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Show ';i HANDY Every BARK Wide-Awa- Make One 1 f SCRAPER. Orchardlst Should at Once. Hundreds of old orchards have the tree trunks covered with loose, hanging bark, that serves as breeding places foi borers and other injurious insects Such old loose bark should be carefulh scraped off. A most convenient ircple tnent for this purpose is the shank o. an old, worn-ou- t hoe. Cut off as showi in the cut, and sharpen to an edgq TOOL FOR SCRAPING BARK. ith this an entire tree, ?ven to th smaller limbs, can be scraped in a few minutes. One sees hundreds of old neg lected orchards about the country thaf. ought to hate the trunks of the trees thoroughly scraped, the suckers and superfluous limbs removed, the remainder grafted to good fruit, and the sod broken about the roots and fertilized. With sii"h treatment, these old orchards would soon be pay ing a profit instead of producing, as now, barely enough fruit to pay for gathering. Country Gentleman. GREAT ALTITUDES. North Franklin mountain, 7,009 feet, highest elevation in Texas. Mount Fainveather, 14,450 feet high, is said to be the tallest elevation in Eus-si- is said to be the a. ' Wheeler, Nev., is 15,030 feet above sea level, and is the highest town in that state. There are ten mountain peaks in Arizona, each of which exceeds 10,000 feet in height. Fremont's Point, at an elevation of 13,790 feet, is said to be the highest in Wyoming. Box Elder mountain, in Oregon, 9,511 feet high, is said to be the loftiest in that state. Clingmans mountain, 6,707 feet high, takes precedence of all others in North Carolina. There is no mountain 10,000 feet high on Ihe American continent east of the Rockies. The great plateau east of the Rooky mountains averages 4,000 feet above the sea. The old lad v a ruht wneu sh I -r Money Make It Yourself! child might Che it they wall the I have never seen in the papers abou doctor. She saved the little ones li the Peoples Wind Mill; we call it the w ith a few doses of One Ilinot- Co iv People's because the inventor never Cure. She bed used it for croup before. patented it, but let everybody use t For sale by A. Lunt & Sons. free. Any farmer can make a mill himIf your children are subreot to eroui self. and all the material complete will divnot cost over 10. It is a splendid milll watch for the first sv inptom of the n If Cbamberla will pump the deepest wells, and will erse hoarseness. as soon as ast longer than any mill I ever had. And Cough Remedy is given becomes hoarse it will p event pei son can get diagrams and complete Even after he crouoy cougn directions free, as 1 did, by sending IS thattack cvn always be preto pay postage, etc. to bv giving i his remedy. It is aso Francis Casey, St. Louis, Mo.; he sells vented invaluable for colds ud w hooping cough & son.Drugg.sts. pumps a 1 so a when you get your wind mot going would be glad to stll you a For sale by A. Lunt is it. need It certainly on the hea l, chapped pump if you son Scaly ernpti ins or $00 for a wind mill hands ii'eltss to pay scalds, and lin-- . cufs. as when you can make one just good for burns are n,uicklv cured by DeWitts fio, I think Uiereeoulii be big money Witc-- Hazel Salved H s at present the made putting these mills up through the article most for pi Us, ana it always would like them. cures them. ysd For sale by A . Lu n t & Sons. country A Kkauku, Soothing, and no, irritating, strengthnnl weakening, snub but ei s ening. and are ihe qoalitlesof De itl such fee live ELECTRIC BITTERS. Little Early Risers, the famous little pills are lor sale at A. Lunt A Sou. rkctiie Bitters MISERY FKOMi Rheumatism C. H. King, Water Valley, Miss., cured by Ayers Sarsaparilla For five years, I sullered untold misery from muscular lheuinutisin. I tried every known remedy, consulted the best physicians, visited Ilot Springs, Ark., three times, spending $1000 theie, besides doctors hills; lut could obtain only temporary relief. My was wasted away so that I weighed only ninety-thre- e pounds; my left arm and leg were drawn out of shape, the muscles fle--- AYERS The Only Worlds Fair Sarsaparilla, AYERS FILLS cure Headache. anmusvs--.'- - . c..- - :.. s' c A k bright aDd attractive n I N A L -- Letters PublishingCo. to the public tlimt We desire to annoum after September l.ith, wt shall be prepared to take vour pictures. We warrant our work ami will do it at prices to suit the tunes. Weaisohave ,fc the nt'crtivrs, t.o.. ami eau recentlv made h S. J. Hams cabinet photographs furnish supeiiiir-nnistliereti om at t oli per dozen. Cail and see us C. II. UifiAN .t Co., Photographers. . Nephi, Utah. This Is Your Opportunity. receipt of ten cento, cash or stamps, a generous sample v ill be mailed of the Another Smart Woman. most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure demon(Elys Cream Halm) sufficient to My husband is poor but proud and lie strate merits of the remedy. the great as me to I have does not want work; ELY BKOTIIEPS, nothing to do I got restless, and after 56 Warren St., New York City. reading ill vmir paper Mrs. Russells exI flatirons selling perience Rev. John Reid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont., eoneluded I would try it. I wrote t J. recommended Ely s Cream Ialm to me. I F. Casev A Co., St. ouis, Mo., and they his statement, It is a positreated me so nicely that I felt very can emphasizecatarrh if used as directed. much encouraged. As soon as I got iny tive cure for W. Poole, lastor Central Pres. sam pie iron I started out and sold si irons Rev. Francis the first day, clearing 812. I have not Church, Helena, Mont. sold less than eight any day since, imp is the acknowledged Elys Cream Balm one day I sold 17. I now have f225 clear curator and contains no mercury catarrh money, and my husband does not know nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 cents. 1 leave been working, but I am afraid he will be mad when I tell him. Have I done right or should I quit work aid leave him to struggle alone? Ax Anxious Wiff You are doing just rigut, your husband should be proud of you go rigli s ahead and show the world what an oner Nephis getic woman ?an do. That iron must he a wonderful seller, as we hear of so many that are succeeding sell-nit. We haxe tilwavs on hand self-heatin- g I Bcdden J... A. We are prepared to save you on everything in our line. money Mutton. Tork, Bacon, Butter, Pork Sausage, ami Chease. Theres no mystery in the saving It is as plain as a mountain just We invite the citizens of It us a call. Nephi to across the river. We make a North of Post First II. A. WILLIS, Manager. specialty of the Clothing and business. Buy Wanted-gents Furnishing Idea Pfec j'jf,ht 'I. in large quantities, buy for cash, all bargains and give CITY MEAT MARKET. pick up them to the people, and alow all lfJc CanL the best to be returned if not betgoods atthe treat ter values than the same money courtesy ,esewhere.. that Shoulder or Rounnd steak and buys or Mutton, per When you cant get 25c. pounds Loin and Porterhouse satisfaction elsewhere Steak 0c. per lb. come to us. straight. First-Clas- self-beatin- g EAT MARKET. g BUCKLENS ARNICA SAIVE. Beef. The Best Salve in the world for CnK Bruises, Seres, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all skin Eruptious, and positiveis ly cures Files, or no pay required. gmranleed to give perfect satisfaction or money refused, lriee 'S cents per box. Fo s de by oil druggists and general dealers. Chance to Make Money. I read bow one of your subscribers made money selling Dishwashers; I ordered one, and my lady friends were charmed, as they hate dish washing. My A brother andl commenced selling them, and have made Jl,70u alter paying all expenses. We dont canvass any. Our sales are all made at home. People come or send for them. The Mound City Dish Washer is the best Dishwasher on the market. Our business is increasing, ami we are going lo keep right on, until we make ten thousand dollars. We sell from 5 15 machines every day, and some days more. The Dishwasher is lovely every housekeeper wants one. There is no excuse to be poor when so much money ean be madeselling Dish Washers. For full particulars, address The Mound Mo. f'ity Dish Washer Co., St. Louis, sucThey will start you on the road to A Reader. giv e i gig-lamp- A s. Office. Door- - CODE Who can think of some simple thmjr to natent An vour Merj 7a'j iOh 1 KJ- ft isiJnptoi4. os i J '11 ; vc 1 v e i!rh tto: i nrer i?!1 I r z . of Give you meat cheapest we and prices, all with and I respect. observed the man in Excase me. but I am a surgeon, and spectacles, is not where the liver is. Never you mind weere his liver is, retorted the If it was in his big toe or his other. left ear DeWiits Little Early Risers would reach it and shake it for him. On A. hat you can bet your Lunt & Sons. . 10c- - pound 3 co-m-ple- for at Churn That Churns In One Minute. 1 have been in the dairy business all my life and have many times churned lor an hour before butter would appear, so when I heard of a churn that would churn in a minute, I concluded to try it. Every day for a week I used it, and not only could I churn in a minute, but I got more and bettef butter than with the common churn. This is very important inforaation to butter makers. The churn work easily and will churn an ordinary churning in less than sixty seconds. I have sold two dozen of these churns in the past month. Every butter maker that lias seen me churn in less than a minute bought oye. You can obtain all desired information regarding the churn (V Co., St. by addressing I. F. Casey Louis, Mo., and they will give you prompt and courteous attention. A Dairyman Six weeks ago I suffered with a very severe cold; was almost unable to speak. My friends all advise me toconeulta phyDevoted In l"tter vritiig and corres- sician. Noticing Chamberlains Cough v lie- pil'd to those Remedy advertised in the St. Paul Volks ,.e('b. pondence, Zeitungl procured a oottle, and after who are L vnlu fted Imresotne and taking it a short while was entirely well. I now most heartily recommend tms remu fine pleasure loDely- - In it. edy to anyone suffering with a cold. b78 Shelby Ave., St. Paal, Wm. and happitiC'S. Through it you may Minn.Kiel, For sale by A. Lunt & Sons. find peace at heart. Semi 10 cents for The wife of Mr. Leonard Wells of East a three months trial subscription to Brimfleld, Mass., had beeosufferieg from neuralgia for two days. Dot being able o sleep or hardly keep still, when Mr. Holden sent her a bottle of Cbamberlaias IndUnupolis, Ind., U. S, A- - Pain Balm, and asked that she give It a Wells thorough trial. On meeting Mr. was all And read tW addresses of many at- tbe next day be was told that she within two lelther the having pain right, tfeifc women tractive young men and hoars, and the bottle of Pain Balm waa worth $5.00 If It conld not be bad for less d r) who in ltr won'mhirry, are 53 ten; per bottle by A. Lnn Tor ea.o Jt Sens. sue a ourrtwponoe u. J 0 U PHOTOGRAPHY On cess. being twisted up in knots. I was unable to dress myself, except with assistance, and could only hobble about by using a cane. I had no appetite, and was assured, by the doctors, that I could not live. The pains, at times, were so awful, that I could procure relief only by means of hypodermic injections of morphine. I had my limbs bandaged In clay, in sulphur, in poultices; hut these gave only temporary relief. After trying everything, and suffering the most awful tortures, I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Inside of two months, I was able to walk without a cane. In three months, my limbs began to strengthen, and in the course of a year, I was cured. Sly w eight has Increased to 105 pounds, and I am now able to do my full days work as a railroad blacksmith. . a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more generally needed when the languid, exhausted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish und the need of a tonic and alterative is felt. A prompt use of this medicine lias often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious leveis. No medicine will act more surely in counteracting um.1 freeing the system from tin malarial poison. Headache, Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness yield to Electric Bitters. 50c or 81.00 per bottle at all Drug st. ues and deuiers. H1 UNTOLD is Snuusagosi, EolOgnn, Gurod SZams, Sugar Ports., Bacon, Butter aud Choeso always ou Baud. Chas. Ockey & Sons Proprietors. (Late Ostler & Ockey) Dr.C.H. BIBB Teeth Extracts Wiliest Pais. GOLDCEW3t8, PIVOT TEETH. BBIDGES AND EUEBJLB PLATES AL NEPHI OFiTCB: On bloat nouU aDd half blaelaal of Qoap 5 lore. Spwolalty. Offices: JsToplxl - an cl Llajatl. .. UTAH. NEPHI. . ' : A 'r ' I |