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Show DEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: Sl'XDAY. FEBRI'ARY EJHS. -- - I ia I bm that lki not bng it toa 9 Carriages' yon taw wu abwt tor aaodie a afa, wa a Ttaaaataaaaaaw T I - mm ilh- 'r It iMiii-- -t at :kw KT tvwbu ait gluoniljr about, oatiade . - rant h btjome. awaitta Thr app-r- "Yoa can gamble.' sz-zz-zi fideutly. ' any man a muck ill retnrl it a thrillin Be won't get fat at it mm waatatar." o a half bcr must eJapmA you ail seem to feel that away," An!, are fad. Tbrtr . iH.ruea an aid Moure. Til step out and shoot witk into line wtrr jaastorr-- their In - astride th.- low nJtdJlrs rvjyou right now." WeU. 11 shore go roo said Wat-kivkirk nmun.b tht MM, pale fe r . and it iarrident tbatthtnrn.llL,- i for the day. They arose and stepped oat at the door. Why are they gloomy? N'ot a hoy of It was' gathering dark, bnt it was light them can tell. Ona i boa Princeton, enough to ebuct by. The other cowboy followed in silence. too. They hare been partner and rotn- -worlcej tbe HT rattle Ue Not one amid a word ia rotnaneat or for month, and nothing erer They were grave mi anior cauoa. on, bat paattre. It to not good form to cuue in i u . u The ranch hoot i their home, and interfere with other people's dneto in the The pretty girl was still MHitbwrrt. their ha been the unity of lirother. A wee ago a pretty girl, the daughter singing, and the strain fell softly on the of one of the owner? . came to the ranrh ear of the cowboy. Erery one. whether from the eart. Hlie wa protected In onlooker or principal, felt inspired with thi rent are by an old and gnarled aunt, a lurking, pleased anticipation of the watchful a a ferret, kw a a lime. blood to be soon set flowing. Nothing Mot that ttw pretty girl need watching; was said of distance. They separated to ah ia indeed in every move propriety's about forty paces and turned to face climax. No soft or dulcet reason woo each other. Each wore his "Colt's 45," bar to the went; she come ou no lore the loosely buckled belt letting, it rest errand. She ia elegantly and profound) low down on the right hip. Each threw all. uud longs down his bur hut and stood at apparent tired of the east, that for neatcru air and weittern oiglit. .She ease, with his thumbs caught in the pis ha been at the HT raiH'h a week, and tol belt. Sliall you give the word, or me?" said the boy hare met her, every one. The meeting or meeting were inarke.l by Moore. "Yon irive it." said Wutkins. "It'll be awkward nea a to the boy, utter a to the pretty girl. She a funny passage in American history if met them as he met the pome, cow, you get your artillery to the front any homed toads and other animal, domes- sooner than 1 do then. "Be you ready?" asked Jack. tic and indigenous to eiutteru New Mex' Shore." ico. While erery cowboy waa lilush-ingl"Then -- go!' conarions of her, she jva purely and asrenely guiltless of giving him a "Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!" went both pistol together, and with a rapidthought. Before thi pretty girl came the boy ity not to be counted. Moore got a were friends, and the calm tenor of their crease in his left shoulder a mere relations with each other ha." never a wound to the flesh and Watkins fell ripple. She was not there a day before with a lm let in his side. Rawlins, the e.tch drew himself insensibly from the range boss, came rnnning out. He unother, and a vgne hostility shore derstood all at a look. Hastily examindimly in their eves. It wm the instinct ing Moore he discovered that his hnrt of the fighting male animal aroused by was nothing serious. The others carried . the presence of the pretty girl. She, Watkins into the house. "Take my pouy, saddled at the fence. however, tmcteded on her daily way. wently unconscious of the sentiments Jack," said Rwlins, "and pull your she had awakened. freight. This yere man's goin' to die." re. Which I shorely hopes he does," said Mn are mere anitmi's: wotii'-too, for that mutter, but they are very Jack, bitterly. "I'll go, thongh: I ain't different unimah from men. The ef- got no use for none of these yere fort the race in HIT to Is- the other, bataround the HT." So he took Rawlins' pony, and when ter of different than beaata fails. It always failed; it will always fail. Civili- he stopped riding in the morning it was sation culture is the varicst venwr no marvel that the jKr pony hung his and famously thin. A year on the plains head dejectedly, while his flanks steamed crack thi veneer this shell and and quivered. He was almost UK) miles leave the animal exposed. This is by from his last corn, and cooled his nervous BTOSato as he took his morning drink the expanding growth of all that is in a man: these attributes of the iu the Rio Pecos, a stream far to the physical being fed and pampered by a west of t he HT. plains existence. The dark, vagne, impalpable differ"Some thootiag raape about their ences which cut off each of these creat- saddles, miss; that's all.'' So reported ures from his fellows and inspired him Rawlins to the pretty girl. "Isn't it horrible!"' shuddered the with an unreason he.; and auaeeunrable hate had grown with the brief week of pretty girl, in reply. The next morning the pretty ;,drl and their existence. A phihisopher would look for trouble noon on tho HT. her gnarled and twisted annt paid the in"What did yon go and take my saddle jured Watkins a visit. This sight so for yeftenlay. BiHV" said Jck Moore to the other three cowboys that they at once saddled and nsle away to the a boy by the name of Bill Watkins. ' 'Cause I allows I'll ride it some." north West to work some cattle on the says Watkins. "I thought it might like Ocate Mesa. They intended t o be gone to carry a high grade eowpuneher once." three months. They looked black and "Well, don't t ike it DO more," said forbidding as they galloped away. the gay inso"It's a pity Jack Moore ain't no better Moore, moodily, lence in the reply. "Leastwise, don't pistol shot." said one, as the picture of come of it an', sayin' nothiii'. the pretty girl visiting the wounded WatYou can palaver Americano, can't you? kins arose in his mind. , "That's whatever." assented the others. When yon aims to tide my saddle agin, The pretty girl was full of symimthy ask for it: if you can't talk m ike signs, and if you can't make sign, shake a for the stricken Watkins. It occurred bush, bnt don't go Injnnin' off BO saddle to her. too. that his profile was clear and handsome. He was certainly very pale, of mine no more." "Whatever do yon allow is liable to and this stirred the depths of her femihappen if I take it agin tomorry?" in- nine nature. She Bad her aunt came to see the invalid every day. Once the quired Bill in high scorn. Bill was of a more vivacious temper pretty girl said she would bring him a book to read and while away the hours tluvn the gloomy Moore. "You takes it agin an' I mingles with which ssemed shod with lead. "I can't read," said Wutkins. in atone you a whole lot. mighty prompt." replied Moore in a tone of obstinate injury. of deepest shame. "I never learned. 1 These boys were brothers in affection should like to read. too. but there's no before that pretty girl came, and either one to teach me So that settles that." would have gone afoot all day to lend and the rascal expressed a deep sigh. his saddle to the other. Going afoot, too, Watkins lied. It was he who waa the is the last thing, let me assure yon. a Princeton man. He said afterward that this lie was the only real good work be cowboy will do. "Well, don't yon fail to mingle none." ever did in his life. So the pretty girl came every day and said Bill, with cheerful ferocity." on account of ite being me. I crossed the trail gave Watkins a reading leasou. while of the shorthc.m like you. over on the the gnarled aunt read a book and watchPanhandle onct, an' puts him in the fire ed them through the open door. an' has plenty of fun with him." "By the way," said Watkins one day, "Stop the play now. right yere," said "where's Mooref Tom Rawlins, the HT range boss, who "Why?" asked the range boss, to whom was sitting close at hand. "You all the question was put. "Yon tell him," said Watkins. his eyes spring trouble "round yere an' I'll be in it. Whatever's the matter with all yon peo- lieginning to gather rage, "that when I ple anyway? You're like a passel of sore get out I'll be lookin' for him with 'bead dogs for raore'n a week now. something besides a field glass." Yoo're shorely too many for me to sabe. "Oh. no!" said the pretty girl, rising an Id'ar gives you up." and coming toward his conch. Her The boys started some grumbling re- tone showed disturbance and fear at the ply, bnt the cook called them to supper thought. As he gaaed at her the look changed just then, and, one animalism becoming overshadowed by another, they forgot in his eyes. Hate for Moore gave place their rancor and vagne animosities in to something else. "Xe." he said at last. "Tell him it's thought of supplying their hunger. Toward the last of the repast Rawlins arose all right. Rawlins." and going to anotlier room begun overThe pretty girl thought him very looking some entries in the ranch books, noble. The protty girl did not eat at the ranch Watkins was out iu fivi wek3 and able. She had little banquets in her could go about the ranch. Oue iiit'lit own room. Just then she was in her Rawlins tfaoagnt he heard a pouy in the own room and began singing in a low yard and aMfee to remedy the matter. tenor some tender little love wag that As he stepped out a couple passed him seemed born of a sigh and a tear, The in the moonlight. It was Watkins and boys at supper heard her, and their re- the pretty girl. The caitiff's arm was sentment of each other's existence began round her. - Dan Quia in Kansas (.Sty again to flame in their breasts and b'trn Times, - F 'T " 1 ta L - Wr art - mmmt I a WtoMafaia o Li If tUj - iawtl tkau iSU-- . totimam. wtoher wmm t- I 'f Ull' I 1! I n m F Furniture I m F 7 tWU MO S trmcl T - . First Shipment of the Season Just Received. V m Aniai doa't seed to hjv bo rva . :M.Te far rrawiia' yoo Yoo're fair gaaae. yon are. tackaatjraa ruaaal jaat for raa TIIE I1T. AN IDYL OF t. f if yoa'rv p'tatia oat fur a with me, don't fool roaai trfiMfto. bat ;est I n.yo. don't " a Fred .J. eE.- Pre- - aJi " Favors Dr. rVrve'i criMioti a ao funal, Dr. COMPAN 1 WHOLESALE a-a- iraa aara. w oats' on. KlESEL I I acaleaw easa. Ui thorfr a r BweUir taa taat it w,.t irtw talj6a Sam. Oon m rv, j y caas. or momj paW for tL wilt I refundfjiaw amraat uc botUo ocd-- t caaTrijM.aw.b Cc tad n. 1 ! Inria " said Moore. taaKr ImI TJctoas a Moaea la alar I. 1 Liquor and Cigar Merchant Pierce's Pellets Wedding Goods, nvuialc and okanae the liver, etomacb and bow, u. Thejr are purelj raanal and perfectly iiarmleas. One a Ooae. Suit by druartat. 5 cent a vial. & Programmes IMBtiHhmtlu II at aria taa Bart. Ogden, Utah. INVITATIONS, DRUGGISTS Pocatello, Idaho, Visiting .IAS. WALLACE 5 AGENTS SXR CARL UPMANN'S DRUGGIST. CouettiiJ PiUiskiig Co, 2404 GB0CEK8, Also for Walhs & Co. Mexican Wise. Are. fflffl k STRATTON hand-fce- nt y Perftimer-an- Toilet Articles, d .waa. --"- -v. K,Vf t CIGARS AND TOBACCO. V- - SPECIALTIES: C-I-Gr-A- -R- Pine Prewh Candies. Horn.- - Made TaOea. Pure Ice Cream. Prescription Carefullt Cominunded. 2.149 Wathuurton Avenue. WHOLESALE nFAT.irvg OF F. B. HURLBUT, WnOLMAl.1 DRUGGIST, Corner Washingioo Aw. Sired, aider - aod Twenty-fift- Broom vT"L)tlfl The Pabst JJ Brewing Company's Milwaukee Beer "v. Ire Cream for par- tiee supplied at ime day' notice. LKi M.t hmokreh, Cr. aith and Waab- - KETVI. AND " mtrtoii Ave. EXPORT, SELECT BOHEMIAN AND HOFBRAU, CONSTANTLY h Turkish Baths Hotel. STOCK, BULK AND BOTTLED. ! Fikbst Stock of ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO BE ADDRESSED TC TOILET ARTICLES la the UarLet. The onJy Turkish Bath house in Utah is now opened at 364 24th St., W. McXUTT & CO., basement of Woodman-se- e Mill A 1 U JUDfl VaftR J. frr.r.nonmwi the best in Territory Trv it and satUh j oureelve. block. ps ri; gists All who know of the Sanitary and Curative proiierties of this kind of bath can find everything in first class stylo, at tho above namedjdace. F1NEPERFUMER and T01LFTARTICLES. IUFORTED AND O0UE8TIC CIGAES. Nht Young, D. L. GOODHAHT, $500 Reward THE Oadrn. DroKKlat. OGDEN TRUNK anteed. J. KIESEL F. ()GDEN STEAM LAUNDRY TO. (IXTORPORATED.) HENDERSHOT, Prop I I.one, Clear Imported Tobacco fbr S cent Absolutely pare aud free fron sll acids, esrracta, paint, or flavoring, and' .ire not dipped. Is beautiful and pat orctiercot. Equal toan fectclgar.notacheapcigarrn UNtent cigar ia tbe Vuited Statos, that is acid regular. Ogden City Steam Laundry We have added many Improvements to our Fine Equipment, employed Experienced and Competent help, and are now prepared to give our patrons F. J. KIESEL 4 CO., Sole Agents, Ogden, Utah tah. GEO. A. LOWE, FACTORY U Is We I- N- Service as Can lie Had in OGDEN STEAM LAUNDRY CO. Tel. 173 SBth St. Rear of Heed Hotel. Buggies, Road Carts, Blackboards, COREY BRO'S & COMFY, Turbine Wheels, 2432 Washington Avenne. Ensrines Saw Mills, ti aaHeTSaHolaal WaHRlaB-- " t, nit. Vng "! Arm b nJ T hi; er. v- wbt oifcrNrntnjrtw.i. r tw.tw hot" rum ;i u 0f ibf wtnk tnd live vi, n ere. flv eirnln voii, tri the Mm- -. Kllrf Even mtiF tttem. ll.llalleuA (o.,BoatHrorlaaa,MUB Pie tcknowledged the le(iintr renieiiy for innorrlur a wloe. (or The onlv taie Xiticorrhosaor Whites. t nMa.rlu it and feel it safe in 1 nres tiiH tHMQnaraaawwl ao to aaaat Suirnut. jjye laa TheEwksOhiw Wire, Black-siujitTools, Etc. A. J.STONKK. M.D, l .V, ,TI R ulrt by Dricriata. 91.W. Martin S1X0LE AND M D B AYI G. AND Furniture Miuiim No XI Telonhone u T i i -- . " . cned on by Mewr.. DBrVISG BI6S. CARRIAGES FOR OPERA AND WEDDING MOVING OF BAGGAGE OR FURNITURE, LADIES' CALLING DRIVERS. 241)2 J ' ri fi'x.' vvachuigton Avenue UNCTION CITY MACIITOEWORKS - ....... Tir XT ;Practical Pelcr In Steam Eae'.nea wvon .uu uvo, .a, a Ah. wu. laavuiui tt TT Founder and Macht ist. Bollo-- a Pnmna. iij wuintc jaaiuuioij .. . .1 taifiu a Twenty third bet Wall and 1W-1- a Specialty. A Our Boarding and Feeding Department will be found Satisfactory in every reamwt , a a a x o i Transfer Co., prepared to do all kinds of , CARRIAGES WITH CAREFUL THE ROCKY M0rXTAlN 1 '.,, T STABLES DOUBLE PARTIES, TITAH. . antia mZTjZ,t??& j ren-.e--ly rxu RfiTinr nnrrhaajvl that li be- - fi lo jwrin Rr work- tcm in trHfwrrk mony unkntivrn Barbed OGUKX Aiullii, atal Jhp. HniHi, 101110, h. Tnfl liniii ,iKinner rr Baker fM) LIVERY & Wagon Material, Heavy Hardware, Iron and Steel. Manufactures the Beet Trunks. Repairing promptly attended to. Old Trunk Taken in hxchanaa. Orders called for and Delivered to all part of tbe city. KLINE ft OPPMAN. No. S70 Twenty-tlft- h 5t. Mai. intend to Lead all Competitor in Quality of Work, and leave the Quantity to an Appreciative Public. Give us a trial. Wagons, for PAKMELEY, Sec. and Treas. SINCE PURCHASING THE Agricultural - Implements, i O. A. Manayrer. ! DEALER wk & CO. OGDEN WE will pur thoobovo reward for any ease of Lirer Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indirection. Constipation or Owtiveness wo raniiot core wltn Weit's VaeMaM Liver Pills, w hen tlio directloiu arc strictly compiled with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fall to irlve satisfaction. Sugar Coated Lanr boxes, containing 30 Pills. !5 cents, news re of counterfeits The genuine manufactured only by and imitations. TIUS JOHJi C. WEST COMPANY, C1UCAUO, ILLby A. H WALHKK. fel4 Orders respectfully solicited and satisfaction O. P. Orders by Mail Promptly Atteudod to. Wtih St., IN prompwiy uu 'ac a. ni in,ni.k ..... uo ray wuiv -e wiat mannar T!tn. l- o- a, ,,'jp. - " '' " ? |