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Show The Republic Nepfci.Utah, THE REPUBLIC. The temerity to support Judge llendersoa for the LTnite-- States Senate as against TERMS OK SL'liSCKirTIOX: Thatcher. bring in that minority, we expect tho-- e wild aiid raw rig Thatcher organs or to come back ana belabor us w ith tn ir uaIMtior, club of indignation. There are many nets ms why Mrses Thatcher hoiild not lie sent to the One Year rl :it All coimnuni vitton cwlttori.il matlur "k mill Kepti blit. t tii List of Unclaimed Letters. painful duty of the Evening Press to chronicle the death of the Umtar this headline we shall Evening Standard, which result was The list of unclaimed letters remaining in Nephi post office Jan. 1st. 1S97 is as about an a of The brought by starvation. give prominent engraving follows. Standard started to run Evening Xepliite every week. Miss Maria Robertson, LvdiaA. Ranch, the Evening Tress out of the field but Mr. J. W. Tye. found it uphill work from the start. U. D. Turner, Chariie De Funner, It claimed a circulation all the way R. S. Kroks, Miss Oliee I., Young, from l,ouo to 1,500 while 150 would have Myra C. Srui:h. come nearer the truth. It was a pay If the above letters Hre not called for in ing venture, its manager and his hired 30 lIavS they will be sent to the dead let man said, but as Giasmann never aban- ter office. II. F. McCuse, I. M. doned a nj thing that paid him, it is The length of niv life may be increased quite evident that the assertion was a of lessening the dangers. The majority prevarication. It is gone, however, by the people die from lung troubles. and there are none left to mourn out- These may he averted by promptly using One Minute Cough Cure. A. I.unt Jt side the Standard office. Ogden Sons. realize that we are one of the minority of the Utah press that has the Editor. W. L. ROE, l Mont's -- l t Ti. K public adtll ts-,Nephi, Juab County Utah. c r uu tin lJ! bo , tiie iiLvvinAZ rrru-iiix- , cumpa:;v i We me not going to mention great measure the church episode. senate. in a Though we think, were that thoroughly sifted the gentienvm would not hive a whole leg t sun on. ) : In the first place hn Immmi mrt'lc at the Nt phi po- -t ti .iiiiiui-.iothe through uiuasai the peer of Muses mail ui.tltr. Application lor Oilice n iecond-chi-- . of U.'Jrd, lS'JT. Even-Pres- ( 1 We say, Itequiescat in peace. Judge Ilmderson is Thatcher in parlia- mentary, civil and other law. man who would command a SATURDAY JAN. It is tiie NEPHI PEOPLE. We MORNING ISSUED SATURDAY Senatorial Contest. Satnrday, Jan. 23 attention in the senate. His speaking is clear cut, concise and Donald McLean, wmt 11 here, arrived from the east last evening and says the Pacific Short Eine jn eject lstoboreliabihtatedat once. English capital lie says, has been secured and tlm road, of which so much was said tea years ago, will yet become a realization. Mr. McLean, who projected' tho rjad. and built 150 miles of it westward lYrjiti Sioux Fitv. arrived at the Ia the Templeton yesterday. course of mi interesting interview Mr. McLean stated that the road would be built, and what is more important, it will come to Salt Lake and w.tli this as tlm junction point, will continue westward on about th Fume route as the Garfield beach and the Saltair beach routes to l op Creik. Tribune, Triday. If this projected road can be pushed through, it will lie a source of great benefit to I" tali. Mr. McLean Gates that ?S2.0,h'l)0:)0. would be required and that it is being supplied from London. It will be tlm means of reducing freight rates as well as beneficial in other ways. Success to the enterprise. He states facts, and subthem. Recall make; a point A stantiates and can carry it without uuy hesitancy, lie is physically' capible of combatting with tlm debating element of the senate and w ill not allow Utah to he trampled under foot by the vilifying 'L up I '(7 PA 'iVk r- -; Tr- -J ,7 j I tongue of slander. He is not a Mormon. That is another reason why he should bo sent to the senate. It is nothing hut rig iit and proper Unit tho Gentile portion of the haveachampiou ia the senate of the United States. Drank J. Cannon is a Mormon, is identified with their religion, and while he will work for both sides fii Utah, he is llrmly and irrevocably for the Mor- tu--, Maple Sauce : One half Round of maple sugar cut in bit.-.- . .v solved m ter cup coding wi.hr, over the and. nit It quekly o- -. q eir er cup of butter, cut in bit4, 11 :v ir v, , n ur.p. one-quar-- 1 m-- 1 AppU U I'.nrs: IUaf two f ?gs until , ligti'-- ad. i o i' cub milk, salt. Hour to thieki-m ; - oil. dough, on. teaspoon d . , sbe- - him ibs thin, stir in row baking the mixture, Fry in. hot l.iru, nil-p .uder.d sugar. r re inovitu; dusi w.th t mon people. Tlie Gentile I The fairy teacups are new and parThey ticularly dainty hits of china. are exceedingly small, made of Carl-b- ad, and are ornamented with frolicking cupids. Chocolate cups are. also s( en in many The newest looks like a odd sluqifs. loving np in miniature. It lias three pretty curved handles and is most graceful. The society girl makes use of the rum in brewing her Russian, tea, allow ing a weiMiiied spoonful to every cup. The with a lone, Pottles are slender neck at one end, and stand on two short legs. They can't be liought tor less than four dollars. Teacups are growing smaller in sie. Rome of the latest make Ihe afti coffee cup look large in comparison. A novelty is the teacup which fits in a stand, instead of resting on Ihe sutieer. Tiie idea is to prevent tlm cup from failing over. The stand is part of the saucer ami is generally made of gilt. Ponhon Ikim s for the live o'clock lea tahh are in Ca rlslvad el in a, slept dliko a large pamy and tinled like the natural . I hey .we not only an addition to lice table, lmt art1 inexpensive, costing Put 50 cents apiece. I In nuk juld approved U acloth is of plain linen, w uli able good furthisgreat grow ing state. a deep Renan snnee l.iee border. Those are a few of our reasons why The newest tea strainers are of china. Carlsbad They are made to fit Judgo Henderson should he sent. We t lie cup and have a our prett'lv d co- leave church reasons out of the quesSome c f ike d.iinti(-.- t raft d liaudle. tion, though we are still of the opinion are white, sprinkled w it li tiny tlmui, or bits of for. that Moses Thatcher seeks to he vindi- such asand Thc-- e decked With gold. cated in his action at the expense of tea strair.ers vary in jirice from 10 cents to $.25 and are a welcome cln the church. the conventional silc rr tea all. Couple v Lo would sooner side u ith t lie MEN OF THE DAY. gentleman on this quest ion because of President Krueger, of tiie Transvaal, his brave stand ag linst the church is working eitV his snperiluous fut by and because he seeks to gain a position riding a biev do. at the expense of tho standing and Iresident Cleveland is grow ing stout- how much stouter even lie does not of er, a judgement great icligous body, He said to his tailor recently: know. have lost ail sense o? reason and are ful1 gave up weighing n long time ago, lo.v eis on a downward course to ruin and,' he added dryly, I re ccntly gave up gues-'nami disaster. A rather Cilbortian situation was nf- .. fouled at Marsi files during President The quibbling tongue of slander wili; l'auies visit to Admiral de C'uverville on his ship in the lutrbor. The presialways wag against truth. dent was ac companied by tin minister of marine, M. Lockroy, and the motion An exchange speaks well of the ef- of the ship made that ofiicial violently forts of Judge Chappell and Attorney seasick. Gvvycn on behalf of Jcseph Crown in the assault case. From the appearance Book of things it will soon be in order for Hon. W. All whe Bre intarested in furtlierinif the Bute for the legislature to pass a bill for the of Hun. H . J itrtfun' s new bftok hould correspond immediately with the imhhahers. the work protection of men instead of women. . . trill portion of the people e'u.ri' vj in hand w ith the Morhand hae gone r mons and have sought in every honorable way to enhance the interests of Utah, Too have buried past, differenThe country is still clicw ing the cud ces, and are nv.v working shoulder to shoulder looking to the advancement of confidence. of this great and glorious state and as Sherman the Silent is not talking an act of sincerity they should be granted one of the senators to congress. much The false cry about the silver record of Judge Henderson is simply floated The Bcn.itori.il contCHt in Idaho looks for the pm pose of injuring the gentlekinder Da well dubious at present. man, and is only done by his enemies. Judge Henderson has always been a The verdict in the Mangutu vs. conservative man too conservative in Reck case was just and proper. some cases for his own good, and he has been always to the front in the cause No mail can be absolutely fair in his which he espouses: in many cases at the judgment unless he is independent. eoit of friend diip He is a most willing worker iri behalf of Utah and if Ihe man who maligns the character sent to the somite he, in conjunction ofjmother is only a bucaiicer in with Senator Cannon e do incalcul- iviiC x t, i now-a-daj- Roots are horn, not made.' Yes. and its a pity some of them did not die Senator Teller went in with a whoop in the Colorado legislature by a vote of dO to b, Yo lealii do not know; what dog eat dog Ricans, unless it is feeding sausage to the puppy. Cleveland will soon be out of office. We respectfully suggest that Salt Luke give him the position of dog-catcher- . A petition shouid be circulated for the appointing of a new marshal. We believe the city council favor suchta move. YY NURSERYMEN, Colorado. A'er3 Hah Vigor, which has outlived and superseded hundreds of similar pre parations, is undoubtedly the most fashionable as well as economical in the market. By its use, the poor- est head of hair soon becomes luxuriau 'and beautdui. j hair-dressin- g NLAXTtm si;vi RAT. FAITHFUL MEX t f "r t, travel lur it iViHtl til'll- hi I l.i S.Jar Ae. pa.um'e lUi wcr'kl'Viiiii'iii Ur-- . I'o.Mtimi permanent, Ivl UMHRl Li!clo-.KlaiMiK'l cnwlo.'. Tin- - Xuii.iiKil, star' linit'liiis.c'iK-n ' w.Mm-t- i . ia-- All w !.o are, or expeot tubs, interested in mines will i e glad lo know that N.Copp, the Washingt on, D. C., land livvyer, has revised Co ip s Pros Doctor's H-n- ry Manual. .The mineralogical part of the work has been almost entirely rewritten who has by a Colorado mining had years of experienceengineer, as a prospector, assayer ard suprintea !eut of mines and United States surveyor. J be book is a popular treatise on assaying and mineralogy, and will be found useful to all who wiah to dtscovr mines. The iirst part of tiie work gives the United siats mining laws and regulation's, how to locate and survey a mining claim, various formsand much valuable information. The price isoJ cents at the principal bo ik stores, or of the author. ilk a J. P IT & ta.CV- X- xtmev AyOlsai ELYS CrtE.VlI BALM ia a positive euro. Apply into the nostrils. It is quickly.absorbed. 5J cents at Ilrtuaipts or by mail ; samples 10c. by mail. ELY BKUIIIEIIS, Cl Warren bt., New York City. DeWitts Littta Early Risers. The famous little nills. Vsr I sr, - --v. '.A MM v tastf J d i bios-om- , ni -- AT . , u ;im ' s, n:;'-fro- 1 g. LZZi j ' By jUTrchasing goodit from us! Why? Because 25 years in business enables us to bow tlic wants of the people and .select goods .accordingly. SECOND We buy for ca,b and tako advantage of all discounts- - THIRD When yorv trade with us you do not luvvc to pay the debts of others. J. Bryans . , ill iCMOiT 0? HIS CIUPAiiiH TOUR. EIS B!0r,RiPHT, VUUTTBi BIIIS vvag-ger- peace-lovin- STRICTLY contain Artificial ears have been invented. M e hope some one will introduce an Mrs, Euretha K, LaBarthe has introartificial gag to s duced a bill to do preveit tODgue away with afflicting a coin uunity. We hope the lady succeeds in passing it. She is one of the sensible women of this period Thatcher may be a good man but if If its passage cannot be effected, we he wishes to be nominated with the will introduce a bill proidea of opposing the church, he sacra-flee- s hope the lady seats for the gentleautomatic his goml.n4ine.fgj- vengeance sake. viding will rise when men, that f?pritv?J is The biblesays on this Vengeance is touched and thus elevate them' above mine I will repay. the reigning nuisance. EIS g MOST 1 PRICE TO ALL. Tift mrOKTAST SPEElEBS. . ' Jj TE1 RESIT'S OF TIB PUGS OF 1:06. CAM 6has Foote and' Sons, j AGENTS WANTED. IRFVHYOFTH POUTICAl Boonoed hi SITUAII05, bte Mr. tsfation of derotioffBrjita ooo-hal- f of all roy&Kie to fnrehering the oaoee of bimetallism, Ihere are already iadioations of an anormoueeala Address W. B. COMvEY COMPANY, Pahlisliert - . ag' One ! UerbfiL.a JlKAeO i , .i ch-t- . boat-shape- icsi-bud- Is there anyone in Nephi who want: the United States inarshaMiip? Don't all speak at once. Denver. great deal to the p dint. rta Short Line. Pacific He is a NEPIII rn rures. I J CITY.Y ....4 -, w..l tl , g ; .!.- - UTAH |