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Show To Rebuild an Indian School New Buildings to Bo Constructed nt Panguitch to Cost 320,000. Special to The Tribuno. WASHINGTON. D. C. JuljvS. A report from survoybig lnspctor Charles was received re-ceived today at the Indian office regarding regard-ing tho plans for upbuilding the Indian school at Panguitch. Tho Improvements suggested by Inspector Charles, and which will be allowed by tho Indian office, Involve In-volve tho expenditure of somo J20,0X). Tho plans contemplate remodeling tho present farm building, new dormitory, dining-room and kitchen, pumphouse and tho installation of a water, sewerage and gas plant. Tho now' buildings. It is recommended, re-commended, bo constructed of brick. In connection with tho bids. It Is earnestly ear-nestly suggested by the school superintendent superin-tendent at angultch that two sots of plans bo prepared for submission to prospective pros-pective bidders, ono to bo filed at Salt Lako City and tho other at tho Panguitch school. It Is expected that tho most of the work to be undertaken will attract bidders residing In Utah, and but little of tho work will bo dono by outaldo contractors. con-tractors. Indian office draughtsmen aro now working upon plans and specifications, specifica-tions, which It is expected will bo ready for formal advertisement within a fort-nisht. |