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Show daily commercial: sinday. uiiOEN AUtRMS "ARE GAINING tx tL aad aBou&oed ttit tL feber ic eVut.t Lai a gj& rwwBti!ji aad !i.t Mi, IS act rtr- oa tbe .Nov, we keJerftaad that the av&va Buck toe Ume a yardautfrt, but LIKE-1m a ewa a?tt. STEOXG fulXTE&S IS at tbe lareaatxt Ubj Am tLt oam of tL apeukets ct IL TliAT DIRECTIOX. aote eosveettoa said that the ca.iki.Jl fur tbe eottard from the FJlb m ari a repreMtaxive of iabcr. We iuw 2. . l!liuB XomicitfJ for Cuaafil- - that be has at all tiouat worked the kxeet uckuo UUjrvn. and aWt ia tLf Fonrtb. War4 f--n wage that bate b pall to Uburera, Labor luloii Speak. la ooocluakxs, I want to say that bo party eamea the labor ueioa vote ia its jrC political ait,tkai wu ratLer lestpockeC U s to. ia a!L aaoiL Here waa not But this yesterday. It aeoned to bo dclaraUoa from a onion that resume of mora dsr that mcj do explanation; party. Tha old reiiaLW Liberal wrra a rraxiKi. pot r' . tSlat looking tba field, fait Tie Painters' uaioa of this city V cWful and not tha least ahaky. to state, ia rebuttal to an itatrtioo Kude ) i a th eoctrary, tb political otnnium- - by the chairman at a certain convention , Mnnn of tha opposition looked, if held in this city, "that the Central Labor onion fully endorsed their ticket t' hungrier than usual, bat not and that they have pledged themselves M cheerful Several thin co- to support it," that we, the Painters' nst! to bring doom to the brindle uiuoa,Latbor being represented in the said Ceo unioa, wish it diatinctly nn- 7, one of which waa tba atrocf tral iic4tmo tur councilman of tba Fourth deretood that we have not endorsed the said ticket, nor any other that may be toon eta deny that E. Jt. Alliaoa ia in ins neid, ana u.ai we nave reserved WU watt unit all intjinHU ra our righto to ballot aa free American Comjuttxx. 1 renler thoroughly excellent citizens. imu a tid lmj w , ' vt lo ru C K-. other ronrrus. POCrtl m wtUX proper bora to CaCCC. WAK-- re Ik la tba nro- liDga of the Fourth Ward eaucua. It net at the county court house at m. Mr, Darki Evans called tba etuig to order, lie explained tba demanding that he bad authority to fl tha wit k.p iu wDveiiijoa waeuier nia act tefaetory. On motion of A. B. John- the call waa unanimously approved the delecatea nrooeeded to biiainMta. lOn motion of Dr. Thorburn, Mr 'K vac a aa cnairman and jot. r i n a eonunuea waa cuoeen aecreury. j reery,jr, i r. i. a, lmvj. oi uie original com- Uteeoncredentiala, waa present He M Meagre. C. (M. Rroueh and Ad fohn vera made a committee on credentials and reported the following MgaU present: HJ'tsp-J- I. E. Steele, C R. Hank, CX) to I200J1- - - Taney, J. R. Elliott, H- 100 to 300 nk 0ll?8oP'. P- 0- It - asr- -- -aL- that in itU-- Jorb?05: P01 R there therf"?11' lorn.V K. W. Ferns, MUler, E. C Rhine-- 4 CRW7mJ3p.Evana,D. Thorn- - a A. Ekiund, D. H. Peery, Jr. proxy, Mark Fletcher. Ed. 8. Lntr. Chaa. E. x Hoyt, 11. d. Wwtover, J. J. bullivan,M. i a ah Report of committee adopted. was decided, after discussion, to allow A. B. Johnson to Tote the two prcxies he represented. There waa aoma diariissinn atrnut hnv. ing a committee on resolutions but it was finally concluded to be unnecessary. un motion or Mr. Brough it was de-111 Duiuiuev iur ouuuuuujaa. jux. rurreii ai. Allison in nomination ana put Miller named A. H. Swan. udge L The hnllnt Tanltivl- - Tntal vnt 11 8, Allison 12, W. R. White 1, Wm. ( Swan Farrell 1, D. Tbornburn 2. iFormal ballot Total vote 24, Allison , Swan 10. Chairman Evans an-'"- d tlottt Mr. Allison was the H" lu si ud for him and he would accept the in whether Mr. Allison soon annAarad .;wr r i. , UlUliuu". , J ..T mr. yrftB reoeiveu witu uppiuuao. he called been had vans explained why It 1 A 1 A m t. J ' iMr. i Allison stated that he had not htsrtl oi any proposition 10 nomiiiHio His him until about ah hour before. business was such that he could scarcely accept in justice to himself, but as the place bod been tendered mm and citi- OUD flVO DUUIO I LILAC IAJ UIO j J'UUlli;, ne would enter the contest, Applause, j At the suggestion of Mr. Evans, and on motion of Judge Miller, a committee of five was named to act with the chair man for the ward during the campaign, with power to till vacancies caused by death, removal or resignation. The committee named was C. M. Brouch. E. S. aJuty, D. Thorburn, Wm. Farrell and A. euer. jne caucus lueu uujourueu. Judge K W. Croea waa at Salt Lake City yesterday. "I found the people there aa much interested in Ovdeo's election aa we are," said be. "They be lieve that any apparent reaction from Liberal control would injure the pros pects of the whole territory. It would give a general backset to Utah. As an illustration, I waa told today by an east ern getleman that he waa waiting to aee how the election goes before inhere. If it goes vesting not be will purchase 10 prooerty.,, A per cent, reaction in Ogden realty would coat the city propA twenty per erty owners W,0U0,0CKJ. cent reduction in realty Bales on last year's record would amount to nearly 2,000,000. A twenty-fiv- e per cent reduction in Ogden 's building record of 1890 would throw several hundred men out cf employment, cut their wages and reduce sales of building material at least anti-Liber- al 200,00a These great dangers outweigh theories and quibbles a thousand to one. Card frem Mr. Caasln. the voter of Ogden City: Inasmuch as my same baa been used in connection with the nomination for city auditor and collector, I hereby declare that I am not a candidate for reelection to that office. Whatever my friends and myself had formerly deserved and justifiably expected in this matter, no other course than my present one ia now open, and I take it, at the same time thanking the public for the - To Editor Commercial: As a member Ogdeh, Jan. 30, 1891. Liberal party of SPECTACLES, ? ;, raa aaU aiUith iftoiLlirt a a.o etaid Tfre rk a be iel aever be AiiL m i5 lm against thus a buae CW true to Lita-:- God. f fee IHf l 3C0N A "m iAV li3:MEmAL", BY KEY. E- - a. J. tUILEl. V.i-ic- g Do not be ifiilited Car a Vy ue by tb t rieoda. aor dfrteei mis fju.ute!e oit wn w Wr TtonrLti Worthy ft axd LoexiiiL A-- J- - Bauxt, the ( aidrrtIka of All tit We read of aa emperor who was so jealous of the cirrus clean because of the popular praise which he received that be entered the ring bimsrlf. that be might enjoy the pleasure of being laughed at by the idle throngs in the theatre. The world laughs at the man who "plays" the fool if he plays well; butitjueraat the one who becomes a fool ia seeking praiasaad.the greater his euocees in that direction the more of bitterness ia the jeers. It ia but a step from the sublime to the ridiculous, and there are those who, u by any chance they should reach the sublime, are sot con tent untu they have gone beyond it. The wiee man knows when to stop. Some people are continually reerettinc that their foresurbt is not as rood aa their "hindsight." The fact may be that they really have bo sight at all. V hea a man starts out ia life with the one ambition to be the biggest somethint'-or- other ia the world, if he succeeds the world may write for him the unenviable epitaph: EELI(.lorS lv -- i Outre EE VICES. of U Good Sbepberd. Uri aa '. !. P S. ; Iaa:i-futirta- j Micckg priyer aod sersioa. l"aurx hotel sad and ewtooo, J1 p. ta. p.m. The liev. V. W. Norri,U Sail Lake CiTy, eiil prvvh tMAT'-i- tg J Ttdljg. KvecLLij; ifttw S,. hoot, 3 Jvuad-- y sakfcBi. itg aartstfct aod 11 a. aa. i ...'7TN' r.ir 100 Elasketii. Ws etui Lave a large 2x-- of to clone out at Ire tbaa Witter txt. b.ku baejuEt eonimoed. Call aod examiM P w. 14u m4 Tatt 4uan.-f- ir. A Tar as. Jwiab J exxiyua, prices. Ogden. Jan. 23, 183L BULaia. Service at 11 a. aa. aa l G30 p. m. For good digestion, use "Happy Hosts" i- Sabbath sh4rJ. mt vi OTlLg, flour. The Gas Well company was compelled IVU,1! 15 at 0 p. bl. Servk several weeks ago to suspend work oa of aueg at in the evening. All are Fprinr Einbroideriet account of the delay ia getticg thatr cordially inrited. Now on sale. J. Be A Lue. Pittsburg. pipes from the foundry at the The Lutheran Cburch. 8wcn Aruv nitirv fnr vrka for Until l- -. SUMMONS. 1 German urruw t .1.. first nr.Ir a avMtd WM DUt in a and yesterday the erst shipment ar SeediKh Lutheran church, corner of . . l. run . w la Ka- llutM w:isi street and Jeffemsn pirfncs tal Us Jsmuirr rived. Work ia wweamawoow again twenty-thirVk f limit, Monday. The well is bow down V) avecue oa Suodav afWnnnn at 9 E. Beawaiaa. Plaiaug. ta. o'clock. AH our German J4a A. feet speaking friends are cordially invited. Also Cfcurch. PrwsSytarUn Lt ru. SM-H- T-- TJ a l d iad Van Ladies. are invited to call and see the new designa in Eaibrosdenee, O. 4. VVXT OBCa. Special Kotke, U. X. 0. (Vjnra TViH. Jan. 3L ITaaylnuartara A CrMBDany. ulsuh Place aervkoda win ti rioui at osrely welcomed. OoctgregaUona caiurco. Km. aa-U- ruJf ia , t tal Utstnct UiwtrirCMitf u vt LiaL, S le aawr Ita ausaplunt ttUd taaraia, wi'.l ia taa (alfJuMva ut taa ua at 1T aiur ta same ua sua U tbtm auatauaaMrnos) if mtt wLa laUuaManir; or, tt sirred at bat ta Uus iuitrrt, wulua Iwmtj a ; arUMS-w- u wiUua dajra-- vr iadttawal by MaJt ojrftkiiuA wul ba lalraa yua. aooocdiasT Ui taa prarar ot mmut eoajiiikuit. Tl sud aruua a) btuaa-h- t ta ebtaia the Beat of this ( Wrt wuul iba IMcAdaat)ad. lar th aoss of r.Ol.iH, WiiA latarast from Is slat day of Oetobsr. aad atau of tha aruoa, to ba aaa Plmiauif fur sarn m wodae uefeadant aad fur foods aad mihsailns Litfeadant at hia request, Sbik.Mi. flaw US furUwr alMH that lA-- udaat ts daoted to on 1. E. browaiu oa arrount fur arrieea parforuwd bi tha said D. E. browiaw at tha ratiiiest of tha satd Iiefendaat whioh mw worth tha asm of oos bnstlml duUan; that this said ciaiia of oaa bandrad dollan has bam duly aatijraad te this Plaiaufl fur a t alaa-- bi onosiiWatiua. For f anhar aad foIW partiealars referaoea hi aerabj Bade to tha complaint oa Kia hmia. appear aad answer the said owiiilaiut aa aboa miuired, tha aaid plaiotiS will lata jwlc- trreat and eosta of suit. W itaesa tha Boa. James A. aad the m1 of laer, tha biatriet Coart uf the Kirst Jadirial Diatriet, aad BAU for tha Territori of I tah, this lrth day of Jaaaary, ia tha roar of oar ltnl on Uioiuaod eight bBBdred and IjUuili- lmu ot uaaatt 1491. 1st Bstn. " tb: 1 Joha A. Low. tMeadaaU a arn niurad iaaa oruocut tha ihnii asistl KaiM tws hrusptar -. thssuu in tha araninv at T '.VL Tt,aaa erv ices will be conducted by Rev. P. a v, tau Lake Uity. All are am it A. bailer. Pastor.) l I't.K Ktiinal fiuard. Sunday. Februanr 1: Preachina? bv All members of the Utah National tha DaaUir at 11 oVlnrk a m Kniwla at 12:15 p. m. Christian La- Guards are hereby oommanaea to ap-aeavor ai c iDe evening p. m. lt s will be under the aveoue, on Wednesday, February 4th, services at i of tha Christian Endeavor awitT. at 7 o'clock, in full uniform, for the purpose of transacting important tmn-nee- a coruiai welcome to ail. Absentees without excuse subject The folly ac'ar waa kowa to die, to tine. Congrecational Chapel. Lvnne. Sun. By command of Yt bar ted bm Sum uUj W Pkbttvai. J. Basxatt. school at 2:30 p. m. Preaching by The world is a pretty big thing for any Colonel Commanding 1st Regiment day wra. m. tsaaey at 7 o clock p. m. one man to manage, and the tuaa who U. U. cveryooay invited. does move world the that supposes or should move only aa he leads or diThe Y. P. S. C E. of the Courrega-Announcement, rect it is lacking in comprehension of the tional church will observe Christian EnThe nublio ia informed that Richev's deavor forces which move the world. But there day by holiday special services are those who have the conceit of the undertaking parlors are fully equipped mis r rom b:4d to 1J0 will be fly, which rode into battle on a chariot with a large and select stock of burial givenevetiicg. ror a consecration meeting. "Filine full A of ladies' wheel, and when the fight waa over oaree and caskets. will be the central to Our boasted of what a slaughter be tnl genta' and children's sobes. All calls delity of thePledge" evening. At 130 a song thought be had wrought among the enemy. promptly attended to day or night ervioe wm oe neio. louowea ov an ad The world may laugh at the antics of dress the pastor.. A cordial invita one who tries to lead by simply running fhe lade of Judge Trier,. Who Suf tion isby extended to alt ahead of the masses; but It reserve fered Thirty Yean. , praise and cheers for the one who atSalem, Or. April 10. aiaetrwe. On Fridav avoninir. Pohriia fiiti a taches himself to the oar of pregress and U. H. Moi'LUKK, tlart. that I have been nr. ion I hereby certify of tha V. P. H. IT IE will pulls with the people in any rank to troubled with a disease of the stomach be heldmeeting V. I. in the church. for Plaintiff, Attoraar UtunuT, which he is assigned. and kidneys for the last thirty years Rev. J. B. ThralLCongregational cJ tha ITtah nri.lnt Success depends on adherence to a and that after using four boxes of the Christian Endeavor Union, will be pressettled purpose. If one does not know Kva Kidney Tea I have found great ent and daliver an aiM mas what he intends to make be will not Oregon oenefit and relief from it member of the Y. P. S. C. E. in Ogden know what material to collect with A. K Frikb, ia expected to be present and bring which to work it There are many Late County Judge of Polk County. friends. in which are themselves, things but which would not be valuable for . The Methodist Church. From 8t. Ganl Switzerland. certain purposes. Iron is better than Our ewn importation, the largest stock and Adama; Kst. J. Wsslajr UUt gold for a locomotive. If one ia hungry. pastor.J bread is better than ailver. The animal of Embroideries ever exhibited by any by the pastor at 11 a. which can run the fastest is cot always firm in Utah from 3 cents per yard up to m.Preaching Subject of sermon, "The Triumph S.J. Bust & Bros. the most serviceable. A stable of trot- 5.00 , Faith." At the close of the sermon the ters is cot worth as much to the average sacrament of the Lord's supper will be -BYSacred Heart Academy. farmer, for his business, as a few well-keadministered; also an opportunity tor horses. draught with the church. Class examination at the uniting It is said that a lie can run half around The academy in Ogden, closed meeting at 10 a. m.; also at 12 m. the globe while truth is getting his boots Sacred Heart at 2:30. p. m. Epworth January 30. Very gratifying progress Sunday school on. JHut it is also true that was shown in tne several departments ueague at o:.w p. m. ueneral prayer "Truth crushed to earth shaU rise again. of the institution. A new session for meeting at G:30 p. in. Preaching by the The eternal years of (Jod are hers ; both boarding aud day pupils will begin pastor at 7u10 p.m. Subject of the While error, wounded, writhes in pain on Tuesday, February 3d., at which time sermon, -- ine juuiy or tne t'uipit, the And die amid her worshippers. the management would be pleased to rress ana tne ratriot in l'elitica.' EXCLUSIVE It is not wise to forget the end in a see Special attention will be paid to the a prompt attendance. blind seal to be first at the beginning of inare present snuaiion. All cordially ' any cause. The ship may sail faster vited to be present 1. 0.0.F, Meeting;. t than against it, but while vita tne wind the wind ' may drive the ship ahead it Ogdm Iixlge No; 5, I. O. O. P. will AMcanM. E. Church. cannot steer it into port If you would meet Tuesday evening In the new ball I. S. 300 5th Street. cross the sea in a ship, the rudder is as on Twenty-fourtWright of the Rocky Mountain street A large at Conference of the African Methodist essential as the sails. It is dangerous to tendance is antipated. church, will hold services in the county employ a power that cannot be concourt house bundtty, at half past sevjn. trolled. Notice 1 Laundry All are invited to attend. No man would employ a mechanio Great Western Steam Laundry who would insist on working for himself h'asThe consolidated with the Ogden Steam !! while demanding the pay of his emCo., located in the rear of Reed Baptist Church. ployer. But that kind of folly is some- Laundry on Twenty-tilt- h street and' rOrant Areuue. between Twenty-thir- d times practiced outside of the recognized hotel entrance strerts. Rev. J. F. Moodj, Pas laundry is fitted throughout with Twenty-fourt- h industries. Along some lines men de Thislatest improved machinery. Adopted tor.J mand the support of those whose inter- the for turning out tine work. Preaching at 11 a. m. by the pastor. ests they persistently neglect or antag- especially Western wagon will call for Sunday school at 2:30 p. m. Christian Our Great less than onize. all work as usual. Give your Endeavor at C:30 p. m. The evening ioo Winter Caps, and It is better for one to express his own workdeliver at 7:30 p. m., will be conducted Should other. no other to service, parties Cost. feelings which he knows, than to at- make prices below ours let us know and by the Young Peoplo's Society of Chris tempt to express the convictions of the we will tell you something. tian Endeavor, observing as the tenth public which he does not Know, "rub- Gloves at two- W e guarantee our worn to be the best anniversary of the formation of the so- 400 Pairs lic sentiment" is a convenient refuge for The following program has you will continue your valued ciety. Trusting would-be conleaders who have no those thirds value- been prepared for the evening. I remain, yours truly, victions of their own, and who could patronage, VV.ii ALTOS, J. PROGRAM. not express them if they had. Men are Foreman Ogden Steam Laundry Co. "Te Deum," Mozart, choir. not generally willing to confess them 175 Suits Winter Underwear by pastor, Rev. J. F. Moody. Peayer, selves as out of harmony with the Dyspepsia, Wanderer." of Dimt. "Praver the value. at two-thirworld. It is sure to conclude, as a rule, That nichtmars of man's existei.ee Miss Le Zotte and M. Alorley. that when one suggests that his neigh- which food a mockery and makes Ononing address, by the president, I. bor is not popular, it is because he does banishes 300 Pairs Wool Sox at great sleep from weary eyes, readily N. llayden. not himself like that neighbor. Gener celof influence the " Beverly, to the potent ia 4 yields Heart Fair "O. My God, ally 'the public" is a looking glass eUrilWJU jUgILDU jouucliuu .vull. J.V ly reduced prices. Choir. in which one beholds himself that is, tones the digestive organs, restores Alice up Miss Barry. Paper, when one uses that expression as the appetite, makes assimilation of food Soprano solo, Mrs. Nagel. indicating the sentiment on which he possible and invigorates the whole sysAddress, R. T. Pettincill. bases his own actiop. If one finds him- tem. Ogden druggists sell it at $1 per Offertory, Professor Nagel self out of harmony with the masses, he bottle. refers the matter to bis conEcibnce, and . Sons of St. (ieorg-eParmelee Library. courageously affirms that he would rather stand alone than surrender inof numbers mem-ithe t Parmelee II. The The increasing Library company is terests of such vital importance as those imperative to move to commodious out with its now catalogue for 1891, con which separate the people from him. It he is right, if he is honest in his declara- bership Sons of St George has rendered taining the titles of nearly 1,100 volumes the meetings of tions and his convictions, he may be- quarters and in future held in the A. O. U. W. of standard literary works. This com be will the lodge come a hero. If he is not honest, or if he i pany, through the efforts of its western hea no exalted purpose of adqancage for hall, Washington avenue. mauager, J. w. worn, wno naa uib the people, he may be left to stand alone, New Musical. in Ogden, established in Utah or dio unhonorod and unsung. ' and the surrounding states the past leader efficient the W. E. Kent, Prof. Sometime the people will know who over 100 school and public libraare really their friends, and they will of the Grand opera house orchestra, has year, from 100 to 500 volumes ries, averaging stand by them. The man who knows he organized a new musical association in each. Its of placing before a complan is right can afford to wait. A bad plan, this Citv under ths name of the "Ogden standard literature is a very munity like adulterated butter, muet be used at Quintette Clsb," with the following commendable one and one that is en- Remember the Place, Two once if used at all. Whatever spoils by instrumentation: C. hrst dorsed by leidiug papers and educators delay can hardiy be expected to serve violin: M. Christ ianson, second violin: all over the country. doors from McNutt's corner, deE. the ages. The cause that must be W, Kent, clarionet; S. Purdy, viola; iB fended by bluff and bravado is not a safe F. Christianson, cello. Prof. Kent Still Want a Senator. Stitwu Twenty-fift- h cause for quietly disposed people to business manager and leader. senmore Two 3L Jan. espouse. The one who throws mud will S D., Piebke, soil bis own hands, whatever may be the Betnrned to Work. atorial ballots were taken today. The result on the one at Whom he throws it Glasgow, Jan. 3L The strikers have only development was a large indeThere are cleaner weapons which are returned to ork on the CaJendonian pendent vote for Harden, who received more effective. votes. forty-on- e to railroad. and to The best way help society jj i aus-pioe- a. altd ed km-a- h BIG REDUCTIONS Card from the Carpenters' Union. Editor Commercial: At the last regular meeting of the Ogden Carpenters' Celery. Boiled Beef Toneue, Tomnto Snuce. Boiled Leg of Mutton, Caper Sauce. SOMAN rt'SCH. Oyster Patties a la Reins. Queen Fritters, Wine Sauce. Eoast Sirloin of Beef. Pork with Apple Sancn. Turkey. Cranberry Sauce. Chicken Salad Mayonaise Sardines with Lemon Boiled Potatoes. Hashed Potatoes. Sweot .,orn. French Pea. MincoPie. Lemon Pie. Apple Pie Charlotte Rusee. Fruit Cake. Sponge Cake. Lady Fingers. Figs in Cordial. 4 Jelly Rolls. ' Domestic Cheese,' Edam Cheese, SPECTACLES, 11 - Hatters and Furnishers, Gentlemen: Information having been receivod that I have beon nominated for the office of City Recorder at a meeting of your party held at the Federal court room Jan. 28, and not desiring to be a candidate for any office in the coming city election, I would most respectfully decline the nomination. Thanking you for tne confidence you have placed in me and assuring you I am still a supporter of the party, I remain, Yours most respectfully, Geo. F. McIntosh. citizens committe to anand would-b- e nounce at their late convention, held on January 23, that they had the endorsement of thirteen labor organizations; and that these same fifteen Bominators bad the whole right to place ticket in nomination,, thereby depriving the masses of the people of the right of nomination, v : Asserted Kuts. Oranges. apples. Mr. Editor: I would like to know ) Coffee. ' bow it happened that laboring men were exoluded from the convention of the Money to Loan! Citizens' party, and when there was a loan on Diamonds, Watches, to nomination name in man's Money put laboring for the office of marshal, some of these Jewelry, etc. Unredeemed pledgee for St. fifjteen gene-b- y politicians got access to sale cheap. 204 and 206, Twenty-fift- h "'-(- va- Mtiriotafflo st ds . of organized labor, I and about 200 more of Trades union men would like to know who authorized the fifteen-powe- r, great uoe Uvm i4 pt Mr. Mcintosh Declines the Nomination on the "Citizen's Ticket" ? r a ery good rasise. i ; semi-annu- Union, No. 635, a resolution was unanimously passed to the effect that we wanted it distinctly understood that as a union we had no tie up with any party in this city, and we emphatically deny But' there were several other things and resent the assertion of any party that caused the managers of the inge- claiming to control us as an organizanious political concoction that would tion. down the Liberal party to entertain blue By order of the Union, Some officious gentlecolored hopes. (J. W. Fowler, men, claiming to represent the labor Recording Sec'y. unions of the city, have gone to the "Citizen"' party managers and claimed to For the Epicure. own the vote of organized labor in Ogden. The Union Depot hotel will serve the The "Citizens' " managers seem to have made the mistake of supposing the afore- following menu for dinner today from of the 12 to 2: said' alleged representatives unions could deliver the goods. It is ' MEXU. bow the turn of the men who who ae New York Sliced Lemon. Counts Raw, the bone and sinew of the unions to Consomme Printaniere Royal. speak, and they begin to talk in no unBoiled Salmon, Farisienoe Potatoes' . certain tones. Here is a specimen: Pitted Olives. Anotner Labor Union Protest dXefeex worl bHler i to be pw SHOTS, ANOTHER DECLINATION. " lrue,ad-t- SNAP confidence heretofore reposed in me. James Cassix. To the "Anti-RingOgden: take the "SOLID, OR NOTIIIXG. 1. jKt-AR- ' Winter Goods Must Go to Make Room lor Spring StocK. neau-quartc- rs ..... SILVERWARE, JEWELRY, d Solid Gold Line and Complete J. Gr. RAINE &24S3 COMPANY, "Washington Avenue. WATCHES, Silver-mounte- Spectacles Properly Fitted. " Umbrellas Oaden, Utah. Eyes treated by Experienced Optician for all defects, Free of Charge. - DIAMONDS. 1 |