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Show UTAH COAL TO ANACONDA PLANTS An Important contract has been entered en-tered Into between the Utah Fuel and the great Anaconda Copper company, whereby the former is to furnish 150 to 200 tons of coke per day to the latter, seven days a week. This Is quit an additional output for the Utah concern, which ha already a market mar-ket for nearly all the coal and coke It can produce, but the contract will be carried out and will mean considerable to the State in the way of Increased work at the mine, nnd increase in the number of cars to be handled by the Rio Grande. At tho rate of 200 tons a day. It means H56 cars a year, figuring a car at fifty tons capacity. When confirming the news of the contract con-tract yestorday General Manager Williams Wil-liams of the Utah Fuel company said that the output of commercial coal was ahead of last season, and the company could dlspore of all the coal It can mine, while conditions at the different mines are of the best. |