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Show t The Republic Nephi, Utah, Saturday, Jan. 23 CURIOUS CLOCKS. One 'Without Works Whs Prominent In the Freurh Palace. ' The timepiece ordered of Bouchier by Due dAumule's "rand father for the urd GeorgelV.of prince of England, was recently sold iu Iaris. It is iu the form of an Degress head, modeled admirably. Jewels are, in the bronze around the neck to form a necklace, in the woolly hairand in the bust, as a clasp for the handl.erthh f. k A pair of gold t airings, long and delicately carved, hang from the ears. On pulling one of them the hour is fcliown on the right ete and the minute on the' left. If the other earring is drawn a set of musical I ells, lodged w here the, brain should be, chimes out the time of day. A clock w ithout v. orks is a distinct novelty, yet one formerly stood in the splendid four de .Marble at .Versailles, w here it was installed in the reign of Ixtuis XIV. Its hands always ointed to the exact moment of tbe death of the last king of France, and it never moved during his sueeisMrs reign. Thus, as one writer has put it, it was a perpetual reminder to the most splendid of courts that the paths of glory lead but to the grave. In the privtae collection of a gentleman in the south of Fnglarul is a timepiece which records the age of all the planets by an arrangement which gives the exact revolutions of each one. I.esidos giving the golden mimler, the dominical letter, and other similar information of equal interest, this remarkable cluck records the time when it is high title at various points in Some time ago a description appeared in an American journal of a Japanese clock standing in a frame three feet high and five broad, representing a landscaK- of great beauty. In Ihe foreground were plum and cherry trees in full bloom, while in the rear was a hill, gradual in ascent, from w liichllow ed a cascade of crystal. From this point a threadlike stream glidtd along, encircling recks and tiny islands in its wanderings, but presently losing stretch of woodland. In itself in a the sky turned a golden sun, indicating as it passed the striking hours, which were marked ufson the frame below, w here a slowly creeping tortoise served as a hand. A bird of exquisite plumage, resting on the branch of a plum tree, proclaimed by its singing the expiration of each hour; while, when the song ceased, a little mouse sprang from a grotto close by, and running over the hill hastily disappeared in the distance. J j Wal'-s.atter- e. T, DENTIST. Mikes a Specialty of Gold Crown and Bridge work. Teeth withoet plates. Wool Growers NURSERY COLO L ADO -- for supposed to contain THE . TROY THE,. THROUGH I jj STEAM LAUNDRY ROOKY MOUNTAINS! Sparks Jr- - Agent Frank J. Cannon Arthur Brown. j Delegate to Congress C. E. AU0n. kst ccticeiit sans scbt' STATE OFFICERS. Governor FIRST HATIOHAL BAKU of KEPHI. I Ash your grocer Pri.ljcfpp.vi Trains liar. ;,L EACH WAY BETWEEN OGOEN, SALT LAKE AND OENVE for Tea. J. BRANDENSTEIN & CO. Sun Francisco and Yokohama Secretary of State Treasurer James Hammor' T. James Chipm T Auditor Morgan Richards J A. C. lJislf Attorney General John R. Pci Supt. of Public Instruction ( S Zaue. G. W Bavcl Judges of Supreme Court J. A. Miner. Capital 050,000. Surplus, 07,500. Member Lower House Registrar Land Otbce Receiver Land oftiee BANKING IN ALL BRANCHES. ITS Adelbert Lazier, Bryon Uroe Direct Connections made in Union Depots. THE K03T T30R07fi3tV Utah. m a.i ESS sauce-pa- For 34 years ihe Lading Foil in E. R. Booth Southern Utah. Refitted; and Replete with ed every T. L. Foote Wm, Bailey Juab Stake Convenience, Win. Paxman Nephi, President.. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers. Charles Sperry and James W. Paxn Counselors. Nephi; Free Bus to aid from depot. RIFHOPC ARDS. , Peter Lautensoei Livery and feed stable connected with it. Eureka Uobt. C. Stevensoi Juab X. P. Rasmussei Levan Jas. H. Nevvtot Mona Wm. H. Warner Nephi First II. GOLDSBROUGII, T. H. G. Parkes Second Thns. Orgill, P. E,. Wellington Proprietor. THE CITY LIQUOR STORE, Tbe Finest a i d most complete Lines ! Liquors and Cigars in Nephi. Pabsts and Salt Lake leer g on hand. CTABERNAOLE AND WARD fcBRVICEg Services every Mimlay in the Tabernacle at 2 oclock p. m. Sabbath School 10 oclock a. m Y. L. M. I. Association meetings are held in The specific and universal opinions, condensed, aa follows: You deserve great praise, and the gratitude Aeast of the reading world that portion of It, GREAT that is fortunate enough to read TIIEown. It la its field entirely DIVIDE. Having a Intensely American In cast and character. It is useless for us to say, the illustrative in features and typography are superb equaland to the fascinating quality and unusualnss k ran go contents that fill our columns. TEN CENTS a copy; ONE DOLLAR a year, Tour newsdealer has it, if not, send to THE GREAT DIVIDE, Denver, fc. tre R. Edgbill Prop. and Fridays of each wk. COWAN, r.M M.'H 253wex "I w V of Closing Payments. Ka.b at Temple of Music, 23S OiB.ce. Arrival.1 Closino. For Sanpete and southeastern Utah. 10:45 1 For all points north including eastern 3:15F western and Tintic Mails 8:45 i For all points north and sonuth ofpiceJhourr. General delivery, money order, registry an? atamp window open from 9 a. . to 5 p. m. BCHDATS. SALT S. Main. LAKE CITY. For particulars call on W. L. Roe at. this office. Use Three urown Baking Powder. Gvueral delivery and stamp window opal from 12m. to 1 p, in. H. F. McSujie, P. M. NEILSON & SlERRY The only First-ClaShop in Nephi. ss Barber Conations' Treatment (1 uaranteeJ : vm I.- - What! LONG TIME Dinner From Sanpete and souteeastenUtah 11 :05ai From all points north including eastern, western and Tintic mails.... 11 tOfiae 6:4 From the north and south Ohobuia B. . Re- Sunday School at 9 oclock a. m. Regular services Sunday 7:30 p. m. Rev. J. A. Smith, Pastor, Nephi Post Agnt. Idea The National Pecorder and the public One Year 82.00. Rev. O. S. Wilson, pastor regular services, Sunday at 1 oclock a. m. and 7 oclock p. m. Prayar meeting at107 oclock p. m. Wednesdays, Sunday school at o'clock a. m. Arrival and Your home is Incomplete witlumt it, and the price is within roach of all. I ordered one for my own use and it was so handy anil convenient I went to taking orders for them nnd sold 51 in onea day making over f." clear. It gives beautiful white light, chimneys never, break from heat, it islwsys e een m d. ready. Francia Case St. Locks Mo., will send aainple for IS two cent stumps write for one. I got my start from him VJanted-f- cn So-pa- U. S. POST OFFICE. Make your Own Lantern. 2.-3- S Washington, D. C. of this pater. Write for our pamphlet , FREE. gygtr Reference-ed- itor Trices and teems to suit every one. Utah Steam Laundry. JOSEPH 61SF Street, N.W., Presbyierdin. finest gloss is placed on all our Collars, Cuffs, etc. Mondays Box 385. Easy Is the one that guarantees the iineit and most artistic finish on their work. The call for work JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, the First ward every Wednesday eveniug and in the Second Tuesday evenings. Frunary meetings every Saturday at 3 oclock p. in. High Priests meetings, first Saturday ii each month at 2 o'clock p. m. The Best Laundry Wa Patents taken out through us receive special notice in tlie National Recorder, published at Washington, D. C., which is the bestnewspaper published in Amerioa in the interests of inventors. We furnish a years subscription to this journal, free of cost, to all our clients. We also advertise, free of cost, the invention each month which wins our $150 prize, and hundreds of thousands of copies of the National Recorder,' containing a sketch of thewmner, and a description of his invention, will be scattered throughout the United States among capitalists and manufacturers, thus bringing to then attention the merits of the invention. All communications regarded strictly confidential. Address We Sell Them. Courteous treatment to all. J. bottle-stopp- er " IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. (ouneilmen ; Jas, F, Wright, John Sidwell, Martin Larson, John Ellison, Alfred Lunt. O. P. Goldsbrofigh James Schofield Abraham Orme Wni. Stout 1 and a thousand other little things that most any one can find a way of improving ; and these simple inventions are the ones that bring largest returns to the author. Try to think of something to invent. CITY OFFU ERS Marshall; Treasurer;. City Justice; City Attorney : Supt. Water Works $:;aoo every month given away to ahy one who ap. plies through us for the most meritorious patent during the month preceding. We secure the best patents for our clients, Sheri IT Assessor and Collector... Clerk and Recorder .'William Burton, Thomas Winn ...Edward Pike Attorney. or T. C. Hanford Survey Treasurer ...Win Ockey Coroner Kustiee John T. Miller Superintendent Schools Recorder; GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. and the object of this offer is to encourage inventors to keep track of their bright ideas. At the same time we wish to impress upon the public the fact that IT S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, " which can be easily slid up such as the u and down without breaking the passengers back, M Charles Foote Hugo Deprezin A. L, Jackman J. T. Sullivan D. W. Cuzier Mayor: .J $1800.00 . EQUIPPED EAILWA? vs sr: Frank Harris. . -- of CUarge. I-ro-fl JUAB COUNTY DIRECTORY. Selectmen GENERAL i ELEGANT RECLINING CHAIR CJC Hober M. Wellr Judge Fifth Judicial District.... E. V. Higgii, Senator, Seventh District.. ..James P. Driscoll NEPHI HOUSE were among the mostelaborate in Faris told his servants one morning that he was not going out. Hut a couple of hours or so later, he hail occasion to alter his plans and order hiis carriage. The hostler came back after a short interval and announced that the horses and carriages were in the stables but that the coachmam bad gone around to the saddlers and all the grooms were gone on various errands. The millionaire instantly left the house, hailed a r and cab, drove to the nearest y C. S. TINGEY, Cashier. Nephi C'ty, Tit for Tat, baron whose stables in packages 1 i 'iris woiiL i ' . true-ltor- the best imported. Weighs full 8 and 6 ounces. AND TUB Tsoi Directory. Senators Pride of Japan Tea 5 Choice of Three Distinct Routes, State Officers and Juab County S or one pound weigh only 6 and in ounces. The Old Reliable E. II. U one-ha- lf RA1LWAYI Dont Forget Building, GF.O. C. WHITMORE, President. W. S. MeCORNICK, tandard Gauge Utali o plli some packages that are . Satisfaction Guaranteed. ork railed for and delivered every week Ladies shirt waists a specialty. Office at Sparks Candy & Cigar store. T horse-deale- you buy in packages CO. DENVER. Weigh the 1 ea Boys, Main St. Noplii Utali. port. Historical society the small triangle of laud at the northern end of Thames street, at the junction of Farewell street, inclosing the Liberty tree, lieing the land heretofore conveyed by William Heed to William Hlleiy , John Collins, Robert Crook and Samuel Fowler anil their successors, by deed bearing date of April 14, 177ti. William A. Clarke was the last surviv iug trustee, in succession to the trust under the . deed. The deed Sets forth that the said tree; forever hereafter be known ly tlietiame of the tree of liberty, and be set apart to anil for the use of the Sons of Liberty, and that- the same stand as a monument of the spirited and noble opposition made to the stamp act in the year 17ht! by tbe Sons of Liberty in Newport, Rhode Island, aud throughout the continent of NoDh America, and be considered as emblematic of public lilierty, of her taking deep root in English Americn, of her (Strength and spreading protection by her benign influences, refreshing her sons in all their just struggles against the attempts of tyranny aud oppression; and, furthermore, the said tree of liberty is destined and set apart forex-posinto public ignominy and reproach all offenders against the liberties of their country and abetters and approvers of such as would enslave her. and that the same may le repaired to tion all rejoicing o'n account of the rescue and deliverance of liberty from any danger that she may have been in of being subverted anil overthrown; and. furthermore, that the said tree of Lbertv stand as a memorial of the firm and unshaken loyalty of the American Sons of Liliertv to his majesty King George III., and of their inviolable attachment to the happy establishment of the Protestant succession in the illustrious house of Hanover; and, in general, said tree is hereby conveyed to and apart for such other nes ns they, n Sons of Liberty, shall the from time to time, from age to age, and in all time and ages forever hereafter, apprehend, judge and resolve mny subserve the glorious cause of public liberty. American Historical Register. n ill till nt W a a Nice Drink Visit the TsT V, Times. well-know- When You THE w A I stock leal Soriety. Audley Clarke and Dumont Clarke, hciirN-ut-hiof the late William A. Clarke, have transferred to the. New- . I All kinds of beer, liquors aud cigam in 11. r 1 THE . J. A. Booth, Dr. LIBERTY TREE TRANSFER. Now the Property of the Newport Ilixtor . . BLACKETT BROS. - far-ol- The Golden Eagle The Lapps are first mentioned as lieing conquered by the Swedes and Xorwegians in the Thirteenth centurv. open-wor- Eu-ro)- eoaehbuilder, brought thero back with him and sold on the spot every one of his horses and carriages to them. What, then, was the amazement of the small army of coachmen and grooms when they came home to find that a clean sweep had been made and that their oc- cupaticn was gone! Now tlie baron al- -i ways goes about in cabs and says he prefers them. Chicago Record. 2kX : w tbn. tt. - - ' NopUi PUREST Ytmn AUD i SELLS IT. BEST. WyjLLTt JJJBC3. V fcai CAL". 11212 CIST?, L2AII |