Show MuCK MACK SELECTS ALL TIME TIE TEAM FOR BASEBALL Collins Is Placed at Key Key- Keystone Keystone stone Wagner Best Shortstop i 1 nr r DULY LY KV X E CLEVELAND Jan Perhaps Q 20 no one man mun In baseball Is better tilted fitted to select an time all team than Comb Mack hiack lie He can cango go o back over o a 11 period of 40 10 years ears as player and manager without wl greatly taxing Ills his memory ory One J One day last summer while dis- dis discussing cus cussing ing the tho o o m merits of or eer- eer certain certain tain taht star players player pla rs I nailed asked him to name for tor me mo the th players p ho lie re- re regarded regarded carded re-carded as 08 at their po- po positions po positions over Hi the last 10 IO years It didn't IlIk him long lone to ex- ex express ex express pr press himself lf I am Inclined inclined to think that at various rous times limes In his career he h have ha given sucha such I a a question 11 11 consideration Hero Here are arc ills his selections and bythe bythe by the way the they make mlle a 4 pretty fall fair boll ball club To that I 1 am sure sure you ou will agree L Cl'S TIME THIE II TEAM lie Ile H named Buck Ewing as IS his hla catcher Christy Mathewson as his right right handed handed pitcher and Rube Rubo Waddell as his southpaw Mack qualified 1 th the Wad selection thusly Waddell easily was 0 the hander best hander left of ot all time as far as natural ability went went and ancl likewise was a consistent winner r Yet be- be be between tween Plank and Waddell I would have ha picked Eddie for tor t team am value Chase was a better fielder neMer than but for round al value I would name namo asle as a my first baseman l For or shortstop and third base basI b s sMack Mack coes back baek to the tho th timers old old naming Hans Wagner Wainer as best beet wt t short and Collins as the premier at difficult th-difficult corner Give o me Collins for tor sec sec- second second sec second ond base there thero Is a I great player saId Mack It Is rather Interesting that Con nio Con Con- Connla recently acquired Collins after U the Whito Sox had cut loos loose from OVERLOOKS BABE BI RUTH As his hi outfield Mack Macl name named Clarke in left field rrie in center and Ty Cobb In right field are aro his reasons Clarke was wa u a II marvel at playing play play- play Inc Ing the batters batler Speaker covers CO more ground than Shan any outfielder in 11 tho history of the same game All Cobb Is in things cd a class by himself Admirers rs of Babe Dabe Ruth are certain to live give Mack lack an ar argument ent In naminG Clarke Clarl e in preference to the Bambino Thero Is I no doubt about Ruth being one of the th greatest outfield outfield- outfielders ers ens of all time Ulna Were ero it not for his 1119 slugging ability the experts expert would be bo writing col columns col- col columns columns of about his fielding for he lie is a a wonder for a a He big man However I am ant willing to ride along with Connie Connies judgment and refuse to take taka tal 6 any exceptions Over Oyer a period of 21 years ears I have ha found him wo wondrous drous wise wis AS IlS to base baseball |