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Show v TWELVE PYGTE S. OGDEN DAILY COMMERCIA OGDEK, UTAH, SUNDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 1, 1691, VOLUME IV. NUMBER 101. mm of m at who eee oa U sides. Ooe stipttlktraa iiirftd upa by the pma-drt-if ti Bv,tistk)iis proeeed, U ttat the port Aipanueo w not to ut tijtit-adw- l while the p&rWyicg oosiiGiies. The rU-A-. it u twlded, uwwt txil t, eoffipromis f svontUe s t,ur-pf- l Portugal Mutineers Sat men-bA&t- to the interest a4 LQars dis ret-ep- OX LY A BABY BATTLE The Garrtrbx at Oporto Goes on a Strike;fe!a Republic Lid U sn Squelched. S-- Cold Tp Sorth. ' St. Patl, Jan. 3L A severe cold wave preoeeded by, a blixzard, ia reported from many points in Northern Minne sota, North Dakota andMoatana. The temperature at some pointa dropped to twenty below eero. The ware is moving south rapidly. War Ship Dropped. Washisoto.x, Jan. 31. Orders have been issued bv the navy department "to a AJraost Every. Port Blockaded and pat the United States ateamsbip out of commission at the Mare tbeEebels Victorious ia Every EnIsland navy yard. All officers are degagement The President tached. Mmos for Peace. MORE TROUBLE A IN CHILI. Swa-tar- ' . A Very Bad Collapse; Chicago, Jan. 3L The Consolidated Oroaro, Jen SL Three regiments of Mutual Fire Insarance company of this of the portion infantry, coapicr" On its face the city, assigned today. garrison, oj .Jrj revolted today. The failure appears to be a very bad one, as retail 2 ar cTihe garrison, including tho the schedule of assets is but13iSQ, munic'-r- lguard, remains loyaL The while the liabilities are 1100,000. The albr" I object of the mutineers is toee-- officers of the company and its attorney the failure ia due almost tab'. Ji a republic; ' Tha rebela and claim tothat what they term the arbitrary solely at last accounts, fighting and unwarranted rulinga ot the state loyalLti are, " a the street, and it ui said many ware auditor, C. V. Pavey, whom they say ia lledon both aides. Tha oitizena are determined to drive "mutuala out of I rrict"'j their, housee. Troopa are existence. The company vaa organized months ago and succeeded in Varioua pointa to thia eighteen Wag sJ.t consolidating the tire insurance companies, tnd since its organization has done . a big business, it ia asserted. , . '.' asother Aooocirr. The insurgents to tha number of 400, A X0UXTAIX WAS. aiemUed at a o'clock thia morning and t' "V much cheering paraded the The Arrest of Men is West Virginia 'reels. They made an attempt to Bring on a Riot. the prefecture of police and the W. V, Jan. 3L What Clarkkbcru, ' office. "al telegraph The. plana, to be a serious mountain war . munici-"promises were the frustrated ar, by The general in command began on Wednesday night at Doddridge .; i;:at. 1 the loyal troopa, when the county. A man waa arrested charged with seh civilians supporting tha rebela dis- A mob headed by Mose Smith duction. Co V i rsed. TJje latter then proceeded frtrfifvinir th attacked the oflicer and liberated the a irtjl' Tk.1 Villa i ucture to the best of their ability, but prisoner. The officer went to West Union and ammunition, speedily aubmitted secured warrants for the ringleaders and ' in bombardment. response to artillery sammoned a large posse and returned to tS.l.liB OF THK REVOLT. the mountains, surrounded the house in The 'tWUian leader in the revolt was a which, the leaders had taken refuge and v lawyer named Afros1 Veiga. Veiga demanded their surrender. v"ormed a republican directerre, consist- On boing refused they opened b're and " judfje of the high fatally shot Smith aa44uaeoad(U&w: retired : general offtoer; CottrelL The lire was returned, tkiUiog ourt; by . .' i .i, i'Prof. Silv wic Brothers Leite. None Pt,i IWnfv (t,ri of i'- TT "8 wore present howi ' Smith's son, h boyoi iVye'-- v atjver, when tie I 'n ball wm captured, tacked Deputy Ratnsiy, catCg" him ; Thp eoldiriy od eivijiaiie, including eeverely. Smith waa finally captttured a woman, we a killed during the and taken in a wounded condition to soldiers and prison, but Perkins was not recaptured. . tght and tt , Fifteen warrants were issued for parteo ivilians wfuded. Under direction .'v f the wuthoiities, the offices, and print-- ' ties connected with the riot, and the rooms of all republican Journals were sheriff, accompanied by many assistants ' ing in the has left to endeavor to execute tbtim. raided and ail document-founIt is reported that the mountaineers places were seifeed. Every person found on the premised was taken into custody are gathering to resist the officers. All nnd the building placed under charge of are heavily armed, and a blooody time ,,. ' s s anticipated. i ; I the military. , -- f' , . 1 1 ' it, . ty-si- x " . d " i; ; ,. t REVQLT QVICSLVTCJIDEO.: , , The revolutionary' uprising which be-- : gan this morning is ended. Shortly after the beginning of the revolt the insurgent troopa nnd a portion of the tiwal guards seized the city hall and proposed to there and th9n declare a republic. A strong , body" of loynl troops laid to vtbe building aeige jmd . after a bombardment, a spirited charge settled the insurgents. The loss on both Bide&iBS far ait known, wa8 alight Tha insurgents will be tried by l, a and, in all probability, ' the rinffleadera will be shot. Oporto this evening ia a clt of re joicing. The atorekeepers have thrown down tha barricades from, tha windows and doors and everybody is cocgratn-lating themselves that the iusurgent outbreak was not as serious aa was ex.: pected. . : court-martia- . ' - The Chhian Berolntion. Buasos Atkes, Jan. 31.Var newa continues to filter from Chili into tils republio, but it must be admitted that the info:mation received seems to come in the main from sources favorable to the insurgents aad unfavorable to the Chilian government. ' ValdiTia port, Or Corral, and the seaport town of Vil'Jvia, aixtmn miles Cal!acs.Tla river. from the month cf war yessela of are now toctsai tie war. the jnau,-- " 1:1 x. xuurgants' - the . i " -- 1 cf ships are a 3 tbi -y. Chile and tie , a.t- -' : cf TheiE ahipa are .a .jioud, thus cut! "T ' between the Witi" J t . -- U... a. T t Aneu", v a rebel xemd is lr-- ; Chileo, lr-iren-t capital of the ic" :.i hav ' r;a- marines froiJ ! r ;. pied Ancnd. j ' r'tr nt .If. ittl th'treel The CLUeo arol 1 J eocl'ji with a populaabout sixty small ic! -j. ' tion of 80,000 soula. The inauTsreht war ship which an chored off Ancud recently, left that e in charge of marines ana bad loaded kari . , steamed away to f M ': 'CAFTTOK AKOTRRR PORT.' " " While this vessel was absent a ship having government troopers on board appeared o.T Ancul. She hoisted the British flag aod tried to land the troopa she had on board. The insurgenta, however, deteete.1 the stratagem tfcd opeaad tire on the fovernmect vessel. wi;h a rapid fire of The latter guns and"" 1 arnte, but after a sham engagw'-- t the government vessel was tbs port of disabled and had to Ancud in tliC hands of !,he victorious in. surgents. President rlmaceda w now Sr.i.l to have announced his wi;liDgiK ti for terms of peace wit h t! i p'-io- 1 -- lve ' cf rht Itilj'a half-mas- CM Kin' first appearance at the Avenue theatre-tomorro- w nyht IU will appear ia the of Barney in "The Australian," which .as beaa rewritten to tit his peculiar ; tru(uo ab.buas. Jimoue Car-- , roil, b: trainer, ia to take a subordinate part a 1 the two are to reoei?e iJ0 a k .'or their servioes. A trip to . EiiicUiid and Australia is contem. plated. : The Athletes of the First. Bostos, Jan. 3L The annual alkletto meet of the First regiment associatioa will take place this evening. This meet will in every respect be far more enjoy, able than was the last la order to , make the meet a success a promeaade concert has been arranged for the ear her ' portion of the evening. , -f Voorliees' Mother Dead, ImL, Jan. 31. The mother ot Senator Voorhees died today. aged HO. VcKDBRKBnta, ..... Sill AH ' ' BERNHARDT ARRIVES. She Brouffht With Her Fifty Well. Filled Trnnks. Ntw York, Jan. 3L Sarah Bern- -' bardt and her company arrived today oa . the Champagne from France. It took . considerable time to get her fifty trunks ashore. Bernhardt will be- -' gin her tour, which will last nearly two years, at the Garden Theater tomorrow ' eight, appearing in- "La Toeca." The ' season here is limited to five weeks. "La Toeca" will bold the boards one ' week and it will be followed bv "Fedora" Tbeedora," "Cleopatra," OCR BERLIN LETTER. and "Joan d'Arc" Among her effect Bern hard had an asp and a huge white, ' An Unsatisfactory Condition of Affairs spotted with black, Danish in the German Capital. Bernhardt brilliant complexion was , attractive, and evoked the 31. strikingly 189L Jan. Bkslih, Copyright, by of her fair visitors. Just before ' the New York Associated Press. The envy leaving France she had set all Paris causes of Waldersees' retirement aa crazy with her African complexion. The ' chief general ot the staff are reported to ooametio she uses is a concoction of her be differences with the emperor and own. It has been the dream ot her ' life to play Cleopatra, and for chancellor. Ex Court Chaplain Stoecker ahe has been collecting jewels, years also. has irritated the emperor greatly bracelets and , armleta, Minister Maybach has tendered his res- girdles, necklaces. Every dress consists of a ignation. The emperor is of a restless diaphanous pioee of material, seven nature; spells of irritability and uncer- yards long, embellished with metallic tain moods are due to physical causes or silk embroidery. This long strip of which make him a difficult master to wound and about her have f'auze is form and draped serve. Toe court physicians held in place at ot him to cease use aJvised the strongly the hips, belt and shoulders with mag tobacco. ) rne emperor insists on niflcent fasteners, brooches and' girdles , of lot cisars daily. smoking incrnsted with stones of every conceivA inform Drs. II nd, Guttman Erlicb able shade. Through the garment the the medi al that an examination well-tUl- ed - Washington Kotes. WasHDroTox.Jan. SL The proposed Pobtoffiees to W Closed Monday Sett amendment bill to the nary bill approfor Three lionrs. priates 170,000 for a dry dock at Port Washwstok, Jan. 3L At a meeting Orchard, Washington- A report to the house today aaya 950,. ot the Minnesota senators and representatives and ot the citizens ot Minne- 000 ia ample compensation for Fort Brown military reservation and requests sota residing in Washington held today, the 0 withholding of the payment of f at which appropriate action respecting heretofore appropriated for it the death of Secretary W. Windom was were taken, eulogistic resolutions THS SILVER POOL FARCE. adopted providing that the delegation in congress snd the citizens of Minne1 sota resident or sojourning in Washing- Hedenherr Disclaims all Knowledge a will ton in body attend the funeral Combination. ' ' of a By direction of the postmaster general WAAflnfOTON, Jan. 31. McDonald, all postmastera are authorized to close their poetotficea as far aa practical on cashier of the Hanover National bank, , Monday next between the hours ot 11 appeared before the ailver pool investia. m. and 2 p. m. during the funeral servigating committee this morning and testices of the late Secretary Windom. society fied that he paid Owenby 1250 for inbuckles and embroideries used to of tke-blof twenty-eiirh- t different jewels, ornament and secure an undergarment, , ot formation the the regarding progress Koch's ' the that isprove patients theory Ten For shimmer and shine. One dress an Days Only.1 silver legislation last session, but Owen- lymph ch 80s the formation of tuoer- Egyptian robe, is a most wonderful Wamhisgton, Jan. 3L The president by did not furnish any earlior informa- cule bacill in the blood, no bacilli being creation. The material in itself is ot tion was case. discovered in the General in conferred with published newspapers. any Attorney today koiu coioreu gauze. SDUiiucea wim a II W. Count erbert in llismarck Koine real the John is Hedenwrg, Chicago Miller and Assistant Secretary of the of laurel leaves. The belt of referred to in the testi- visiting It is Burmibed that he is desurn iRpi. his estate ofdealer, PVand turquoises that holds thedel-- y Treasury Xettleton, hi regard totemhe tor Hill and said his aa had acting father as his pro gent George mony Xbrio at the waist also secures a power under the statute in making amtain ot talked number r aions with congressmen personal made )?y rt dratacMa, .) t . A.A Nlrape"? porary provisions for the vacancy. The crmwkintoe mn reached Ah at. In rase of i ikidiui .warn v Aarf wk. WHt V'. '.tieir, death t '.fiuTTtmeot, the next in them to purchase. He navec feiiM . 1 1. The rvni licatfon'of .on of t. rank or eC 1 staVJn coM act for the to Hid or George any.way.th Mechanic! e v recto address' thij Wudanv. advocating ths iOldinff of thi. pariod often tLystrom the time of the couia sen bjivut cerimcai.es w m enraevi -- ... SUaatri.:. St"; ,. ,.t ; death and no longer, of congress or anybody else.'. He did not "World's Exposition at Benin in 18iW, hasv SL rkfro!. The storm Jan. know of the existence of a silver pooL In created a belia that the emperorravors waa ceutral in the' north ot Da ' his con versation with Hill and George the subject 4 ; ' The Invitation Recalled.' 1 The Tpress makes bitter kota, they professed to be able to give informorning, is now central the course of legislation, criticisms and uggestions regarding in theyesterday Washinctok, Jan. 31. The president mation as to ifollow upper Mississippi valley. It has Archduke Austrian matter of visit did as not the he the but the. up been followed in the extreme northwest has recalled the invitations tor the array he was not impressed favorably with the Franz Fordinand to the czar. Biscold wave, the temperature and navy reception next Tuesday, Mrs. men and did not believe them reliable. marck's organ asserts that the Austrian by a decided fallen from thirty to forty de having Harrison Vreception on the 7th prox.'and He went back and forth between here goverement aims at appronohment, with in northern Minnesota, Dakota. the public reception on the lOtn prox. and New York, and Hill and George fol- Russia to the prejudice of Germany. grees and Montana. It is understood that other dates for lowed him up to get au engagement The newspapers generally accuse Bisthese dates will be announced hereafter.' They said it would require a great deal marck of trying to create mistrust of An Election In Spain. ot labor and the expenditure of some the Itriple alliance in order to produce Sullivan's Xew .Triumph. Madrid, Jan. 31. The election for monev for coupes, cigars, saloon charges, an international crisis, whereupon he His Last Work, .t; 'j , ' and to of the much lift not 31. hinuelf would Witness did etc. Sulli the Arthur Sir position deputies will be held London, Jan. again Jan.- - 31. The last offi- information that camethirg ' Washinotox, ' t saloons of dictator. for senators on the 15th. The body that through van's grand opera "Ivanhoe" was pro business transacted by Secretary and stood them off. Witness remarked will elect the deputies is comduced tonight at Carte'a new opera house. cial Windom was the selection of a site for that the expenses he had borne to posed ot the provincial ' council and The Xiliilists Wide Awake. and and of Princess Wales Prince The further legislation were legitimate, hotel the municipal council. These , counthe public building of Aurora, 111.. Waimaw, Jan. .31. Startling rumors cils were t elected Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh ' were bills, printing, eto. last summer, are current to the effect that the Russian when universal present. It was a suberb performance, AYSOU MAKES A DENIAL. suffrage in l Spain Senate. and artistic, never equaled on the Lonwas lirst tested. All Spaniards aged Congressman Pay'son said he had nihilists are preparing for another coup twenty five were entitled don ftage, except the Lyceum. to vote, and Washington, Jan. 31. In tha senate never been approached by Hedenberg, on tho tenth ot March, the anniversary more were The libretto, whioh was written by today the electors than there 4,000,000 laid before the but is simply talked to bim about silver of the assassination ot the czar. It Sturneas, follows the plot or novel very senate the credentials of J. Donald Cam- generally, as to newspaper men and believed they will assassinate some high on the enew register. Nevertheless, only twenty-fivclosely. Nothing Sir Arthur Sullivan per cent only recorded their aa curiosity. Hedenberg official. The Russian police are exceed has written before approaches kIvanhoe" eron for the new term, and they were others, purely votes. The authorities interested themor mefbod had the speculaexplained ingly vigilant. in virility, imaginative power and placed on file. selves in favor ot the official candidates tion to him and shown him a ailver cer breadth of individuality and style. The the result of producing violent dis- with Among bills reported from committees tificate. Hedenberg had written to him on Attacks Bancroft, rrd a, in Rnritalnnft nnrl tfhAi tsiwna rTtiA piece is0i undoubted success. and placed on the calendar was one for for advice aa to the probable course of . Paris, Jan. 31. The newspapers here new chamber will meet March 2. the exploration and survey of the inter- legilation. but Payson declined to ad contain HELD FOR MURDER. concern remarka the bitterest vise. Hedenberg never intimated that ANEW CLASSIFICATION ior of Alaska. he wanted him (Payson) to invest in ing the late Mr. Bancroft's conduct introduced Sherman a bill appropriat silver certificates. Interesting; Developments Produced while he was minister at Berlin during The Western Traffic Association in the Sheedy Trial, Congressman Perkins, of Kansas, the Franco-Prussia- n war. Count Ker- ing 825,000 for a monument to Chief Makes Its Report. made a specific denial of the published atry, writing in the Figaro, calls him an of in Chase the Justice Washington. city 31. Jan. The prelimiLiircour, Neb., Intimation that he gave any information enemy of France,, because he prevented Jan. 31. The commissioners Chicago, Referred. nary examination of Mrs. Mary Sheedy concerning the alleged pool or that he the United States intervening in the of the Western Traffic associatioa today house resolution for The . the appointto influenced the speaker in regard Ilonday MacFarland and Harry Wal- ment of a committee of nine to attend had conflict in behalf of the aggressor. made a lengthy report to President appointment or .fell. r'iom, charged with the murder of the funeral of Secretary Windom was the " Miller, of the advisory board. It divides be here Monday will Owenby Z ?ha Sheedy, resulted today in Wal-- t laid before the senate, and Morrill the territory as follows: Western freight To Test the IfcKinley Act. ' tms discharge and the holding of the offered a resolution for the appointment division, under Commissioner Midgley, Drouth In Illinois. ; Boston, Jan. 31.The;Commercial Bulls includes Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, o. era for trial on the charge of murder of seven senators to join the house mem St. Louis, Jan. 31. For three months tin says a syndicate of importers has been the Peninsula ot Michigan, Illinois, west ia the first degree. Mrs. Sheedy assert-- e bers in attending the funeral and take under the leadersnip or joraan of the Illinois Central and Vandalia, as be action other Rev. one such of the may Father the Walsh, appropriate that drought in central and southern 111- formed Marsh and company to test the legality Missouri north of the St Louis and San c angest witnesses against her, made in honor of the memory of the deceased. been unprecedented, and has of the i The resolution was agreed to, and nois has McKinley "bill. ' They will act in Francisco, Dakota east of the Missouri, 'proper proposals, which she refused Messrs. coal such assumed that concert with the Chicago importers and and the business between Kansas City proportions f Sherman, Washburn, wss his Morrill, testimony entertain, and that and these points. f ) result Bishop Bonacum has de--d Allison, Harris, Paine, and Gorman were mines and manufactories of all kinds upon the same line. The business between points on the' are compelled to shut down. The Father Walsh from the priest- - appointed. Missouri river belong in the trans-- 1 Morrill also offered a resolution which trouble is especially prominent along "The Senator's" Last Sight. Missouri division. was agreed to, for adjournment of the the Wabash line. Water is being hauled ,1 , , New York, Jan. 3L "The Senator" The southwestern railway and steam-- , on Monday until 2 p. m. to enable in oil tanks, but the demand ia so great i DnHon the Street. ; ? V senate the senators to attend Windom 's funeral. that this method of supply is inade- will be played for the last time tonight ship division, under Commissioner f New York, Jan. 3L The stock mar-lit-" includes all territory south of the The joint resolution for the appoint- quate. Ten tanks a day are delivered at the Star theatre. The piece may net today waa dull throughout. The ment o William Preston Johnstone of to the mines- - of the Consolidated coal be seen again . in New York, aa Mr. western traffic and the line between and Fort Smith, and all busigrangers stock continued to drop while Louisana, on the board of regents of the company at Clyde and Gillespie. The Crane expects to present a new one Minroyt ness to or from the Southern Pacific, I1L have when he comes back next season. works water of Noah in at Smithsonian Litchfield, institute, place the Vandetbilt and Gould stocks, were Porter of Mexico or Rio Grande crossing. . Connecticut, resigned, was failed, snd five tanks of water are de strong points. - Final changes ia almost ' ' The livered daily to the Litchfield car works. and passed. division, under .. all cases of small declines. ' Government taken from the calendar . A Cable Accident .'.. The amendment of the committee on Water is hauled in the same way to the iuuiimnuouvr v iiiing, iiuhuubb bu khu- bonds dull 'steady Iu petroleum the to strike out the provis- Kaunman mills and to a score of manu Kansas City, Jan. 3L A cable train tory west of the meridian of Harrison, appropriations in opwas only trading today February ion of government transportation on facturing plants at Edwardsvillo, Ceth-ealt- on the long and steep incline to Union Utah northern road, uentrai racmo ana Pennsylvania, which closed 73. r.h Annfarn linA nf Nevada. Staunton and the towns in St. land grant roads not to exceed fifty per depot broke this evening and shot down The cent of the charges to private parties Clair county. territory, under the grade at a frightful speed the brakes PimmiQcinnor ' ; innludM all terri Chicaffo Wheaf. was agreed to. On amendment to insert TIH.A wiitI. !llty,riAI 4a failing lauiug iaj nuta. Alio Ki'l' " t juuijjvu ; A Land Grab Scheme. left out in the above on and west of ; CHiOAGojan. was excited J a provision that such transportation be the track at the bottom of the incline tory - ? uv.-on such basis as the secretary for Missouri river. . the paid H Millie, and tho coach behind it smashed it to withm a higher range of prices. 'ihe of war deems Saji' Frascmoo, Jan. 31.--- W. tna names oi ia not recommended to and tbat It rciisanuble, just seriouswas Bostry opening was Stall- higher than yester exceed seventy per cent of charges to land aent f;r the Southern Pacific, splinters. Gripman the divisions be changed respectively toThe passengers escaped Lake ly injured. and Transdiscuswas 2 a lie a said reliable after there informa and had advanced Gulf, that today long days closing, private parties; with braises and cota, ,., The board recommends Continental. few changes closed '1 higher than yes- sion, but it was agreed to and the bill tion that a syndicate had been formed that when the Western Passenger asso for the purpose of buying up the timber terdays closing figures. Receipts 2Ki,000; passed. Another Sludger on the Stage. ciation dissolves tne wesiero ithbboukci . Quay presented resolutions of the land on the Pacific coast. In 1889 the shipments lOfiXX) bushels, v division have" the same boundaries as Pennsylvania legislature favoring the Southern Pacific sold over 80OO.OOO worth Nkw Orlkaxs, Jan. SL Bob Western Freight and that Commissioner federal election bill., of lands, most ot which was purchased SeUwatka Better. , put champion middle-weighave charge of the Irans-Mis-- i Viniug bill taken of the syndicate, which The fortifications secret fcas up, agents by Masok- Cirr, Iowa, Jan. 3L Lieutenabandoned the sou ri passenger traffic. There is likely t has of the world, 110 aside laid to and gilist intends all but control and penthe informally, purchase ant Schwatka is greatly improved. " He sion bills passed, including one giving a mill plants possible. General Alger of ring for the stage. Tho conquerer of to be an objection to this by the JNorm- han rfruinvl consciQUBncsa and will pension of $50 a month to Widow Detroit is said to ba interested in the Jack Dempsey has, like John L Sulli- western. io move nas vet uecn miitio . .. tho old association.' van, become an nctor. nnd will mnke bis Noyes and house bill granting a pension Hcliemo. probiibly recor. , . PRBIIER Irrt-gauo- looked tor sxd U) locutduxg to Ui ktltxi adrksea. Further nivioes from Chili ere to the effect tbat afW seieral skirmisLea tbe government troop succeeded ia tun&2 ruafua. It ts also kraed thfct the iosurgeuts oecupied Talt. Down:. Upon. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. tlOO per wath to Geo. Siv-l- s wdow. MAD. Senate bill fr&eiicg tL Umatilla n eompejiy rtgtt of way through I ouLila rwBenauuA, Orga, and gr. av of way, imgaik ia ditch and House railroad aide track srtum the CJuarler-aaaster- 's The Late Great SUtesmaa Leaves meet reaervatioo, I'uma, Depart Closed to All Visitors. the Service. Anzofia, passed. Bill to peastoa Mary Ana DuLerty was obe?ted to aad aent over. amend meet to bill for the re- OUR BUDGET FROM BERLIN. WILL BE BURIED MONDAY. liefHouse of Sarah D. IVrrioe was agteed to. Umuad gave notice of an amendthe diplomat 10 appropriation The EJeetioB Bill to be AUadoned-- $0 mentto to Ud enable the president to niake ar The Emperor's Yajarle Cansinj SerBiuine of Importance rangements for telegraphic euoimuak'a-tto- e ious Rnptares In Official betareea the foiled States and Tra&Jft4 In CoRgress. Awake. Hawaia Inland for a period not Ums tli an fourteen years and appro; hating Wjhijk,-to!- , Jan. 3L The bouse of three millioa dollars therefor not more Rom a, Jan. 3L In a debate ia the tMU) to be expended any one late the Secretary Windom is clueed to than chamber today on spirit taxes. Prime visitors today. A few intimate friends year. Adjourned. Minister Crisp! urged that the taxes were admitted, however, and permitted Elections Bill Will Go Over. propueed by the government were imto case on the face of the dead finanperatively necessary to prevent Italy Jan. 3L It can be from Washijkotos, falling again to the servile condicier. Acting Secretary Xettletoo iswith poeitiveoess that the man- tion she was ui as regards foreign power stated sued the following crJer thia af ternoua. of the elections bill have finally ia 137 1. Conservative members of the To all ofucere ot the treasury depart- agers decided to abandon the measure la the chamber who were in office ia 1ST 4 pro ment notice is hereby given that the interest of tested in an uproarious manner and the important publie business refuneral of Hon. William Windom, late maining to be acted upon. This decision f reeent minister of public work lft the reasury bench. The bill was rejected eecretary of the treasury will take place has been communicated to the Demoby a large majority and Crispi anthe afternoon of Monday, February 2, cratic managers. nounced that he would resign. It is l&ll, in the city of Washington and all doubtful if he will be able to reconstruct buildings and offices nnder your control For an Ariisna Indian SchooL . the cabinet . will be closed throughout that day so in Intense WASHtNGTOK, Jan. SL The politifar as consistent with the transaction of excitemeotprevaila acting all necessary public business. On all secretary of the treasury sent a letter to cal circles. Premier Crispi tonight went Ouirinal to place his resignation to United the public buildings throughout the home recommending aa appropria- in the the bands ot King Humbert. , The States and on all vessels and steamers under the control of thia department the tion of 13,500 for the eataWishment and king declined to accept it until he had t. support of an Indian school at llicenix, further considered. national flag will be displayed at Arizona. Semtirj's J. IX MEMORY OF WISDOM. boar-boun- ' 1C0,-00- . J . wja f ,ttviips . aw. I'sk by-th- ... eemi-oflicii- d , - . ' Fai-thor- n, : . Trans-continent- al , , . Trans-Missou- . Trans-Missou- ri , 4 s. : ht |