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Show , ( When & "" woman is ( v " nervous her ( , --Vtnagina- C- tion gives J r- y. fantastic N - and threat's threat-'s J eniug shapes to the most fa- . -T" miliar ob- ris? jects. By day A:( ohc starts in fear rjinl at every sudden -TvI. rs?-p- or unfamiliar W I yf sound. By I - yi( -X 2 n'8ut ue fnrni-V-Clnji" turc of her room Nfej takes on af-'CiNxjSgjj af-'CiNxjSgjj frighting forms of ghost or gob- jWKncrycs. Neither jfcmiy logic nor love can quiet them. i They must bo nourished and then the outcry of the nerves will cease as naturally as a hungry hun-gry child ceases to cry when fed. For nervous women there is no better tonic and nervine than Dr. Pierce's Favorite Fa-vorite Prescription. It cures the diseases dis-eases which produce nervousness in womeu, irregularity, debilitating drains, inflammation, ulceration and female weakness. It tranquilizes the nerves, encourages the appetite, and induces refreshing re-freshing sleep. "When I began taking vour medicine I was not able lo staDd on my feet ten minutes t a Urac," wnlea Mrs. Hottic Dorradaile. of 113 Spring Street. Nashville. Tena. "Had falltui: of uterus, aud kidney and liver disease, and tvaj f.o weali and nervous I could not Uccp still. .. ...v u.uujjpciij ,-,u airaoti aie at tiniea. I bad several different doctors attending, attend-ing, but they could not do rac any Rood. The last one I had raid I would never ret up atraiu. a old him that I was laklog vour Favorlts Prescription Pre-scription and 'Golden Medical Discovery,' and he said, 'Might Just ua well take that much water each day But I thought I uould give the medicine n fair trial. Before I had finlslicd the first two botlle I was alilc to get ontslde the hoube and wnllc around the yard. I kept ou taking the mediates and they cured me." Dr. fiwcc'a PcUota cure bUiousacss, 1 ALLEW'S i For Hot, Tired, Aching, jH Swollen Feet. , I f jH If : ii il Allen's Foo(-Hiso,n powdor. It cures.; I lH painful, Kuarting, nervous feot and ingrow- , I ing naib, nnd instantly takes the sting out, I ' of cormi and bunions. It's the greatest com- I fort diseovory of tho age. Makes tight or I'" now shoes easy. A certain care forswearing, j - callous aud hot, llred, robing feet. 30,000 j' testimonials. Tvyli to-day. So!dbyallDrug-j j giibi nnd Shoe at ores, 25c. Don't acctptct j substitute. Trial package FREE. Address, 1 Ivl CCf:t' ill Geanino benrs above bignalnie. 0 TJ. S. A' 1 J ITEMS F ' ! - ! INTEREST RT j J OR ; rl ! Women's Comfort Shoes j . ' I and Slippers and A Strap Sandak M BBS7ZX2 j ... IH $n r "Woman's comfort strap jj 1 ) ' IH i,iO sandal, wide, roomy toe.fi , turn sole, easy to the feet. Value , R JH : $175. I ! -M-H-M-H-M-H-H iiunim j , 'tyM $, Ar Graver's famous comfort 1 . 'vt shoes In lace or elastic jfH side. Standard at 2.50 and $3.00. ' "i -TH $1 OA wI(le roomy, conxforta- ! l.W Die shape slipper. EEE ', tl wide, glovo prain stock, best wear- ing: houso or yard nllppar made. Val- T ue Sl.CO. Si j e Women's viol kid comfort f ltH-D shoes, neat, wide, round , . too shape, solid comfort sort; Arm, j f IH 5 flexible sole, Value $2.00. j fH Si - rr Women's elastic oido Ju- I v . ltOO llets, patent trimmed, ' , aeamlcOT front, stay nice for street 1 or houpe. Value $1.S". I Why ReM J , Vl j a Piano f P I j, Wheri you can-buy a-Oot oncfor K y I $15 Down and $'S Ml Per Month I v'H This Piano is fully guaranteed , V and we have them In all wood:;. Jj H IH I Everything known In music. S J Carstcnscn & Anson Co. !r I Temple of Music 3 I I ..74 MAIN STREET., f i t H 'c Successors to Daynes Muolo Co. j ' -j 1 j KY ELECTBIO BELT. j I !' Any man who I? weak, rheumatic, full ot tH pain: and aches, Rrowin- old and losing , ' ''rH his vouthful tiro and vlcor. can havo my M tl'H Eiuctrlo Bolt free until be is cured. I am t fjH not giving it away unless I fall to euro . 1 JlH you. When you aro cured you can pay t , me. not otherwise. I don't want money I fl don't earn. I don't need It, but I urn after , jH the dollars that am dully colnp Into use- JH less drugging and faico treatments, cr.U I l( . H nm wllllns to show my own faith by wait- Ing for my nuy until I havo dono tho 5! k'l work. So wrlto for my bolt today. lncloa MH Ing thl3 ad. fH BB. IiL T. M'LATJGHIIN. ; J jH 021 Sixteenth St, Donver. Colo. If, 1 jj H ;i' MH prwjpaTOfi YOUNG. MIDDLiE- ' C I r4 I! AGKD AND 1ELDER- I K V 9 Hi 'n LY. It you are sexual- I 1 . B t 1 1 3 Ex! (1 ly weak, no matlor j " H fv I 1 2 K7 y M from What cause; undo- u H ( y 9 a ,n elopd; hiivo atrlatum , . qH )hV5&jhiJ vurlr icolc, ttc. MD 1 flH PERFECT APPUANuH will cur yoa. 1 lio druse or electricity; 7S.OX) cured tuxi Ki M eelop?L 10 DAYS' TMJLL. Bend for J Creo booklet. Bent rx-olcd. Quar&nt6. , Ito today. K. a Kmm.U, Xatea JH Xteavcr. '( IH ijjB |