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Show - )rJ- - r OGDKX DAILY COMMERCIAL : SUNDAY, JEBRUAKY 1, 1691. 'l "jjj (0! MB HOT kihrtoli 6dlit Sw. another specie of TLere m kawn M ouJrfT, iLt grow Luxsiiil. TT EriL wt!k of reservuirs and : tiwsr' tferofafilk ia Uii groep, rrj tte kpruig A5YTHIXG OF THE faribeet Bortb. TLi growtb a; pear Lke a kind U mxjm Ltt dhm u u KIXD IX AMERICA. rock in tb button of the pfie. and. to tb tartar a&d wta drt. hA, fiuti oatbeaater. It i of a ruety-ro- d A Istemtin Ankle fcr Dr. CoreT eolur, Xt the algae fuund in other ea lie Wonderfnl EffifAf r ? 1 spring Tbts mUaaoom, baring U camnl out itb tb water fur eocUurM f the Wattrt and deposited upum the ctuface of the earth, have grora in that pcmbar red color that in early di; eauaad this Tie water at th Ogden Uat Spring place to be dngnted "The tach as ere uaaally drtiignated by fcpnng." tritera on the aubject of mineral Of just what imporuoo thee orgacw matter msy b in umm water ha not fcdiae, or bowever. waera, la these v&Lert th aalin prin been fully determined. It of remark tlat the luropaan ce largely predominate, there beintf, worthy amount hkh contain the pa it round number. ' L062? grain of of organic matter axe largest most urt ana dium chloride, or common nit, in each nnctuuu, or oleaginou in texture, most and sedative in their effei-ta-, ftlloa, to 309 grain of afltalin ftub- - soothing human the npon system. Having glanced hastily over this ex Tldraiid watera (S3 decree FkLreaLeit tended held, and here ummarixuig the most important element mentioned as and aborel, rule bold in solution entering into it composition, w have 7 email mount of mineral (1), a mineral water at high temperature; Speaking of thia claw of water, h on of high mineralization; (31 water Dr. Walton (tin fooit distinguished au holding carbonic acid ga to o. thority on tbi subject in tbia country. and (tj, cocUuung Urge amount of ormatter. ays: "Thermal water sometime eon ganic W have seen, then, that this mineral ultain oonaiderabla oarbonio acid fas, water i highly complex, and w shall pbareted hydrogen, or even chloride of tind a might be expected that a a sudiam, or tb alkaline carbonates; but, medicinal sjrent it is susceptible of a wvle range of application in the treatas a rule.'they yield a Terr small propor ment of disease. tion of mineral ingredients." To tbi rule On account of their high mineraliza the Ogdea Hot Spring ar a notable tion, these water, when taken internally, Comparing these water are a powarful medicine and should be exceptior. with some of the moat famous water of used intelligently and in accordance this claaa. both in this country and Eu with strict rule obtained by experience. rope, we note a atriking difference. The They act immediately and remotely. Aii la Cnapelle, in Prussia, temperature Their immediate action i thtt which re-nhour after lsi decrees. Fahrenheit, hold in aoiu within twonty-fou- r tkra 253 rrain to the gallon. The they have been taken internally or used Xochbrumen. Wiesbaden, Germany ,tem externally a a bath. Their remote perature 155 degrees, has tCTJi grains to action ia that which slowly modifies tb the gallon. The raao Kobles bp ring, nutrition of the body without producing These California, temperature 124 degrees, has any antecedent phenomena. 140 grain to the gallon. The Las water may be mad to act a sedative, Vegas Springe, New Mexico, tempera-tir- e stimulating or eliminating, aocording to 140 degrees, 1X1 grains to the the temperature at which they are used. ; ;.- .! "t When taken internally at 98 degrees "ffcU'lnn. - I Compaid with hot spring in this Fahrenheit, and above, they stimulate country ad Europe, without regard to th ooata of the stomach and the arterial kind of mioral substanoes held in aolu circulation, slightly increasing the tion, we fid the mineralization of the heart's action. The action of the akin ia Ogden Hot 3prings to be about three lightly increased and the flow of the time as as that of any other hot urine aecidedly a One or two glasses been examined and re of thia water taken hot before breakfast lOrJjIrujy? that hire . ' s ; ; , will almost always produce a free evacuported !)ywh-eThe queaCion now naturally arises: ation from the bowel within an hour or "Of what special ne or value, from a two after it ha been taken.. Taken in medical standpoint, is this lvge amount this way, their alterative effect i fre- of mineral substanoes that we find held very perceptible after two to in solution in these naturally heated ?iuently water?"- - This question involves the Th action of these waters taken inconsideration of many matters, that we ternally ia of the highest importance in cannot even glance .at, in an article of many cases. Still, their most decided this kind. benefits arise from their use as temper"A mineral water, in the medical ac- ate, warm and hot baths, The cold bath is one that by 70 degrees Fahrenheit and below is ceptation of that, term, virtue of its ingredients, whether min- powerfully sedative. Heat is rapidly exeral or organic, gaseous or the principle tracted from the body and the pulse end of heat, is especially applicable to the the respiration are greatly reduced treatment of disease." Without underAnd if continued too ' long, taking to discuss the nature of each in- collapse snd death will follow. Baths gredient of this water, as shown by between i0 and so degrees are denomianalysis, we can only glance at some of nated temperate, and from 83 to U2 de its most important elements. In the grees they are termed 'inese first place, hishlv mineralized waters re baths abstract beat andtepiq, lessen the waters tain beat longer than pure do; frequency of the pulse and the respiratind, besides, heat is more thoroughly tion the same as the cold bath, but in n toe lot; much less degree. rr.iiy ftriifhri through The warm bath, from 92 to 98 degrees, mertbaa through tie latter. Closely connected with the tohenomenon of the is properly termed the restorative bath retention of heat by highly mineralized that which the weary body or the invalid enters with pleasure and quits rewater, is the more important phenomenon of their retention in solution luctantly. Under its influence a sense or combination of large amounts of calm enjoyment and perfect tranquilacid gas. Consider- - ity is experienced. The person worn of carbonic able quantities of this gas are libera- - out by prolonged mental or physical ex ; - ted by the decomposition of alkaline car-- " ertion, or the invalid suffering from bonates as the temperature of the water chronic disease, experiences declines on its being exposed to the open in these warm baths a sense of quiet ' ' air. and restoration which is followed on As these waters emerge from the quitting it (if he does not remain too depths of the earth they contain about long) with a restoration of energy. In eighty cubio inches of carbonio acid gas baths ranging from 86 to 90 degrees the to the gallon. A considerable portion of absorption of water, mineral, salts and this gas escapes as the water cools, but carbonic acid gas are known to be most in baths from 70 degrees to 8i) degrees active. The phvsiolotrical effects of the hot Fahrenheit, usually termed temperate, the peculiar effect of the gas is still bath, 98 degrees and above, are very different front the warm bath. The skin very apparent. Carbonic acid gas is found in some becomes red, the heart action and the proportion in all palatable drinking respiration increase rapidly in frequency. waters. The bright sparkle of spring Perspiration breaks forth 6n the parts i waters, and of certain wines, is due to not immersed, exhalation from the ekin its presence. The pleasant cooling effect is greatly stimulated, the mind becomes of carbonated water is familiar to every- confused, and if too long continued, one who is in the hafyit of drinking soda vertigo or even apoplexy may result. water in the summer time. Taken in Mineral baths, either hot or cold, do moderate qualities, the gas stimulates not act solely on the skin by stimulating the flow of saliva, aids digestion, slight- its action, as is generally supposed; but ly increases the volume of the pulse, they also produce a profound impression renders the mind clear and makes the on the nervous system, as shown by con - person cheerful It is a singular fact fusion of mind, vertigo, and, in rare inthat this gas. when taken into the stances, apoplexy. They also impress stomach in moderate quantities agree- the heart and lungs, as shown by a rapid able and healthful, should prove a pulse and increased respiration. They deadly poison when inhaled into the quicken all the vital processes of the lungs. system and stimulate to renewed vitality . The large amount of carbonio acid all of the important organs oi tne oouy. Ueo. w. uoket, m. gas in this water renders it more palatable than saline alkaline waters of even less strength usually are; and persons "'Sohmer," the Queen of Pianos. who are in the habit of drinking it soon find that the hotter it is taken the more SACKED HEART ACADEMY, . palatable it is. Bathing in water highly charged with Utah. Conducted by the Sisters carbonic ocid gas produces peculiar of the Holy Cross. to those effects, in some respects similar produced by taking it into the stomach. Is a boarding and day school of devoted While in the bath great number to the education of young small gas bubbles cover the body and ladies and little girls. In addition to a reduce a more or lees prickling or thorough practical English course and E urning sensation. This is soon fol- Latin, classes in type lowed by a lively sensation of warmth, are conducted and short-han- d writing full a and face, with redness of the skin after the latest approved methods. L pulse, the whole system becoming French and German are optional studies. Besides the elements of drawing which On leaving a bath of this kind, per- are tausht in all the classes, private sons in health feel greatly exhilarated, in the studio receive instruction and the inclination for muscular activity pupils VI IU UrttyUU, pWWlf is greatly increased, and those who are water colors, on China Bilk, "satin and The more walk briskly. velvet carbonio acid gas in these waters is not In the musical department lessons are these ordinarily sufficient to produce in vocal music, and on piano, harp, given marked effects; still, itainfience in this guitar, " organ, violin, mandolin and direction is in all cases clearly apparent zither. Special "classes "in art, music, s held in solu- fancy work, etc., have been formed for The tion in these waters, as before remarked, ladies residing in the city. For further particulars apply to bister are common salt, and certain alkaline salts. These, besides retaining heat and Superior, Ogden, Utah. incarbonic acid gas, are very important Miles' Serve and Liver Pills gredients in and of themselves. They are so combined or held in solution in inf in nouinrinfinlA rmrulatinff the these waters that they produce the most liver, stomach and bowels through the pleasant sensations while in the bath; nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' and the most delightful cosmetic effect Pills speedily cure billiousness, bad npon the skin, leaving it soft and silky taste, toipid liver, piies, constipation, after the bath is over. Unequaled for men, women, children. There are also present in thes9 waters Smallest, mildest, surest! 50 doses, 25 certain organic constituents, scientific- cents. Samples free at iL A. Walker. ally designated microscopic algae. These For fine white bread use "Happy vegetable growths are very plentiful in the two springs of the group that are Home" flour. situated farthest south. They iraprat to "Sohmer," the Queen of Pianos, the water a rusty, red color at times and ix .ter t. 1-- 5 u la ott week i , ptrmrtu !ie gurniait WuLia Utt latter ; U.J in stt-.m- It fr- &e December p aeioa was Lbnrad by -- twin ta a&d tir a perkd of v day daring of DtxvmbtT OVrT $5.MV l wa tcwott by incoming fruia Etrje to tLe UuiWl llt maired toward fxaf&l fjt of f the close f Sao-c- fs day that h kept hitairif aliv and th pang of It knnger down by heavy opium deaden tL arve so a tain cannot fed hungry. arty-fiv- e In Hawaii there are two pulitkal parti jot now, and tb iniaioaarie figure ia one of tbeta. The miadunary party w ant annrxatiuo to the UniuJ IState. The other party it railed the Native party, and tboe who g to thia wing advocat the indtenlfnce of the Hawaiian inlands and a constitutional monarchy. It's A Well Known Fact Wo carry the cleanest stock. "Wo have the largest assortment, and have the most Novelties. We have the latest" styles. We sell as cheap as the cheapest. stone unturned to ind leaveournocustomers. please . aub-SUnce-a. utt-raiw- lu - . s-- -- ft. af 1 long-continu- J I , i. Og-dc- book-keepin- stim-uititcd- semi-paralyt- mineral-substance- J Xebmika tanner appear to be in a harry. Tb Journal of that state declare the member of the Farmers' Alliance ar ia nch hasta to get "them air offices'' that they are urging the congres-Duodelegation to have all th Bepnb-lica- n pormastrr ia tbesUt turned oat and their place filled by member of the Farmer Alliance. It cannot b possible, can it, that, after all, it is and not reform that th Farmer Alliance i after? ' , al poet-offi- A Prize Essay. Do you want to earn $200 or $300? Then writ either th first best or th second best essay on th boosing of th poorer people among the wag earning classes of th cities. Tb American Economic association offer these two prixe. Th essays ar not to deal with the pauper classes o much a with those who earn low wage. Thar ar two way of housing the poorer wag earning classes. One is to noddle them together like sheep or pigs la a pea ia vast tenement booses. Call them by what name you will, improv them a yon will, they ar still and always tenement house, where the dweller most necessarily be in on another way, and hamper and embarrass one another, and drink op one another a proper share of oxygen. The othef way to improve the dwellings of the wage earning class is to cheapen railroad fares, and at the same time furnish rapid transit, so that the poorest and humblest family, if they are industrious and sober, may have a tiny cottage to themselves, with a yard and vegetable and flower garden. Many well meaning landlords would undoubtedly build such cottages, but the railroad fares and the time consumed in the trip to and from work are what stand in the way. We commend these two ways of looking at the tenement house problem to thoe who expect to strive for the prize essays. When you have written them send them to the secretary of the Economic association, Professor Richard T. Ely, Johns Hopkins university, Baltimore, not later than Nov. 15, 1801. It's Also a Well Known Fact ' i I . i .... . ? , ... .. That it PAYS to watch our daily half column in this paper. Day after Day we quote you prices that are ASTONISHINGLY low. Bargain after Bargain is offered you. ; Don't forget to watch it. If we do not hit your wants the first time, we will the next. It pays to trade with us. R. ROSS, Manager. . in oil o i I f i I I I ra i i I 1 W S MONARCH Agricultural Education. Connected with the state university of Wisconsin is an agricultural course which seems quite unique. The agricultural experiment station is joined with the college, and this will constantly give to the farmers and agricultural students of Wisconsin the result of experiments in all branches of the animal and vegetable industries. In order that the instruction may reach the largest number the agricultural instruction is divided into five separate courses. The mere farm laborer who has saved a few dollars can attend the short course and learn how to get the most out of the feed provided for farm animals, what are the best breeds of animals for the farmer, and what are the best crops to raise upon a given soil. Anybody over 13 years of age can take the shorter course, no matter if he can only read and write. No examination is required for this truly practical course, One of the features of the Agricultural college is a dairy school, where the immense butter and cheese interests of the great northwest are duly fostered. This is the first dairy school established in the United States. The difficult matter of milk testing, which has never, as long as butter and cheese have been made, been brought to point of exact satisfaction, will be pursued till something definite is reached. For the student who desires to become a professor of agriculture in its highest and most far reaching lines a regular graduate course is provided, combining literary instruction with that belonging to farming proper. The college is also in constant communication with from farmers' institutes sixty to seventy-fiv- e in all parts of Wisconsin, so that farmers are en rapport with the school which is educating their sons and daughters. It is not often that fathers and sons can thus work together for the same ends while the youths axe getting their edu cation. If the time will come in a few years when the United States will want all her agricultural products for home consumption, and the supply will no more than equal the demand and finally not be eqnal to it, as the country fills up with population, then one of the first duties of every state is to provide a college where the best methods of farming and stock raising may be learned. Other statj might well follow the example of Wisconsin. , This celebrated brand is known to the best trade throughout the United States as the most perfect fitting, and carefully made Shirt in the market. We carry a complete line of the Monarch, ranging in price from Sl.OO to S2.50, and guarantee a perfect fit for 99 out of every lOO. The S1.50 and $1.75 grades are equal in quality to any SS.OO and SB 2.5 O shirts put tip on special orders from the various factories. We are prepared to take SPECIAL ORDERS for shirts to be made at the Mammoth Shirt Factory of Cluett, Coon & Co., Troy, N. Y. Our Big Discount Sale will continue for only a few days longer. It will pay to buy while ' to discount. 20 cent.; are per subject prices ATTERBUEY, 306 DOBSON Twenty-fift- h & COMPANY, Street. |