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Show PERSONAL MENTION. Prof. Leopold Barlsen is In charge of the great X-ray machine In tho educational education-al building ut the St. Louis fair and. naturally. nat-urally. In this position ho 1s called upon to anawcr Innumerable strange questions. Prof. Barlscn recounted the -other afternoon after-noon the odd querlc: about X-rays that some boys had put to him In the morning. morn-ing. "I was rather In tho position." ho said, "of a Harvard Instructor who wan lecturing on oxygon. 'Oxygen.' the Instructor In-structor saldj 'Is essential to all animal existence; there coul' be no Ufa without It. and yet, strange to say. It was discovered discov-ered only a century ago.' 'What did they do. then. a student asked, 'beforo It was discovered, sir?" " Shortly after issuing an order that all tobacco must be kept In tho original boxes until sold. John W. Ycrkos, Commissioner of Internal Revenue, went Into a. cigar otore In Washington and asked for a pleco of his favorite plug. Like many Kon-tucklans, Kon-tucklans, Mr. Yerke Is fond of a chiw at times. Tho salesman handed out what was ordered, but when the Commissioner tried to cut tho stuff It crumbled Into du6t almost. ' Yes. It Is pretty dry." said the man behind the counter, "but we can't help It. Wo used to be able to take a few pieces out and koep them in a moistening moist-ening box. but some darned fool up In Iho Internal Rovenuo office decided that that was lllccal and we can't do It any more. Beats all what idiots get appointed to office." of-fice." "Well, that certainly was a fool ruling." replied Mr. Ycrkos, meekly, and he slipped away with his brittle piece of plug tobacco. |