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Show TRADING WAS LIGHT IN THE STOCK PIT For $1622.25 the customer at yesterday's yester-day's sessions on the mining exchange was permitted to walk forth with 10,500 shares of stock, nor were the counters entirely bereft of Lhcir contents, cither. Con. Morcur, with Its big mill going at steady pace and the- work underground now getting the undivided attention of Manager George Dcrn, was again quite actively dealt In around 24 cents, while a customer was found for several lots of Swansea at -13 cents, with $2.-121A required re-quired to loosen up 500 Montana-Tonopah. Grand Central, by which the usual 525,000 dividend will be paid In July, came out to a bid of 54.10, on which It Is paying nearly 30 per cent per annum, while Daly West relaxed Kb hold on 50 shares at $23.25, with a 40-cent 40-cent dividend to be drawn down next week. Tetro, by which the usual 53000 dividend has been posted, sold at 34 cents and Century at 69V3, .notwithstanding .notwith-standing the undiminished How of gold from that source, while Mammoth, which will distribute $20,000 on Friday next, found a market at IL22, with the talent shorting Yankee Con. around 33:, notwithstanding the contents of Its stocking. The day, after light trading in Butler and Star Con., closed on the following market: I A. M. P. M. I Bid. Askcd. Bid. Asked AJax $ -05l'$ .10 1$ .05 I Mice 13 15 Boston Con . 6.37V4 B.-Beck 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.50 But.-Llberal .10 .10-11 .10 .1031 Carlsa OG .05)1 .OSVi Century 57 .59& .43 .50 Creolo 40 00 Con. Morcur .23 .21 Daly 2.50 3.00 2.50 3.00 Baly-Judgo . 4.25 4.50 4.C0 4.50 Daly West .. 23. 00 23.50 23.00 23.50 E. & B. Bell. .50 .75 .50 .75 Galena OS Gr. Central . 4.05 4.20 3.90 4.13 Horn Silver . l.OO 1.50 1.00 1.50 Ingot 00 00 J. BuLlcr-To 50 Little Chief . .00 .01 , .00 L. Mammoth .lGVi La Relne 051 ........ .05 Mont.-Ton. . 2.25 2.50 2.42 2.00 Mammoth .. 1.21 1.25 1.21 1.24 Mav Day ... .01 .011 .01 .01 McNamara . .40 .CO New York ... .01 .02 .01 i .02 Ontario 3.00 4.50 3.00 Potro CO .00 R.-Anac'da 02 R.-II'stako 50 .50 Sunshlno 04 Swansea 40 .45 .40 .44 S. Swansea. .. .05 1 .07 .04 .07 Sacramento I .1214 -13 .13 Silver King.. 50.00 51.00 53.0) Star Con 11 .13 .11 .1211 Sll. Shield ... .01 .OffVi .05V1 .03 Tonopah .... S.CO 0.00 8.00 9.00 Ton. Belm't. .75 .90 Ton. Exten.. 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.15 Ton. Midway .50 .63 .G2 .02 Unit. States. 21.00 22.00 21.00 22.00 U. S. Con 1G .10 .in .1051 Utah 42 40 .52 Victoria 1.00 1.10 Victor I .01 .02 Wabash .... .01 . Yankee Con.l .33 .34 .32 .31 MORNING'S SALES. Grand Central, 100 at 51.10. May Day, 3000 at lc Mammoth. 100 at 51.22. Butler-Llbcral. 500 at 10ic Century. 100 at 59c. Tetro. 300 at 31c. Shares nold. 54100. Soiling value, S79o AFTERNOON SALES. Con. Mercur, 100 at 24c; 1000 at 23c, seller thirty days; 700 at 23c. Montana-Tonop.lh, 500 at 52.42; 50 at 52 0. Star Con.. 500 at llc, seller thirty day3. Butler-Llborul. 500 at IO7IC Shares sold, 5050. Selling value. 52270.25. OPEN BOARD. Butler-Llbcral, 300 at 10lc. Daly West. 50 at 523.33. Lower Mammoth. 100 at lGic Swansea, 400 at 43c. Yankee Con., 500 at 33c, seller thirty davs. Shares sold. 13o0. Selling value. 5155G. San Francisco Mining Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO, July 8. Tho official closing quotations for mine stocks today were as follows: Andes 5 .21 Halo Sz Nor 70 Bolchcr 19 Justice 5 .10 Best & Belcher. 1.15 Mexican 1.00 Bullion IS Occidental C ... .79 Caledonia 5S Ophlr .. 2.70 Challongo C 11 Overman 20 Chollnr OS Potosl OS Confidence SO Savago .. .IS C C & Va 1.15 Seg Bolchcr 03 Con Imperial .. .01 Sierra Nev 25 Crown Point ... .12 Silver 11111 52 Exchequer 3t Union Con 14 Gould & Curry.. .19 Icllow Jacket .19 BOSTON MINING STOCKS. Advonturo .5 1.75 Mohawk .. ..5 41.25 Alloucz .. S.50 Mont C St C. 4.00 Amal 51.0) Old Dom .... 12.00 Amer Zinc .. 9-00 Osceola .. .. G1.50 Atlantic .. .. 7.60 Parrot .. ..i 24.50 Bingham . .. 21.60 Qulncy E2.C0 C & H....465C4C9.00 Shannon . .. 5.75 Centennial .. 21.00 Tamarack 90.(0 Copper R .. 43.25 Trinity .. .. 4.75 Daly West .. 22.S7 U S Mining". 21.00 Dom Coal ... 41.00 U S Oil 10.CO Franklin . .. 7.00 Utah 55.E0 Grancy .. .. 3.W Victoria .. .. 2.75 Isle Royalo.. 8.00 Winona .. .. 7.00 Mass Mining, 4.00 Wolverlno .. 73.(0 Michigan . ..' 33.75 Boston Market Strong. Special' to Tho Tribune BOSTON, Mass., July S. Coppor shares are not very reactionary and are fast bo-comlng bo-comlng the favorites of the traders, especially espe-cially Utah and Bingham. They dleplayed a very firm undertone throughout tho oarly part of thf day, .finally taking on a aharp rally in the late aftttmoon. Tho feeling of conlldenco that a better market Is to bo Been In theej shares is more and more In evidence each day. Tho market closed strong. Hornblowcr & Woeks. brokers. 53 State street, Boston and 10 Wall street. New York, furnish tho following fol-lowing quotations: Sales. High. Low. Clos. Amalgamated 26 551.17 550.02 561.(0 Bingham -TSO 2t.fi2 23.37 21 .0 Daly Weat 00 23.50 Mercur 120 -!G Utah 3170 37.50 3J 50 3G.50 United States GEO 21.25 21.(0 n.25 Curb Boston, |