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Show m CslkM i ll do jvTj "7 l,, h y4 (- -" L 3 - - ?V , " i lU ' V , r- - Ji m ... -- fy ''"' H A ij VOLUME IV. ffifS -- Mum. ngs ft Senator Teller is assured a walk over in the Colorado senate. tr iM Jv ,q. f A ;A v.v L x , J ' j aI r u p-- i'i .vA Ly 1 1- - - laden with work-Cit- y men sank while crossing the Usk at Newport, England, and seven lout of fifteen persons on board wero drowned. A VV- - tisrl j Dr. well-know- 5 There is no truth in the state that Howard Ivyle and Victory Bateman are to be nrrried. westward. ft Eleanor ft Democrats and Populists cannot as yet come together in the Idaho senatorial contest, (. ft ft TLl3 ft City Council Leggett, M. P., a well Dispenses With His Services. known woman physician, has died' L. I., after at her home in Ehi'-hlnThe city council mot in session an illness of two years. She was ex induing board to consider asan GO years of age, and the wife of Dr, the charges whibh had been pro Thomas (h Leggett, now in Los preferred against City Marshal Angeles, Cal. John Love. The mayor presided g j ft The Government, of Dutch Guiana has granted a million acres of selected gold lands to a British syndicate. The Pull Mull Gazette in a, leadbeach. on the UNCLE SAM Are these the only pebbles ing article wai ns the Konian church in Canada that (i ot ot 81 postal wo cv. less it ab unions its arrogant assurn-funcuu itod Sixteen children There was a violent earthquake V . chief J. Cunningbui, tion 0f gjvermental powers and Monday at Laibach, Austria, ac- at a fire at the BuAner's orphan was clerk cf the olerH'al iutorfer nice in politics, it s'ainp department companied by underground rum- home at Dallas. Texas, early um100 tor also arrested AVin endanger its existence, embezzling day morning, Jan. 17. blings. from the same account. , . . Indianapolis was treated to a The London Chronicle reports ' Marcus Aurelius Ilmua has the A crisis h is b mm reieh 1 in the sensational performance in that United States Senator Edward formally declared that he is out startwoman's Leadviilo strike. six.duy bicycle race, The mine nvn- 0. Wolcott will return to Amr tica for senator. hint theie be el to o. have ers deicd the nignt. 'iillio An pump about the end of January. 4 I 10 laps, which is miles mad s01' iloodout. This moan:; the The CallMer TatPckhlud suit for an eighteening of the mines, and which wi. I the world s record General Iliveria says they want will be heard at Fillmore. Milhud track. lap rifles and cartridges and not men. count, as it was in that county where the of once was committed. The New Castle (Pa.) tin mills, ft the largest in the world, sustained Senator John F. Allred emphatia 50,000 loss Jan. 18 by fire. The f Ohio rs, spoke before cally stated that he would not vote oodrud sents a re- President jroujng department of the mill was for Moses Thatcher now that he the ways and means committee of from a oenaior dispatch plyto aiin0fet entirely destroyed. The had taken a stand to vindicate his the house on January G, on the Teller, and washes it to fire will throw over 500 men out of distinctly of bill Wdson the ruinous policy position against the church. be undcratood nat the church ia same time tor at and the employment. arguing ft ft ft not influencing votes either for or a in duties an advance The Cincinnati Enquirer states, Dubois. Senator The Peers of England Liberal against 0 that a Pittsburg inventor has perThe board of pardons have deelected the Earl of unanimously fected a flying ' machine which cided that Ilarry Hayes will not Mayor Phelan f San Francisco Kimberly, late Minister of Foreign really llies. hang. They have commuted the las undertaken to assist the Affairs, leader of the Liberal party sentence to imprisonment for life. ne-stricken ft ft ft inhabitants of India, in the House of Lords, in place of Emma Spreckles Watson, the s and announc that contributions Lord Rosebery, resigned. of favorite daughter California citizens rejoice over of grain and money will be thankft air Claus Spreckels, is reported to defeat of the Pacific Bailroad's hill. fully received. T lie Columbian John L. .Sullivan is going into have deeded back to her father a Mass meetings are of irequait oc- Banking company lias o fibred to A prominent stage life again. fortune of $2,000,000 and to have currence showirg their jubilaney. fonvaul ail such contributions free him will in charge take manager made herself a comparatively poor 0 of charge. and put him on the Eastern circuit woman, because she was chided for F. M. McBride, postthis season, and if successful will marrying Thomas Watson, a San master of Salt Lake city, na-- arThe Missouii Legislatme has send him aci oss the vratcr in the Francisco grain broker, last week. rested Saturday .) an. 17 tV the appointed a committee of seven to summer. Ca-Ithol- ) ) ... der-take- n - wool-grow- j fami- m multi-millio- ferry-boa- t i ie ft St- Ca'-tellau- e, yesterday. ft y le-por- fc l'--- ' A .!,. - ft ft V, j ' . Vi'TjAi William II. Ellerbe was iuaug urated Governor of South Corolimt ft eiK tn.d Bergmann, the German spec! ilkt, denies tlie Mcmiicis of the Northern Pacific emanating from St. Peters Underwriting syndicate are called burg that he liaB been summoned upon far G per cent of their pro- to rforni an pi operation on tlio rate subscriptions, bringing the net Czar. payments up to 1 per cent. The 'profit thus fur on the transaction is Countess foimerly e imputed ai 7 per centMiss Annie Gould, gave birth to a son the other day. Mother and child A special to the St. Louis Ee-- ' doing well. Miss Gould was mar public from Redbud, 111 , says a dis- ried to Count Castellanc on March junct earthquake sho :k was felt 4, 1895. thrnv at 10:2 p. m. M md ly. It was preceded by a roar like thun-- , der and seemed to com i from the LOVE IS OUSTED. ' cast, gra lu illy (lying out to the ... !: v'fh&iTt b The Gleanings of a From Far and hear. ft S; & j . X '.gel''" No. 33 Louis and Ion-a- S polio a Hairs. Four of the members of the committee are Democrat's, two are Itepubliea. is and one a fusion At. There is no St. Louis or Kansas City mm on the committee. invcetigrte K - 'y i1 The senate takes up the Nicaragua canal bill by a vote of 09 to It. 6pJ n r NEPHI CITY, UTAH, SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1897. Content! fir Ihpi'I Wcek-Uappcni- V TX-iX- ih rc imi 4iJ 'vUub,;k 'r-rr- j Interesting Items Yud Z ) K What the Wild Waves Are Saying. TBIUFIL liT O n, as'-Lta- . SIG-- LOT o:sr at the investigation. Attorney Foote appeared on behalf of the city council while Judge F- W. Chappell represented Love. Quite a number of witnesses were examined as to the actions of the marshal on divers occasions betwaqn Oct- 1, 1S9G and Jan 1, 1897, tending to show weather ho was guilty or not of unbecoming conduct as a gentleman and officer. The evidence is too voluminous to bo published, occupying 45 - - manusc'ipt pages. In summing up the city council decided that the officer was guilty as charged, and ordered his dis- missal. In conversation with several of the members of the council w e found that they had no desire to do Mr. Love an injustice, and that the action that they had taken was a most painful one to them. As one of them said; It is our desire a we shall have that city marshal in office who w ill look after the interests of the town and not 6tand by the saloons so much. An officer who will discharge his whole duty and make no favorites of anyone. Senate committee on Judihas reported favorably tho ciary bill introduced by by Senator Hill, fixing the term of post masters at four years. Tic? . I 9 PRICE TO CLOSE TH LL OUT. SELL W t iAi DONT FAIL TO SECURE SOME WHILE THEY LAST. f $ j g ? fTlXS I - i. B |