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Show Willing to Tell It. The check w hich the comely young German handed in at the w indow of a Walnut street saving fund hank the other day was made payable to G retch-en retch-en Schmidt, and she had end-'irad if simply Gretchen Smith. The man t-the t-the receiving teller's window called her back Just as she was turning away to rectify the mistake. "You don't deposit this quite this ' way," he explained. "See, you have forgotten the h. The young woman looked at her check and blushed a rosy red. "Ach, so I haf," she murmured, and wrote hurriedly: "Age 23." Cheerful Anticipation. "Have you seen my 'Descent Into Hell?" asked a poet. "No." said Cunan. warmly; "I should be delighted to see it." From Clark'a "Kmlnent Lawyers." |