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Show ItllHIMIHIIMllHHK HAPPENINGS ABROAD f tlllinilHII MIHMIHH- TIFLIS. Persia, July 8. Thero aro 300 doathu dally In Thr.in. and the cholera epidemic Is rapidly spreading throughout northern Persia. ODESSA, July S. Tho Government Is establishing es-tablishing with all haste a medical and military cordon In trans-Caucasia against the importation of cholera from Persla. VIENNA. July S. Polish papers report that tho Governor-General of Warsaw has asked permission to placo Russian Poland In the minor of statf of Siege, as otherwise other-wise it will be Impossible for him to prevent pre-vent an uprising of the disaffected population. popula-tion. LONDON, July S. In tho course of tho discussion of the Irish land bill In the House of Commons today Timothy Healy, Nationalist, fiercely attacked John E. Redmond, the Irish leader, for selling his estate on tho basis of twenty-four and a half years' purchase. ST PETERSBURG. July S. It Is officially offi-cially announced that henceforth that when cotton or woolen goods manufactured manufac-tured In Russia arc exported to foreign countries or to Amur territory, the dutlos paid on foreign material used In tho production pro-duction will be refunded. JTBUTIL, French Somaliland. July 8. W. H. Ellis, carrying the treaty of commerce com-merce between the United, States and Abyssinia to Emperor Mcncllk. arrived hero today from Marseilles. Ho says he has heard nothing whatever concerning F. Kent Loomls. PARIS. July 8. A private letters from a member of tho party accompanying W. II. Ellis says the latter was taken suddenly sick on board the steamer and was In the doctor's care. His illness, however. Is not considered likely to Interrupt Ellis's mission. |