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Show " i - Reason to Believe He Attempted Suicide at Ogicn. Ogden, Utah, Jan. 1'J lranci-Schlatter the healer, or Ills double, is lying at tin city jail, hovering between life and deatlv. Whoever he is, he attempted to commit sui-- . cide and has probably succeeded. It was just about :1b vhn tie mysterous stranger eame into the lunch-rooof the Pacific hotel, got a cup of coffee and went out on the platform. Soon after he took a d at his new pocket knife and the throat, severing windpipe and most of the arteries, but just missing his jugular vein. Herald. ; ga-Le- .... immense affair. There is nothing just as "oci as Dr, Prof. J. A. Kee.se was in attendance King New 1 usvtry !' ir i onsausptioo. so demand it and do and was there till 12 o'clock next Gmgbs anp Colds, not permit the dealer to sell yoa some subday. lie got over it for the after- stitute. He n ib not claim then is anything better, but in order to make raort noon dance. lse to profit he may claim something Thatcher and the Senate is the just as good. You want Dr. King's Xew Discovery ltcvause you know it to le s.! one topic of conversation in this and refitnle. and guaranteed to dt good or little city. SQUIBB. William R. liearst. l or Coughs, Odds, money refunded. and all affections of Throat, Chest and I,ung, there is nothing so good Ttid as is I)r. King s Xew Discovery. and Deolers. Kittle free at all Drug-Tore- s Kegular sizes od cents and fl.Cd. A Done in One Minute. 1 dp-crib- ed - w- -e buys one. I have sold three dozen and they give the best of satisfaction. I know I can uell lull in this township, as they chum so quickly, make so much more butter than common churns and are so can cheap. Some one in e cry township sellmake two or three hundred dollars ing these churns. ly addressing ,T. cir-C. Casey- A Co.. St. I.ouis, you can get culars and full information so you can have make bigmoney right at home. made Ssti the a't two weeks and I have never sold anvthingisi my li!e before. 1 Nor-towil- ie. man by the name of Chris Hansen, who has neither relatives or friends in this country was found in a dugout vst of Xorton-vill- o in a badly iV;zn condition. Some section hands discovered him A and found, according to his statement that he had been in that condition for S days. Iloth feet are, frozen half way up. and at such a shfge that gamrreKc has set in and the only source of escape for the man is amputation of part of eaeii foot, if not the whole of both feet. The man was sent, into the Holy at Salt Lake and Cross there lie will remain until let recovered. The poor unfortunate stated that he bad bent working down in Arizona, and bad also b en working in Frisco and was traveling this way. 1 ho.-pit- al against the disease. to young mothers and Croup is a terror to post them concerning the cause, first symptoms and treatment is the object oi this item. The orgia of croup is a common coid. Children who are subject to it take cold ver.V easily and croup is almost sure to follow. The lirst symptom is hoarsdess; this is soon followed by a peculiar rough cough, u hich is easily recognized and will nevpr be forgotten by one who has heired it. The time to act is when the child first becomes hoarse. If n Chamberlains Cough Remedy is ali tendency to cioup will soon dis1 WILLTAM lb IIARST. appear. - Even after thecroupvcough has the attacks '.'ill clever and the Xev York Journal. lie is the There is no danger inprevert giving this remedy son of the late Senator liearst of Cal- for it contains nothing injurious. Tor sale by A. Lunt & Sons. ifornia, and inherited most of that rich man's millions. Ills wealth is estiinat- if e Equal to a Gold Mine. A ed at 2,000, ooo, to ay nothing of an enormous income. The Examiner ho Will some of vmir readers give me a for making a cold stun h? I lias made a power of the coa-- t, anil his good llatirons anil iron career in Xew York journalism has am a Utile m eve rv and have to e la en as fail of color as a kaleidoscope. 'oiie- st'U'Hi every place and want know a good eold starch. My Personally lie is a generous, lovable how to make v in debt and I anxious young man, true to his friends ana to lie1) him through I w being on Id sell sol h trong in his aspirations. He is only :r afing llatirons and am doing splendidly. A cent's orih of fuel will beat, years of age. the iron l'or hours, so you have a perfectly even heal. You can iron in half the time and no danger of scmvhii g tiro ON THE WIDOWS MITE. clothe s, as with the old tron, and you can get the most lieuitil'ut1 gloss. I sell as the iron saves at early every hou-so mill'll fuel everybody wants one, I have not Senator' George 0. Cannon to a Nev made si. ;,u on each iron and sold less than ten anv day I worked. My brot her is doing well and I think anyone York Paper. eaif make lots of money anywhere sell St. ing irons. J. F. CASEY A, Louis, Mo., will start anyone in the busiThe Xew York Journal of Jau- - ness, as they did me. if you w ill address freel-give- 1 1 V t self-heatin- g u-- ho-bai- id a- f-- -- 1 vv .'1 Sentence Commuted to Imprisonment for Life. ALL STYLES GENTS PANTS will be sold below cost. e. 1 HAYES WILL NOT HANG. Faimi.!!. low to Prevent Croup Home reading that will prove interesting to young mothers. Hoiv to guard A Reduction on all kinds of RUBBER GOODS, and Remember vc carry the WALES GOODYEAR brand. A - Founi in a Dugout Near TRIBUTE TO Churning lleurst, who has so persisI have trio the Lighpiing Clmrn, yon Pacific Southern the tently fought in you paper, and. it recently niih'oad in its endeavor to secure a is certainly- a u ondor. I can churn in its obligations to the Gov- less than one minute, and the butter is and you get eonsideiabe more ernment, is one of the most interesting elegant, a common butter than when you lie is pub- churn. 1 took the agency for the chum of American journalists, lisher of the San Francisco Examiner here and every butter maker that sees it Wm. R. BADLY FROZEN. A Han 5 There Is Nething So Good. Bowes was an FRANCIS SCHLATTER. a. Jan. 2s dink The RepuKio, Lkpii, Btah, ('., Mrs. A. i:rssi;i,i,. them. devotes a page to interuary views with prominent men, in answer to the question, how a widow can best invest 73000 so as to live upon the income. Among the interviews is one credited to Senator" George Q. Cannon, President Cannon presumably being the oue referred to. It is as follows: Investment? In tho oast pay such small interest that I do net see how a widow, espeically if she had children, could live on the income of 5000. In Utah one can get 8 and 10 percent on money, and 5000 would bring in from 400 to 6500 a year, and if a woman did not wish to work she could live comfortable on that. But I should suggest investing part other principal in a little dry goods shop or a stationary store. I am sure a woman could do well in such a business in the west or in the east, if she had any energy or idea of business Tribune. 17, On Saturday the state board of pardons commuted the sentence of Harry Hayes to imprisonment for life. Our reporter called on Hayes Sunday, and congratulated him upon the favorable action taken by the board of pardons in his case. He did not see, so he said, what (rood the action of the board would do him; he could not live long in the penitentiary, being afflicted with consumption, and there was no chance for him to obtain a new trial. If he could only obtain that he would be able to prove his innocence. He spoke bitterly of the action of the supreme court, in refusing him a new trial, and of tne beinjustice timt was done to him, cause ho did not know and lii? at torney did not know that the trad conduct d. log was illegally .im vw aa claimed that lie was the conspiracy to convict him; and told our reporter that iyieil, Ins testified against him on the trial had left the ?t ate intimating that Tyrell knew more about the murder than he had told and was interested in getting Frovo Hayes out of the way. Etonian. Yourself! I saw one of the People's wind mills which 1 saw recommended in your paper reei'iii ly, it only eost me s9. 10 and is a splendid mill; my well is deep, but it pumps it all right and wit!, verv little wind; the neighbors all like it, and as I am a kind of a carpenter, I have agn ed to put up nine mills aln adv. on which I can make a nice profit, and there are many others lor w horn I can put up mills this fall. I don't see why every farmer should not have a wind mill, when they can make it tiiomsolv cs lor less than Spj; anv one can get diagrams and complete directions for making the wind mill by stamps to pay postsending I age. etc., to Efancis Casey, St. I.ouis, Mo. and there can be dozen-o- f them put tip in any locality by anyone that has the ' A Iaiimi.i;, . energy to do so. A Good Wind Mill-Ma- ke Many Magnificent Bargains offered to all during the dull months at the two-co- Marry This Girl Quick. I saw in your paper that a 1! year old l.oy made slJi the first hour lie worked Metal lip Lamp-wieselling t Ilie Perfection ordered a -- ample and went to work ami the lii'st week I cleared -- m, the second wet k I ! ared 6K. I expect to run up to 62o a wet in the near future, as the Porieclion Metal Tip Eampw irk k. - makes such ti beautiful w hite light and does away with smokey chimneys and bad odor and saves oil, it is easy to soil. If von wish to try it send 13 two cent stamps to Miss A. M. Fritz, Station A. St. I.ouis, Mo., and she will send you sample outfit, this is a good wav to make money around home. Miss Tjxa W. who tlier-in-la- Ik. tb-'- . ' 53 YEARS ' EXPERIENCE. TV ri Z:;l DKfHtf TRADE MARKS, DESICNS, COPYRICHTS Ac. FPTuliPflr a PkPtoh and dPsrriptlon may ft itaiu, free, whether an invention is onimunieatmns strictly PTsnablv patentable. confidential. OMost asreney for securing patents office. m Aniern.u. We have a Wahnufton Patents tkrn through Maim Jc CO- - reoeiv , the in notice special Anronr qiuckh Fork, Jan. 19 Tho SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, school at this place will be ready beautifully illnvfrateil, large. t circulation at anv scientific .iourmil. wcek'y, terms t3.(e a year; ti.fiO six months, for occupancy by February 1. penmen copies and HAND Book on Patents sent free. Address atMUNN ft. CO., Mrs. Alf Wood, the lady who 361 Broadway, Row York. carbolic tempted suicide by taking acid because her husband was drunk' hies t of tho .t uxicj jha4.jnCiArJ y , Yir SO lfi33. Spanish -- recovered. Thh wsdding party of lire- Annie - 17. Qrd, Sapcr&ntondont. u-- od I - Spanish Fork Notes. John the Dipper Saved the Firm. was sick tend the moitgagcon Father tlud'arm was coining due, I saw in La Christian Advocate whera Mina A. M. Fritz of Station A. St.Loui-.M.o- ., would (vend a sample combination dipper for 1? 1 two gent stamps, and ordered one. I aw the dipper could be its a fruit fctrainer; jar filler; aa plain dipper; a fiue a funael; strainer funnel; a sick room pan and a pint measure, Ties warming eight different use makes the dipper auck a necessary artiele that I went to work with it and it seLls at vary near every kouae. And in four month Ipaid off the mortgage. I think I eeta clear aa much os 200 a month. If yon need work roa can o well try gWinjf thia a trial. Mias A. M. Fritz, Statian A. At. Lona, Mo will and yon a aaa&pla fori it two oet atampa write at Q. X. How WAMTE . ;., r 4 T7V Jus 3&-- AT oaaT. Bawbuavoaantrel ifVnt 13 k Vi tataAreA AaliaM a year. jAanip for full particulars, or ISc for -- y V. ara ' Murk. m w.-jnr- for aa do risk. r. 4b Will EJks1o 1 Rrtmph?. Elg'lfapiJ i a A s 1.1 i .r- J . , ' f . , V". f , ' "' 14 1 to t . J . f ..? St.ie J j |