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Show i Miss Ruby Webb and Lorenzo Black, and Miss Eliza Whicker and Orson Erlcson, the latter couple to bo married mar-ried In tho temple. Mr, Frlcson has recently returned from a mission In Tennessee. We wonder what Dam-rou's Dam-rou's store will do without Miss Whicker. Saturday night about twenty-five young people, most of them from Deseret, surprised Miss Eliza Whicker with a bundle shower at tho home of Miss Roan Kelly. First they attended the basket bull games In Petty's Hall, where many of the hoys of the party were playing and then at about ten o'clock returned to Miss Kelly's home where the rest of the evening and a few of Sunday's wee hours were spent In games, refreshments and In tho fun of watching Miss Whicker open all her bundles of house-keeping necessities. neces-sities. Tim basket ball games with Oasis and Burtner last Saturday night were such overwhelming victories for Deseret Des-eret as to be almost uninteresting. It takes more evenly matched teams to make a really exciting game. It Is understood that the Athletic Club of Deseret plans to elect new officers soon and effect a complete re-org uilzatlon. The entire time of the Sunday evening even-ing meting of the M. I. A. was devoted de-voted to a preliminary debate. Resolved: Re-solved: "That popular election of United States Senators Is preferable to the present method of election by tho state legislatures," between John Reeve and William Stapeley of Hinckley Hinck-ley and William Gardner and Nels Peterson of Deseret. Although some of the speakers were not fully prepared, pre-pared, the debate proved very Interesting Inter-esting and the majority decision of tho Judges, Milton Moody, Bishop Damron and Mr. Hilton was In favor of the affirmative, represented by Deseret. Our team will meet the Fillmore Fill-more debaters In the near future. The rapid recovery of J. V. Black's llttlo girl from typhoid fever Is a fine example of what Intelligent care on flrtPjmrt of -vile parent, good nrrrslngl and strict following of the doctor's orders can do In the treatment of that disease. Carelessness as to perfect cleanliness and disinfection, promiscuous promis-cuous feeding, confusion and the admission ad-mission of visitors, lack of efficient nursing are sure to run up a needlessly needless-ly large doctor's bill and prolong the Illness. The people of Deseret extend their sincere sympathy to Fdltor Dresser In his dreadful misfortune. We ought more than ever to appreciate his efforts ef-forts In behalf of Millard -County, for certainly no county In the state can boast of a better county paper. Apparently a good many Deseret people are planning to go to Salt Lake during Conference. May S.iit Lake be good enough to provide pleasant pleas-ant weather and send us all home more satisfied with Millard County mid more determined to develop all its resources. "PIONEER." More Deseret, This has been an exciting week for the Eighth Graders. Mr. Ashman, county superintendent, missed stage connections that would have brought hltn to Deseret on Monday; so the banquet nnd dance planned for blm and the: Burtner team hid to be poit-poned poit-poned until Tuesday evening. All clay Monday and Tuesday the boys and girls of the eighth grade were busy transforming the Relief Society building build-ing Into a banquet hall, carrying furniture, fur-niture, dishes, potted plants, cleaning chickens nnd making lemonade punch. Tuesday Mr. Ashman visited the grade school and In the evening a delightful de-lightful banquet and dance were en- Joyed by Mr. Ashman, the Burtner ball team Just defeated by Deseret, the teacher, the eighth grade stutbyits! and their friend. Mr. Gardner thej principal and the trustees with their i wives. After Interesting toasts and ; i a short program the hall was cleared j for the dance. j Wednesday, while Mr. Ashman vls-j Bed Hinckley and Abraham, the i i eighth graders were busy cleaning up1, the debris, and In the evening they furnished a program of songs nnd i recitations for the parents' meeting at the school house. Mr. Ashman talked ( to the parents urging the necessity of their co-operntlng with the teachers i in order to make a success of the Mil- lard County schools. He plead f or H co-operation especially In these mat-'i ters: home help only by suggestion! and not by dnlnir the children's work i for them; willingness to have the', teachers put. pupils In the grades' where they could do their bet work; I, special training In character by les-J , sons In economy, honesty, diligence,! and the fullest development of all til- ents. He expressed deep appreciation' of the cordl.il hospitality of the Den- eret people. , ' Who !) Deseret Is dead? Cupid doesn't think so, for he has been very ; llvefy about here and he knows that' where there t love there is life. He Is proud to announce that next week two DcPTt couples will make a memorablrt pilgrimage to Salt Lake |