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Show Treasure Chest Is Unearthed , Two Soys Find a Box Containing Some Gems and Letter Almost H legible. Special to Tho Tribune. ANACONDA. MonL. July S. Two boys. Phil Daniel3 and Jlmmle Spftlman. of this city unearthed a inystorlous treasure chest today Svhllo digging in a bank at tho head of Maple street, and the find has aroused considerable interest. Tho box uncovered by the lads Ib about fourteen inches equarc and made of heavy plank, bound with heavy iron bands. It was found to contain a small diamond pin, two unst opals, -several pieces of gold quartz, a piece of copper ore, brooch set with small pearls, two unset Imitation diamonds dia-monds and copper nuggets. In tho box also was a letter written on a pleca of paper pa-per so badly decayed aa to be almost entirely en-tirely Illegible. A fow worda woro deciphered, de-ciphered, written in a largo hand, and thoy seemed to Indicate that the chest contained a secret of greater treasure hidden hid-den perhaps In some other place, or location loca-tion of a mine somewhere. Tho following Is all that could bo made out of tho message: mes-sage: "This client contains kov to chest which Is burled did. dig. ne-gold " No key wa found In therchcst and why tho thing was buried is a complete mystery. Tho chest evidently had been in the ground for years. |