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Show 8 Tls The U. P. pay car came in Wednesday. The iweetest molasses at the Co-oFeed for horses asd cattle by the month. Apply to Zee Wmtaker. DC5T&AEL tt "si " 1r PrikL tsirrj"iWgxiisayrMBiiMAgrayMr. jam sij'lit. Til E CUT fisil, Hpui of Japan tea is out of! Execioior sdllsit. 23 'fpn?- - A- - Purchase a trading card at tbo Co-o- p gel th Sun lard Dssigaer. Free. Big reduc ion in winter slippers at the' store. Lung vs TkdJIesomb ended in a verdict for Laiug; giving him right to property. Oar c'othing is still going cheap. Ex-- 1 Co-o- p KLirts at half price at Excelsior. Jan , orv ml TOWN TALK. Si-uidi- Awarded Honors Worlds Fair Highest p. cly Pu ro Good Unions cheap at the Co-oA big reduction on overcoat ' CHEAT.3 j ' cel dor. Jli-- s Hattie B r bj n from Mauti Ing relatives .hi I friends. vi.dt- - 1 at Ord Bros. Others stake success upon display we If you want any Job printing done depend upon merit. come to us. To suit ,, we carry c , leap sooes too. I.ive chickens will be taken on subscription. Fetch them in. tor chopped arley at Zee Cooper, Fypc"& Co. h.iVJ the iiaestiiae Wuifaker ct Cos. of unti-rntinware. Evi rytuing from a tin dipni r to a wash Lovely while homa made Core meal at nr. ware at Conner, Pypcr the JcCo Positive guarantee with each. Ord Bros, will taka', he load in spring A. J. Aagnrd, the fending merchant and goods this year. sin ip loan of lciuutsin Gren, was in tow n Morula transacting business. CWho will be the new city marshal? We f ed a fw nice pieces of dress That is the question. g, mils at a cut iigure. Then we iiavo the Dont forget li on furniture. New and cheapest w ml' r g aid in town. cheap. Excelsiur. r qu rali-bn t we ar here every Its id. II. McCuno went to Salt LakeThun-da- d,.y to give you ti price for your and came back yesterday. produce and the meet for your money. V. I Birchctt, the insuranco agent is Co'oi- in town on business. Every lady in our city should take ad- of this only opportunity to g. t vantage Also a few lined slices for ladies aud the iftandard The most popu. gentleimm cheap. lar fashions in the world are thus st cured Miss Flo Neiison was a p.ifscuger on a month in advance. Free. tha night tram Thursday night. A telegraph pole was knocked down by The Excelsior is thn pi; tea to do your a aleighm party on the other side of the track ou main s.r.'.-tIt caused them tradiog. They always have bargains. .Mr. J. E. E Lebili returned from Salt great inconvenience at the telrphene I.uke Thursday. delayed it morning. Tue new depot is having the finishing A lot cf Shoes going below cost to close touches put on it. One thing which la them out ut Exceieur. not much of an ornament to the neu ElUvvorth Jones went to Salt Lake building, ho a ever, is that tile old West- Tuesday and returned Thursday night. Miss Lizette Liu ley is in from Suit Lake visiting friends. d PERFECT MOST Co-o- p. MADE A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Frtt fjyn AmTonia, Alurco: any cJhcro.tuIfinpjL 40 Ye?.rs trr. Stef)vf4?d, Co-ot- j. Ui.-bn.- il st boil-'fl- Co-o- Wi JiRjJH st NEXT TZPtyl. p. rs wi ;o crawn for the The following j of c.iur; Th js C.rDr, Vis mi Ec-ler- , John a Co i,jr. UTii. mi G Biol, T.i- ni'is tor, . 1" H 've.'-d- , b.rn G Wiikv-y-, Eicfc.arJ f i: . ir.iv I srs.i'i, Divnl B Broad-- h n.-x- t ! ur.-h- a i t i i,-- t y -- 'J-n-- Co-o- T j , G d I ' r ! , y Alf: fe s r ri n'i , Ock-y- Vinos A jj L A Bid Buo molt, Ft 'Si Co-op- Co-ou- i in tni! Junes h Jonts, r-l't;- ilpil.iN wj:: Pa", I, : 11 IV W I J K, - 11 , 1 ' i.p't' .rii , Nep'i i Jennings', E let on, W E J.i"k mi n , Geo Vickery. E Neil on, Henry Reynolds, b D Evans, Edward i'h j; . .oil in v, W 1, Fthriver, Uid'iJ ,1. iiaucrhacii , Pbank J . , Nick Carpen-or tv Frankie, John Judge F. W. Chappell, ouaof tbo new commissioners wen", up to Silt Lake hue, ini Thursday. is, Ring, Sam c Jo-'ep- ,',Ior-.v.ii- S N Saiis- - One carload of beef cows were shipped north to the Utah Slaughtering Co., by Shed Luut cf Liiis city. Evilcr, Nenl Gay-i-- c Azzsiia, Henry M tn moth, kti.ii.i, r.Iiiton L Mangum vs. Bullion Beck Co., ended in a verdict for Mangum for $ ,750.00. A notice ilk d for uew trial. :i. E Uvard Cox, Wo warrant our shoes, get a good shoe accomodations. What was tueir surprise M i C.i!m:ii in, S"p! iinus Nesbit, George for who ' on s un hurt Hiding is poor, on o.uciuig to lind iho room fide I with Pn:::i.ui, Jo.m Bax'er, John Leyshon, C ubovo or below ho insure to sudor. Uiaiiebarn , iir;';i.am Whtel'jr, William ladies. The wives of the goutleruan had id so ooen invited. It was a surprise parry iLmmor, Frank l son , L a he Hickman The man Chris H inscn who got badly and J ohu C; frozen in u dugout nesr Norton villo was and a right good time was had. taken to the II, dy Cross hospital Thurs Juxt lull ihuiu that you! 1 ! j Co-o- 1 1 ooi-.-e- . tluy aitei m.oii. fu yj Fi i .I'. j c t illed it. Pride of Japan tea. The Seventies gave a niei rocial party Three ru w cas'-- have then hied for last Monday night and it was a sueess. Chas Foote & Sons e i ext ti rrn ot tl n.r. .March '. Lveryt o iy enjoyi d Iheinselves and ab ,u; ' Tj make the hair grow a natural color, Chiii-iIsaac vs. :iii!u;i I leek ct. al. seventy coupla were present. prevent biklnea, and keep the scalp ,'U!lne) Hut stud: What: Pride of healthy, H His LI dr Benr wer was invout 1dtn Oi.iidiui v. lljriiin Ijiepaijrcr ed, and inn proved iluelf successful. ;il. et. &, Whitmore Japan tea. Hyde For breakfast it cant be Ih auk Me at tori if. .Toc,-p';Lijip- s 2-- :xy ' Co. Pride of beat. c3- - Japan tea is ia;n. Mrr. D lx. drown got tip a concert for Co-o- p. the purpo-- e of getting me ms to send to sold at the A dollar her husband who is at present tilling a isntany Digger in our Mor? mission in Germany. than elsewhere. Itonl.ooks blygsr its buydng power is so much in- Mr. MacFarland, of Ogden, tens in town creaed. Particularly new. OrJ Bros. Monday trying to buy usheep. The Wales The gsoii ysar overs and artlcs gentleman was unable to m.iko any purfor sale at the It docs not pay to chases while here. 1 OUCX Z Wii'to.kcr T. ilovt nod S. Tolly Jr. arc rum. mg a st.c-- .. (J .o j.ic- - one oLck nortn of l'ost oflivi, i.i.ti'e they do ull Kinds Ol Unoppl.ig 1.1 il'.--l ClllaS style. T y iiifu und be convinccourse or ulaeu to get your ed It is me pr that buvon inferiorrubbor. chopping dene Friday u i baturday of Good advice: Never Dave home on a ench wteK. journey without a bottle of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Dinrihiei Item, Levnl lXotict1. edv. For sale by A. Bunt & Sore. You ran do an net of hlndneas (by One Minute Cough Cure to IX THE DISTRICT COURT Ob THE UIFTEI anyone sufferng with cough aud cold-Get- . JutiuiaL i, uf t lie Uvie ii I l;.b, C.onnty P. U. it at the Drug ttore. Lfjv.rxb ja tn i.uuu'i oi JNU rk(Ui m t b r.ilA't3sDn pt i,i n, Afi ail The ReiTBUC, t'i'-il - Xoi c U Ct Farm Fie'd and NfiiU : lsiit'i'f' tec :Ui cf u.e by vivcii bv t .t" 1iDlei Firesiiie, 33 ti twenty pics-nge- g last P. C. will aid tMMiji'int of farm surds to all who piy in ad- lctcrs.i aat n pj an-- Cm i su, n dn v tV- cr tit p.w t ail jicisons vance. Theyesr to conimenca W.ta No. 1 (ba'cacd, t dv d s ii nt c s.tid c" ha t,i r afii.isl ' f hint year. il,. in, wim t - mtj. :t', loihlurs, xita-i- ftftiM' ftur muht ut .i:t public, aiou of To cure all old lotes, to I, col an indothis imti.M. loKiuil cx?ont u t hi j r. idem,- 111 lent u lei-r-, or lo sneecilv cure piles, you tli.'luwn uf in Tail, it: Urn cui.ul, ol JldJ, ulri'M top StntcMii I tab, tnc IO.iil i Deed i aopiy DoWitts Witch Hazel the trn.as.aMii-f t s-ti'r-states. of . 1. to v e I r i Sal Ft ikLiin.' LN'LN, icg directum?. Its mug x ' a, D ted Jams i - nr-- i..n will sui d y. i prise you. A. Luut dt A. b, .t y.Hi, A t.' , l i CxM.Asir. S ina. IT-held tco ciuaply wlien II ct'.-l .c!. v.i.o ideal the reeds a tome for Ins seek? to i . r his wants by pur-ch.i- -i sysl- i : every ne v m xtnre that is rt-- c 'iinrnrU to him- - IDm-r.h- er that h ,a a d aje.s ionbirsqanl.a o' fifty ens stanclin"-repu.,1 i Co-o- Geo. C. Whit tn ire went to S it Lake the latter end of lust week to attend the legislature und incident uty to watch the vote in the smiator.nl contest, lie has not yet returned. TheU. P. have commenced work on the new corrals which are to he erected near the depet. The ground has been le.asad to the company I y Mr. Foote and oth rs of this city. We hope they will go on. improving till the whole vacant space is tillid upand the U. P. Shcps are moved down to iill the i Heaney. Lllpworth Jones will noon leave this city tn tike up hn nbo le irj3i!t Lake, llo bavlngncquirod interest in an assaying business. it is also slated that he will establish a branch olllce in Silver. Success oil boy, wo are h irry to loose you, but hopi to tn?ot you frequently ou your future visits to Nepbi. We u lied the delivery wagon of the journeying up t ie Ftrcet Friday. Co-o- p - i i Upjni ' AT -- sji-i- i i . : ic-li- t : V- There was only oil J r ent but it was occupie bv three pm s jus i. e., Miss Ella Cha-- e nd lla'ry Carter. We Albert Bsliiston would suggestllnG it looks kind of funny Ilisiis-Nowvvhich of you twojouug men arc Gmoratlon. 1 apa, wajicrei tho otlitnr' onlv Oh, well; wo won't give it away but we would lik to know who is the driver uud son. w lint, do yon cull yourofiice?" Well, my son. T believe tlie edimrinl who delivers the goods for the Co-oOilice is gcnci ally known, as the sane-ftir- o a si M8 i- a is - m UH vtak-S- a veT-eurne- . Sr:f:;ljs -- t un' cf lot' nil Hid - it, and your purist gro- cer does it; and we pay him. A Schilling X. Company San Krancisco T3C-- Q?, ft t3 tpTr. h sanetorum. Tlu small Ihjv w as thoughf ful for one then lie burst out: T suppose An tea ccr gives our that iiianiniisoli.ee is the spankum if you dont like it. spauktornm. isnt y. Journal. thin Ierfoctly Correct. Its one' o to say, I joined a il v club w hih was in Bosj money back, and another ton." said FoMbek. Why do you use sneli Hang?" asked tliimrO to do money back. Jveediek, who is a We say (i (pk-- in language. Oh. tluat isn't slang in this caseX The elub I allude to is the Boston Aeronautical (society. e. J A VrHrt lyn'o Wj lit oU ' -t - wr i vat r'r t'' Pretext TO'ir 13, 4J0 Or?? WriT' I.'IXS C.. i r b 1 V7ii) ' f t :i C I ou pact Dtj O.." P:W7it A:up- - L) ? fWr rinmimo'c V I''- - oltbt Olifei T'oJ.1.1 C'ltv' Goods Pcorilc krj D 3 |