ordinarily required. Men who do not read th; newspapers have begun their usual winter (n:ia- Mr. Powderly has been ment of thawing dynamite cartridjfrs l;v grand master workman of the Knights the cooking stove. Consequently of Labor, and at his own suggestion his and building material are poiug up. saLiry has bona reduced from $3,CO0 to t frinsfieM TTnion. $3,0X aaauta. Fonr-Tear-Ol- d. BLUE AND FLAIO? COLORED GOWKS FOB GUESTS. rae Ar STAPLE GltOCJSRIES. l-WX- kua- - block, fca Ikrid it BIiht OS th cbo-pi-$ Lkjrk. sjad aiiiieJ a heavy Uow to pi-- t it. Tha block abpprd a the aX blaae de-e- c t hand waa sad the yoasx man throws under th Uad. Tb blade atrstk hi vrvt si th joint, and tb hand vm cmajjetrlr severed, rullisg to tb ground betid tn block, Huluclaw seised the stump of th left arm is hi right band sad railed for be! p. Th rook, with great preafcar of between both of her mind, bell hand tightly. Hopping the blood, and the injured young loan csDod fur s string. With s ttout cord th stump of th arm was tied so s to rffuctually prevent bleeding. Ha! Four-year-ol- EDISON 1S91. I, ! CO., ht The Leading Manufacturers Clothiers, 2431 & 2433 "God's blessing to mankind," say thousands who have been cured by the celebrated Oregon Kidney. Tea. Sold everywhere. A Famous Woman And what she says of a famous article. A clear, concise, conscientious certiiicate: Mr. Wisdom Dear Sir: I beg to thank you for the delightful and refreshing "Robertine" you so kindly sent me. I have used the toilet preparations of the most celebrated manufacturers of Ijod- don and Paris, but eousider your "Hob ertine" their superior in point of purity and excellence. .Wishing you the un bounded Buccess you deserve, I remain tatiu Abbott. faithfully yours and Importers Washington Avenue, Ogden. 111 (MIS iiupurw5B dim i Attn juuim Health is Wealth! The Largest Confectionery Manufacturers in Utah. Dr. E. C. West's Nervr and Drain TreatDizzi-nement, n miarntiteed ftjcittc for Omvulsions, Fit. Norvous Neuralgia, Hendactie, Xirrnn Prostration criko1 by tho nne of alcohol or tohncoo. Wakefulness, Mental Dejircwion, Softening of the Drain rrasultinR in insanity ami loading to mi wry. decay ana dat.b. Premature Old Afro. Barrenness, Loss of Power in either sex. Involuntary Losses and Spermatorrhoea caused by over exertion of the or Each box brain, contains one month's treatment. $1.(0 a box, or six boxes for $5.1)0, soot by mail prepaid oa receipt of price. Wb. ttUARAN'TEE SHC BOXES To cure any case. With each order receWod by us for six boxes, accompanied with $5.00, we will send the purchaser ur written gnarantoe to refund the money if the treatment does not rtfect a cure. (iuarantees Issued only by H. A. Walker. Dnircist Sale Act.. 371 Twenty-fourt- h Factor v and Salesrooms, Hyut-eria- , 2327 WALL AVENUE, OGDEN. e 8t..Oitden.ttah. Skookum loot Grows Hair Rapidly. Eradicates Dandruff. CHANCE HAS ARRIVED. can now take the Motor at the Broom Hotel corner on Washington Ave. and run straight through. Try it this P. M. OUR BATHS ars very popular and you can take supper, and s good one, Corns out and before starting for home. . try it. E. F. PATRICK,. Hotel Mgr. YOUR Stops Falling Hair. Is s Preventive of Baldness. Grows Hair on Bald Heads. Is an Exquisite Toilet Article. Is Free from all - coloring matter. mark registered.) Contains no Mineral or Vegetable Poisons ( Trait It is an honest and meritorious preparation. Nature's Own Remedy. Sbobn Orora Root Hair NEW YORK. Fov Sale by Co. all CnuggUts. WALTER BHAXD, PRO. A C'LEAX, NKAT, OYSTER AND SHORT ORDER HOUSE 4 CO. MCHEY'S UNDERTAKING PAHLOBS. Funeral Directors and Embalmers. German Restaurant, Sunday Dinner from SPEHGS HOTEL ' TIIE- - -- HOT to C p. m. GRAXTAVK, OGUKX, Wa carry the largest, most complete ami elegant stack CASKETS and of FUNERAL FURNISHINGS West of Chicago. Sexy ices conducted at our Parlors when dejrad. Embalming of bodies for shipment a specialty. RICHEY'8 UNDERTAKING PARLORS. THE FINEST HEARSE IN UTAH. 2263 Washington- Avenue, Ogden, Utah. |