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Show 'Hi a Th Mllwauke Chicago A St. Paul Ry thegeo-grapli- y Chicago, Milwankee aud St. Dames used in the corporate title of the Omaha Chicago. There is nothing more simple than that, and it is less than 500 miles between Omaha and Chicago. Two through trains daily in each direction with the best Sleeping Car and Dining Car Service, and all regular travelers know and appreciate the merits ot the Chicago, Milwankee it St. Paul Rail ways Short line between the East and the West. For maps, time tables and information generally, call on or address Alex. Mitchell Commercial Agent, Salt Lake City, Utah. 25-3- JknnktteS. 8 OSTLER OFFICE AND .NaLLsKihiM 2R OCKEY, c Furniture and undertaking. CHASE, 2.30 am Ulackamithing. St. Mary County, Mechanicsville, I sold a bottle of Chamberlains Md. Pain Balm to a man who had been auSer-in- g with rheumatism for several years. It made him a well man. A. J. Magill. For sale at 50 cents per bottle by A. A 3 8.5ft dO BOOTH, 9.40 The Grandest Remedy on o d y I eider?. Absolutely pure, perfectly harmless. quantities and envariable reliable are the never fails It One MtnuteCoughCure. it colds croup and lung troubler. Chil-- . is pleasant to take dren like it because it & and it helps tnem. A. Lunt Sons. & CO. , The Rational & Barnes inter-mountai- n Second South St. Salt Lake City. BARTON & CO. RETAIL WHOLESALE Main St. Salt Like City. eu-th- to the work ofthe Ameri? can fanner of today. If cmv.ihfti of the hfM 'I'm plicable - to keep fully informed of successfully means y sways andboth farm and orc.wrd !rrovinff of aid irrigation yon , crops by the to t.us must re id a journal devoted wish In j Do you ;ti If A particular subject. $ learn d I have .1 I others what profit by 'tV? -, out (v V, expense of a.- imme.ue f at the 10c a JYJJ. E Ala of time and money ? cost , , her or $1 a year is tliewill T which A It; ! only maeazine If 4 desired information, b ishandj; ' J the instruetive. j some, practical and IRRIGATION AGE, CHICC0. GIRLING. K. G. i VAji'rjif Pubi.she-- by - " A :r:T '?) lir. . ' , J f- mm Nephi im in'ikllfUfrt nt A. B. Palmer, Blacksmith, Alain iL ASANJPkECCPY FREE. of can thtnic 0016 mmjite tWag to patenw 16vTbI?7 feron.Varig C.. for Theodore Bruback, All kinrisof repair work done Pres. & Genl Manager, Utah Nephi, Street. Salt Lake City, II. s. Kerr, Supt. & G. F. & P. Agent, Mant 'SECURE THIS 1). and list of vo h4rod Liveirtioua rcatec -- . a KiA:. :r rC'.OM PATliKV oO. t C'n C I- ! md', zn ;- vr v A. tnfnnnat'on DrHdNN it Oldi-Jt Vvi-- -v cud LO., i imrea-- l.ie ijuhiie by . A Ivviilrr i 1 i ponr.Ufir - One Fourth Regular ! i t r3.Ua DLLaUfc-ik- CO., W. A C. BRYAN Attonifi at-TAi- . GOLDEN EAGLE SALOON, Blackett Bros, lroprs. - Dealers in Wines, Liquors ete. M P. KONG. Cabinet amUWin Maker. vyQLLEGrE lie Wes Sixth Stroet. ....GIVEN AWAY 55 Probate w'ork a Specialty. Room II Exc. NepM City, Utah, One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That I what it wa mad tor. IN.. parate Prizes $1,000 NEW WEEKLy R06KY MOUNTAIN NEWS TUG Denver, Colo. frrt' ati'st bona fide pMze offer ever mnfie hi lilt. Wei l or boiltli. ThNews Is the representative paper of -- it is stivers rtiampun; It is thp re-- i if lends in thought, es In nvs. !j t, 'fhe Just been enlarped and eekly it conims the latent a.nd fullest min-m- e um'1 m'ut.iK stock news; It ha speiMaJ to the Farm, the hoid. Women ond Children; all the brightest edl-tioua?tons ii nd vest comment of the dally con-duns. him to be found In it; it presents In i form the riotnjrs of ell the world It if a frirmty paper withoui a peer. And the Weekly New i determined to have i v Dd nil question the largest ciretilatlorl oC any paper between the Mississippi river and lb !'h .nr roast. Therefore it often to the persons send ms: in the greatest number of JM year--t lv subscriptions before fct:pttaibor lat liextl . these uneyutilltd prizes. Th tif hs HECULAR AGENTS' COMMISSION ALL0WE0 IN ADDITION. CON TES T BEGINS A T ONCE. OPEN TO EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE. For particulars address Tli JNcrvvs j jl 1 ' IVintint' Denver, Colo. THURMAN & Co, fjj'J r. Cady's CondlUm Y udors, ,i rovvii ' ,v' Blt .'jxt rf:t v porsV-kw- - WEDGWOOD, Attorneys Room. F. W. CHAPPELL, w ; . . ONE PRIZE OF . . . KANSAS. DISEASES OP THE SKIN. Tho intense itching and smarting S,M and olliSi dent to eczema, tetter, diseases ofthe shin is instantly allayed' epplying Chamberlains Eve and been Ointment. Many very bad cases have It is equally permanently cured by it. efficient for itching piles and a favorite fits Blk. edy for sore nipples; chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites, and chronic sore eyes. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. ALLEN, Manufacturers of Harness and Saddles and dealers in all kinds of horse furnishing $6,!4iL75 Utah A ttorney-at-La- I UlTY salt-rteur- rPlumb-ors- Fortune ln Prizes Price Tliii ,0.1 limited nuiiibir of persons. VMI be completed in 40 lessons. i5 course No charge for diplomas. Address, COMMERCIAL CAPITAL TOPEKA, w Nephi Druggists. Home Print Weekly Published in Utah. All Book-keepin- i No ini-''..- . vAffiottt It. Weekly, L NV CO. Addrov' Lroudwuji icw Vori City l and Best a A vt ri of anv LafToct wond. mnu should ve;ir; Vu IiCAi;-.v- for To advertise our College we will give thorough course of instruction in Douand ble unit Single Entry Coininer.ial Arithmetic, by mail, at 1 talon c.ui a uot.ee given lrce o. t pntci-- V-- A. LUNT & SON, goods. !C0 URSE CAVEV UTAH WOOL GROWERS ASSOCIATION, E. R. Booth, Manager. NEPHI HOUSE, Mrs. E. GuUistirough, propr. UNION HOTEL, Mrs. C. R. Foote, propr. M. McCUNE, Bakery and Confectionary. OSTLER Trains leave Manti for Sterling, Funks Lak and Morrison at 3:00 p. m., Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Returning arrive at Manti at 6:90 p. m. Dtreot connections at Nephi with Unloi radifle Railway from and to Salt Lake City, Ogden, Butte, Provo, Milford and intermediate points, and all pointe East and Went. Stop on signal. The Company reserves the right to vary rom this Time Table at pleasure nn-rrmr- coloring, Without exageration and without of the lovely the foregoing is a description of Juab County in the of Capital Nephi, city which are found the mines of Tintic, the wonWest. Beder and admiration of the Great a sides Tintic, tile rich mines of Fish Springs, anil other wealthy and portion of Deep Creek Growing camps art part of Juab County Followin; is n directory of Nephi's business hustlers: K easiest, fl Hot and Gold Baths. miles up the pure springs distant some three five miles, the canyon. To the is west about and of easy acmountain range low, rolling with rich pasturage. To cess, and abounding range the east a couple of miles, the Nebo to the north east a few miles abrubtlyiif rises,Nebo of the into rises Mt. regions the top COOPER, PYPER & CO. Dealers in Hardware, Tinners and The Largest 1S95. Nephi City Boarding Ilouse Dealers in Wool, Gram etc. not ublio u n II. HAWKINS Main Street UTAp.. SubsGsibs por Fondert, Receivers. e system of It is supplied with a complete along which Hows the w ater from C. ANDREWS Salt Lake City, - meanVto obtain a showing cl their gooda TIME TABLE NO. 16. but they were all turned away under the the application ot the rule forbidding Effective Sunday, November 17th, try of patent mediolQes and nostrutnss The dicision o- the Worlds fair authorities in favor of Ayers Sarsaparilla wasan effect as follows: Ayers Sarsaparilila is not a patent medicine. It does not belong to the list of nostrums. It is here on itsmerits. eternal snow, Clothiers, , orks Ele-liu- a) am 3.3i am 2. ill am VALLEY RAILWAY water-w- $, ;; pm 3.35 j m SAN PETE ( 'Bicycles are the Best. Ancient Egyptian ((methods of agriculture are Ar Frederick ; Aiw J Bogel, the leading druggist Dr. Kings New Shreveport, La., sa.vs: that cures my the is thing only Discovery I have. J. seller best is the and it cough, Ariz., of Salford, merchant F. Campbell, Dr. King's New Diseoveiv is all writes: thatis claimed for it; it never fails, and is anil a sure cure for Consumption, Coughs Colds. I cannot snv enough for its merits. Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption Con Mis and Colds is not an experiment. It Jceutury-inhas been trieel for a quarter of a stands at the head. It never all Drug disappoints. Free trial bottles it Lead in the race Come and see us. I - pm Lv ) 4.21 o-- 1 tun Leamington am Oasis.... am Clear Lake 1.95 aia 6.25 am ArjMil- - I Lv 9 10 pm T oo am Lv ) ford ( Ar s IS pm 8.45 am ....Frisco.... 7. oil pin Leave Arrive on No. 1 South, Tuesday, Thursday Sleeper ami . aturilay. sleeper on Mo. 2 North, Mondays. Tues- GeoirraphieaPy, Neplii City is sitnatod almost in the center of Utah. Its latent natural resources are practically unlimited. Its ac2) of of tive resources consist and (4) Horticulture; i3) of the .sheep industry and West South of minerals. To the North, is a lame area of as fine airrieultural lands as can be found in Utah. Abundant cropshus-of eereals aud alfalfa idess the labors of the bandmen. To the North. thousands of acres of natural meadow, watered by large springs, emerald carpet. The spread out like a great unexcelled vegetable gardens of Xephi are in the wett. Its fruit ami that of its contiguous towns, is as perfect as ean be grown in this latitude. - ) i 5.18 pin 5.12 pm 4.52 pin 4.84 pm - j 2 wealthy firms and large w arehouses for the storing and handling of product A couple of miles east of the city, aud near the mouth of Salt Creek Canyon, is a veritable mountain of pure orystalized gypsum. Convenient to the quarry, is a complete mill for which is grinding aud rchiiing the toproduct the shipped being continuously 300 tons last states of the Pacihe Coast, month being the output. rely Up Salt Creek canyon and north eastfrom springs gush about nine miles, pure saltmeans one of the of the mountain side, and by most complete salt manufactories in the United Ftates, the brine is converted into table, that has but fowenuals dairy aud packinginsalt the world. The brine is and no superiors 35 per cent, salt and the supply practical y unlimited. In addition to the manufactured product, there are several mines or quarries of rock salt, the extent of which cannot be computed. As a distributing point, Nephi recognizes key to but one superior in Utah. It is the of two Southern Utah, and' with the advantage to east and out the south, railroads stretching withoui question, the best point in ( furnishes Utah for the establishment of manufactories and wholesale housety The attractions of Nephi as a resiie-e- e town, are unique in their variety. Itofisthesitudiated on almost the highest portionnorth into the ilow of waters vide that turns south-ward into the Sevier rivUtah lake and Sevier lake the deadl er thence onward to the Its altitude, gravelly-soisea of Millord County. and perfect drainage insure the best of are such, that health, in fact, the conditions have occurred in but two cases of diptheria a live years among population of nearly 8, K). aud progressive. The Its citizens are thrifty w ide streets and avenues of large shade trees, elegant cosey cottages, beautiful lawns and modern public buildings, make of Nephi a a is real life which in luxury. place 1iKliU), C(Li)l!Al)OSPS, ii.N Ell. EFFECTIVE APRIL 20 1894- Train No. 2 leaves Salt Lake S 'D a in. arso rives a1 Fuel lo d in a in., t'omr.i .springs l Creek 9:50 7. ill a. n. Denver 19:?0a m, I a. in. Shortest line to Cripple Lv eek.l olorados great gold camp, Tran. leaves Salt Lake 7 :40 p. m. arrives at Pueblo 5 ;2. p, m. Lolorad.i Springs, 6:53 p. m.. Denier Si:25 p. in. Colorado CniiiiecUoiis made at ruehlo, Springs and Denver with all Iiiicm flint. da eon. lies, ehiur ears, and Pullman sleepers on all trains. Take the D. A R. G. and hnvea comfortable trip and enjoy ttie finest scem-ron the continent. S. K. HOOPER, A.- S lil'i.HKS. G. I. A T. A., Traffic Manatrer, Denver, Colo. Denver, Colo. II. M. CL SUING, B. F. NEVINS, Gem-raA vent. Tra". Pass Agt. Traiussouhof Juab run daily Exorrt Slkado, where there is the finest of mountain DAYS grass and clear running water, which is Two through trains dally from Salt free of cost to the sheep men. The com- Lake to all points Last. Through Pullman Palace Sleepers fmm Salt pany has also provided sleeping accomo- Lake to Chicago without change be will which especially kept dations, improved Tourist Sleepers. n Free Reclining Chair ears. for sheep men who stop there to gra;-tioday coaches. Elegant mntiGS can handle We their sheep. your The only line operating dining ear service. The shortest and fastest litis te all points for all ea8tero marUets. Before orderly east. for write furtsc? your cars, be sure and E. I). WIUKINS, Agent, Ntphi. information to either JD. K. Burley, Genl Apt. PaT. Dept.,' City Ticket Office, 201 Main st., Bull Lake B. F. Nevins, General Agent, E. L. Lomax, tien'l Paaegr. and Ticket Afft. E. DickiuHon, Genl Mngr., Oiuaba George A. Hawkes, Traveling Freil S. H. II. Clark, Ageut, Oliver W. Mink, A. J. Gregory, Traveling Frai eh E. Ellery Anderson, John V. Deane, Agent. 58 West 2nd South St. , Salt Lake E. aS is snldi larkin Vtat of two AM' KX 1 pm July 1st improved and enlarged their sheep corrals at Tennessee Pass, Color- day's and Fridays. attention W. CAINE 5.2X ... Iunsou.., 7.29am I' 10am Nephi Art Juab Lv 6f ii am Nephi Her Resources, Advantages and Attractions. city. merchant of Chil Mr. R. B. he had consump certifies that Ya. howie, sought all tion, wa. given up to die,money could that medical treatment, he could remedies all tried cough procure, hear of, but no relief ; spent many nights to try pitting up in a chair; was induced Dr. Kings New Discovery, and vas cured byrase of two bottles. For past three and years has been attending to business, is the says Dr. Kings New Discovery has done grandest remedy ever made, as it so much for him and also others in his Discovery community. Or. Kings New Cois guaranteed for Coughs Colds andDottles nsumption. It dont fail. Trial ree at all Drug Stores. A. Rio Grande B. R. & The Denver Ar 2.SD Semi-Weekl- Semi-Weekl- j Lv unet . . 8. 40am 7.10 pm Amern Fork 8. Wain am 7.17 pm Pleast tirove 8 Siam 8. wain am 7.40 pm Provo am 7.59 pm Spanish Fork 7.44 am 10. 25 12 01 2.111 SHEEP MEN. ATTENTION, I pm 7 ho pm 0 80 pm ft 01 pm 7.00 pm . .Lchi J 9.57am 8.12 pm 1.00am 9.15pm 11. w pm Reduced to $2.00 per Year After Jun 1896. Salt Lake Tribune will 1st the On June y to the price of the Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your reduce 00 per year. The present high standf2 and now a bottle get troubles? If not, get effort ard wili be maintained, and every y in relief.- - This medicine has been found to he will be made to keep the ol the front rank. cure to and relief the pecnliaily adapted all Female Complaints, exerting a wonderIts Value Recognized by Physicians ful direct influence in giving slrength and As a rule I sm opposed to proprietary tone to the organs. If you have Lass of Ap medicines. Still I value a good one. espetite, Constipation, Headache, Faiutiiq pecially when such is the source of relief Excitable from pain. As a topical (external) applies- Spells, or are Nervous, Sleepless, I have found Chamberlains Pain Melancholy or troubled with Dizzy Spells Balm the used best remedy I have need. medicine is you Electric Betters the for neuralgia cf any kind. 1 have many Health and Strength are guaranteed by its entiously recommended it to JANESWILLIAM 11oee,M. D., persons. Dm all at and $1.00 cents use. Fifty VILLE, Wis. Sold by A. Lnnt &. Bon. Stores. Druggists. &.IK) 00 pm 4 0 pm 8.45 am 9. 15 urn 6 AD. : Dentist. Ever 2 10 8.40 am 8.50 am C H. BIRD T. B. FOOTE, Dealer in General and Green Groceries. TBIBUNE. Rio Grande LKADVILLE,: Th Oiiy live h iii,..iii): Two Through Taut Tram Uailv i. 9.25 am .. Fairfield .. 4.39 pm 10.45am... Eureka... 3.20pm Dentist. y Ofrden pm am 3 10 pm Ar i Salt ft.ftO am pm Lv ( Lke am ft 2ft pm Sandy 30 7.40 .00 "WEBB, Wheel Wrights. HYDE A WHITMORE, General Merchandise. THOS. BELLISTON. Agt. Mt. Pleasant Marble Works. J. A. & Line of the World. Scenic In effect, Aprils, 189ft. Train arrive and depart at various stations James daily as follows : North-bounSouth bound. Stations. Arr. Leave Arr. Leave Faxman, Supt. KNOWLES ur njuih si 11 A I LRU LOCAL TIME CARD, NEBO SALT MANUFACTURING CO. A. Cazier, Supt. EXCELSIOR MERCANTILE CO. Dealers in General Merchandise. A Danver The M. C. OSTLER, Boot and .iuoe maker. FRANCIS SELLS, V. : ' J. FEXTON w A Boarding bouse and Restaurant. ALSO READ THIS SEMI-wEEKL- A H. H. HAWKINS, Troubled With Rheumatism Read This. Annapolis, Md., Apr. 16, 1S94. I have used Chamberlain, a pain Bain for rh umutism and round it to be all that ia claimed lor it. 1 believe it to be the best preparation for rheumatism and deep seated muscular pains, on the market and cheerfully recommend if to the nublic. Jno. G. Brcoks, dealer iu boots aboes, etc.. No. 18 Main St. to Loan. one hundred to Lunt&Son, Druggists. from amount In any On dollars. ten thousand improved farm property or on water stock. T. C. Winn, Couuty Recorder, SALT LAkE aud Papers, plain Twines, Cutters, etc. wrapping Butchers. If Money Store. PRINTERS SUPPLIES and Printed cok have needed ever si nee sjroons were tiist invented. Anyone can get a sample stamps to spoon by sending ten Miss Fritz. This is splendid w ay to make BVery truly, money around home. Co .fajer WHCLESAi, DEALER EN i railway owning the Short Line between Chicago and Omaha, they must go via the cities of Milwaukee and St. Paul to reach their destination if it be Chicago or east thereof. This is a mistaken jdea. On a map the line running directly east and west would look like this. STANDS AT THE HEAD- Lambert N. CHAS. FOOTE A SONS Miss A. M. Fritz, Station A., iSt. Louis, Dealers in General Merchandise. Mo., would give an elegant plated hook NEPHI COOPERATIVE spoon to anyone sending her ten 2 cent STITUTION. 1 sent lor one ami found it so camps. J. Ord, Supt. eel'll 1 tha; I slowed it to my friends, V. H, PETTEGKEW, d made l:;.oo in inn hours, taking Mamifaetur of and dealer in Harness, Milcrs lor the sp .ori. '1 he hook spoon is Saddles, and Sheep-Men'- s supplies. ini household i ei It cminot slip c."ity. S PAINTER, JNO. to the dish or ng essel, being held Dealer in General and green Groceries. in ihe place by a hook on the back. The ORD BROTHERS CLOTHING CO, spoon is something that housekeepers Dealers inClothing and Geui s furnishings liecause Paul are Did You 7 W. M. STOUT, Repairer of Boots and Shoes. The New Hook Spoon Free to all. I read in the Christian Standard that Miar people unacquainted with of the West imagine that NaLi, Utah, Satiin?a, Jan. 2J Ke-ub- lic 1 and - at - Law. 3, First National Bank PROVO, miumi .. mw.w Building. UTAH. -- naeg |