Show Latest News From The Intermountain West Wyoming Utah Wyoming Utah Utah Wyoming Idaho Nevada Mon Nevada Montana WYOMING ING MAY HAVE AIR LAWS I Intend to Make rake Craft Owner Responsible for Damages Wyo Jan 20 By The Associated d Press Press Look Look Look- ng forward to further property damage by aircraft ft the senate ju- ju ju judiciary dicia committee reported d bill No 10 to the senate with a recommendation recommendation that th t It be parsed The Tho bill defines aircraft as In- In Including In Including balloons hydro hydro- hydroplanes planes and every onry other vehicle used for navigation through the theair nil air It Jt makes tho owner ot of every aircraft liable tor for damage caused by the machine or balloon and by U Jn U U Jr them No Xo exception Is Ic made In the caso of ot a forced landing Trick or acrobatic flying over thickly inhabited area Is punish punishAble able I by a fine CIne of ot not more than or Imprisonment nt of ot not moro more then than 60 day days das or both Tho same samel l applies to the flier filer wio w halI attempt to kill birds or ant ant- ani animals mals The question o ot of ethics ot of the range sprang up ip In the debate on the tho abandoned horse bill Unbranded hor horses cs are 1110 tho prop prop- property property property erty of ot anybody who brands them In the Big Horn basin country Senator A S Mercer MIJ That is not according to range ethics In Sublette country said Perry 1 W S JenkIns There Tere IDen who have ha stock on the ranges and a possible claim of ot ownership are allotted wild horses Senator Jenkins also to the tho dead deadline lint In Sublette county which was the boundary between the sheep p and cattle countr country op 00 |